Search Results: 79 books from 11 publishers. Learn more

Actos bondadosos

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781624966545

In Showing Kindness, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can be kind and considerate in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by showing kindness. An activity encourages kids to practice kindness, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about kindness online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Showing Kindness also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

En contra de la intimidación

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781624966521

In Resisting Bullying, beginning readers will learn concrete strategies to help them stop different forms of bullying. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by resisting bullying. An activity encourages kids to practice resisting bullying, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about resisting bullying online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Resisting Bullying also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Magia con imanes

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Andrea Gabriel (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558654

A Diana le encanta utilizar los imanes para hacer sus trucos de magia a los niños de la piscina. Cuando Enrique llega al pueblo, no le gusta que Diana los esté engañando. Él le da a ella un mapa del tesoro de hace cien años y ella utiliza su brújula y sus herramientas para marcar el lugar donde se encuentra el tesoro. Para su sorpresa, ¡el tesoro no está donde debe estar! ¿Qué hace que su brújula la haya llevado fuera de la ruta? Cuando ella descubra la respuesta, ¿continuará Diana engañando a los otros niños con sus trucos de magia o los ayudará a aprender sobre los imanes y los polos magnéticos de la Tierra?

Un caso con sentido común

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558562

Mientras que Ming juega afuera durante un día de verano, el olor a una comida deliciosa llena el aire. ¿Viene de la casa del avaro de Fu Wang? “¿Qué se trae entre manos?”, se pregunta Ming. Para su asombro, Fu Wang exige a todos los vecinos que le paguen por los olores tan placenteros. Cuando los vecinos se niegan, el caso se va a la corte. ¿Cómo va a deliberar el juez en este caso tan inusual? ¿Puede Fu Wang hacer dinero con el sentido del olfato de los vecinos? Un juez inteligente hace uso de otro sentido común para cerrar el caso con una lógica muy acertada y convincente.


Julie Murray (author)

Publisher: ABDO ISBN: 9781680804201

This title introduces readers to hamsters, which are popular family pets. Theyll learn about what hamsters like to eat and how to properly care for them, all while strengthening reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.


Julie Murray (author)

Publisher: ABDO ISBN: 9781680804171

This title introduces readers to cats, which are popular family pets. Theyll learn about what cats like to eat and how to properly care for them, all while strengthening reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.


Julie Murray (author)

Publisher: ABDO ISBN: 9781680804188

This title introduces readers to dogs, which are popular family pets. Theyll learn about what dogs like to eat and how to properly care for them, all while strengthening reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.


Julie Murray (author)

Publisher: ABDO ISBN: 9781680804195

This title introduces readers to fish, which are popular family pets. Theyll learn about what fish like to eat and how to properly care for them, all while strengthening reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.

Cangrejos ermitanos

Julie Murray (author)

Publisher: ABDO ISBN: 9781680804218

This title introduces readers to hermit crabs, which are popular family pets. Theyll learn about what hermit crabs like to eat and how to properly care for them, all while strengthening reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.


Laura Verderosa (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612698502

¿Qué quieres ser cuando crezcas?

¿Gastar o ahorrar?

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612698168

Las personas gastan dinero para comprar las cosas que quieren y necesitan. Aprende también cómo tú puedes ahorrar dinero.

Nuestras reglas

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612698137

Las reglas ayudan a las personas a llevarse bien y a protegerse. Las reglas también ayudan a las personas a cuidarse. ¿Qué reglas sigues tú?

¿Quién eres tú?

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612698243

Los niños de este libro aprenden y comparten cosas acerca de si mismos. ¡Quizá también tú puedas encontrar maneras de aprender más acerca de ti mismo!

¿Lo necesitas o lo quieres?

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691329

Tu cuerpo necesita comida, pero ¿tú necesitas comer helado? Aprende la diferencia entre lo que necesitas y las cosas que quieres.


John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612697925

A mí me gustan los deportes, la lectura, la música y muchas cosas más. ¡Yo puedo hacer muchas cosas!

Cómo ser un buen ciudadano

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612698007

¿Eres un buen ciudadano? Descubre cómo ser un buen ciudadano en todos lados.

Cómo ayudamos

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612697918

A mí me gusta ayudar a quienes lo necesitan. Aprende cómo puedes hacer sentir mejor a las personas.

Nuestras mascotas

John Serrano (author)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612697888

Algunas mascotas pueden volar y otras mascotas pueden nadar. Algunas tienen cuatro patas y otras tienen dos. ¿Qué mascota te gusta más?

It's Raining Cats and Frogs

Harriet Ziefert (author), Ethan Long (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609055813

This bilingual series will appeal both to Spanish-speaking ESL students and English-speaking kids who are learning Spanish. Its Raining Cats and Frogs features plural words and idiomatic expressions. It explores the difference between real and pretend and engages young children in selecting appropriate clothing for wet weather.

I Say Yes! I Say No!

Harriet Ziefert (author), Sebastian Braun (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609055806

The bilingual books in the Hola, English! series help teachers and parents guide young children into the back-and-forth of a conversation. I Say Yes! I Say No! is told entirely in simple dialogue between parents and children. It features familiar nighttime and bedtime rituals.

¡Qué nervios!

Julie Danneberg (author), Judy Love (illustrator)

Publisher: Charlesbridge ISBN: 9781580891264

Everyone knows that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach just before diving into a new situation. Sarah Jane Hartwell is scared and doesn't want to start over at a new school. She doesn't know anybody, and nobody knows her. It will be awful. She just knows it. With much prodding from Mr. Hartwell, Sarah Jane reluctantly pulls herself together and goes to school. She is quickly befriended by Mrs. Burton, who helps smooth her jittery transition. This charming and familiar story will delight readers with its surprise ending. Fun, energetic illustrations brighten page after page with the busy antics surrounding Sarah Jane. First Day Jitters is an enchanting story that is sure to be treasured by anyone who has every anticipated a first day of school.

Para ganar: trabajar en equipo

Kelli Hicks (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175654

What does it take to win a game? When you pass the ball, someone has to be there to receive it. In order to win, you have to have teamwork. What makes a team successful? Strong teamwork makes winners, no matter what the scoreboard says.

Para ganar: ser pacientes

Anastasia Suen (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175708

You don't always win by being fast. Sometimes slow is the way to go. You have to wait to see things change and this takes patience. You should be persistent and keep practicing. This title will allow students to analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.

Para ganar: trabajar con empeno

Christie Reed (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175715

Do you dread the idea of doing hard work or do you think of work as a way to make an important contribution? Working hard creates a strong feeling of self-worth and confidence. Working hard inspires people around you to do the same. Learn how to prepare yourself for the future and work to achieve your goals in life.

Para ganar: compartir

Nancy Allen (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175722

Everyone needs help sometimes. Helping others is called philanthropy. You can give time, work, or money to someone who needs it. Small acts of kindness add up to big results. Good citizens help each other. Learn how you can win by giving in this social skills title. This title will allow students to refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.