Search Results: 718 books from 32 publishers. Learn more

Are Aliens Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534310

Presents famous alien stories and briefly examines the claims, ultimately stating there is no hard proof of aliens.

Are UFOs Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534341

Presents famous UFO sightings and briefly examines the claims, some of which have no explanation and some of which were hoaxes.

Are Ghosts Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534327

Presents famous ghost stories and briefly examines the claims, ultimately stating there is no hard proof of ghosts.

Is ESP Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534365

Presents the evidence (or lack therof) of reports and studies of extra-sensory perception, including hoaxes and fake psychics, ultimately stating there is no proof of ESP.

Are Haunted Houses Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534334

Presents famous haunted houses such as the Borley Rectory, the White House, and the Amityville horror, and briefly examines the claims, some of which have no scientific explanation and some of which were hoaxes.

Between Midnight and Morning

Patrick M. Mendoza (author)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874836073

In the shadows lurking between midnight and morning, the imagination reigns. Real and imagined become simply words with shifting boundaries and slippery definitions.


Elizabeth Noll (author)

Publisher: Black Rabbit Books ISBN: 9781680721027

Readers of this book will investigate the facts and compare the data provided in the easy-access text and compelling diagrams and infographics, and then decide for themselves if Bigfoot is real.


Elizabeth Noll (author)

Publisher: Black Rabbit Books ISBN: 9781680721041

Readers of this book will investigate the facts and compare the data provided in the easy-access text and compelling diagrams and infographics and then decide for themselves if ESP is real.

Viviana y la leyenda de los Hoodoos

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559613

Hace tiempo, los Viejos eran malos. Ellos se bebieron toda el agua, se comieron todos los piñones y no dejaron nada para las otras criaturas. Sinawav, el coyote, los castigó convirtiéndolos en hoodoos rocosos. Ahora, cuando los niños se portan mal, ¡sus Paiute mayores les recuerdan que también ellos podrían convertirse en columnas de roca! Viviana ha escuchado las historias pero, este año mientras ella y su abuela escalan la meseta para recoger piñones, Viviana tiene algo más importante en su mente: tiros de prueba de baloncesto. Cuando Viviana es irrespetuosa con los árboles y con la tierra, su abuela debe recordarle sobre la leyenda de los hoodoos y de cómo la naturaleza ha hecho posible que su gente pueda vivir.

Un caso con sentido común

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558562

Mientras que Ming juega afuera durante un día de verano, el olor a una comida deliciosa llena el aire. ¿Viene de la casa del avaro de Fu Wang? “¿Qué se trae entre manos?”, se pregunta Ming. Para su asombro, Fu Wang exige a todos los vecinos que le paguen por los olores tan placenteros. Cuando los vecinos se niegan, el caso se va a la corte. ¿Cómo va a deliberar el juez en este caso tan inusual? ¿Puede Fu Wang hacer dinero con el sentido del olfato de los vecinos? Un juez inteligente hace uso de otro sentido común para cerrar el caso con una lógica muy acertada y convincente.

Vivian and the Legend of the Hoodoos

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559606

Long ago, the Old Ones were bad. They drank all the water, ate all the pine nuts, and left nothing for the other creatures. Sinawav the coyote punished them by turning them into rocky hoodoos. Now when children misbehave, their Paiute elders remind them that they too could be turned into stone columns! Vivian has heard the stories, but this year as she and her grandmother climb the mesa to pick pine nuts, Vivian has something more important on her mind: basketball tryouts. When Vivian is disrespectful to the trees and the land, her grandmother must remind Vivian of the legend of the hoodoos and how nature has made it possible for her people to live.

Tantalizing Tales

Tamra Orr (author)

Publisher: Purple Toad Publishing ISBN: 9781624690549

Step into a world of wonder and learning in these enduring fables of ancient Greece. You'll come face to face with the wrath of the Olympian gods. You'll meet unforgettable characters with all-too-human shortcomings, including the conceited Narcissus, the greedy King Midas, and the disobedient Icarus. Come, listen and learn as their choices lead to some surprising outcomes!

Mythical Monsters

Beatrice Cope (author)

Publisher: Purple Toad Publishing ISBN: 9781624690037

Step into a world of wonder and learning in these enduring fables of ancient Greece. You'll come face to face with the wrath of the Olympian gods. You'll meet unforgettable characters with all-too-human shortcomings, including the conceited Narcissus, the greedy King Midas, and the disobedient Icarus. Come, listen and learn as their choices lead to some surprising outcomes!

Fabulous Fables

Ann Tatlock (author)

Publisher: Purple Toad Publishing ISBN: 9781624690563

Step into a world of wonder and learning in these enduring fables of ancient Greece. You'll come face to face with the wrath of the Olympian gods. You'll meet unforgettable characters with all-too-human shortcomings, including the conceited Narcissus, the greedy King Midas, and the disobedient Icarus. Come, listen and learn as their choices lead to some surprising outcomes!

Heroic Heroes

Michael DeMocker (author)

Publisher: Purple Toad Publishing ISBN: 9781624690525

Who was the greatest hero of Ancient Greece? Who killed the most monsters? Who rescued the most damsels in distress? Who was the coolest dude in sandals? Listen to the heroes themselves as they tell the stories of their adventures and decide for yourself who was the most HEROIC HERO!

A Case of Sense

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558555

While Ming plays outside one summer day, the smell of delicious food fills the air. It is coming from greedy Fu Wangs house, What is he up to? wonders Ming. To his alarm, Fu Wang demands that all the neighbors pay him for the pleasant smells. When the neighbors refuse, the case goes to court. How will the judge rule in this unusual case? Can Fu Wang make money from the neighbors sense of smell? A wise judge makes use of another sense to close the case with clever and convincing logic.

Santa Claus

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427195128

This engaging book uses a simple rhyming pattern to tell the story of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Wonderful photos and illustrations show Santa and his reindeer on their annual trip, as well as the joy on childrens faces on Christmas morning. An activity asks children to draw their own picture of Santa Claus.

How to Tell a Myth

Robert Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196927

A myth is a story that attempts to explain a natural phenomena - such as how the world was created. Myths often include supernatural characters who have extraordinary powers. How To Tell a Myth is an engaging title that introduces readers to myths from around the world and highlights the common elements that make up this genre. Step-by-step instructions help readers create their own myths.

How to Tell a Legend

Janet Stone (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196910

A legend is a story about a hero, a people, or a natural phenomena. Popular legends include King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Blackbeard, and Robin Hood. This exciting new title teaches readers about the common characteristics found in legends from around the world. Engaging writing activities guide readers as they use these characteristics to create their own legends.

Understanding Indian Myths

Colin Hynson (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191120

This interesting title examines the mythology and folklore of India, and discusses its importance in Hinduism. The greatest myths of India, drawn from the sacred texts and traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, are presented. The Indian gods and goddesses portrayed in this colorful mythology are creators and protectors, but often they are also warriors and destroyers, particularly when fighting demons. Supported by beautiful Indian artworks and full-color photography, the text shows readers how these ancient tales helped Indians explain creation, birth, death, love, and the purpose of humans' earthly life. Topics include Vishnu, preserver of the universe, Shiva, the destroyer, and the Asuras, the demons or anitgods.

Understanding Norse Myths

Brian Williams (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191151

In this captivating book, readers are introduced to the mythology that reflects the religious beliefs and social practices of the Scandinavian people and the fearsome Vikings. Readers learn about the great Norse gods and the Nine Worlds. They will also discover how the physical geography of Scandinavia influenced their mythology. Topics include Ragnark, the prophecy of battles ending in death for many heroes, Beowulf, a legendary king, and Fenrir, the wolf.

Understanding Mesoamerican Myths

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191137

This interesting books describes the mythology of Mesoamerica, which encompasses the general region of Central America. A mixture of myths from many cultures, including the Aztecs and the Mayans, these stories about the creation of the world and the afterlife helped these ancient cultures explain what was happening in their world. Topics featured include Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec creator god, Huitzilopochtli, the supreme god of Tenochtitlanthe capital city of the Aztec empire, and Maya hieroglyphic writing.

Understanding Native American Myths

Megan Kopp (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191144

Explore the rich worldview of Native North American tribes through their myths and legends. Tales originating from various tribes functioned in a number of important ways: they explained the story of creation, described the relationship of humans to the rest of the universe, and preserved the sacred history of the tribe. In addition, myths and storytelling helped Native Americans pass on knowledge related to hunting, fishing, farming, healing the sick, and dealing with conflict or disaster. This book also places their mythology in historical context, for example, connecting earth myths with the Native Americans' real-life, tragic struggle to preserve their lands. Topics include the Great Mystery, animal guides, and the four directions.

Ten of the Best God and Goddess Stories

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177353

Ten beautifully illustrated stories tell classic tales from different cultures of powerful gods and goddesses in mythology clashing with each other and with humans. Myths include: Pandora opening the box that releases the evils of humanity, and King Midas whose touch turned everything to gold, from Greek mythology; Ganesha, the god with the elephant head, from Indian mythology; Thor's Hammer, from Norse mythology; mighty Glooscap and the baby Wasis from Native American mythology; and the god Horus taking back the throne of Egypt, from Egyptian mythology. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.

Ten of the Best Ghost Stories

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177339

Ten wonderfully illustrated stories tell folktales and legends from different cultures about ghosts and spirits, and their interaction with the human world. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.