Search Results: 139 books from 23 publishers. Learn more

Measuring Time with a Clock

Beth Bence Reinke (author), Kathleen Petelinsek (illustrator)

Publisher: Cherry Lake Publishing ISBN: 9781624317040

Real-world examples and engaging activities guide readers in learning about measuring time from an analog and digital clock using a.m. and p.m. Readers practice selecting appropriate measuring tools and units of measurement, converting between units, and solving problems by measuring.

Measuring Time with a Calendar

Darice Bailer (author), Kathleen Petelinsek (illustrator)

Publisher: Cherry Lake Publishing ISBN: 9781624317033

Real-world examples and engaging activities guide readers in learning about measuring time with a calendar. Readers practice selecting appropriate measuring tools and units of measurement, converting between units, and solving problems by measuring.

Measuring Volume

Beth Bence Reinke (author), Kathleen Petelinsek (illustrator)

Publisher: Cherry Lake Publishing ISBN: 9781624317057

Real-world examples and engaging activities guide readers in learning about measuring volume. Readers practice selecting appropriate measuring tools and units of measurement, converting between units, and solving problems by measuring.

Locura de medianoche en el zoológico

Sherryn Craig (author), Karen Jones (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628557589

El bullicio de la multitud está disminuyendo y el zoológico se queda en silencio por la noche. El oso polar toma la pelota y la rebota sobre la cancha; el juego nocturno comienza. Una rana se une al juego para jugar uno a uno y luego, un pingüino entra caminando como un pato para unirse al equipo. Cuenta cómo va creciendo el juego conforme se va su mando cada nuevo animal y el campo de jugadores llega a diez. Tres cebras sirven participan como árbitros y llevan el cronómetro, porque este juego debe terminar antes que la cuidadora del zoológico haga sus rondas.

Number 1 Teacher: A School Counting Book

Steven L. Layne (author), Deborah Dover Layne (illustrator)

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press ISBN: 9781627536424

From the five lines on a music staff to the seven colors of the rainbow, all the way up to the famous 100th day of school, Number 1 Teacher: A School Counting Book takes a by-the-numbers approach to helping young readers understand and identify many of the concepts and lessons they'll learn in elementary school. There are 3 forms of matter we learn in science class-- One is liquid; two is solid; and the third is gas. Geography, music, and how to tell time are just a few of the many topics featured.

Tally Charts

Sherra G. Edgar (author)

Publisher: Cherry Lake Publishing ISBN: 9781624314339

This Level 2 guided reader teaches how to interpret and create tally charts. Students will develop word recognition and reading skills while learning about counting, skip-counting by 5s, and representing numbers using tally charts.

La asombrosa carrera entre la tortuga y la liebre

Marianne Berkes (author), Cathy Morrison (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628556551

El recuento de la clásica historia con un giro matemático. Lucas, la liebre, siempre estaba presumiendo acerca de lo rápido que él era. Un día, reta a la tortuga Teodora a una carrera de una milla cuesta arriba a la colina. Lucas salta hacia adelante en el primer octavo de la milla. Mientras Teodora se acerca, él lo vuelve a hacer otra vez. Las medidas de fracciones y distancia marcan su progreso mientras Lucas y Teodora corren a la línea de meta

Tortoise and Hare's Amazing Race

Marianne Berkes (author), Cathy Morrison (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628556506

A retelling of the classic story with a math twist. Henry Hare was always bragging about how fast he was. One day he challenges Tessie Tortoise to a mile-long race up the hill. Henry leaps ahead for the first eighth of a mile. As Tessie approaches, he bounds ahead again. Fractions and distance measurements mark their progress as Tessie and Henry race to the finish line.

El zoológico Fibonacci

Tom Robinson (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628555899

Cuando Elías y su padre visitan tan inusual zoológico, ellos cuentan a las criaturas en cada una de las exhibiciones. Elías ve un cocodrilo, después un bisonte y luego, dos camellos. De repente, surge un patrón numérico y Elías piensa que él puede predecir cuántos animales habrá en la siguiente exhibición. Explora el zoológico con Elías mientras él avanza hacía adelante para probar su hipótesis

Fibonacci Zoo

Tom Robinson (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628555806

When Eli and his father visit an unusual zoo, they count the creatures in each exhibit. Eli sees one alligator, then one bison, and next two camels. Soon a number pattern emerges and Eli thinks he can predict how many animals will be in the next exhibit. Explore the zoo with Eli as he runs ahead to test his hypothesis.


Lyn Sirota (author), Reginald Butler (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733430

Readers learn how this simple machine makes it easier to keep objects locked together. By the end of the book, readers know the difference between complex and simple machines and how screws are used in everyday life to make work easier.


Katie Marsico (author), Reginald Butler (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733423

Readers learn how this simple machine makes it easier to lift and lower objects. They learn about fixed and movable pulleys and when it is best to use each. By the end of the book, readers know the difference between complex and simple machines and how pulleys are used in everyday life to make work easier.

Measuring Weight

Julia Vogel (author), Luanne Marten (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733515

In this book, readers learn what gravity is and how it impacts weight. They learn about the US customary system and the metric system, where each is used, and the units of measurement in each system. Readers also learn about balances, scales, and estimating weights.

Measuring Volume

Julia Vogel (author), Luanne Marten (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733508

In this book, readers learn what volume is and why and how it is measured. They learn about the US customary system and the metric system, where each is used, and the units of measurement in each system. Readers also learn about volumes of liquids and solids.

Measuring Temperature

Julia Vogel (author), Luanne Marten (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733492

In this book, readers learn what temperature is and why and how it is measured. They learn about the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales and where each is used. Readers learn about thermometers and how they help us in everyday life--from taking body temperatures to regulating how cool or warm our homes are.

Measuring Time: The Clock

Julia Vogel (author), Luanne Marten (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733485

In this book, readers learn what the clock measures and why knowing how to tell time--in seconds, minutes, and hours--is important. They learn the history of the clocks, including sundials and hourglasses. They also learn how to read analog and digital clocks to tell time. Sidebars instruct math by showing readers how to add and subtract hours.

Measuring Time: The Calendar

Julia Vogel (author), Luanne Marten (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733478

In this book, readers learn what the calendar measures and why knowing how to measure days, weeks, months, and years is important. They learn the history of the lunar and solar calendars, how days and months get their names, and the different calendars around the world. Sidebars instruct math by showing readers how to add and subtract days.


Katie Marsico (author), Reginald Butler (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733416

Readers learn how this simple machine makes it easier to lift, lower, and open things. They learn the three types of levers: first-class, second-class, and third-class. By the end of the book, readers know the difference between complex and simple machines and how levers are used in everyday life to make work easier.

Inclined Planes

Katie Marsico (author), Reginald Butler (illustrator)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781614733409

Readers learn how this simple machine makes it easier to move things to different levels. They learn how flatter slopes use less effort than steeper slopes. By the end of the book, readers know the difference between complex and simple machines and how inclined planes are used in everyday life to make lifting and lowering objects easier.

Push and Pull With Big Machines

Nicola Lopetz (author)

Publisher: Blue Door Education ISBN: 9780991502493

Big machines used in this book to explore force and motion. Important science words like push, pull, machines, and force highlighted in sidebars throughout.

¡A dividir en grande!

Suzanne Slade (author), Erin E. Hunter (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185482

A los animales, como a las personas, les gusta pasar el tiempo con sus amigos y su familia. Muchos grupos de animales tienen nombres propios que son únicos. ¿Sabías que a muchos gorilas juntos se le llama grupo? ¿Y que a un grupo de cabras monteses se le llama rebaño? Siguiendo los pasos en ¡A volar con la multiplicación (la multiplicación), ¿Qué es nuevo en el Zoológico? (la adición) y ¿Cuál es la diferencia? (la sustracción), este libro rítmico, divertido de leer en voz alta presenta la división a los niños mientras conquistan grupos, rebaños, manadas y más

La dama de los pingüinos

Carol A. Cole (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185543

¡Penélope Parker vive con unos pingüinos! Pequeños, grandes; jóvenes y viejos—los pingüinos vienen de todas partes del Hemisferio Sur incluyendo algunos que viven ¡cerca del ecuador! Las bromas de los pingüinos ¿van más allá de lo que ella puede aguantar? Los niños cuentan y después comparan y contrastan a diez diferentes especies de pingüinos mientras aprenden geografía.

The Penguin Lady

Carol A. Cole (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185451

Penelope Parker lives with penguins! Short ones, tall ones; young and old--the penguins are from all over the Southern Hemisphere including some that live near the equator! Do the penguin antics prove too much for her to handle? Children count and then compare and contrast ten different penguin species as they learn geography.

The Great Divide

Suzanne Slade (author), Erin E. Hunter (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185390

Animals, like people, enjoy spending time with their friends and family. Many groups of animals have their own unique names. Did you know group of gorillas is a called a band? And a bunch of billy goats is a tribe? Following in the footsteps of Multiply on the Fly (multiplication), What's New at the Zoo? (addition) and What's the Difference? (subtraction), this rhythmic, fun-to-read-aloud book introduces children to division as they conquer bands, tribes, mobs and more.

Ten for Me

Barbara Mariconda (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180999

Two friends take off on a butterfly hunt, only to find themselves tangled in a mathematics net! Written in rhyme, award-winning author Barbara Mariconda takes you along as the narrator, Rose, and her friend Ed race to see who can catch the most butterflies on this addition adventure. "How many in all? Let's add them again!" shout the butterfly hunters. Who will win? Ten for Me makes math fun, easy, and entertaining, while adding a touch of the natural world into cross-curricular education.