Search Results: 139 books from 15 publishers. Learn more

How Bear Lost His Tail

Julia Wall (author) Ali Teo (illustrator)

Publisher: Kaeden Books ISBN: 9781641323765

Bear is taught a lesson when the other forest animals are tired of his vanity. This charming retelling introduces readers to an Iroquois folktale.

Hunting for Unicorns

Felicia Law (author) Sara Baker (illustrator)

Publisher: BrambleKids Ltd ISBN: 9781913688462

Bray sets out to prove that unicorns exist. She finds mention of their existence all over the world, in old books and pictures. She tracks down fossils and bones in museums and finds statues, emblems and plaques decorating the city, and when she finally presents all her evidence to the class there is still one key point that has nothing to do with science and history - if hundreds, thousands, millions of people truly believe in something they cannot see, then clearly it exists for them!

A First Look at Trolls

Emma Carlson-Berne (author)

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group ISBN: 9781541599765

Beginning readers will be fascinated by trolls and stories about them from around the world. Reading is supported by close text-to-image match and carefully leveled text.

A First Look at Mermaids

Emma Carlson-Berne (author)

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group ISBN: 9781541599741

Dive into the world of mermaids through carefully leveled text and appealing images. Emergent readers will learn about stories about mermaids from around the world.

A First Look at Monsters

Emma Carlson-Berne (author)

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group ISBN: 9781541599758

Introduce beginning readers to three monsters that have captured the imaginations of humans for centuries: griffins, krakens, and centaurs. Carefully leveled text is paired with images that aid reader comprehension.

Scaredy Rabbit: An East Indian Folktale

Marilyn Bolchunos (author) Liisa Chauncy Guida (illustrator)

Publisher: Highlights ISBN: 9781682389546

A fearful rabbit is convinced the earth is caving in.

Sharing the Wheat

Nina Jaffe (author) Johanna van der Sterre (illustrator)

Publisher: Highlights ISBN: 9781682387849

This Middle Eastern folktale tells the story of two farmers who help each other with very funny consequences.

Sky Bear's Gift

Nina Jaffe (author) S. D. Nelson (illustrator)

Publisher: Highlights ISBN: 9781682387856

This Ojibwa folk tale describes the musical sounds of rain and thunder.

Peacock and Crow

Lana Krumwiede (author) Uma Krishnaswamy (illustrator)

Publisher: Highlights ISBN: 9781682387818

Long ago all birds had white feathers. This folk tale from Thailand is the story of how peacocks and crows got their colors.

The Grandfather's Story

Teresa Pijoan (author) Dyanne Strongbow (illustrator)

Publisher: Highlights ISBN: 9781682380499

In this Pueblo Indian bedtime story listeners have to figure out if Salamander and River Frog get the sniffles.

Priceless Gifts

Martha Hamilton, Mitch Weiss (author), John Kanzler (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874837889

A humorous retelling of an Italian tale in which a Genoese merchant, richly rewarded for solving an irritating problem for the king of the Spice Islands, causes a greedy rival to try and gain a fortune in the same way.

The Well of Truth: a folktale from Egypt

Martha Hamilton, Mitch Weiss (author), Tom Wrenn (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874838800

When Goat, Rooster, and Donkey decide to try their hand at farming, Donkey learns the price of being greedy and discovers that the truth will always come out in the end.

The Fox and the Crow

Diane Marwood, Barbara Nascimbeni (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180452

Crow has some food and clever Fox wants it! Can Fox make Crow drop the food?

Paul Bunyan (Spanish)

Laura Layton Strom (author), Jack Snider (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478827689

¡Paul Bunyan fue el bebé más grande que jamás haya existido! ¡A la semana de nacer tenía que usar la ropa de su papá! ¡Y siguió creciendo!

Viviana y la leyenda de los Hoodoos

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559613

Hace tiempo, los Viejos eran malos. Ellos se bebieron toda el agua, se comieron todos los piñones y no dejaron nada para las otras criaturas. Sinawav, el coyote, los castigó convirtiéndolos en hoodoos rocosos. Ahora, cuando los niños se portan mal, ¡sus Paiute mayores les recuerdan que también ellos podrían convertirse en columnas de roca! Viviana ha escuchado las historias pero, este año mientras ella y su abuela escalan la meseta para recoger piñones, Viviana tiene algo más importante en su mente: tiros de prueba de baloncesto. Cuando Viviana es irrespetuosa con los árboles y con la tierra, su abuela debe recordarle sobre la leyenda de los hoodoos y de cómo la naturaleza ha hecho posible que su gente pueda vivir.

Un caso con sentido común

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558562

Mientras que Ming juega afuera durante un día de verano, el olor a una comida deliciosa llena el aire. ¿Viene de la casa del avaro de Fu Wang? “¿Qué se trae entre manos?”, se pregunta Ming. Para su asombro, Fu Wang exige a todos los vecinos que le paguen por los olores tan placenteros. Cuando los vecinos se niegan, el caso se va a la corte. ¿Cómo va a deliberar el juez en este caso tan inusual? ¿Puede Fu Wang hacer dinero con el sentido del olfato de los vecinos? Un juez inteligente hace uso de otro sentido común para cerrar el caso con una lógica muy acertada y convincente.

Vivian and the Legend of the Hoodoos

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559606

Long ago, the Old Ones were bad. They drank all the water, ate all the pine nuts, and left nothing for the other creatures. Sinawav the coyote punished them by turning them into rocky hoodoos. Now when children misbehave, their Paiute elders remind them that they too could be turned into stone columns! Vivian has heard the stories, but this year as she and her grandmother climb the mesa to pick pine nuts, Vivian has something more important on her mind: basketball tryouts. When Vivian is disrespectful to the trees and the land, her grandmother must remind Vivian of the legend of the hoodoos and how nature has made it possible for her people to live.

A Case of Sense

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558555

While Ming plays outside one summer day, the smell of delicious food fills the air. It is coming from greedy Fu Wangs house, What is he up to? wonders Ming. To his alarm, Fu Wang demands that all the neighbors pay him for the pleasant smells. When the neighbors refuse, the case goes to court. How will the judge rule in this unusual case? Can Fu Wang make money from the neighbors sense of smell? A wise judge makes use of another sense to close the case with clever and convincing logic.

Santa Claus

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427195128

This engaging book uses a simple rhyming pattern to tell the story of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Wonderful photos and illustrations show Santa and his reindeer on their annual trip, as well as the joy on childrens faces on Christmas morning. An activity asks children to draw their own picture of Santa Claus.

El patito feo

Laura Layton Strom (author), James Palmer (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478836230

El patito feo no se parece a sus hermanos y hermanas.Incluso, ellos lo acosan. Pero un día todo cambia. . .

El zorro y el perro mapache

Cynthia Swain (author), Bill Greenhead (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478836216

¿Quién es el mejor embustero en Japón? ¡Qué comience la competencia!

El rey Midas y el toque de oro

Laura Layton Strom (author), Kirk Parrish (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478836247

En este recuento del mito griego, el rey Midas ama el oro más que a nada en el mundo entero o, por lo menos, eso es lo que él piensa

El perro y el lobo

Cynthia Swain (author), Joanna Czernichowska (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478836209

¿Es mejor ser un perro o ser un lobo? Lee esta fábula de Esopo y decide

El viejo rey Juan

Jeffrey B. Fuerst (author), Nick Price (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781607196624

El viejo rey Juan de nuevo no puede dormir . . . ¡y tú ya sabes qué significa eso!

Juan Pin y el oro sin fin

Yanitzia Canetti (author), Alan Brown (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478827764

Un hombre rico llega a América para buscar en la selva una ciudad repleta de riquezas. ¿Como terminará la aventura del ambicioso Juan Pin que quería tener oro sin fin?