Search Results: 33 books from 7 publishers. Learn more

The Black Hole Debacle

Keri Claiborne Boyle (author) Deborah Melmon (illustrator)

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press ISBN: 9781534112117

Jordie is awed by asteroids, perplexed by planets, and mesmerized by moons. She can't believe her luck when she finds a black hole taking up residence in her desk at school. Of course she's keeping it. But when the black hole starts snarfing everything in sight--including Neptune the dog--she realizes that black holes need wide open spaces, galaxies to graze, and stars to slurp. So she sets things right. Just not before she embarking on a wild, time- and space-bending mission to save her pup.

El diente flojo del alce

Nancy Louise Spinelle (author) Gloria Gedeon (illustrator)

Publisher: Kaeden Books ISBN: 9781641320238

Everyone has a suggestion for poor Moose. Will he ever lose his loose tooth?

I Met A Dinosaur

Jan Wahl (author), Chris Sheban (illustrator)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781566605083

What is a stegosaurus doing at the gas station? Why is an apatosaurus on its way to the park?

Lightning Bugs

Ann Ketch (author) Joyce Hood (illustrator)

Publisher: Kaeden Books ISBN: 9781641324052

Catching lightning bugs is so much fun! Will Mom be as excited to see what's in the jar?

Another Sneeze, Louise!

Cheryl A. Potts (author) Gloria Gedeon (illustrator)

Publisher: Kaeden Books ISBN: 9781641323086

Readers will follow Louise as she does her favorite things, and predict what is making her sneeze.

Can You Whoo, Too?

Harriet Ziefert (author), Sophie Fatus (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609055240

In farmyards, jungles, and oceans, almost every animal has something to say! Roosters cock-a-doodle-do. Can you cock-a-doodle, too? Here's a book that invites kids to make some noise. Young readers will love the interactive experience of reading about, then mimicking, animal sounds. And as kids say honk, squawk, moo, and whoo, they'll be learning, too! Science and nature facts are featured in sidebars—why do whales sing? What does a rooster want us to know? This unique combination of language arts, science, and noisy fun is a dynamic duet with cacophonous kid-appeal.

Please Don't Eat Me!

Harriet Ziefert (author) Roger De Muth (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781948621526

Were you thinking of having fish for dinner? The fish in this story may talk you out of it! After all, fish are pretty bony...and have you seen what they eat? 

If I had a Dog

Juliana O'Neill (author) Laura Nikiel (illustrator)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532407635

If I had a dog, I would play with it. If you had a dog, what would you do with it? What would it do with you? This funny beginning reader is perfect for kids who think they want a dog. With 32 unique words, If I had a Dog, is part of the Reading Stars series and makes a great book for kids just starting out in their love of reading.

Dogs All Dressed Up

Xist Publishing (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781623951634

It's time for doggie dress up! These cute pooches put on their best in this Discover Series Picture Book. DOGS ALL DRESSED UP features 25 dogs in a wide range of costumes. Early readers will love flipping through the simple and colorful photos while older children can't help but laugh at a dog in a tutu. Used as a jump start for interaction, Discover Series Picture Books are a great way to introduce new images, words and concepts to kids.

Saturno para mi cumpleaños

John McGranaghan (author), Wendy Edelson (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359655

Jeffery quiere Saturno para su cumpleaños y quiere - todas las 47 lunas. Después de todo ¡estas podrían ser luces fantásticas para la noche! Pero él no es egoísta; él compartirá los anillos con algunos de sus amigos de la escuela y su profesora, la Srta. Cassini. Los hechos reales acerca de Saturno están entrelazados inadvertidamente en esta historia divertida en la que Geraldo explica lo que él hará en el presente y como él lo cuidará. Será mejor que su papá se apresure con la orden porque el pedido puede que tome un tiempo largo.

Si tú fueras un loro

Katherine Rawson (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359464

¿Qué es precisamente lo que hace un loro todo el día? Únase a la diversión mientras los niños se imaginan cómo sería la vida de un loro como mascota. Juntos, los niños y los loros, se treparían en toda la casa, sobre los muebles y en las cortinas con las patas de un loro de cuatro dedos, y después masticarían las cucharas de madera, los palos de las paletas, e incluso un directorio telefónico con sus picos de gancho. La diversión continúa comiendo verduras deliciosas como el brócoli, hablando, tomando un baño, y finalmente acurrucándose para dormir

Reptile rap

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427195173

Rap is being used to teach reading in many schools today. It is a fun way to introduce sounds and rhymes, as well as beat. This books hilarious pictures of rapping reptiles will make children laugh and want to create their own rap verses. The funny rapping reptiles introduce their classifications, body structures, behavior, and food choices in a really cool way.

It looks like a dog

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196538

When is a dog not a dog? When it's dressed up like a bee, or a spider, or a cow! Repetitive text structure and hilarious photos of dogs in costumes will keep very young readers turning the pages of this entertaining book. Each page also includes a picture of the animal the dogs are impersonating. A simple activity at the end asks children to match dogs with people who are dressed the same way.

Hip-hop dancers

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791980

Children will love the comical photographs of animals in different hip-hop dance positions! Dancing lemurs, bunnies, chimpanzees, and elephants groove to a simple rhyme pattern in this entertaining book. Children are asked to choose the hip-hop animal they think is the best dancer, as well as the animal or group of animals having the most fun.

You Can't Taste a Pickle with Your Ear

Harriet Ziefert (author), Amanda Haley (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609054182

Why can't you hear a siren with your eyes? Spot an airplane with your hands? And how come a pickle on your ear isn't delicious? In You Can't Take a Pickle with Your Ear kids discover how each of their five senses is hard at work all day long, providing them with information and helping them get the most out of their daily lives. Whenever you think, "I'm oh-so-sweet," Pull off your socks and smell your feet! Sections such as "Hold Your Nose" and "Stick Out Your Tongue" (not the same time!) encourage hands-on investigations of what's happening inside kids' bodies and why a tongue is best for pickle tasting.

You Can't Build a House If You're a Hippo!

Fred Ehrlich (author), Amanda Haley (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609054830

This title in the You Can't . . . series explores the kinds of homes animals live in and compares these with people houses. Fascinating facts, punctuated by humorous poems, feature animals whose bodies create their home and those that live in nests, burrows, dens, etc.

You Can't See Your Bones with Binoculars

Harriet Ziefert (author), Amanda Haley (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609054175

What's inside your rib cage? Hint: it's not a canary! Why is bumping your humerus totally not funny? Why do football players and carpenters need knee pads? Kids will learn about all 206 of their very own bones - what they look like, where they are, what they do. Actual x-rays of real bones take kids through the skeletal system, inviting them to locate and explore their own bones. Clear explanations (fact-checked and approved by a pediatrician), colorful illustrations, and humorous analogies make for a fresh look at a familiar topic. From head to toe (or from cranium to phalanges), kids will get a skeleton of fascinating bone-formation!

You Can't Take Your Body to a Car Mechanic

Fred Ehrlich (author), Amanda Haley (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609054526

Can a hammer fix a cold? Can a screwdriver drive away an itchy spot? Whats the difference between a virus and an allergy or a pimple and a wart? Dr. Fred Ehrlich explains all about ills, chills, what makes us sniffle and feel sore; and how doctors, treatments, and processes inside us can handle our bodies ick-ness and sickness. But, you CANT find any of these fixer-uppers . . . in a toolbox!

You Can't Use Your Brain if You're a Jellyfish

Fred Ehrlich (author), Amanda Haley (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609054540

This title provides a fun and informative look at brains; insect brains, bird brains, dog brains, monkey brains, and our brains and how they have each adapted to particular survival needs. This complex subject is made not only understandable but fascinating, and sometimes even funny!

You Can't Ride a Bicycle to the Moon

Harriet Ziefert (author), Amanda Haley (illustrator)

Publisher: Blue Apple Books ISBN: 9781609054199

What should I eat in space today? Something that won't float away! Food that sticks onto a spoon Is best when dining on the moon. Learn all about the pioneering dog-stronauts and how technology created for space affects our life on earth. Each section tops off with activities and kick-starting questions that expand a child's understanding of the subject matter and how it applies to the wider world and his or her daily life. Make it personal, make it fun, and science will captivate young readers

El pronóstico del sistema solar

Kelly Kizer Whitt (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185505

Temperaturas bajo cero, el calor abrasador y las tormentas más grandes que el planeta Tierra son sólo algunas de las condiciones meteorológicas salvaje que se encontrará en su viaje a través del sistema solar! Las cosas divertidas, junto con su pronóstico para cada planeta mayor, así como una luna (Titán) y un planeta enano (Plutón). ¡Prepárate para algunos fuera de este mundo con la diversión Pronóstico del Sistema Solar!

Conoce los planetas

John McGranaghan (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181538

Viaja por el Sistema Solar para atestiguar el primer concurso de planeta favorito, presentado nada más y nada menos que por el antiguo noveno planeta, ahora conocido como Plutón, el planeta enano. Los lectores serán los jueces ya que el sol no puede seleccionar a un favorito y los meteoros se van a dejar una estela. ¿Cuál será el planeta ganador afortunado? ¿Podría ser el mensajero rápido Mercurio; o “luz en sus pies”, Saturno; o el caliente-humeante, Venus? Los lectores aprenderán todo acerca de cada planeta cuando Plutón les anuncie los hechos en formas cortas, irónicas. Los niños pasarán horas buscando el arte en todas las referencias de los científicos famosos y de la gente de la historia; de la tecnología espacial, de las constelaciones, del arte, y de la literatura clásica

Meet the Planets

John McGranaghan (author), Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181439

Soar into the Solar System to witness the first Favorite Planet Competition, emceed by none other than the former-ninth planet, now known as dwarf planet Pluto. The readers become the judges after the sun can't pick a favorite and the meteors leave for a shower. Who will the lucky winning planet be? Could it be speedy-messenger Mercury, light-on-his-feet Saturn, or smoking-hot Venus? Readers learn all about each planet as Pluto announces them with short, tongue-in-cheek facts. Children will spend hours searching the art for all the references to famous scientists and people of history, space technology, constellations, art, and classic literature.

Feliz cumpleaños ¿a quién? un libro de adivinanzas de los animales bebes

Doris Fisher (author), Lisa Downey (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359457

Los bebes vienen en todas las formas y tamaños. Algunos tiene pelos y otros tienen plumas. Algunos pueden ser hijos únicos o ¡pueden tener más de cien hermanos! Algunos son grandes (23 pies) y algunos pequeños como una gomita en forma de judía. ¿Puedes adivinar cual es el bebé animal siguiendo las pistas de los anuncios de nacimiento?

Antes del día en el zoológico

Catherine Ipcizade (author), Ben Hodson (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359617

Esta encantadora adaptación del clásico infantil, ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas, lleva a los lectores al zoológico, mientras que los preparativos para “el día en el zoológico” se están llevando a cabo. Pero las cosas no están yendo de acuerdo al plan…las llamas no dejan de escupir, las jirafas están babeando, y las cebras no están contentas con sus rayas. Mientras tanto, los encargados del zoológico corren a toda prisa de aquí para allá, limpian la pupú, hacen sonar las campanas anunciando la hora de comer, y tratan de bañar a los animales. Pero, ¿están escuchando los elefantes traviesos? De ninguna manera. Y por si ésto no fuera poco, un pobre cocodrilo confunde a una abeja con una mosca, así que en lugar de comerse su cena, ¡recibe un piquete en el ojo! ¿estará todo bien? ¿los encargados tendrán que pasar la noche en el zoológico? ¿el día al zoológico pasará sin ningún contratiempo?