Search Results: 2,873 books from 35 publishers. Learn more

I Care About Animals

Liz Lennon (author) Michael Buxton (illustrator)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427129017

This beautiful guide to caring about animals helps children understand why animals are important, how littering is harmful to animals, what a habitat is, why some animals are endangered, and much more!

How Did the Creature Cross the Road?

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711997

Roadway overpasses in Canada's Banff National Park allow bears and deer to safely cross roads, Readers also discover fish ladders and “salmon cannons” in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, rope swings for monkeys in China, and colorful crab bridges in Australia.

Fantastic Homes for Flying Creatures

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711980

This book shows the importance of bat houses, bird houses, and butterfly shelters and how building these simple structures can save the lives of endangered species. Readers will also explore the importance of butterfly gardens and how they provide food and shelter for some of Earth’s most fragile and beautiful creatures.

Caution: Turtles and Frogs Ahead!

Joanne Mattern, Maxime Bonneau (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711973

Reptiles and amphibians need special help crossing roads. This book focuses on different approaches, from tiny turtle tunnels under railroad tracks in Japan, to salamander tunnels and turtle crossing guards in the U.S., to toad tunnels in the UK, and bucket brigades for frogs and toads in France.

Safe Travels for Squirrels

Maxime Bonneau (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711966

Forest villages in France, England, the U.S. and Australia feature rope bridges and buckets of acorns for squirrels. Readers will meet some of the rescuers helping these little red squirrels survive.

What's So Scary About Spiders?

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711751

Spiders seem scary, but they are really quiet creatures who help humans by eating many insect pests. And it’s hard not to love nature’s best engineer as it builds elaborate web homes. Young readers will explore the world of spiders and their awesome abilities in this exciting and informative look at a creepy creature who really isn’t scary at all.

What's So Scary About Snakes?

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711744

Even venomous snakes can be helpful to people and Planet Earth! Young readers will learn the truth about the many different kinds of snakes, how to tell which ones are truly dangerous and which ones just want to be left alone, and explore up close the unique bodies that help these reptiles survive.

What's So Scary About Bats?

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781643711720

Bats have a bad reputation as blood-sucking creatures of the night. But these fascinating mammals actually help people by eating insect pests and pollinating fruit trees and flowers. In this book packed with fun facts and vivid photographs, readers will learn all about the bat’s amazing body, its habits and activities, and how they can help this important species survive.

If You Wake a Skunk

Carol Doeringer (author) Florence Weiser (illustrator)

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press ISBN: 9781668918098

Oh-oh! A skunk! What's a pair of campers to do? This laugh-out-loud cautionary tale will have readers cringing as each page is turned. Tension builds as the campers creep closer and tempt fate, dismissing the skunk's warnings. But skunks can be fakers. Does this one have the stink to stank the campers? Title includes back matter about skunk biology and behavior, and supports elementary NGSS units related to animal survival and adaptations.

A Pigeon in Paris: Petite Takes Flight

Paige Howard (author) Joanie Stone (illustrator)

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press ISBN: 9781668918111

When mother pigeon arrives in Paris she knows it's the perfect place to call home--for a while. She makes her nest and lays her eggs and, when her babies hatch, nurtures them until they're strong enough to take flight. But as little Petite watches her brother and sister take off, she determines she is too scared and simply will not fly. With her family's encouragement she finally tries--and falls--and tries again. And learns an important lesson about fear, failure, and inner strength that will carry her throughout her high-flying life.

Hush, Puppy

Sigmund Brouwer (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810570

Eleven-year-old Charlie Dembinski lives by the rules he writes down in his notebook. He knows that animals behave in predictable ways and it's easy for him to understand them. What Charlie doesn’t understand is why people aren’t the same way. Faced with a swarm of bees attached to a car, a cat with an unusual lump, a large dog who eats jewelry, a little dog who’s lost his confidence, and a best friend who’s upset for reasons he doesn’t understand, Charlie is put to the test. Can his rules help solve these problems? The third book in the Charlie's Rules series from bestselling author Sigmund Brouwer, Hush, Puppy is sure to delight young animal lovers. The straightforward plot, black-and-white illustrations and unique animal stories make this the perfect chapter book for early readers.

Bear in the Family

Eric Walters (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832985

On returning to their home after a massive wildfire, nine-year-old Jasmin and her seven-year-old brother, Hunter, thought the biggest surprise would be whether their fire-resistant house had survived. Jasmin and Hunter did not expect to find an orphaned bear cub stuck in the neighbors’ well. Rescuing the tiny cub from the well was the easy part; now they need to care for it until the people from the bear-rescue sanctuary can make it safely through the fires to pick it up. The cub turns out to be exactly what one would expect of a wild animal—a huge handful!

Wolf, Coyote, and Other Packs

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807082

How can African wild dogs hunt animals ten times their size? What does the howl of a coyote mean? Why do some solitary hunters live in packs? Discover the answers in this engaging book and learn about the many ways living in a pack helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.

Penguin, Prairie Dog, and Other Colonies

Kylie Burns (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807051

How do penguin colonies care for their young? Why do great blue herons migrate in groups? How do prairie dogs warn others of danger? Discover the answers in this interesting book and learn about the many ways living in a colony helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.

Gorilla, Baboon, and Other Troops

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807044

Why do gorilla troops move to a new area each day? Why do bonobos sleep in large groups? How do animals in a troop help raise young? Discover the answers in this amazing book and learn about the many ways living in a troop helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide.

Elephant, Deer, and Other Herds

Cynthia O'Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807037

How do elephants in a herd communicate? Why are caribou safer in large herds? Why do zebras migrate in groups with wildebeest? Discover the answers in this fascinating book and learn about the many ways living in a herd helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.

¿Hipopótamo o rinoceronte? Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes

Samantha Collison (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638173014

¿Sabes cuál animal es el hipopótamo y cuál es el rinoceronte? Sí, ambos viven en partes de África, pero los rinocerontes también viven en partes de Asia. Ambos comen hierbas, pero uno pasa la mayor parte del día refrescándose en el agua y solo sale a tierra para pastar en la tarde. El otro pasa la mayor parte de su día pastando. Algunos monos tienen colas prensiles, ¿pero sabías que una especie de rinoceronte tiene un labio superior prensil? ¡Explora las similitudes y diferencias entre estos mamíferos en la edición más reciente de la serie de Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes!

Mitos de Animales

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638172734

Algunas historias se cuentan tan seguido que la gente comienza a creérselas, aunque no son verdaderas. Si suficientes personas empiezan a creer en este tipo de historias falsas, a las segundas se les llama mito. ¿Sabes qué es verdad y qué no lo es? ¿Los puercoespines realmente lanzan sus púas? ¿Alguien puede ser tan ciego como un murciélago? ¿Las serpientes son babosas o las zarigüeyas cuelgan de sus colas? ¿Y qué tanta madera puede masticar una marmota? Aprende qué es verdad y qué no lo es en la incorporación más reciente de la serie de Anatomía de los Animales, de Mary Holland

Aves: Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes

Aszya Summers (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638172765

Desde los pequeños colibríes hasta las altas grullas trompeteras, las aves están entre los animales más diversos del planeta. Se les encuentra en todo tipo de hábitats alrededor del mundo, y son unos de los animales más abundantes, con más de 900 especies en Norteamérica. Las aves viven en montañas altas, bosques densos, desiertos o cerca de ríos y océanos. Algunas se alimentan de frutos secos y semillas, mientras que otras capturan y comen animales pequeños. La mayoría de las aves vuelan, pero algunas prefieren caminar e incluso nadar. Aprende qué tienen en común las aves, cómo se diferencian y cómo están adaptadas a su ambiente en la edición más reciente de la serie de Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes.

¿Oso negro u oso pardo? Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes

Chris Schmitz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638172758

Si vieras un oso en el bosque, ¿podrías darte cuenta si es un oso negro u oso pardo? Aprende qué tienen en común estas dos especies de osos y cómo diferenciarlas. ¿Los osos pardos siempre son castaños o los osos negros siempre son negros? ¿Cuáles tienen garras cortas y pronunciadamente curvas y cuáles tienen garras largas y ligeramente curvas? ¿Comen las mismas cosas? ¡Explora las similitudes y diferencias entre estos mamíferos en la edición más reciente a la serie de Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes!

Hippo or Rhino? A Compare and Contrast Book

Samantha Collison (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170297

Do you know which animal is the hippopotamus (hippo) and which is the rhinoceros (rhino)? Yes, they both live in parts of Africa, but rhinos also live in parts of Asia. Both eat grasses, but one spends most of their day cooling off in the water and only comes onto land to graze in the evening. The other spends most of their day grazing. Some monkeys have prehensile tails, but did you know that one rhino species has a prehensile upper lip? Explore the similarities and differences between these mammals in this latest addition to the Compare and Contrast Series!

Birds: A Compare and Contrast Book

Aszya Summers (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170228

From petite Hummingbirds to tall Whooping Cranes, birds are some of the most diverse animals on the earth. They are found in all types of habitats around the world and are one of the most abundant animals with more than 900 species in North America. Birds live in high-altitude mountains, dense forests, deserts, or near rivers and oceans. Some eat nuts and seeds, while others capture and eat small animals. Most birds fly, but some birds prefer to walk or even swim. Learn what birds have in common, how they are different, and how they are well-suited for their environment in this latest edition in the Compare and Contrast Book series.

Black Bear or Grizzly Bear? A Compare and Contrast Book

Chris Schmitz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170211

If you were to see a bear in the woods, could you tell if it’s a black bear or grizzly bear? Learn what these two species of bears have in common and how to tell them apart. Are grizzly bears always brown or are black bears always black? Which have short, sharply-curved claws and which have long, gently-curved claws? Do they eat the same things? Explore the similarities and differences between these mammals in this latest addition to the Compare and Contrast Series!

Animal Myths

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170198

Sometimes stories are told so often that people begin believing them even though they are not true. If enough people believe these untrue stories, they are called myths. Do you know what’s true or not? Do porcupines really throw their quills? Can someone be as blind as a bat? Are snakes slimy or do opossums hang by their tails? And just how much wood can a woodchuck chuck? Learn what’s true and what’s not in the latest addition to Mary Holland’s Animal Anatomy and Adaptation series.

Gertie, The Darling Duck of WWII

Shari Swanson (author) Renée Graef (illustrator)

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press ISBN: 9781668918074

In 1945, the attention of the United States, along with the rest of the world, was focused on World War II. After more than five years of fighting, downcast, war-weary people were looking for signs of hope of a better future. One April morning, a duck searching for a nesting spot lands on a tall post sticking out of the Milwaukee River. Situated near a busy drawbridge and the noisy city of Milwaukee, this was an unlikely, precarious spot for a soon-to-be-mama duck to build her nest. But that is exactly where Gertie (named by a local reporter) decides to make her home and lay her eggs. Once local newspapers report the story, crowds begin visiting the bridge to watch Gertie and speculate how she will safely hatch her babies. Soon, news outlets around the world are carrying the hopeful tale of the plucky duck, raising spirits, and giving readers a shared sense of community.