Search Results: 332 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Tuktuk: Tundra Tale

Robin Currie (author), Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558821

As the sun begins to set, arctic animals scurry to prepare for six months of darkness and cold. Tuktuk the collared lemming is almost ready for the long winter night all he needs is warm fur to line his nest. When one furry kamik (boot) slips off an Inuit drivers sled, Tuktuk is in luck! But as he drags it home, Putak the polar bear, Aput the arctic fox, and Masak the caribou eye this little lemmings prize and want it for their own. Can Tuktuk outwit the other animals and convince them that one furry kamik is no good for anyone bigger than a lemming?

After A While Crocodile: Alexa's Diary

Dr. Brady Barr and Jennifer Keats Curtis (author), Susan Detwiler (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558371

Alexa and the other children at her escuela in Costa Rica have a special project: they are raising American Crocodiles. She names her croc Jefe, which means "boss," because he seems to be in charge of all the other babies. Alexa brings him chicken and frogs to eat, and writes about his progress in her diary. Soon, her little hatchling is as big as a loaf of bread. He has grown into a juvenile and it is time for Alexa to say goodbye and for Jefe to return to the wild.

A Case of Sense

Songju Ma Daemicke (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558555

While Ming plays outside one summer day, the smell of delicious food fills the air. It is coming from greedy Fu Wangs house, What is he up to? wonders Ming. To his alarm, Fu Wang demands that all the neighbors pay him for the pleasant smells. When the neighbors refuse, the case goes to court. How will the judge rule in this unusual case? Can Fu Wang make money from the neighbors sense of smell? A wise judge makes use of another sense to close the case with clever and convincing logic.

Animal Legs

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558463

Can you smell with your feet? Do you dig your claws into a rivers muddy bank to climb up and bask in the sun? Animals legs are different from humans in so many ways! Find out why strong talons suit a raptor, or webbing is perfect for water dwellers as author Mary Holland continues her photographic Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series by exploring the ways insects, amphibians, reptiles and mammals make their way in the world.

Saving Kate's Flowers

Cindy Sommer (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558739

Fall is here and Kate is determined to save her flowers from the winter cold. Mom shows her how to scoop the flowers out of the ground, transplant them into pots, and give them water. Kate pots a couple flowers . . . and then some moreand a few more. With Mom distracted on the phone, Kate has filled the house with flowers, but Dads sneezes mean the flowers have to go! Kate realizes she needs to find a new place for her flowers to spend the winter, but where?

Magnetic Magic

Terry Catass Jennings (author), Andrea Gabriel (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558647

Dena loves using magnets to perform magic tricks for the kids at the pool. When Enrique arrives in town, he doesnt like that Dena is fooling the others. He gives her a century-old treasure map and Dena uses her compass and tools to plot the location of the treasure. To her surprise, the treasure is not where it should be! What could cause her compass to lead her off course? When she discovers the answer, will Dena keep fooling the other kids with magic tricks or will she help them learn about magnetism and the earths shifting magnetic poles?

Animal Helpers: Wildlife Rehabilitators

Jennifer Keats Curtis (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607186731

Like humans, animals can get sick or hurt. People visit doctors. Pets see veterinarians. What happens to wild animals when they are injured, become ill, or are orphaned? Often, wildlife rehabilitators are called to their rescue. This photographic journal takes readers behind the scenes at four different wildlife rehabilitation centers. Fall in love with these backyard animals as they are nursed back to health and released back to the wild when possible. This is the first of a photographic series introducing the different ways and the many people who care for a wide variety of animals.

ABC Safari

Karen Lee (author), Karen Lee (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180159

Lets search for adventure above in the sky. Well scout through the mountains and hills, and then try exploring the forests, the meadows and plains, across the dry desert and through jungle rains. Well trek through a swamp, a puddle, a pond, in lakes and the river, the ocean beyond. But, what are we looking for? Who will we see? Find animals on this Safari with me! Once youve discovered all the animals, turn to the For Creative Minds educational section for sorting cards and animal fun facts.

Animalogy: Animal Analogies

Marianne Berkes (author), Cathy Morrison (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181477

Compare and contrast different animals through predictable, rhyming analogies. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals . . . bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animals classes and are so fun, readers learn without even realizing it! Animalogy is to fun, as animals are to nature.

Érase un elefante

Linda Stanek (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557596

Desde reducir incendios hasta plantar semillas, un animal es el verdadero héroe que mantiene la sabana Africana en balance. Los elefantes cavan para encontrar sal que otros animales lamen, sus profundas pisadas recolectan agua que las pequeñas criaturas beben y ellos se comen a los árboles jóvenes para evitar que el bosque sobrepase a las praderas. En cada estación, los elefantes están ahí para proteger a la sabana y a sus residentes, pero ¿qué pasaría si los elefantes hubieran existido sólamente una vez? Leamos juntos para descubrir la importancia del rol que estas especies clave juegan en la sabana y explora qué pasaría si los elefantes desaparecieran.

Locura de medianoche en el zoológico

Sherryn Craig (author), Karen Jones (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557589

El bullicio de la multitud está disminuyendo y el zoológico se queda en silencio por la noche. El oso polar toma la pelota y la rebota sobre la cancha; el juego nocturno comienza. Una rana se une al juego para jugar uno a uno y luego, un pingüino entra caminando como un pato para unirse al equipo. Cuenta cómo va creciendo el juego conforme se va su mando cada nuevo animal y el campo de jugadores llega a diez. Tres cebras sirven participan como árbitros y llevan el cronómetro, porque este juego debe terminar antes que la cuidadora del zoológico haga sus rondas.

Tiburones y delfines: Un libro de comparación y contraste

Kevin Kurtz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557602

Los tiburones y los delfines tienen cuerpos en forma de torpedos con aletas en sus espaldas. Ellos se deslizan a través del agua para atrapar a sus presas con sus dientes filosos. Pero a pesar de sus similitudes los tiburones y los delfines pertenecen a diferentes especies de animales: uno es un pez y obtiene el oxígeno del agua y el otro es un mamífero y obtiene el oxígeno del aire. El marino Kevin Kurtz guía a los lectores jóvenes para comparar y contrastar a esos depredadores del océano a través de impresionantes fotografías y con un texto simple, y real

Elena Efectivo

Linda Joy Singleton (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557565

La abuela Rosenda y Elena se lanzan a una aventura. La abuela dobla rápidamente un gorro de pirata y lo coloca sobre la cabeza de Elena y juntas empiezan su misión para limpiar el parque de la ciudad. Su voluntariado se torna en una búsqueda de un tesoro ya que Elena encuentra pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters e incluso, un dólar. Con cada descubrimiento, Elena obtiene un gorro nuevo y la abuela Rosenda le enseña cómo contar sus monedas mientras recogen la basura en el parque. Cuando Elena cuenta su dinero, tiene lo suficiente para comprar helado. ¿Ó debería donarlo?

Alguien ha estado aquí, alguien lo ha hecho: descifrando las señales de los animales

Jen Funk Weber (author), Andrea Gabriel (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557558

Encontrarse cara a cara con la vida salvaje es emocionante, pero esto, no es fácil. Cuando Camilo viene a visitar a su amiga Malena, él no puede esperar a ver toda la vida salvaje que el bosque tiene que ofrecerle—y está decepcionado cuando todo lo que ve, son unas cuantas aves. Juntos, los chicos salen de viaje en una caminata y encuentran abundantes señales de animales a lo largo del camino. Por medio de la observación y de su conocimiento del comportamiento animal, Malena ayuda a Camilo a aprender lo que significa cada señal: alguien ha estado aquí, alguien lo ha hecho.

Mamíferos : Un libro de comparación y contraste

Katharine Hall (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557572

Todos los mamíferos tienen ciertas características que los hacen diferentes de otros tipos de animales. Pero algunos mamíferos viven sobre tierra firme y otros, viven en el agua—cada uno se adapta a su medio ambiente. Los mamíferos que viven sobre la tierra firme pueden respirar el aire a través de la naríz, mientras que los mamíferos que viven dentro del agua pueden respirar mediante un orificio nasal. Explora las características que definen a ambos mamíferos y compara y contrasta cómo se manifiestan estas características en los mamíferos terrestres y en los mamíferos acuáticos.

Sharks and Dolphins: A Compare and Contrast Book

Kevin Kurtz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557534

Sharks and dolphins both have torpedo-shaped bodies with fins on their backs. They slice through the water to grab their prey with sharp teeth. But despite their similarities, sharks and dolphins belong to different animal classes: one is a fish and gets oxygen from the water and the other is a mammal and gets oxygen from the air. Marine educator Kevin Kurtz guides early readers to compare and contrast these ocean predators through stunning photographs and simple, nonfiction text.

Tornado Tamer

Terri Fields (author), Laura Jacques (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557541

In this adaptation of The Emperors New Clothes, Mayor Peacock declares he will hire a tornado tamer to protect the town. After a long search, Travis arrives to fill the position and this trickster weasel has a plan. He will build a very special, transparent cover to protect the town. Travis magical cover is so transparent that only those smart enough and special enough can even see it. Mouse is doubtful, but his questions are brushed off. Months later, the cover has been hung and Travis has been paid a hefty sum, but a tornado is in the distance and the town is in its path. Will the magic cover protect the town?

Midnight Madness at the Zoo

Sherryn Craig (author), Karen Jones (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557510

The bustle of the crowd is waning and the zoo is quieting for the night. The polar bear picks up the ball and dribbles onto the court; the nightly game begins. A frog jumps up to play one-on-one and then a penguin waddles in to join the team. Count along as the game grows with the addition of each new animal and the field of players builds to ten. Three zebras serve as referees and keep the clock, because this game must be over before the zookeeper makes her rounds.

Once Upon an Elephant

Linda Stanek (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557527

From slowing wildfires to planting seeds, one animal is the true superhero that keeps the African savanna in balance. Elephants dig to find salt that other animal lick, their deep footprints collect water for small creatures to drink, and they eat young trees to keep the forest from overtaking the grasslands. In every season, the elephants are there to protect the savanna and its residents but what would happen if the elephants were only once upon a time? Read along to discover the important role this keystone species plays in the savanna and explore what would happen if the elephants vanished.

Mammals: A Compare and Contrast Book

Katharine Hall (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557503

All mammals share certain characteristics that set them apart from animal classes. But some mammals live on land and other mammals spend their lives in watereach is adapted to its environment. Land mammals breathe oxygen through nostrils but some marine mammals breathe through blowholes. Compare and contrast mammals that live on land to those that live in the water.

Been There, Done That: Reading Animal Signs

Jen Funk Weber (author), Andrea Gabriel (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557480

Spotting wildlife is a thrill, but its not easy. When Cole comes to visit his friend Helena, he cant wait to see all the wildlife the forest has to offer and is disappointed when all he sees are a few birds. Together the kids set out on a hike and encounter plenty of animal signs along the way. Through observation and her knowledge of animal behavior, Helena helps Cole learn what each of the signs means: something had been there; something had done that.

Cash Kat

Linda Joy Singleton (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557497

Gram Hatter and Kat set off on an adventure. Gram quickly folds up a pirate hat and places it on Kats head and they begin their mission to help clean up the city park. Volunteering turns into a treasure hunt as Kat finds pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and even a dollar. With each discovery Kat gets a new hat and Gram Hatter teaches Kat how to count her coins as they pick up litter at the park. When Kat adds up her money, theres enough for ice cream. Or should she donate the money to support the park instead?

La asombrosa carrera entre la tortuga y la liebre

Marianne Berkes (author), Cathy Morrison (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628556551

El recuento de la clásica historia con un giro matemático. Lucas, la liebre, siempre estaba presumiendo acerca de lo rápido que él era. Un día, reta a la tortuga Teodora a una carrera de una milla cuesta arriba a la colina. Lucas salta hacia adelante en el primer octavo de la milla. Mientras Teodora se acerca, él lo vuelve a hacer otra vez. Las medidas de fracciones y distancia marcan su progreso mientras Lucas y Teodora corren a la línea de meta

¡Ellos ya saben! Instintos de los animales

Robin Yardi (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628556544

¿Cómo es que algunos animales jóvenes saben qué hacer y cómo hacerlo? ¿Alguien le enseña a la oruga lo que debe comer? ¿Quién le enseña a los bebés tiburones a nadar? Algunas veces, los animales jóvenes aprenden cosas de sus padres, pero en otras ocasiones... ¡ellos ya saben! Explora los instintos animales a través de este atractivo texto y sus fantásticas ilustraciones.

They Just Know: Animal Instincts

Robin Yardi (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628556490

How do some young animals know what to do and how to do it? Does someone teach a caterpillar what to eat? Who gives a baby shark swimming lessons? Sometimes young animals learn things from their parents, but other times they just know! Explore animal instincts through engaging text and fanciful illustrations.