Search Results: 314 books from 25 publishers. Learn more

The Woodcutter's Wishes: A European Folktale

Retold by Callie Ross (author) Valerio Fabbretti (illustrator)

Publisher: Highlights ISBN: 9781643039978

Folktale about husband and wife learning to think before speaking.

Great Eagle and Small One

Ralph Moisa Jr. (author)

Publisher: Perfection Learning ISBN: 9781613847404

After the Creator throws a lightning bolt and injures Great Eagle's foot and feathers, Small Eagle helps his friend by providing fish to eat until Great Eagle's spirit is able to heal both body and soul.

Haunted at Sea

Jaime Winters (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120571

This high-interest title explores the history and lore behind ships and sites at sea around the world that are reported to be haunted. From disastrous voyages and missing ships to ghostly sailors and other creatures, narrative text weaves paranormal tales for readers. Historical records and eyewitness accounts are the evidence for the debunked or unexplained stories.

Haunted Woods and Caves

Janice Dyer (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120564

This high-interest title explores the history and lore behind woods and caves around the world that are reported to be haunted. Readers will examine eyewitness accounts and historical records of ghostly beings, paranormal creatures, and other occurrences in the natural world. A narrative style weaves the terrifying tales, and clear text lays out the debunked and unexplained occurrences.

Haunted Towns and Villages

Vic Kovacs (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120557

This high-interest title explores the history and lore behind towns and villages around the world that are reported to be haunted. Narrative stories of haunted houses, disaster sites, and spooky streets are told in this engaging book. Readers will examine eyewitness accounts and historical records of the debunked and unexplained tales, and decide for themselves if the evidence proves that villagers and townspeople did live among ghosts.

Haunted Churches and Graveyards

Vic Kovacs (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120540

This high-interest title explores the history and lore behind churches and graveyards around the world that are reported to be haunted. From ghosts that rise above their final resting places to spooky paranormal occurrences inside holy places, readers will learn about the debunked and unexplained stories. Eyewitness accounts and historical records support the narrative style and allow readers to evaluate evidence for themselves.

Priceless Gifts

Martha Hamilton, Mitch Weiss (author), John Kanzler (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874837889

A humorous retelling of an Italian tale in which a Genoese merchant, richly rewarded for solving an irritating problem for the king of the Spice Islands, causes a greedy rival to try and gain a fortune in the same way.

The Well of Truth: a folktale from Egypt

Martha Hamilton, Mitch Weiss (author), Tom Wrenn (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874838800

When Goat, Rooster, and Donkey decide to try their hand at farming, Donkey learns the price of being greedy and discovers that the truth will always come out in the end.

Tell Me a Story: Family Folklore

Gus Snedeker (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422292532

Does your family have a favorite holiday meal? What are your birthday traditions? Do the older people in your family tell stories about their childhood and what life was like when they were young? All these are parts of family folklore. Tell Me a Story will help you better understand: what family is; the ways the generations are linked together; how families relate to each other; and how families pass along a heritage for the future. We get strength from our family's past, and this sort of folklore also gives us hope for the future.

Loch Ness Monster

Laura K. Murray (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781566608060

A high-interest inquiry into the possible existence of Scotland’s water-dwelling Loch Ness Monster, emphasizing reported sightings and stories as well as scientific investigations.


Laura K. Murray (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781566608015

A high-interest inquiry into the possible existence of aliens, emphasizing reported sightings and stories as well as scientific investigations and unsolved mysteries.


Laura K. Murray (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781566608053

A high-interest inquiry into the possible existence of magical fairies, emphasizing reported sightings and stories as well as investigations into fairy rings.

The Fox and the Crow

Diane Marwood, Barbara Nascimbeni (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180452

Crow has some food and clever Fox wants it! Can Fox make Crow drop the food?

Paul Bunyan (Spanish)

Laura Layton Strom (author), Jack Snider (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781478827689

¡Paul Bunyan fue el bebé más grande que jamás haya existido! ¡A la semana de nacer tenía que usar la ropa de su papá! ¡Y siguió creciendo!

The Labors of Hercules

Michael DeMocker (author)

Publisher: Purple Toad Publishing ISBN: 9781624690648

Travel back to ancient Greece as the world's greatest hero Hercules completes the toughest list of chores in history. Read about his scary battles with man-eating horses, angry goddesses, and a ferocious three-headed monster!

Is Bigfoot Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534358

Presents the evidence (or lack therof) and stories of both reported sightings and hoaxes of the large, hairy, man-like creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

Are Aliens Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534310

Presents famous alien stories and briefly examines the claims, ultimately stating there is no hard proof of aliens.

Are UFOs Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534341

Presents famous UFO sightings and briefly examines the claims, some of which have no explanation and some of which were hoaxes.

Are Ghosts Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534327

Presents famous ghost stories and briefly examines the claims, ultimately stating there is no hard proof of ghosts.

Is ESP Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534365

Presents the evidence (or lack therof) of reports and studies of extra-sensory perception, including hoaxes and fake psychics, ultimately stating there is no proof of ESP.

Are Haunted Houses Real?

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Amicus Publishing ISBN: 9781607534334

Presents famous haunted houses such as the Borley Rectory, the White House, and the Amityville horror, and briefly examines the claims, some of which have no scientific explanation and some of which were hoaxes.

Viviana y la leyenda de los Hoodoos

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559613

Hace tiempo, los Viejos eran malos. Ellos se bebieron toda el agua, se comieron todos los piñones y no dejaron nada para las otras criaturas. Sinawav, el coyote, los castigó convirtiéndolos en hoodoos rocosos. Ahora, cuando los niños se portan mal, ¡sus Paiute mayores les recuerdan que también ellos podrían convertirse en columnas de roca! Viviana ha escuchado las historias pero, este año mientras ella y su abuela escalan la meseta para recoger piñones, Viviana tiene algo más importante en su mente: tiros de prueba de baloncesto. Cuando Viviana es irrespetuosa con los árboles y con la tierra, su abuela debe recordarle sobre la leyenda de los hoodoos y de cómo la naturaleza ha hecho posible que su gente pueda vivir.

Un caso con sentido común

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558562

Mientras que Ming juega afuera durante un día de verano, el olor a una comida deliciosa llena el aire. ¿Viene de la casa del avaro de Fu Wang? “¿Qué se trae entre manos?”, se pregunta Ming. Para su asombro, Fu Wang exige a todos los vecinos que le paguen por los olores tan placenteros. Cuando los vecinos se niegan, el caso se va a la corte. ¿Cómo va a deliberar el juez en este caso tan inusual? ¿Puede Fu Wang hacer dinero con el sentido del olfato de los vecinos? Un juez inteligente hace uso de otro sentido común para cerrar el caso con una lógica muy acertada y convincente.

Vivian and the Legend of the Hoodoos

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559606

Long ago, the Old Ones were bad. They drank all the water, ate all the pine nuts, and left nothing for the other creatures. Sinawav the coyote punished them by turning them into rocky hoodoos. Now when children misbehave, their Paiute elders remind them that they too could be turned into stone columns! Vivian has heard the stories, but this year as she and her grandmother climb the mesa to pick pine nuts, Vivian has something more important on her mind: basketball tryouts. When Vivian is disrespectful to the trees and the land, her grandmother must remind Vivian of the legend of the hoodoos and how nature has made it possible for her people to live.

Tantalizing Tales

Tamra Orr (author)

Publisher: Purple Toad Publishing ISBN: 9781624690549

Step into a world of wonder and learning in these enduring fables of ancient Greece. You'll come face to face with the wrath of the Olympian gods. You'll meet unforgettable characters with all-too-human shortcomings, including the conceited Narcissus, the greedy King Midas, and the disobedient Icarus. Come, listen and learn as their choices lead to some surprising outcomes!