Search Results: 101 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Animal Mouths

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628555790

What are some things we can learn about animals from the shape of their mouths, beaks, or bills? What can we infer about animals with sharp teeth compared to large, flat teeth? Are there any animals that dont have mouths? Following in the footsteps of Animal Eyes, award-winning nature photographer and environmental educator Mary Holland shares fascinating animal mouths with readers of all ages.


Marianne Berkes (author), Cathy Morrison (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628552331

Daisylocks needs a home that is just right. She asks Wind to help her find the perfect habitat to spread her roots, and he accepts the challenge. Wind blows Daisylocks to the plain, the mountain and the wetland. She objects to each place one by one too cold, too hard, too wet. Daisylocks is not ready to give up! They try the humid rainforest and then the warm beach; those are not just right either. Will Wind find the perfect climate and soil for Daisylocks to place her roots and grow into a beautiful flower?

Un invierno muy abrigador

Carrie A. Pearson (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185567

Carrie A. Pearson es una ex-profesora elemental y la ganadora del codiciado premio de tutoría de libros ilustrados de Michigan SCBWI. Su obra de no ficción ha aparecido en la revista de historia de Michigan. Junto con su esposo y sus tres hijas (y sus dos Labradoodles), ella hace caminatas, monta en bicicleta, corre, esquía en el bosque, hace windsurf, kayak, surf con remo y nada en las frías aguas del Lake Superior. La idea de Un invierno muy abrigador, su libro debut, surgió de un encuentro con un venado de cola blanca en un día invernal. Carrie y su familia viven en Michigan superior. Visite su sitio Webás de ilustrar Un día muy abrigador, Veo, veo un hábitat, La pequeña murciélaga roja, y Enrique la garza impaciente para Arbordale, Christina Wald ha ilustrado para una amplia variedad de juguetes, juegos, libros y revistas. De un libro que incluía cientos de animales en cada página (Mira, busca y aprende: Animales del mundo) a los juegos, cada asignación cubre algo nuevo y emocionante. En los últimos años, ella ha ilustrado toneladas de animales diferentes para libros y otras publicaciones. Christina goza el aspecto de la investigación de tales proyectos, diciendo que cada libro nuevo es una nueva experiencia de aprendizaje fascinante. A menudo integra sus viajes a la investigación para sus ilustraciones. Ella vive en Ohio con su esposo y tres gatos. Visite el sitio Web de Christina¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo se mantienen calientitos los animales en el invierno? Bueno, ellos se preguntan ¡cómo los humanos lo hacen también! En un giro de perspectiva, los animales salvajes se preguntan si los humanos utilizan las mismas estrategias de adaptación al invierno al igual que ellos. ¿Se acurrucan en un árbol o viajan al sur de México? Mira a través de los ojos de los animales, y descubre las maneras interesantes en que los animales enfrentan los meses fríos del invierno a través de esta historia en rima.

Veo, veo un hábitat

Cynthia Kieber-King (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181521

Encuentra las plantas y los animales que viven en los 13 hábitats a lo largo de Norte América.Contado en rima narrativa, Veo, veo un hábitat invita a los niños a “espiar” las plantas, los invertebrados, los pájaros, y los mamíferos que viven en los hábitats de Norte América: el patio, la playa, la ciénaga, la cueva, el desierto, el bosque, la pradera, la montaña, el océano, las planicies, el estanque, el río, y el pantano. Los niños se divertirán descubriendo las características de cada hábitat mientras encuentran e identifican las plantas y los animales que residen en éstos, mientras aprenden acerca de lo que los seres vivos necesitan para sobrevivir.

En lo profundo del desierto

Rhonda Lucas Donald (author), Sherry Neidigh (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181552

Las canciones y poemas infantiles tradicionales sobre el desierto que son fáciles de recordar harán que los niños canten acerca de los cactus, los camellos y más, mientras aprenden acerca del hábitat del desierto, su flora y fauna. La rata canguro (tarkawara) salta sobre la arena del desierto en lugar del kookaburra sentado en el árbol del chicle. Y las teteras no son las únicas cosas que son pequeñas y corpulentas -mira nada más los colmillos y al hocico del jabalí. Prepárate para excavar con las suricatas, volar con los murciélagos y ¡sisear con los monstruos de gila! Ya sea cantado o leído en voz alta, en lo profundo del desierto hace que el aprendizaje sobre los desiertos sea todo menos seco.

Felino grande, gatito

Doris L. Mueller (author), Sherry Neidigh (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181545

Los felinos grandes son depredadores feroces que vagan el mundo desde las montañas hasta los desiertos. ¿Cómo es que estos gatos salvajes que cazan para comer pueden ser iguales a los gatos domésticos que pueden perseguir a un ratón o a una bola de estambre? ¿De qué maneras son diferentes? La secuela galardonada anteriormente a este libro Un Lobo Aúlla, les enseña a los niños a contar y presenta los meses del año mientras observan el cambio en las estaciones. También, les presenta los días de la semana mientras viajan a siete diferentes hábitats para conocer a los felines grandes, y de regreso a casa para comparar y contrastar el comportamiento de los gatos domésticos con los que son sus parientes.

En sus marcas, listos… ¡ESPÉREN!

Patti R. Zelch (author), Connie McLennan (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181088

Huracán...sólo la palabra nos trae en mente el poder de estas catástrofes. La gente mira las noticias y sabe de la llegada inminente. Tapamos las ventanas y juntamos provisiones. Nosotros podríamos acurrucarnos en nuestras casas o ir tierra adentro. Entonces esperamos a que la tormenta llegue. ¿Pero, qué hacen los animales salvajes? ¿Saben ellos que una tormenta viene? De ser así, ¿cómo se preparan? Este libro explica como nueve animales, se dan cuenta, reaccionan, y se preparan para un huracán. Basado en investigaciones y observaciones, las breves historias son explicadas en la lengua simple, poética para niños de todas las edades.

Ready, Set . . . WAIT! What Animals Do Before a Hurricane

Patti R. Zelch (author), Connie McLennan (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180975

Hurricane . . . just the word brings to mind the power of these natural disasters. Humans watch the news and know of impending arrival. We board up windows and gather supplies. We might huddle in our homes or go inland. Then we wait for the storm to arrive. But what do wild animals do? Do they know when a storm is coming? If so, how do they prepare? This book explains how nine animals sense, react, and prepare for a hurricane. Based on research or observations, the brief portraits are explained in simple, poetic language for children of all ages.

Fur and Feathers

Janet Halfmann (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181002

When Sophia dreams that howling winds whisk the fur and feathers right off her animal friends, she shares some of her clothes with them. But her clothing doesn't work well for the animals. Seeing their disappointment, she offers to sew each one the "right" coat. Animals line up to explain what they need and why. Polar Bear needs white fur to stay warm and hide in the snow. Fish needs scales, but with slime. Snake needs scales too, but dry ones. And how will Sophia make a prickly coat for Porcupine? The award-winning team of Halfmann and Klein (Little Skink's Tail) reunite to bring animal coverings (and classification) to life in an imaginative way.

Un día en la montaña

Kevin Kurtz (author), Erin E. Hunter (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181095

Ven y pasa un día en la montaña, es la continuación al primer libro ganador de Kevin Kurts, Un día en el pantano salado. Los versos en rima y las maravillosas ilustraciones llevan a los lectores a la cima de una montaña desde los bosques hasta la cima de ésta cubierta de nieve. Mientras escalas, serás testigo del cambio en el hábitat y conocerás las plantas y los animales que viven ahí.

A Day on the Mountain

Kevin Kurtz (author), Erin E. Hunter (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180982

Come spend A Day on the Mountain, the follow up to Kevin Kurtz's award-winning first book, A Day in the Salt Marsh. Rhyming verse and vibrant illustrations take readers up a mountain, from the forested bottom to the snow-covered top. While climbing, they witness the changing habitats and meet the plants and animals that live there. Learn about Black bears, Great Gray Owls, Garter snakes, Clark's nutcrackers, Bighorn sheep, Hummingbirds, Yellow-bellied marmots, Mountain goats, Salamanders, and Snow fleas.

Julia la buscadora de rocas

Gail Langer Karwoski (author), Lisa Downey (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359587

Gail Langer Karwoski Lisa DowneyCuando una niña joven encuentra una roca brillante enterrada en la tierra y descubre que se limpia como un hermoso cristal de cuarzo, queda fascinada y se convierte en Julia la buscadora de rocas. Unete a Julia y a como su papá a excavar los minerales y le explica las maravillas de la formación del cristal. La combinación y el juego de palabras con la ciencia, los lectores jóvenes aprenden acerca del mineral “tesoro” más abundante del planeta

Little Skink's Tail

Janet Halfmann (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180227

While Little Skink hunts yummy ants for breakfast, she is suddenly attacked by a crow! But she has a trick to escape - she snaps off her tail, and it keeps on wiggling! Little Skink is happy to be alive, but she misses her bright blue tail. Readers will enjoy pretending with her, trying on tail after tail. The first is too puffy-fluffy, and another too stinky! Then one day Little Skink gets a big surprise...and she doesn't have to dream of tails anymore. The "For Creative Minds" section has information on tail adaptations and communications and a mix-and-match tail activity.

Saturn for my Birthday

John McGranaghan (author), Wendy Edelson (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180340

Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too--all 47 of them. After all, they'll make great night-lights! But he's not selfish; he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it. His dad better hurry with the order, though, because shipping might take a while. The "For Creative Minds" education section features "Solar System" and "Saturn Fun Facts."

Pieces of Another World

Mara Rockliff (author), Salima Alikhan (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180029

This touching story of a father and child's nighttime excursion to watch a meteor shower is told through the eyes of a child in awe of the night world. Rockliff's vivid descriptions make readers feel as though they too are watching the tiny bits of other, distant worlds blazing into our own.The "For Creative Minds" education section includes teaching trivia about meteors, meteor showers, comets, and asteroids as well as a "Meteor Math" game, a "Five Steps to a Fantastic Meteor Watching Party" checklist, and a recipe for comet cookies.

The Rainforest Grew All Around

Susan K. Mitchell (author), Connie McLennan (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180173

Imaginations will soar from the forest floor, up through the canopy and back down again, following the circle of life in this clever adaptation of the song "The Green Grass Grew All Around." The jungle comes alive as children learn about a wide variety of the animals (jaguars, emerald tree boas, leafcutter ants, sloths, poison dart frogs, toucans, and bats) and plants (kapok trees, liana vines, and bromeliads) living in the lush Amazon rainforest. Delve even deeper into the jungle using sidebars and the three-page "For Creative Minds" educational section.

A Day in the Salt Marsh

Kevin Kurtz (author), Consie Powell (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180210

Enjoy a day in one of the most dynamic habitats on earth: the salt marsh. Fun-to-read, rhyming verse introduces readers to hourly changes in the marsh as the tide comes and goes. Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun, and learn how the marsh grass survives even when it is covered by saltwater twice a day. An activity on adaptations is included in the "For Creative Minds" section.

Little Red Bat

Carole Gerber (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180944

Red bats can hibernate or migrate to warmer regions during the winter. Should this solitary little bat stay or should she go? That's the question the little red bat ponders as the leaves fall and the nights get colder! The squirrel tells her to stay. But what about the dangerous creatures that hunt red bats in winter? The sparrow urges her to go. But where? Carole Gerber takes young readers on an educational journey through one bat's seasonal dilemma in Little Red Bat. The For Creative Minds educational section includes: Match the Bat Adaptation, Bat Fun Facts, How Animals Deal with Seasonal Changes, Red Bats and Seasonal Change, and Bat Life Cycle Sequencing Activity.

Carolina's Story: Sea Turtles Get Sick Too!

Donna Rathmell (author), Barbara J. Bergwerf (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180005

Follow the photo journal of Carolina, a critically ill loggerhead sea turtle, as she is cared for and nursed back to health at the Sea Turtle Hospital of the South Carolina Aquarium. Just like hospitalized children, Carolina goes through a variety of emotions and procedures during her care and recovery process. When she first arrives at the hospital, she is too sick, weak, and confused to understand what is happening. She has blood drawn, x-rays taken, gets shots, and is fed through an IV...just as ill children may be! As she gains strength, she begins to interact with her caregivers and to, begrudgingly, understand that they are really trying to help. Join her as she interacts with her many caregivers and her sick or injured roommate turtles. Celebrate the happy day she is released back into the open arms of the ocean - a healthy and happy sea turtle! The "For Creative Minds" section includes a craft, game ideas and information on sea turtles. The author and photographer donate a portion of their royalties to the Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Program at the South Carolina Aquarium.

Count Down to Fall

Fran Hawk (author), Sherry Neidigh (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180593

Count backwards from 10 to 1 during one of the most colorful times of year: fall. Learn about the bright, colorful leaves and the trees from which they fall: aspen, birch, maple, oak, chestnut, linden, pine, beech, dogwood, and sweet gum. Watch the animals frolicking in the crisp, autumn air as they get ready for the approaching cold winter. The "For Creative Minds" educational section includes: Plant parts, Leaves--the shape of it all, What Good are Plants?, and Match the Leaves Activity.

Newton and Me

Lynne Mayer (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180920

While at play with his dog, Newton, a young boy discovers the laws of force and motion in his everyday activities. Told in rhyme, Lynne Mayer's Newton and Me follows these best friends on an adventure as they apply physics to throwing a ball, pulling a wagon, riding a bike, and much more. They will realize that Newton's Laws of Motion describe experiences they have every day, and they will recognize how forces affect the objects around them. The "For Creative Minds" educational section includes: Force and Motion Fun Facts, Matching Forces, Who Was Newton?, and Newton's Laws of Motion (2 of 3). Additional teaching activities and interactive quizzes are available on the Sylvan Dell Publishing website.

Little Gray's Great Migration

Marta Lindsey (author), Andrea Gabriel (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628554762

Little Gray loved his lagoon and the humans who came to visit him there. One day, Mama announces that they must swim north to a far-away sea. At first he is sad to leave his home, but Little Gray soon realizes the importance of their journey. What happens along the way and how does Little Gray help his mother? Swim along with Little Gray as he finds the way to this special, food-filled sea.

Trees: A Compare and Contrast Book

Katharine Hall (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628554779

Trees grow in many habitats, all around the world. Some trees are short and some are tall. Some grow in hot deserts and others grow on cold mountains. Some have leaves that are broad and wide and others are short and narrow. Some trees stay green all year round while others have leaves that change color. Compare and contrast the different characteristics of trees through vibrant photographs.

Dino Treasures

Rhonda Lucas Donald (author), Cathy Morrison (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628554748

Just as some people dig and look for pirate treasure, some scientists dig and look for treasures, too. These treasures may not be gold or jewels but fossils. Following in the footsteps of Dino Tracks, this sequel takes young readers into the field with paleontologists as they uncover treasured clues left by dinosaurs. Readers will follow what and how scientists have learned about dinosaurs: what they ate; how they raised their young; how they slept, fought, or even if they ever got sick. True to fashion, the tale is told through a rhythmic, fun read-aloud that can even be sung to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Animal Eyes

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628554700

The sense of sight helps an animal stay safe from predators, find food and shelter, defend its territory and care for its young. We can tell a lot about an animal from its eyes: whether it is predator or prey, whether it is more active during the day or night, and sometimes even its gender or age. Award-winning nature photographer and environmental educator Mary Holland shares fascinating animal eyes with readers of all ages.