Search Results: 212 books from 1 publisher. Learn more


Mary Lindeen (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110394

These huge machines travel on the ocean and have many different uses. A ship has a huge engine and sometimes uses sails. Join the captain of a cargo ship, a supertanker, or a cruise ship, and sail the seas! Blastoff! Series

Police Cars

Kay Manolis (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110349

Why do police cars patrol the streets? Police cars help police officers fight crime and stop people from driving dangerously. Get a look into these cars and the equipment police use inside them. Blastoff! Series


Mary Lindeen (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110295

A new road needs to be built, but first a grader must flatten the dirt underneath. A grader uses a blade to push the dirt down and prepare the way for a new road. Students will discover other jobs this powerful machine performs in this early introduction. Blastoff! Series


Mary Lindeen (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110417

These important machines make sure people can still use the roads in wintertime. They clear snow so that cars can drive. Discover the different parts of a snowplow and how they make the roads safe in winter. Blastoff! Series


Kay Manolis (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110424

Wave down a taxi and catch a ride! These helpful cars take people where they need to go. Beginning readers will learn how to catch a taxi, how taxis work, and where taxis can take people. Blastoff! Series


Mary Lindeen (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110301

This flying machine has the unique ability to hover in one place in the sky. It can be used for many tasks such as putting out fires or accomplishing rescue missions. Read all about how this amazing machine works. Blastoff! Series


Derek Zobel (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110240

Diggers come in all sizes and can dig very deep holes. The biggest digger weighs more than one million pounds! Find out how the different parts of this machine work together to dig into the ground. Blastoff! Series

Dump Trucks

Ray McClellan (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110257

Dump trucks help the other machines on a construction site by transporting dirt or other materials. Some dump trucks can carry a load of up to 52,000 pounds. Read about how these machines work and watch for when the truck dumps its load! Blastoff! Series

Earth Movers

M. T. Martin (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110264

These huge trucks move, carry, and dump big loads of earth. There are different kinds of earth movers and each has a specific task. Kids will get a first look at the types of earth movers and how they do their jobs. Blastoff! Series

School Buses

Kay Manolis (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110370

Many students ride these large, yellow buses to school every day. School buses make sure children get to and from school safely. Now kids can learn about these vehicles and how they work. Blastoff! Series

Garbage Trucks

Mary Lindeen (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110288

Where does our garbage go after we throw it away? These huge machines pick up our garbage and transport it to landfills. Learn how garbage trucks lift garbage cans, pack down garbage, and get rid of their smelly cargo! Blastoff! Series

Pickup Trucks

Derek Zobel (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110332

These tough vehicles can transport materials for work or play. A digger can load a pickup truck with dirt, or a pickup truck can tow a boat on its hitch. Kids will find out how these machines are useful in our everyday lives. Blastoff! Series

Skid Steer Loaders

Kay Manolis (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110400

Skid steer loaders are small construction machines that can do many different jobs. They are very useful for working in small places. Follow a skid steer loader as it drills a hole, lifts up a tree, or moves dirt. Blastoff! Series


M. T. Martin (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110219

Did you know a bulldozers blade can be as heavy as an elephant? A bulldozer breaks apart rocks or dirt and uses its blade to clear things out of the way. Students will learn about the different parts of a bulldozer and the various places a bulldozer works. Blastoff! Series


Kay Manolis (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110172

Clear the road for the speeding ambulance! These vehicles need to get to an emergency as fast as possible. Learn about the equipment an ambulance carries and how ambulance workers save lives. Blastoff! Series

Bucket Trucks

Derek Zobel (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110202

When you lose electricity during a storm, a bucket truck may come to the rescue. Bucket trucks help people reach things high up like power lines, trees, or traffic lights. Discover a bucket trucks different uses and how this machine works. Blastoff! Series


Mary Lindeen (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110165

Airplanes come in all shapes and sizes, from small to jumbo. Some airplanes can fly as fast as 2,000 miles per hour. Take a first look at the parts of an airplane, and hold on tight for take off! Blastoff! Series

Concrete Mixers

Ray McClellan (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110226

Have you ever wanted to leave your handprint in a patch of wet concrete? You may have wondered how concrete is formed and how it is set down to harden. This introduction offers a glimpse into this process and the giant machine behind it. Blastoff! Series

Big Rigs

Kay Manolis (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110196

Have you ever seen a big truck on the highway? That is called a big rig. It transports many of the things we use in our everyday lives. Read about the different types of big rigs and how they transport cargo. Blastoff! Series


Ray McClellan (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110189

Backhoes are powerful machines that help build houses or other structures. The strongest part of a backhoe is its digging bucket, which scoops up dirt and rocks. Young readers will find out how this machine operates and works in this easy introduction. Blastoff! Series


Anne Wendorff

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1600141889

Underwater earthquakes, volcanoes, and mudslides can cause tsunami waves that reach land and wreak havoc. Children will learn how tsunamis develop, how they are detected, and their devastating impact on communities. Blastoff! Series


Kay Manolis

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1600141854

Hurricane winds spin around a central point called an eye. A hurricane's eye usually has calm weather and clear skies. Eager readers will discover how hurricanes form, move, and damage tropical areas. Blastoff! Series

AC-130H/U Gunships

Carlos Alvarez

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144936

Get close to the battlefield in one of the most heavily armed gunships in the world. The AC-130 has enough firepower to take out enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. Learn about the history of the AC-130, its weapons and features, and how it supports ground troops in their missions.

AH-1W Super Cobras

Carlos Alvarez

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612110639

The United States Marine Corps uses the Super Cobra to support Marines and take out enemy vehicles. Loaded with missiles, guns, and rockets, the Super Cobra is a very efficient force on the battlefield. Readers will explore the history of the Super Cobra and how this attack helicopter helps the Marine Corps complete missions.


Carlos Alvarez

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144967

Named after two soldiers who won the Medal of Honor, the Stryker is an armored combat vehicle that serves many roles in the United States Army. Strykers can carry troops, guns, and missiles. They can also work as ambulances, fire trucks, and reconnaissance vehicles. Discover why the Stryker is going to be a mainstay in the Army for many years.