Search Results: 210 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Live it: Integrity

Robert Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792468

Integrity means sticking to your beliefs and doing the right thing-no matter what. In this graphic nonfiction book, you'll meet inspiring men, women, and kids like you who fought for what they believed in, regardless of the danger and no matter what the outcome. You'll also have opportunities to think about how you could show integrity and stand up for your own beliefs!

Social Justice Activist

Jon Eben Field, Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792383

Social Justice goes beyond individual human rights. It means a society where justice is achieved in every aspect of life. This title takes a look at what a just society is by examining such topics as poverty, racism, homelessness, and inequality. Young enthusiasts will learn how the words of activists such as Nelson Mandela and Marian Wright Edelman inspired others to do what was right.

Explore with Gertrude Bell

Tim Cooke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427178091

This fascinating book takes readers through the life story of influential English archaeologist and traveler Gertrude Bell. Bell explored what is now the Middle East and played a significant role in the creation of modern Iraq. Historical facts, images, and high-interest information are presented in a tabloid-style to engage readers in an accessible way. Topics include Bell’s work in archaeology, her mountain summits, and her role in World War One.

Tech Living

Kelly Spence (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119933

From robots cleaning houses to clothes that can correct posture, technology is constantly introducing ways to improve our lives. Tech Living explores many of these current and soon-to-be appearing innovations through dynamic photographs and engaging text. Young readers are encouraged to consider both the benefits and drawbacks of many of the technological advancements that are changing the ways humans live at an astonishing rate.

Sharing Our Global Community

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118950

A person can be part of one or many different communities, or even one big world community. This books explains to young readers that being part of a community allows us to make friendships and work together to solve problems at home, at school, and in our cultures.

Respecting Others

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118943

Being respectful means that we behave in a way that shows the people around us that we care about their feelings and rights. Children will learn ways to show respect to others using manners, obeying laws, showing empathy, and having respect for yourself too.

Making Good Choices

Steffi Cavell-Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118936

We often make choices based on our values, which are the things that are important to us. Readers will learn that making responsible choices means doing what you think is right. It also means showing respect for others as well as ourselves in the things we choose to do.

A Refugee's Journey from Ukraine

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120731

Miron’s life in Ukraine is happy until a war breaks out in his city, Donetsk. Surrounded by political instability and increasing violence, Miron and his family decide to flee to find safety in a more stable part of Ukraine. But life as an internally displaced person is not stable. He and his family aren’t sure if true safety lies ahead for them. Interspersed with facts about Ukraine and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Syria

Helen Mason (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118813

Five-year-old Roj’s home is bombed during the civil war that has been raging in his homeland of Syria. He and his family are forced to flee the country secretly by boat, and they end up in a camp for refugees in Europe. Interspersed with facts about Syria and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. The book looks at the efforts being made around the world to assist the millions of refugees. Readers are encouraged to consider how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world.

A Refugee's Journey From South Sudan

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119735

Ataui and her family live in South Sudan. They have never known what safety feels like. When she and two siblings leave their home, they don’t know that they will never return. After spending many years in a refugee camp, Ataui arrives as a refugee in Canada, where she faces new challenges. Interspersed with facts about South Sudan and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey From Yemen

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119742

Sahar misses her life in Yemen before the terrible civil war started. When her home is bombed and she loses her baby brother, she and her family make the dangerous boat journey to a refugee camp. Sahar and her family end up journeying to Canada as refugees, where they adjust to a very different life. Interspersed with facts about Yemen and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118790

Eight-year-old Etienne and his family live in The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Kidnapped by a rebel army and forced to be a child soldier, Etienne finally escapes and is sent to a camp for freed child soldiers. He is reunited with his family who then flee the country, arriving as refugees in Canada. Interspersed with facts about the DRC and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the experiences of child soldiers and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey From Colombia

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119698

Andres dreams about peace in his homeland of Colombia, where fighting has been going on for more than 50 years. When rebel groups threaten his family, they flee their home to find safety in the neighboring country of Ecuador—where they face an uncertain future. Interspersed with facts about Colombia and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the decades of conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Bhutan

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120687

After 9 years in a refugee camp in Nepal, Amita remembers very little of her homeland, Bhutan. At two years old, she was forced to flee her country when her family was targeted because of their Nepalese heritage. When the camp becomes an unsafe place for Amita and her family to live, they make the difficult decision to seek a permanent home in a new country. Interspersed with facts about Bhutan and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Nigeria

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120724

When the violence by militant terrorist group Boko Haram increases in her village in Nigeria, Baseema and her family make the difficult decision to seek refuge in another country. With limited places to go and few people who are able to help, Baseema is unsure of her future. She hopes to find safety in a country where she will be allowed to go to school, and live without constant fear. Interspersed with facts about Nigeria and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from El Salvador

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120694

Benito’s childhood in El Salvador is disrupted when gang violence comes to his community. When gang members begin to recruit his siblings and target the family with violence, Benito’s mother decides that the family will leave the country. Benito’s new life in Mexico is different. He and his family hope to one day return home. Interspersed with facts about El Salvador and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Afghanistan

Helen Mason (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118783

Sonita was born in a refugee camp in Pakistan after her family fled Afghanistan during the war in the early 2000s. Unwelcome in Pakistan, her family returns to Afghanistan, where Sonita and her family face new challenges. Interspersed with facts about Afghanistan and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the decades of conflict in Afghanistan and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey From Myanmar

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119711

Nazir, his father, and older brother live in Myanmar, a country that has experienced many years of violence. As a part of the Rohingya minority group, the family is considered unwelcome in their homeland. Nazir and his father flee by boat to a refugee camp, eventually escaping as refugees to the United States. Interspersed with facts about Myanmar and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Iran

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120717

When Iran's government threatens Zahra’s family for speaking out against its actions, they decide to flee Iran and seek safety in Australia. The journey isn’t easy. Many refugees have died on the boat trip across the Indian Ocean. Granted asylum after many months of waiting, Zahra and her family must adjust to a new life. Interspersed with facts about Iran and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Iraq

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118806

Zainab has never known peace in her homeland of Iraq. She and her family flee the country after her father is threatened by one of the many groups fighting against the government. Zainab's life is on hold as her family seeks safety in Jordan and, later, the United States. Interspersed with facts about Iraq and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the ongoing conflict in Iraq and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey From Guatemala

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427119704

Martinez’s life in Guatemala is turned upside down when gangs harm and threaten the people in his neighborhood. He must leave his friends and two dogs behind when he and his family are smuggled to a refugee camp in Mexico, where thousands of families escaping violence hope to find safety. Interspersed with facts about Guatemala and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about gangs there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

A Refugee's Journey from Eritrea

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120700

Dawit’s future was bleak in his home country of Eritrea, where he would be forced to join the military. Along with a friend, he makes the difficult decision to flee his home and meet with relatives in Europe. After a dangerous journey and months spent in a refugee camp, Dawit faces challenges in his new home—Amsterdam. Interspersed with facts about Eritrea and its people, this narrative tells a story common to many refugees fleeing the country. Readers will learn about the conflict there and how they can help refugees in their communities and around the world who are struggling to find permanent homes.

Designing Positive School Communities

Janice Dyer (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120373

School communities should be accessible, inclusive, and safe places for students of varying backgrounds, abilities, and needs. This important title teaches readers how to use design thinking principles to become positive change-makers in their school communities. Beginning with a detailed look at the steps involved in design thinking, readers are guided through the process so they can design their own solutions to big issues—from inclusivity to bullying to learning needs.

Designing Inclusive Communities

Rachel Stuckey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120359

From neighborhoods and schools to the worldwide community, this book explains how design thinking principles can help create communities that give all its members a place and a voice by planning in an inclusive and collaborative way. Beginning with a detailed look at the steps involved in design thinking, readers are guided through the process so they can design their own solutions to the barriers that prevent participation in order to create a truly connected community.

Designing Healthy Communities

Sheri Doyle (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427120342

This book inspires readers to become change-makers for healthy living and eating by using design-thinking principles to tackle local and global issues. Beginning with a detailed look at the steps involved in design thinking, readers are guided through the process so they can design their own solutions to big issues—from the need for healthy food options in schools to the lack of clean drinking water in impoverished communities.