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Emily K. Green

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612111759

Did you know that dragonflies have six legs like other insects, but cannot walk? Dragonflies use their powerful wings to get from place to place. Learn all about a dragonfly's wings and how dragonflies use the other parts of their bodies to hunt and survive. Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 160014313X

Weighing in at more than 400 pounds, anacondas are the world's heaviest snakes! This book explores how these massive creatures look, where they live, and the way they stalk prey. Blastoff! Series

Boa Constrictors

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600143144

Boa constrictors slither around smelling for prey with their forked tongues. Eager students will learn what these fierce hunters look like, where they can be found, and how they use their coils to kill. Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600143182

Pythons can measure up to 30 feet long! Students will explore how pythons look, the environments in which they live, how they use senses to track prey, and how they can swallow large animals whole! Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1612112455

Constantly growing, rattlesnakes are often shedding their skin and gaining new rattles on their tail. Discover what these noisy creatures look like, the places they dwell, and how they strike unsuspecting prey. Blastoff! Series

Caring for Your Cat

Derek Zobel

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144653

Cats are the most popular house pets in the world. Discover why humans love the companionship of these playful, though sometimes moody, creatures. Learn what cats need in their daily lives and how to play with them so that you can take good care of your cat. Blastoff! Series

Caring for Your Dog

Derek Zobel

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612112916

It is estimated that there are currently 400 million dogs in the world. Many people keep these energetic, loving animals as pets and enjoy taking them on walks or playing fetch with them in their backyards. However, it's not just all play and no work. Training and taking care of your dog can be a challenging and rewarding task! Blastoff! Series

Caring for Your Horse

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144691

Keeping a pet horse is a very personal and involved experience. A horse requires a stable, a space to run around in, and all sorts of equipment. You can learn how to ride your horse and do a variety of activities with it. You'll have a lot of fun once things take off at a gallop! Blastoff! Series

Caring for Your Parakeet

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144707

Parakeets are very intelligent pets and can even learn to talk to their owners! This process can take a while because you must gradually make your parakeet comfortable in its new surroundings. Learn how to talk gently to it and feed it, and soon you will become its favorite companion. Blastoff! Series

Caring for Your Rabbit

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144714

Rabbits love to chew on everything from carrots to couch cushions. In fact, a rabbit's teeth never stop growing! Learn all about brushing your rabbit's fur, maintaining its cage, and taking it out to play and exercise in this informative how-to book. Blastoff! Series


Martha E. H. Rustad

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600140778

Ladybugs don't have spots all their lives, and some never have spots. Not a plant-eating insect, ladybugs love to eat aphids and are often used to protect plants. Early readers will learn how ladybugs grow and develop spots, hunt aphids, and live through the changes of season. Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1600144535

Living in parts of the Eastern United States, copperheads are named after the orange-brown color of their bodies. Students will learn about the diet, habitats, and physical characteristics of these poisonous snakes. Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144547

Cottonmouths are named after the white color inside of their mouths. They open their mouths wide to threaten predators that get too close! Readers will discover where cottonmouths live, what they eat, and why they can be very dangerous! Blastoff! Series

Rat Snakes

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1600144551

Did you know that rat snakes can see better at night than most other snakes? Their vision helps them catch insects, rodents, and other prey. Explore the many habitats of rat snakes, what rat snakes eat, and how rat snakes fight off predators in this informative title. Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612112473

Sidewinders leave J-shaped tracks when they slither through the deserts of the Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. Students will learn why sidewinders leave such tracks, what sidewinders eat, and how these poisonous snakes stay safe in the wide-open desert. Blastoff! Series

The Life Cycle of a Cow

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600144516

Weighing around 1,300 pounds, an adult dairy cow produces about 90 glasses of milk every day! Young readers will learn the different stages of a cow's life cycle, watching as calves grow into heifers and then adult cows. Blastoff! Series


Martha E. H. Rustad

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600140785

Mosquitoes can move their wings 450 to 600 times per second! That is the buzzing sound you hear when a mosquito is nearby. This book explains how mosquitoes live, how they bite humans and animals, and why they need to draw blood to survive. Blastoff! Series


Martha E. H. Rustad

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1612111823

Moths are attracted to bright lights, though it is still unknown exactly why that is. Like butterflies, moths grow from caterpillars into insects with beautiful wings. Discover moths with wings of all different colors, shapes, and sizes! Blastoff! Series

Stink Bugs

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 161211184X

When this insect releases the smell it gets its name from, predators run away as fast as possible! There are thousands of different stink bugs that live all over the world. Get a first look at the different kinds of stink bugs, what they eat, and when they resort to releasing their stink. Blastoff! Series


Martha E. H. Rustad

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600140761

Did you know that wasps chew plants and wood to make a paste that hardens into paper? They use this paste to make the nests in which they live. Eager readers will learn how wasps help protect plants, use their stingers, and build different kinds of nests. Blastoff! Series


Martha E. H. Rustad

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600141089

Termites live in colonies that are some of the most highly organized communities of insects in nature. There can be millions of termites in a colony, and each termite has a special job. Learn all about termite kings, queens, soldiers, workers, and the huge mounds that these insects make their homes. Blastoff! Series


Emily K. Green

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612111865

Do you think you could spot a walkingstick on a tree branch? Walkingsticks are able to camouflage themselves so completely with their surroundings that some develop leaf-like veins on their bodies. This book introduces how these amazing insects live, hide from predators, and find food. Blastoff! Series

Honey Bees

Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600140525

Honey bees collect pollen and nectar from hundreds of flowers a day. This helps flowers spread pollen to each other to make new seeds. Discover how bees go back to their hives and use the pollen and nectar to create sweet honey! Blastoff! Series


Colleen Sexton

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612112381

With threatening hoods and fangs full of venom, cobras are powerful predators able to paralyze their prey and swallow it whole. Find out how cobras look, where cobras live, and the way they fool predators. Blastoff! Series


Martha E. H. Rustad

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781600143090

Ladybugs spend part of their life cycle as larva. Every day a ladybug larva eats about 30 tiny green insects called aphids. Young children will watch a ladybug go from egg to adult. Blastoff! Series