Search Results: 13 books from 3 publishers. Learn more

Une idée pour Papi

Heather Smith (author)Brooke Kerrigan (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822061

Lou passe tous ses samedis avec Grand-Papa et Papi. Ils se rendent à la bibliothèque main dans la main, comme une guirlande de personnages en papier. Grand-Papa lit des livres sur la science et le design, Papi écoute des disques de rock and roll et Lou va de l’un à l’autre. Mais un jour, tout bascule. Papi fait une chute qui a des conséquences terribles: il sera confiné à un fauteuil roulant pour toujours, tout le temps. Incapable d’accepter son état, il se renferme et ne sort plus de sa chambre. En entendant Grand-Papa essayer d’égayer Papi, Lou a une idée. En utilisant des compétences qu’il a apprises de Grand-Papa et avec un peu d’aide des voisins, Lou élabore un plan pour Papi.

Le canot rouge

Leslie A. Davidson (author) Laura Bifano (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825420

Des poissons et des hérons, des tortues et des libellules, des huttes de castor et des feuilles de nénuphar... Une multitude de merveilles enchantent la jeune narratrice et tous les amoureux de la nature qui seront séduits par cet album tendre et magnifiquement illustré. Les canetons se promènent sur le dos de leur maman; un balbuzard s'élève avec un poisson argenté dans ses serres; le cri du huard s'élève dans la nuit étoilée. Ces images sont évoquées dans des quatrains épousant le rythme des coups de pagaie. Le canot rouge parle des liens qui unissent les grands-parents et leurs petits-enfants, et invite les amoureux de la nature de tous les âges.

Être responsable

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284899

In Being Responsible, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can practice responsibility in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by being responsible.

Être reconnaissant

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284882

In Being Grateful, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can show thankfulness in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by being grateful.

Être honnête

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284868

In Being Honest, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can practice truthfulness. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by being honest.

Être gentil

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284851

In Showing Kindness, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can be kind and considerate in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by showing kindness.

Dire non à l'intimidation

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284837

In Resisting Bullying, beginning readers will learn concrete strategies to help them stop different forms of bullying. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by resisting bullying.

Être généreux

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284844

In Showing Generosity, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can be generous in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by showing generosity.

Être persévérant

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284875

In Showing Perseverance, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can be strong in spite of difficulty. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by showing perseverance.

To Have a Dog (French)

Ivona Brezinova (Author)

Publisher: International Step by Step Association ISBN: 9781601950208

Matthew wanted only one thing on Earth: a dog. He lived in a children's home, and they weren't allowed to have a real dog. The toy dog he got for Christmas was broken; the other animals he tried out as pets didn't live up to his expectations. He never ever thought about wanting a Mother or a Father - but one day, when a couple comes to adopt him, he decides to keep an open mind. . . .

You Are a Really Good Friend of Mine (French)

Laura Liliom (Author)

Publisher: International Step by Step Association ISBN: 9781601950390

Her really good friend has moved far away to another country. What to do now? How can they stay friends without seeing each other? They learn that there is friendship in thinking about each other, in writing to each other, in remembering each others' favorite things, but most of all: it is in the heart.

Oranges for Everybody (French)

Daiga Zake (Author)

Publisher: International Step by Step Association ISBN: 9781601950383

When Jimmy's mother brings home a bag of five beautiful oranges, he wants to keep them all for himself. But his instinct to share with his family and friends is too strong to resist - until he has no oranges left at all! This day, Jimmy will learn a lot about the gift of generosity.

A Mango for Grandpa (French)

Caroline Hudicourt (author), Ismer Saincilus (illustrator)

Publisher: International Step by Step Association ISBN: 9781931854085

Grandpa had 27 grandchildren, all who loved him, and shared the mangoes he brought home every day. Grandpa and mangoes always brightened the day. But grandpa was getting sick, losing his memory and the ability to even cut the mangoes. He was slowly leaving his grandchildren.