Search Results: 453 books from 17 publishers. Learn more

Guardians of the Home: Women's Lives in the 1800s

Matthew Strange (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296905

While often behind the scenes and hidden from history, women in 1800s America worked side by side with men in building our nation. On the frontier, strong, capable women worked as hard or harder than their menfolk, taming the land and raising the crops while shouldering the responsibilities of keeping house and caring for the children. The life of the farm wife in the settled parts of the country was one of sunup to sundown labor in an era with few modern conveniences. And in urban areas, working class women were a major part of the workforce in an industrializing economy, while middle and upper class women influenced America's social movements, supported charities, and helped beautify the gritty cities. In the course of the 1800s, new labor saving technologies in the home, improved health conditions, greater economic and educational opportunities, and a growing sense of their rights helped to empower women and started the movement toward full equality with men that continues to this day.

From the Parlor to the Altar: Romance and Marriage in the 1800s

Zachary Chastain (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296912

We're all here because of people who met and fell in love in the past! In the 1800s, most young men and women were bound by powerful traditions of family, church, and society that limited their choices in romance and marriage. As an economic and community-building institution, marriage options were traditionally controlled by the older generation. Marriages were often arranged by families, and the bride and groom's personal feelings for each other were much less important than they are today. But as in so many other ways, America was a new and more open society. Communities of people from different and diverse backgrounds were established in a new land, and young people came together in a freer, more open environment. Romantic love flourished in the America of the 1800s as it never had before, with a whole variety of courting and marriage customs, many of which we still cherish today.

Reviving the Spirit, Reforming Society: Religion in the 1800s

Kenneth McIntosh (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296875

Founded on the principles of religious freedom, America in the 1800s was fertile ground for the expansion of religious movements and all kinds of experiments in spiritual matters. Americans in the 1800s took their religion very seriously. Away from the authority of established churches, the American frontier from upstate New York to the wilds of the Utah territory was a hotbed of new, radical religion based on a personal experience of salvation, direct revelation, and enthusiastic, highly emotional gatherings at camp meetings. At the forefront of the movement to abolish slavery and women's rights, idealistic men and women in the more established Protestant churches heard a new social gospel from an educated and progressive clergy. Meanwhile, large numbers of Catholic immigrants and Jews from Central and Eastern Europe established their own religious institutions in a new land. The religious history of America in the 1800s is rich and diverse and highly influential in the social and political evolution of our country.

The Sweat of Their Brow: Occupations in the 1800s

Zachary Chastain (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296820

America in the 1800s was a very hardworking society. Early in the century, farmers, craftsmen, and housewives worked very much the way they had for centuries - by their own physical labor and the sweat of their brow. The growing industrial economy brought millions of workers, people leaving their farms and new immigrants, into the factories and workshops of America, where the work was hard, the hours were long, and the pay was low. Women and children made up a large percentage of the industrial workforce, and conditions were often miserable and dangerous. Meanwhile, a small class of industrialists built vast fortunes. As the century progressed, improved technology, workers rights legislation, and the rise of trade unions helped to alleviate some of the misery of American workers, but for much of the 1800s, the lives of an average working class person was one of hard toil, limited opportunities, and the constant threat of poverty.

Scandals and Glory: Politics in the 1800s

Zachary Chastain (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296837

With the principles of democracy firmly established after the War for Independence, Americans in the 1800s took their politics very seriously. As more and more male citizens gained the right to vote, elections became very public, hotly contested, and sometimes even violent. In the cities and towns of America, politicians courted political power and influence among new immigrant communities; buying votes and stuffing ballot boxes was shockingly common. While the major national political issues of foreign policy, taxation, the abolition of slavery, and states rights took center stage in Congress, Americans split along regional and party lines that still exist in the twenty-first century. Scandals over greed and corruption caused whole city governments to fall, but America also produced some of the greatest statesman and political leaders in its history. Former slaves, poor immigrants, and women demanded their right to vote.

Saloons, Shootouts, and Spurs: The Wild West In the 1800's

Kenneth McIntosh (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296813

Life on the American frontier of the 1800s is the stuff of American myth and legend. It was here in the wide open spaces of the West that the rugged individualism of the American character was refined: in the strong but silent cowboy, the saloon girl with a heart of gold, and the sod busting pioneer. Faced with the incredible challenges of taming a wilderness, wresting the territory from the Native peoples, and dealing with the hardships of pioneer life, Americans were offered one of the richest opportunities in the history of human kind - the agricultural and mineral resources of a new land. The settling of this land is the story of America, a story of violence, wasted resources, and genocide, as well as heroism, freedom, and incredible opportunity. The Wild West of the 1800s remains for Americans a land of hopes and dreams.

America at War: Military Conflicts, Home and Abroad, and Daily Life in the 1800

Matthew Strange (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422296929

From an isolated and inward-looking new nation clinging to the East Coast, America in the 1800s grew in size, strength, and military might. From the War of 1812 to the century-long campaigns of conquest against Native American peoples, territorial expansion through war with Mexico to the great national tragedy that was the Civil War, American soldiers and sailors forged a tradition of pride and heroism that is part of our national heritage. Sometimes misguided, sometimes truly inspired, nineteenth century America produced some of the greatest military leaders and witnessed some of the bloodiest battles in our history. Behind the scenes, and often neglected in our official histories, the life of America's citizen soldiers was a tough and brutal one. Patriotism, heroism, and human folly all combine in the story of the roots of Americas rise to the status of world military power.

Women in Chemistry

Kim Etingoff (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422288948

Women have made major contributions to science throughout history, including in the field of chemistry. Learn about the lives of some of the most amazing women in chemistry, from Alice Hamilton to Darleane Hoffman, as well as their exciting and important work. Discover what it takes to be a chemist. Find out about the opportunities for women in the field. Read Women in Chemistry to see if following in the footsteps of the many brilliant women who have made their mark in chemistry is something you want to do.

Meeting Future Challenges: The Government of Mexico

Clarissa Aykroyd (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422286883

Like people everywhere, Mexicans have experienced governments that have been beneficial to the people, and those that have treated people harshly. The history of government in the land known as Mexico is long and complex, beginning more than 3,000 years ago with the various Amerindian civilizations that lived in the region. Once the Spanish conquered the native people during the 16th century, they imposed their own forms of government that persisted until the early decades of the 19th century. Since Mexico gained its independence in 1821, the people have experienced many periods of unrest and turmoil, as various groups have attempted to create an effective government. With the election of Enrique Peña Nieto as president in 2012, many Mexicans hope that their government is headed in the right direction to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The history of Mexican government, and hopes for the future, are traced in Meeting Future Challenges: The Government of Mexico.

Mexican Facts and Figures

Ellyn Sanna (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422286944

Mexicans today are proud of their rich heritage and their beautiful land, but they also recognize that their nation has many problems, including widespread poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, and drug-related violence. Many of Mexico's ongoing problems - such as illegal immigration, environmental issues, and drug trafficking - also affect its northern neighbor, the United States. Mexican Facts and Figures is an overview that will tell you about Mexico's past and its present, while also providing statistical information about the country's 31 states and its federal district.

Mexico's Pacific South States

Sheryl Nantus (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422286913

The southernmost states along Mexico's Pacific coast are rich in both history and natural resources. These states have been shaken by natural phenomena, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, and plagued at times by rebellions and violence. Yet these states attract millions of tourists each year, drawn to the beautiful beaches of Acapulco, Huatulco, and other resorts, or to major archaeological sites such as Monte Albán and Palenque. In Mexico's Pacific South States, you will learn about the geography and climate, history, economy, culture, and the major communities of four Mexican states: Colima, Chiapas, Guerrero, and Oaxaca.

Mexico's Northern States

Deirdre Day MacLeod (author)

Publisher: Mason Crest ISBN: 9781422286920

Northern Mexico is a vast desert region bordering the United States. This region an important center for manufacturing, mining, and other industries due to its proximity to the U.S., and many maquiladoras (small factories) are located along the border. It also has many sights that attract tourists, such as the world-famous Copper Canyon. In Mexico's Northern States, you will learn about the geography and climate, history, economy, culture, and the major communities of seven Mexican states: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas.

Changing Planet

Sally Morgan (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791317

From the earliest times humans have shaped and changed the landscape. Historical and modern-day examples in this interesting book show how natural habitats and wilderness areas are destroyed as people need more land for farming and to build towns and cities, and how increasing urbanization of populations is adding to the problem of carbon emissions that cause climate change.

Changing Cultural Landscapes

Marina Cohen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791300

Culture gives humans a sense of identity. This title examines how cultures around the world mix and change in response to migration and settlement. This fascinating book examines examples from history including: the slave trade and the impact of African culture on North America and then the world; the forcing of Native Americans to adopt European culture; and the cultural interchange between the British Empire and India.

Pushes & Pulls: Why do people migrate?

Robert Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791355

This intriguing book explores the reasons why people migrate: pushesinvoluntary migrationsand pullsvoluntary migrations. Historical migrations examined include: the slave trade; the relocation of Native Americans; migrations due to famine in Africa; migrations linked to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; the Irish potato famine; the migrations of Jews around the world; and the Great Migration of African Americans from the south to the north.

Sonia Sotomayor

Alex Van Tol (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427194695

Sonia Sotomayor became a household name when President Barack Obama nominated her to the United States Supreme Court in 2009. Her confirmation made her the country's first Hispanic Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. But even before that, Sonia was an inspiration to others. Sonia Sotomayor has built a life as a jurist, activist, and mother, committed to the rights and advancement of people of all backgrounds and ethnicities.

Irena Sendler

Diane Dakers (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427179760

Irena Sendler was born into a Catholic family in Poland in 1910. Throughout the German occupation in World War II, Irena worked tirelessly to help save Polands Jews from the Nazi horror. Irena saved at least 2,500 Jewish children from certain death during the Holocaust. By the time of her death in 2008, Irena had been honored by the governments of Poland and Israel, Pope John Paul II, and many of those she had rescued.

William Lloyd Garrison

William David Thomas (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778798163

With the founding of his own newspaper, Garrison used the paper and his association with other abolitionists to advocate for the immediate and complete freeing of all slaves. Through his editorials, he became a symbol of the abolitionist movement by pointing out the hypocrisy of the countrys actions versus the ideals set out by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Harriet Tubman

Patricia Lantier (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778798132

Harriet Tubman served as an abolitionist, emancipator of slaves, military spy, and advocate for womens rights. Tubman helped lead more than seventy slaves out of captivity and guide them to freedom along the Underground Railroad. When Civil War broke out, Tubman guided an expedition of Union soldiers on a raid in South Carolina that freed over seven hundred slaves.

John Brown

Geoffrey Michael Horn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778798149

John Brown joined the side of free-staters in the conflict in the Kansas Territory, fighting to have Kansas enter the Union as an anti-slavery state. History has shown that his actions and the reactions to them were among the most potent precursors of the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.

Sojourner Truth

Geoffrey Michael Horn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778798156

Sojourner Truth lived a truly remarkable life. She had the ear of President Abraham Lincoln and fellow abolitionists Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and William Lloyd Garrison. One of the most persuasive and influential activists of her day, Truth was also an effective recruiter of African Americans into the Union army during the Civil War.

Frederick Douglass

Henry Elliot (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778798118

Born into slavery, Douglass became an eloquent spokesperson for both blacks and womens rights. During and after the Civil War, Douglass became a confidant of presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. Douglass also argued for African Americans to be allowed to join the Union army in the fight for their own freedom.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Henry Elliot (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778798125

Following the passage of a law that made it a crime to aid in the escape of slaves, Stowe lent her actions and her words to the effort to help slaves and put an end to slavery. She actively aided fugitive slaves and, with the publication of the anti-slavery novel Uncle Toms Cabin, focused the nations consciousness on the inhumanity of slavery.

Fielder's Choice

Rick Norman (author)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874832044

Andrew Jackson Fielder wants to pitch in the major leagues. It should seem a distant dream to a kid in Smackover, Arkansas, in 1939. But for Jackson, it comes true, partly due to the afternoons he and his brother spend practicing pitches in a pipe yard down in the south Arkansas oilpatch.

Ride the Butterflies

Donald Davis (author)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874836066

Maybe it's because his mother was a teacher. Or maybe it's because he has spent most of his life in classrooms - as a wide-eyed first grader, a naive college student, a seminarian, and now as a visiting writer in residencies across the country. There's something about school that infuses the work of Donald Davis and he has collected his all-time favorite school stories in the book. Whether we're traveling around the world with Miss Daisy, the fourth grade teacher who was integrating arithmetic, geography and English before the term whole language ever surfaced; or watching in awe as a classmate conjugates malaprops in Miss Vergilius Darwin's Latin class; or driving a school bus and learning about segregation - we experience flashes of recognition in moments that transcend Donald Davis's childhood stories.