Search Results: 889 books from 23 publishers. Learn more

Respecting Privacy

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427122216

Everybody has the right to keep somethings private! This carefully crafted book helps children understand what things should be kept private and what shouldn’t to help keep them safe.

Respecting Rules and Laws

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427122223

Rules are a fact of life. Knowing why they are useful can help children make the right choices. With a focus on safety, this title discusses freedom and the consequences of breaking rules, norms, and laws.

Activism and Volunteering

John Wood (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427122278

This inspiring title discusses the benefits of getting involved in making the world a better place. Readers will learn the many ways people speak up as an activist or donate their time and labor as a volunteer to organizations and issues they believe in.

Spending and Saving Money

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427122230

This intriguing title will help children learn the importance of earning, saving, raising, and spending money. They will gain an understanding of how money can make a difference in peoples’ lives.

Digital Data Security

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121929

The online world is an environment full of opportunity - and risks. Social networks and online shopping sites encourage users to share personal information about themselves, but this can expose them to Identity spoofing and theft. Digital Data Security explores the many issues involved with cyber security, how companies combat hackers, and and how individuals must take charge of their own digital safety.

The Power of Gratitude

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124203

Gratitude is an attitude that helps change negative feelings to positive ones. It helps us appreciate everything in life, even the simple things. Through many fun activities, such as practicing mindfulness, starting a gratitude journal, volunteering in a school or community, young readers will experience the power of gratitude. They will also learn to express their gratitude to friends, parents, teachers, and community workers verbally and in writing. 

Kindness is Cool!

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124197

This fascinating book introduces children to the “butterfly effect,” a theory that states that a small change in the present, such as the simple flapping of a butterfly’s wings, can cause big changes to happen in the future. Children will learn how even their small acts of gentleness, kindness, and compassion to family, friends, classmates, and community can have huge positive impacts where they live, around the world, and most importantly on themselves.

Creating a Happy School Community

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124180

This instructive book looks at schools as safe places where children of all backgrounds and abilities can build strong social and emotional skills and improve attitudes about themselves and others. Showing kindness, accepting differences, learning to resolve conflicts, and expressing gratitude makes school a happy place for both students and teachers. 

Be Mindful! Be Here Now

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124173

Our thoughts have a habit of wandering when we should be focusing on what we are doing. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to what is happening around you right now in the present. This helpful book offers mindfulness techniques to help young readers train themselves to be aware of their thoughts with an attitude of kindness and curiosity, not stress. With an emphasis on being more positive and less negative, children will be better able to handle difficult emotions. Activities in this book include breathing with awareness to feelings within the body, meditating, self-compassion talk, positive thinking, acts of kindness, keeping journals, art activities, observing nature, and ways to show gratitude.   

Taking Action to Help the Environment

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124067

This important book examines ways to meet the challenges facing Earth’s environment—one of the United Nation's sustainable development goals. From tackling ocean pollution to slowing climate change, readers will gain an understanding of how all the UN goals work together, and learn concrete strategies to inspire change. Profiles of youth-led movements and other collaborative efforts to help the environment will empower readers to get involved to restore and protect the health of environments.

Taking Action to End Poverty

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124050

This timely book examines the elimination of global poverty—one of the United Nation's sustainable development goals. From tackling hunger to creating fair work opportunities, readers will gain an understanding of how all the UN goals work together, and learn concrete strategies to inspire change. Profiles of youth-led movements and other collaborative efforts to end poverty will empower readers to get involved themselves and become change-makers.

Taking Action to Achieve Equality

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124043

This insightful book examines ways to reduce the global inequality of people—one of the United Nation's sustainable development goals. From tackling gender inequality to fighting for the right to a good education, readers will gain an understanding of how all the UN goals work together, and learn concrete strategies to inspire change. Profiles of youth-led movements and other collaborative efforts to fight inequality will empower readers to get involved to achieve equality for all global citizens.

Taking Action for Responsible Growth

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124036

This important book examines ways to reduce the negative impact of economic and urban growth on people and the environment—one of the United Nation's sustainable development goals. From reducing energy use to helping communities become safe and inclusive for all people, readers will gain an understanding of how all the UN goals work together, and learn concrete strategies to inspire change. Profiles of youth-led movements and other collaborative efforts to support responsible growth will empower readers to get involved in the movement to create a sustainable world.

Evaluating Arguments About the Environment

Simon Rose (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121653

Does bottled water do more harm than good? Should clear-cutting for agriculture be allowed? Every day, we hear arguments about environmental issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using relatable and accessible environment-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

Evaluating Arguments About Technology

Simon Rose (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121646

Is constant access to technology safe for children? Should driverless vehicles replace human-controlled cars? Every day, we hear arguments about technology issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible technology-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment

James Bow (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121639

Should athletes who used performance-enhancing drugs be stripped of their medals? Can video games help build important skills? Every day, we hear arguments about issues in sports and entertainment in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

Evaluating Arguments About Food

Simon Rose (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121622

Should an age restriction be placed on buying junk food? Are genetically modified foods safe to eat? Every day, we hear arguments about food issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible food-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

Evaluating Arguments About Education

James Bow (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121615

Are science and math subjects more important than arts subjects? Should students be required to complete homework during their personal time? Every day, we hear arguments about education issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible education-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

Evaluating Arguments About Animals

Simon Rose (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121608

Should animals be kept in zoos? Is it okay to use animals for entertainment in circuses or rodeos? Every day, we hear arguments about animal issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible animal-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.

Returning to Guatemala

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121288

Martinez longs for the happy, stable home he had in Guatemala—before gang violence forced them to flee to Mexico. And now, he is being uprooted again. His mother has decided they must return to Guatemala to take care of the extended family. Martinez is scared to return—but the love of his family and support of his new rural community in Guatemala gives him hope for a future without violence. Paired with facts about the instability in Guatemala and the experience of displaced persons there, Martinez’s story offers a unique look at the fear—and resilience—refugees experience when they must return home.

Returning to Afghanistan

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121271

Sonita has been a refugee for her entire life. Born in a refugee camp in Pakistan, Sonita had never seen her family’s homeland of Afghanistan—until, faced with discrimination in Pakistan and possible deportation, her parents decided to return. But despite the end of the war, Afghanistan is not the home Sonita’s parents and sister remember. Sonita must adjust to life in a homeland she has never known, and work hard to survive and thrive in a country still full of conflict and insecurity. Interwoven with facts about the conflict in Afghanistan, Sonita’s story gives a look at the experiences of Afghan refugees forced to return to a home that no longer exists.

My New Home After Yemen

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121264

After fleeing civil war in Yemen, Sahar knows that she and her family are lucky to have escaped the violence and survived the trip to Toronto, Canada. Although she still has nightmares about bombings and losing her baby brother—Sahar cannot believe how quickly her English is improving, and how much fun she had trick-or-treating on Halloween for the first time. Paired with facts about the current situation in Yemen and how different countries work to welcome and support refugees, Sahar’s story gives insight on a refugee’s life in a new country.

My New Home After Syria

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121257

Roj and his family have lived in Germany for three years after fleeing civil war in Syria. Although his family faces discrimination from some in their small village, and hearing news about home from friends and family can be sad, Roj’s dreams for the future are high as he faces each new challenge with hope and resilience. Interspersed with facts about the current situation in Syria and the experiences of Syrian refugees in different countries, Roj’s story offers a window into the complex and ongoing journey of refugees as they adjust to their new homes.

My New Home After Iraq

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121240

Memories of fleeing war in Iraq, living in the refugee camp in Jordan, and the scary journey to the United States now seem far away to Zainab. But every day, as she attends school, plays sports, and participates in community groups in her new home in Dearborn, Michigan, she is aware that she will always be part of two cultures. Interwoven with facts about Iraq’s conflict and the experiences of Iraqi refugees around the world, Zainab’s story offers a thoughtful and unique look at the challenges—and triumphs—faced and experienced by refugees in their new homes.

Hoping for a Home After Myanmar

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121233

Syed was forced to flee his homeland of Myanmar because of extreme violence and persecution against the Rohingya minority. After traveling by boat to Malaysia to meet up with his brother, Nazir, Syed must survive “underground” in a country in which he is not welcome. Interwoven with facts about the Rohingya humanitarian crisis and how refugees survive in countries such as Malaysia, Syed’s story sheds light on the plight of Rohingya refugees around the world.