Search Results: 99 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Hippo or Rhino? A Compare and Contrast Book

Samantha Collison (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170297

Do you know which animal is the hippopotamus (hippo) and which is the rhinoceros (rhino)? Yes, they both live in parts of Africa, but rhinos also live in parts of Asia. Both eat grasses, but one spends most of their day cooling off in the water and only comes onto land to graze in the evening. The other spends most of their day grazing. Some monkeys have prehensile tails, but did you know that one rhino species has a prehensile upper lip? Explore the similarities and differences between these mammals in this latest addition to the Compare and Contrast Series!

Birds: A Compare and Contrast Book

Aszya Summers (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170228

From petite Hummingbirds to tall Whooping Cranes, birds are some of the most diverse animals on the earth. They are found in all types of habitats around the world and are one of the most abundant animals with more than 900 species in North America. Birds live in high-altitude mountains, dense forests, deserts, or near rivers and oceans. Some eat nuts and seeds, while others capture and eat small animals. Most birds fly, but some birds prefer to walk or even swim. Learn what birds have in common, how they are different, and how they are well-suited for their environment in this latest edition in the Compare and Contrast Book series.

Black Bear or Grizzly Bear? A Compare and Contrast Book

Chris Schmitz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170211

If you were to see a bear in the woods, could you tell if it’s a black bear or grizzly bear? Learn what these two species of bears have in common and how to tell them apart. Are grizzly bears always brown or are black bears always black? Which have short, sharply-curved claws and which have long, gently-curved claws? Do they eat the same things? Explore the similarities and differences between these mammals in this latest addition to the Compare and Contrast Series!

I am Hatzegopteryx

Tim Bradley (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781643518350

Can you imagine swooping through the air like Hatzegopteryx, a giant of the ancient skies? Hatzegopteryx (hatz-eh-GOP-ter-iks) was one of the largest pterosaurs that ever lived; about the size of a small airplane. I am Hatzegopteryx, the second book in Arbordale Publishing’s I am Prehistoric series, gives children a glimpse into the life of the awesome Hatzegopteryx, from tiny chick to majestic winged predator, and how it made its living. Unlike many pterosaurs, this one was a terrestrial carnivore, spending its time hunting prey on land. Just like today’s animals, prehistoric creatures had adaptations and behaviors that helped them survive in their habitat—a environment that was in some ways quite different from what we see around us today.

The Pangolin Revelation

Lori Schildwachter (author) Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170174

When Loran’s homework assignment is to create an animal’s adaptations and demonstrate how the adaptations help it survive in its environment, he knows just what he wants to do. Loran creates a multipurpose, super species by using all kinds of cool, one-of-a-kind adaptations taken from a variety of some of his favorite animals—like a monkey’s prehensile tail and a sloth’s claws or even curling up like an armadillo. Once he created what he thinks is the ultimate adaptation mashup of any animal ever, he is surprised to discover that his “imaginary creature” really exists—it’s a pangolin! Yes, these charming and unique creatures really do exist, and they are the most endangered animals you’ve possibly never heard of.

Yay for Big Brothers!

Janet Halfmann (author) Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781643518367

Big brothers are amazing! Did you know that big brothers are important in animal families, too? Animal big brothers do many of the same things as kid big brothers. They play with their younger siblings, teach them new things, and help with their care. Sometimes animal big brothers even babysit when their parents leave to hunt for food. Are you a big brother or do you have a big brother?

El bosque sobre los árboles

Connie McLennan (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781643513546

La mayoría de las personas saben que las secuoyas rojas son árboles muy altos. De hecho, son los árboles más altos del mundo. Lo que muchas personas no saben y nunca podrán ver es que hay otro gran bosque que crece en las alturas de las cubiertas frondosas de las secuoyas rojas. Esta adaptación de La casa construida por Jack explora esta cubierta secreta y oculta que está llena de plantas y animales que la llaman su hogar.

Las pieles de los animales

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781643513430

El pelaje, las plumas y las escamas son cubiertas de protección o pieles que tienen los animales. Los animales utilizan su piel para mantenerse secos y calientes, protegerse, esconderse o incluso para advertir a otros animales que deben mantenerse alejados. Después de Las narices de los animales, Las orejas de los animales; Las colas de los animales; Los ojos de los animales; Las bocas de los animales (NSTA/CBC Outstanding Trade Science Award) y Las patas de los animales, Mary Holland continúa con su serie fotográfica de adaptaciones y anatomía de los animales, examinando muchas formas en las que los estos utilizan y dependen de las adaptaciones de sus pieles para sobrevivir en sus hábitats.

River Otter's Adventure

Linda Stanek (author) Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781643517667

When a young river otter sneaks into a zoo, she wonders if she should be more like some of the other animals she meets. She wants a trunk like the elephant or to be loud like the gorilla… By imitating and comparing herself to these other animals she learns to appreciate herself. Educational components are woven throughout this fun, read-aloud story to extend the learning, making it a perfect book for a wide variety of ages.

Animal Tracks and Traces

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781643517629

Animals are all around us. While we may not often see them, we can see signs that they’ve been there. Some signs might be simple footprints in snow or mud (tracks) and other signs include chewed or scratched bark, homes or even poop and pee (traces). Children will become animal detectives after learning how to “read” the animal signs left all around. Smart detectives can even figure out what the animals were doing! This is a perfect sequel to Mary Holland’s Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series.

River Rescue

Jennifer Keats Curtis, Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc. (author) Tammy Yee (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607188766

When oil spills, workers hurry to clean the land and water. But oil spills can also affect every animal that lives in the area. Who helps these wild animals? On the East Coast, a team from Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research rushes to the scene to save as many as possible. Follow along to learn how these experts capture oiled animals and treat them quickly and safely so that they may be returned to the wild. This illustrated nonfiction is based on the extensive experience of the Oiled Wildlife Response Team at Tri-State.

The Long and Short Tail of Colo and Ruff

Diane Lang (author) Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607187561

Colo the cougar and her friend Ruff jump and play together, but they find that Ruff can’t jump nearly as far as Colo. Ruff doesn’t have a long, swishy tail like Colo does, to provide balance on long leaps. Ruff is a bobcat and his tail is much shorter. He is sure that something is wrong with him. The sympathetic Colo suggests that they go find a tail that Ruff would like better, so off they go. As the two kittens explore the variety of tails worn by other animals, they make the best discovery of all.

Animal Noses

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607188087

Noses come in all kinds of shapes and sizes that are just right for its particular animal host. Not only do most animals use their noses to breathe but for many animals, the sense of smell helps them find food, a mate, or even to know when danger is near! Following Animal Tails, Animal Eyes, Animal Mouths (NSTA/CBC Outstanding Trade Science Award), and Animal Legs, Mary Holland continues her photographic Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series by exploring many different animal noses and how those noses help the animals survive in their habitats.

Which Animal is Fastest?

Brian Rock (author) Carolyn Le (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607187578

Quick, name the world’s fastest animal! Did you say cheetah? If so, you’re right – sort of. Sure, the cheetah can reach speeds over 70 miles per hour (mph); but did you know that there is a species of bird that can fly faster than a race car? Did you know that that’s not even the fastest animal there is? This “dashing dozen” of nature’s speediest species examines the fastest on land, air, and sea. This story will resonate with children taking standardized tests…one size does not fit all!

A Day in a Forested Wetland

Kevin Kurtz (author) Sherry Neidigh (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559156

Come along on a journey through the aquatic habitat of a forested wetland. Meet birds and bobcats, along with the beavers and beetles that call the soggy forest home. Kevin Kurtz continues his award-winning “A Day In” series, and once again delights readers with a rhythmic, nonfiction look into a typical day for the animals that live in this wet habitat.

Cheetah Dreams

Linda Stanek (author) Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607187547

Cheetahs are the most rapidly vanishing cat in Africa. Share the dreams of a bright future for cheetahs while engaging sidebars provide a wealth of natural history information. From cleat-like feet to tear-marked faces, these majestic cats are well adapted to life on the African plains. The fierce predators sprint after their prey at high-speed, an exhausting dash that leaves them ready for a nap! This rhythmic text will lull readers into cheetah dreams of their own.

Baby Bear's Adoption

Jennifer Keats Curtis (author) Veronica V. Jones (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607187523

One winter day, Braden and Finley hike into the woods with their wildlife scientist dad and his team to tag a mamma bear who just had cubs. The tag makes it easy to find the mamma bear in the summer when the team gets a call about an orphaned bear cub that needs a new family. But will the mama bear adoptt this new cub as one of her own? The story is based on orphaned black bear cub rescue efforts by Michigan DNR.

Yodel the Yearling

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607184812

Yodel and his siblings have woken from their long winter’s nap and are ready to learn and grow. Nature photographer Mary Holland captures precious moments of this black bear family’s springtime adventures. Just like human children, the yearlings play, explore their surroundings, and then snuggle up with mom for milk. They even stay with a special “babysitter” while mom is away. Someday soon, the yearlings will be grown and go off on their own, but for now they can catch a nap under their mama bear’s watchful eye.

Maggie: Alaska's Last Elephant

Jennifer Keats Curtis, Nicole F. Angeli (author) Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607184836

Elephants are social animals. Maggie and Annabelle used to live together at the Alaska Zoo. But after Annabelle died, Maggie was all alone. For years, zookeepers tried to keep her happy (and warm). But ultimately they sent Maggie to live at a sanctuary (PAWS). Now she is happy and at home with her new herd of other elephants. This is a heartwarming story of how zoos ensure the best for the animals in their care—even if the best is not at their zoo.

Animal Ears

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607184805

Hearing is an important sense for animals’ survival. Ears give animals vital information to help them find food or listen for predators ready to attack. This continuation of Mary Holland’s award-winning Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series features a wide variety of animal ears and how animals use them. Did you know that some animals have ears on their legs? Like the eyes, mouths, legs, and tails featured in previous books, animal ears come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes—a perfect match for each animal’s needs.

Night Creepers

Linda Stanek (author) Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607183266

What creeps while you sleep? Short, lyrical text makes this a perfect naptime or bedtime story. Young readers are introduced to nocturnal animals and their behaviors. Older readers learn more about each animal through paired-reading sidebar information.

Living Things and Nonliving Things: A Compare and Contrast Book

Kevin Kurtz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559880

Using a wide variety of stunning photographs, author Kevin Kurtz poses thought-provoking questions to help readers determine if things are living or nonliving. For example, if most (but not all) living things can move, can any nonliving things move? As part of the Compare and Contrast series, this is a unique look at determining whether something is living or nonliving.

Animal Tails

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559798

Readers will be fascinated by the many ways animals use their tails: to move on land, swim, warn others, steer, hold onto things, keep warm, balance, fly, attract a mate, and even to defend themselves! Apparently tails are not just for wagging when happy. Following Animal Eyes, Animal Mouths (NSTA/CBC Outstanding Trade Science Award), and Animal Legs, Mary Holland continues her photographic Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series by exploring the many ways animals use their tails.

Salamander Season

Jennifer Keats Curtis (author) J. Adam Frederick, Shennen Bersani, and photos (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628555837

One cold, rainy, spring night, a young girl and her scientist father participate in “Salamander Night” to follow hundreds of spotted salamanders as they venture into a vernal pool to mate and lay eggs. Together, the father-child team studies the salamanders through their complete amphibian metamorphosis, culminating in the adult salamanders' disappearance into the woods in late summer. In easy-to-understand text, the girl relates the tale through her illustrated, photographic journal.

Bat Count: A Citizen Science Story

Anna Forrester (author) Susan Detwiler (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558975

Jojo is prepping for an exciting night; it’s time for the bat count! Bats have always been a welcome presence during the summers in the family barn. But over the years, the numbers have dwindled as many bats in the area caught white-nose syndrome. Jojo and her family count the bats and send the numbers to scientists who study bats, to see if the bat population can recover. On a summer evening, the family quietly makes their way to the lawn to watch the sky and count the visitors to their farm.