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Norah McClintock (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781551439969

When Colin accepts the job to clean up the graffiti in an upscale neighborhood he worries that he might be targeted by gangs. But he didn't expect to become a suspect in a series of robberies. Every time he is sent to clean up graffiti, the police are nearby investigating a crime. Colin knows he's done nothing wrong, but even he acknowledges his presence at the crime scenes looks suspicious. The only way he can clear his name is to figure out what is really going on.

Seven Prequels Bundle

Orca Book Publishers (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459811713

The seven grandsons from the bestselling Seven (the Series) and the Seven Sequels return in the Seven Prequels, along with their daredevil grandfather, David McLean. In these thrilling origin stories Eric Walters, John Wilson, Ted Staunton, Richard Scrimger, Norah McClintock, Sigmund Brouwer and Shane Peacock and their signature writing styles take readers from the heat of the jungles of Central America to the mysterious streets of Stockholm to one very dangerous kayaking trip in Florida. These linked YA novels can be read in any order. Discover all 7 books in this set: Barracuda Jungle Land Missing Skull Separated Slide Speed Weerdest Day Ever!

Chinese New Year

Jen Sookfong Lee (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459811270

From its beginnings as a farming celebration marking the end of winter to its current role as a global party featuring good food, lots of gifts and public parades, Chinese New Year is a snapshot of Chinese culture. Award-winning author and broadcaster Jen Sookfong Lee recalls her childhood in Vancouver, British Columbia, and weaves family stories into the history, traditions and evolution of Chinese New Year. Lavishly illustrated with color photographs throughout.


Vicki Grant (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781551437514

Dan is not sure he'll survive the boring field trip to a remote heritage farm. How could a place with no running water, telephone or electricity be anything but dull? The farmer knows nothing about farming and is angry about having to conduct the tour. And what's with his tattoo? The teacher requests a private word with the farmer and then mysteriously disappears. After a messy attack of allergies, Dan is excused to find a tissue. He sneaks back to the school bus and discovers the driver and teacher have been bound and gagged. The farmer is really an escaped convict with nasty plans. Will Dan be able to find help in time?

L'effet manga

Jacqueline Pearce (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554694242

Dana est excitée à l'idée d'un voyage scolaire au Japon, même si elle y va avec la bande à Melly, le groupe des élèves in qui se moquent d'elle. Dana est persuadée qu'elle s'intégrera bien au Japon, pays du manga et de l'anime. Mais elle découvre bientôt qu'il est tout aussi difficile de s'intégrer dans une culture étrangère que dans sa classe. Et Melissa, chef de la bande à Melly, ne rate pas une occasion de lui rappeler qu'elle est différente des autres. Dana is excited about her school trip to Japan despite the fact that she is surrounded by the Melly Mob, "in-crowd" kids who make fun of her. Dana is certain she will be less of an outsider in Japan, home of manga and anime. But she soon discovers that it's just as difficult to fit in with a foreign culture as it is to fit in at school. And the only other manga fan that she meets refuses to talk to her. As Dana learns to meet people halfway and gains some friends in Japan, Melissa, leader of the Melly Mob, makes every effort to remind her that she's still an outsider.

Perfect Revenge

K.L. Denman (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554691043

Lizzie Lane is used to life at the top of the food chain. Her near-perfect life is ruined when Rachel, a girl she socially destroyed, exacts her revenge by getting Lizzie in trouble for cheating on a test. Friendless and facing detention, Lizzie obsesses over finding the perfect revenge. When Stella, Lizzie's strange new neighbor, teaches Lizzie about magick, Lizzie can't resist creating a revenge spell. But she forgets the "rule of three," that whatever spell you cast comes back on you three-fold, and her zit spell backfires with dramatic results. When she asks for help from Stella's Baba, the only advice she gets is to "write the lesson of the zit on her heart." Can Lizzie find a way to teach Rachel a lesson without causing permanent disfigurement to herself?

Nine Doors

Vicki Grant (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554690756

Emery's neighbor, Richard, is the kind of kid who gets under your skin. When Richard suggests a game of "Nicky Nicky Nine Doors," Emery can't come up with a good excuse not to play. Using chocolate bars as "stunt poo," the boys start playing the classic prank of the burning bag on the doorstep, but this game has a modern twist. They videotape their neighbors' reactions. The naked guy and the man in the apron are highly entertaining, but Emery starts to get cold feet when another neighbor is reduced to tears. Emery wants out, but he's not sure how to stop the game without losing face. Soon the game gets serious, and Emery has a lot more to worry about than his reputation.

Mirror Image

K.L. Denman (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781551436692

Sable wears only black and has always felt that doom is near. Lacey wears pink and seeks beauty everywhere. A sadistic art teacher pairs Sable and Lacey together for their final project. The girls have to get to know one another and select a suitable poem for the back of each other's decorative mirror. Sable is less than thrilled at having to spend time with Lacey, who she believes to be nothing more than a brainless doll. As the project progresses, and Sable gets past her resentment, she learns some surprising truths about who Lacey really is. All of Sable's images begin to change, including the one she holds of herself.

Camp Wild

Pam Withers (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554691135

Wilf is convinced his parents want nothing to do with him. When he isn't in school, he is left to his own devices or shipped away to camp. But at fifteen, Wilf is adamant that he is too old for summer camp. When his parents ignore his protests and ship him off anyway, he knows how he will get their attention: He will escape from camp by canoe and spend the rest of his vacation alone in the woods, proving to his parents he deserves his independence. His plan begins to unravel when his cabin mate forces Wilf to take him along. Things go from bad to worse when a younger camper follows them and they all end up in a fight for their lives against the unforgiving river.

Beyond Repair

Lois Peterson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698189

As much as life has irrevocably changed since the death of his father, much has stayed the same for Cam. He's always had a great deal of responsibility around the house, but the burden is heavier now in combination with the load of grief he's been carrying. After the man who was driving the truck that killed his father turns up at the end of the driveway, Cam feels pressure to keep his family safe as well. He starts to see the man everywhere: at his work, in stores, at his sister's school. Cam needs to know what the man wants from his family, and he starts following his father's killer in search of answers.

Le soleil est une pêche

Sara Cassidy (author) Josée Bisaillon (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824560

Un enfant marche sur un chemin de campagne pour aller voir un défilé au village. Ce qu’il voit lors des événements de la journée jusqu’à son retour à la maison et l’heure du coucher lui fait penser au soleil : un jaune d’œuf, une bobine de fil, l’œil d’un oiseau, un cornet de sorbet et un pissenlit. Tous les cercles jaunes lui font penser à la grosse boule orangée dans le ciel. Les merveilleuses illustrations de Josée Bisaillon expriment comment notre imagination façonne notre environnement. Ce livre cartonné démontre aux enfants que leur façon de voir le monde – par le cœur, l’esprit et l’imagination – est tout à fait valable. Grâce à ses métaphores savoureuses, Le soleil est une pêche invite les lecteurs à faire le saut magique dans leur imagination et à voir les objets du quotidien sous un autre angle. Le soleil est une pêche complète La lune est un étang d’argent, écrit lui aussi par Sara Cassidy.

One Earth

Anuradha Rao (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818873

One Earth profiles Black, Indigenous and People of Color who live and work as environmental defenders. Through their individual stories, the book shows that the intersection of environment and ethnicity is an asset to achieving environmental goals. The twenty short biographies introduce readers to diverse activists from all around the world, who are of many ages and ethnicities. From saving ancient trees on the West Coast of Canada, to protecting the Irrawaddy dolphins of India, to uncovering racial inequalities in the food system in the United States, these environmental heroes are celebrated by author and biologist Anuradha Rao, who outlines how they went from being kids who cared about the environment to community leaders in their field. One Earth is full of environmental role models waiting to be found.

On My Mountain

François Aubineau (author) Jérôme Peyrat (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822337

Both the shepherd and the wolf live on the mountain. They love their home and want to feel safe there. This book tells the same story, in identical words, from both the wolf’s perspective and that of the shepherd. Read the wolf’s story then flip it over and read the shepherd’s story and see the landscape that each of them sees. A good reminder of how humans should behave in the wild and on this earth that we share.

Big Whales, Small World

Mark Leiren-Young (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825031

In Big Whales, Small World you will meet whales from around the world. This rhyming photographic picture book visits the oceans of places like New Zealand, Russia and South America. Writer, filmmaker and orca activist Mark Leiren-Young introduces young readers to blue whales bigger than dinosaurs and tiny vaquitas who swim close to shores.

Tú eres tú

Richard Van Camp (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825482

Richard Van Camp, cuentacuentos renombrado internacionalmente y el autor de bestsellers como los libros Welcome Song for Baby y We Sang You Home, ha unido fuerzas con la ilustradora talentosa Julie Flett para crear un libro tierno en cartoné para los lectores más pequeños que honra el niño que hay en todo el mundo. Con sus ilustraciones contemporáneas y encantadoras, Tú eres tú es perfecto para ser compartido o leído a todos los seres pequeños en su vida–¡e incluso con los pequeños que vienen de camino!

Mi corazón se llena de alegría

Monique Gray Smith (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825376

La luz del sol en la cara. El aroma de bannock caliente horneándose. Agarranr la mano de alguien querido. ¿Qué llena tu corazón de alegría? Este hermoso libro en cartoné, con ilustraciones de la artista de renombre Julie Flett, sirve como recordatorio tanto para pequeños como adultos a pensar en y apreciar los momentos de la vida que nos llenan de alegría. La ponente internacional y premiada autora Monique Gray Smith escribió Mi corazón se llena de alegría para reforzar el bienestar de niños y familias indígenas y para incentivar que los niños pequeños reflexionen en las cosas que les hacen sentir alegría.

J'ai le cœur rempli de bonheur

Monique Gray Smith (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825352

Qu’est-ce qui te remplit le cœur de bonheur ? Le soleil sur ton visage? L’odeur de la banique qui cuit au four? Tenir la main d’une personne que tu aimes? Ce magnifique album cartonné, illustré par la talentueuse artiste Julie Flett, rappelle aux petits et aux grands de penser aux moments de la vie qui leur apportent de la joie et d’en profiter. La conférencière et autrice de réputation internationale Monique Gray Smith a écrit J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur pour soutenir le bien-être des enfants et des familles autochtones, et pour encourager les bambins à chérir les moments qui les rendent heureux.

Rock Mammoth

Eveline Payette (author) Guillaume Perreault (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824270

Louis has to do an oral presentation on his pet. To everyone’s great surprise, he decides to present his mammoth. Even more surprising, he talks to the class about a new species of hairy Elephantidae only recently discovered: the Rock Mammoth. This proud ancestor of the hairy musicians of the ’70s didn’t actually disappear. In fact, these elephants had had enough of being rock stars and wished for a more tranquil life. So they decided to remain hidden during the last millennia. But now Louis, the great mammoth enthusiast and rigorous scientific apprentice, has discovered this well-kept secret and is ready to reveal it to the world.

Little Cloud

Johanna Wagstaffe (author) Julie McLaughlin (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821859

Follow our little cloud on an adventure through the sky and learn the science behind how it transforms from a simple cumulus cloud to a full-blown hurricane. Beautifully detailed illustrations from award-winning artist Julie McLaughlin integrate science with storytelling. Children will enjoy finding new gems of information even after several reads, thanks to a whimsical and rich layout. And meteorologist Johanna Wagstaffe weaves a comprehensive narrative about a powerful weather system that’s so compelling readers won’t even realize they are on their way to becoming budding meteorologists.

Bath Time!

Eric Walters (author) Christine Battuz (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821316

What makes bath time fun for baby? Bath toys! From parading penguins and splashing seals to frolicking frogs and bathing beavers, these joyful animal toys are ready to play. Join the splashy party in the tub…you may even get wet too! Bright, vibrant illustrations from Christine Battuz match the energy of a baby in the bath as you’re introduced to Eric Walters’s animal alliterations across each page. It’s just good clean fun!

Sea Otters

Isabelle Groc (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817388

Sea otters once ruled the Pacific Ocean, but the fur trade of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought this predator to near extinction. Today they’re slowly coming back from the brink, and scientists are learning more about their pivotal role as one of nature’s keystone species. This book looks at the history, biology, behavior and uncertain future of sea otters. Author and photojournalist Isabelle Groc takes us into the field: watching sea otter rafts off the British Columbia coast from a kayak, exploring what makes their fur coats so special, understanding how their voracious appetites are helping kelp forests thrive and, ultimately, learning how sea otters are leaving their mark (or paws) on every part of the ecosystem. They might be one of the most adorable creatures in the ocean, but kids will discover how their survival is key to a rich, complex and connected ecosystem.


Karen Pheasant-Neganigwane (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459812352

Powwow is a celebration of Indigenous song and dance. Journey through the history of powwow culture in North America, from its origins to the thriving powwow culture of today. As a lifelong competitive powwow dancer, Karen Pheasant-Neganigwane is a guide to the protocols, regalia, songs, dances and even food you can find at powwows from coast to coast, as well as the important role they play in Indigenous culture and reconciliation.

Grandmother School

Rina Singh (author) Ellen Rooney (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459819061

Every morning, a young girl walks her grandmother to the Aajibaichi Shala, the school that was built for the grandmothers in her village to have a place to learn to read and write. The narrator beams with pride as she drops her grandmother off with the other aajis to practice the alphabet and learn simple arithmetic. A moving story about family, women and the power of education—when Aaji learns to spell her name you’ll want to dance along with her. Women in countless countries continue to endure the limitations of illiteracy. Unjust laws have suppressed the rights of girls and women and kept many from getting an education and equal standing in society. Based on a true story from the village of Phangane, India, this brilliantly illustrated book tells the story of the grandmothers who got to go to school for the first time in their lives.

The King of Jam Sandwiches

Eric Walters (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825574

Thirteen-year-old Robbie leads a double life. It's just Robbie and his dad, but no one knows that his dad isn't like most parents. Sometimes he wakes Robbie up in the middle of the night to talk about dying. Sometimes he just leaves without telling Robbie where he’s going. Once when Robbie was younger, he was gone for more than a week. Robbie was terrified of being left alone but even more scared of telling anyone in case he was put into foster care. No one can know. Until one day when Robbie has to show the tough new girl, Harmony, around school. Their first meeting ends horribly and she punches Robbie in the face. But eventually they come to realize that they have a lot more in common than they thought. Can Robbie's new friend be trusted to keep his secret?

World's Worst Parrot

Alice Kuipers (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459823761

Ava works hard at maintaining a certain image online and at school. As far as anyone else knows, life is great. But when she inherits an African gray parrot from her great-uncle Bernie (whom she barely remembers), Ava’s carefully crafted world starts to crumble. The parrot, Mervin, is loud and messy and obnoxious. Ava’s brother thinks it’s hilarious to post videos of Ava trying to deal with the crazy bird. He even creates a profile for the two of them. Everyone wants to see more of Ava and Mervin. Suddenly, Ava is internet famous—in the worst possible way. Her friends think the parrot is gross and start acting weird. But then a new girl at school helps Ava see that this parrot might not be the worst gift in the world and that just being yourself is the best way to be.