Search Results: 173 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Kindness is Cool!

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124197

This fascinating book introduces children to the “butterfly effect,” a theory that states that a small change in the present, such as the simple flapping of a butterfly’s wings, can cause big changes to happen in the future. Children will learn how even their small acts of gentleness, kindness, and compassion to family, friends, classmates, and community can have huge positive impacts where they live, around the world, and most importantly on themselves.

Creating a Happy School Community

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124180

This instructive book looks at schools as safe places where children of all backgrounds and abilities can build strong social and emotional skills and improve attitudes about themselves and others. Showing kindness, accepting differences, learning to resolve conflicts, and expressing gratitude makes school a happy place for both students and teachers. 

Meeting Needs in Our Community

Rachel Eagen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121370

This title introduces basic concepts related to exchange and markets, including how communities meet challenges caused by scarcity, and factors that influence pricing. Readers are encouraged to look for examples of the goods and services produced and provided in their local communities.

Using Renewable Energy

Nancy Dickmann (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121455

Readers bored with seeing the same information on renewable energy will love the focus on relevant contemporary examples in this book. How does solar power give energy to medical clinics in Ghana or cut fossil fuel use in Australia? Infographics make finding detailed information easy and interesting.

What are Eco-Cities?

Nancy Dickmann (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121462

From urban design that suits the local landscape to zero-carbon living, this fascinating book looks at how cities around the world are adapting to environmental change. Readers are presented with real-life, eco-city solutions to issues such as water use in times of drought, and why green spaces matter.

Trade in Our Global Community

Rachel Eagen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121387

This title explains why people in one country trade goods and services with people in other countries. Accessible, real-world examples help readers understand how needs are met through the exchange of goods and services around the world. Concepts include trade, importing, and exporting.

Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Waste

Rebecca Rissman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121448

How many uses can you find for an old glass jam jar? This engaging book looks at the always topical issues of managing our waste in a world with finite resources. Infographic details provide ready facts such as how much energy recycling one tin can provides and what that energy can be used for.

Bringing Back the Giant Panda

Ruth Daly (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121028

The survival of the giant panda depends on the survival of its only food: bamboo. Habitat loss from the destruction of bamboo forests in south central China where they live made the giant panda a vulnerable species. This book tells how habitat conservation and the creation of borrowing-and-breeding programs with zoos around the world kept the beloved bear from extinction.

Bringing Back the Whooping Crane

Rachel Stuckey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121066

The only remaining wild population of whooping cranes breeds in Canada and winters in the United States. The story of their recovery is a tale of cross-border cooperation and the work of a team of international biologists. Readers will be able to chart their course and determine the elements of this successful recovery plan.

Bringing Back the Grizzly Bear

Ruth Daly (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121042

Listed as a threatened species in 1975, the grizzly bears near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming have made a remarkable recovery. Intriguing text and vibrant images will draw readers into the story of the bear's decline due to human interaction and habitat loss, and the strategies put in place that helped it return.

Bringing Back the Gray Wolf

Cynthia O’Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121035

Long considered by humans as a threat to livestock, wolves are hunted as pests. In particular, the gray wolf has been hunted almost to extinction in parts of North America. But these keystone predators help keep an ecosystem in balance. This book details reintroduction programs that have helped populations recover—yet they still occupy only 10 percent of their historic range.

Bringing Back the Humpback Whale

Kelly Spence (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121059

Humpback whales are a true ecological success story. Readers will be enthralled by the story of these masters of the deep, listed as endangered in 1970. Protected by an international ban on hunting all whales in 1982, the humpback recovered so well it was no longer listed as endangered in most of the world by 2016.

Bringing Back the American Alligator

Cynthia O’Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121011

The American alligator, which escaped extinction 65 million years ago, was nearly wiped out in the marshes and swamps of Louisiana and Florida in the last century. Today, they are thriving. This exciting book tells the story of how government protection, habitat preservation, and a campaign to reduce the demand for alligator products helped bring back these fierce-looking predators.

Live it: Integrity

Robert Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792468

Integrity means sticking to your beliefs and doing the right thing-no matter what. In this graphic nonfiction book, you'll meet inspiring men, women, and kids like you who fought for what they believed in, regardless of the danger and no matter what the outcome. You'll also have opportunities to think about how you could show integrity and stand up for your own beliefs!

Tech Living

Kelly Spence (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119933

From robots cleaning houses to clothes that can correct posture, technology is constantly introducing ways to improve our lives. Tech Living explores many of these current and soon-to-be appearing innovations through dynamic photographs and engaging text. Young readers are encouraged to consider both the benefits and drawbacks of many of the technological advancements that are changing the ways humans live at an astonishing rate.

Step Forward With Gratitude 

Shannon Welbourn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118301

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and appreciative. People who are grateful are aware of and thankful for the opportunities that they have. This helpful book provides ideas, practical tips, and inspiring stories about how you can make expressing gratitude a regular habit. Discover how showing your appreciation and returning kindness to others is a rewarding experience that will enrich your life.

Sharing Our Global Community

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118950

A person can be part of one or many different communities, or even one big world community. This books explains to young readers that being part of a community allows us to make friendships and work together to solve problems at home, at school, and in our cultures.

Caring for Earth

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120823

All people are part of a global community that has a responsibility to care for planet Earth. This important title introduces environmental stewardship to young readers. Relatable examples show readers how to care for the environment in their own communities, and how even small changes can help address issues in the global community.

Respecting Others

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118943

Being respectful means that we behave in a way that shows the people around us that we care about their feelings and rights. Children will learn ways to show respect to others using manners, obeying laws, showing empathy, and having respect for yourself too.

Making Good Choices

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118936

We often make choices based on our values, which are the things that are important to us. Readers will learn that making responsible choices means doing what you think is right. It also means showing respect for others as well as ourselves in the things we choose to do.

A Refugee's Journey from Ukraine

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120731

Miron’s life in Ukraine is happy until a war breaks out in his city, Donetsk. Surrounded by political instability and increasing violence, Miron and his family decide to flee to find safety in a more stable part of Ukraine. But life as an internally displaced person is not stable. He and his family aren’t sure if true safety lies ahead for them. Interspersed with facts about Ukraine and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Syria

Helen Mason (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118813

Five-year-old Roj’s home is bombed during the civil war that has been raging in his homeland of Syria. He and his family are forced to flee the country secretly by boat, and they end up in a camp for refugees in Europe. Interspersed with facts about Syria and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. The book looks at the efforts being made around the world to assist the millions of refugees. Readers are encouraged to consider how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world.

A Refugee's Journey From South Sudan

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119735

Ataui and her family live in South Sudan. They have never known what safety feels like. When she and two siblings leave their home, they don’t know that they will never return. After spending many years in a refugee camp, Ataui arrives as a refugee in Canada, where she faces new challenges. Interspersed with facts about South Sudan and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey From Yemen

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119742

Sahar misses her life in Yemen before the terrible civil war started. When her home is bombed and she loses her baby brother, she and her family make the dangerous boat journey to a refugee camp. Sahar and her family end up journeying to Canada as refugees, where they adjust to a very different life. Interspersed with facts about Yemen and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118790

Eight-year-old Etienne and his family live in The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Kidnapped by a rebel army and forced to be a child soldier, Etienne finally escapes and is sent to a camp for freed child soldiers. He is reunited with his family who then flee the country, arriving as refugees in Canada. Interspersed with facts about the DRC and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the experiences of child soldiers and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.