Search Results: 503 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Hopes, Needs, Rights & Laws: How do governments and citizens manage migration and settlement?

Ceri Oeppen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791324

As our world becomes smaller, how do governments and citizens manage and react to migration and settlement? Themes explored in this intriguing book include: rights and lawsfreedom of movement across borders, human rights, seeking asylum, and immigration controls; the different types of migrantsasylum seekers, refugees, illegal immigrants, the undocumented labor force; coping with migrationmigrants need safety, schooling, health care, and housing.

Soil Erosion and How to Prevent It

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791232

Soil Erosion and How to Prvent It helps young readers see the real impact of erosion on all life. This intriguing book describes the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition, the impact of erosion on plants and animals, and kid-friendly steps to preventing erosion.

Ocean, Tidal, and Wave Energy: Power from the Sea

Lynn Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427163813

The natural movement of water has long been used to create energy. New forms of hydropower are being researched as alternative ways to create clean renewable energy. This remarkable new book describes how water flow is being used in tidal and wave energy farms, and how the oceans contain enough heat in the surface water to power the world! Case studies highlight the potential advantages and disadvantages of pursuing these different kinds of power.

Harnessing Power from the Sun

Niki Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427163783

The oldest and most important source of power for our planet is the Sun. This amazing new book explains why solar power is becoming a very real replacement for our current energy sources. Detailed images feature different types of solar collectors, solar thermal plants, and solar cells, and help explain how they are used. Special case studies identify areas where solar power is already in use around the world.

Geothermal Energy: Using Earth's Furnace

Carrie Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427163776

The need for safe sources of renewable energy has sent scientists underground to tap the natural heat produced by the Earth. Geothermal Energy: Using Earths Furnace describes the three different ways electricity is produced from geothermal energy. Young readers will discover how this clean, safe energy is currently being used in twenty countries including the United States, the largest producer of geothermal energy.

Building a Green Community

Ellen Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427163752

Green living means changing the way we live and use resources so that the environment is able to produce indefinitely the things we need to live. Building a Green Community walks young readers through a model community identifying green living practices at work, at home, on our highways, and at the store. This fascinating book also includes case studies of green communities around the world.

Nuclear Energy: Power from the Atom

Troon Harrison Adams (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791188

Because of global warming, nuclear energy is getting a second look. This important book discusses the benefits and drawbacks of this controversial, but clean and reliable, source of power. Case studies show how new technologies are helping make production of nuclear energy safer.

How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Ellen Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791195

Reducing Your Foodprint teaches children that what they eat and how they eat is important to the environment. The further food travels to get to your table, the more harm to the environment. This enlightening new book explains how to adjust your diet to eat locally and responsibly.

Hydroelectric Power: Power from Moving Water

Marguerite Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791164

Harnessing energy from water provides clean, available power that does not release harmful chemicals or carbons into the air. This interesting book explains how hydro turbines, transformers, and power lines work to bring light to the world and gives tips on how to conserve electricity and become more environmentally conscious.

Is There a Future for Fossil Fuels?

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778791171

Natural gas, oil, and coal are finite resources, and their use contributes to deadly smog and global warming. The Future of Fossil Fuels follows the world's dependence on these resources and shows how people are working to reduce their useand even make them more environmentally friendly!

Flood and Monsoon Alert!

Rachel Eagen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196194

In light of the devastating floods in 2010 in Pakistan, Brazil, the United States, and China, this informative book has been newly revised. Floods result from heavy rains and high winds that cause an overflow in water sources such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. Discover how monsoons differ from other storms and how people cope with their devastation.

Volcano Alert!

Paul Challen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196231

This informative book has been newly revised in light of the massive eruption in Iceland in March 2010. The skies over a large part of the world were filled with volcanic ash, affecting weather and agriculture and disrupting travel for millions of people for several weeks.

Tornado Alert!

Wendy Scavuzzo (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196224

This informative book has been newly revised in light of the devastating tornadoes that have swept across the United States over the last few years. 2008 was particularly fierce with clusters of tornadoes forming every month in the first half of the year.

Hurricane and Typhoon Alert!

Paul Challen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196217

In light of 2008's devastating cyclone in Myanmar (Burma) and hurricanes Fay, Gustav, and Ike in the U.S., this informative book has been newly revised. This book features the science behind these massive tropical storms and how societies around the world cope with their ferocity.

Earthquake Alert!

Shilpa Mehta-Jones (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196187

This informative book has been newly revised in light of the devastating earthquakes in 2010 in Chile, Haiti, Turkey, Mexico, and China. This book traces tremors and seismic waves and explains how we have prepared for the unexpected quakes that rock our cities and countryside.

Hank Aaron: Home Run Hero

Jessica Morrison (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427194701

In the days before performance-enhancing substances, the great Hank Aaron hit a career-record 755 home runs, a mark he held for 33 years. Hammerin' Hank began his baseball career in the Negro Leagues when black players were still banned from Major League Baseball. Hank played for 23 years in Milwaukee and Atlanta and made the All-Star team in both the National and American Leagues for 20 straight years.

Live it: Optimism

Robert Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792475

Optimism is about being hopeful. It's about believing that things will turn out right even when there's no reason to think so. As you read this graphic nonfiction book, you'll meet some inspiring people who where successful because of they were optimistic. You'll also get a chance to consider how optimistic you would be in situations where a good attitude is hard to achieve-but needed most.

Dolores Huerta: Voice for the Working Poor

Alex Van Tol (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427194688

Dolores Huerta grew up in a climate charged by political activism. Fueled by her own contact with migrant farm workers, most of them Mexican immigrants with virtually no access to the system of labor laws and conditions under which they lived and worked, Dolores became an outspoken activist and organizer. She founded the United Farm Workers in 1962 with legendary Mexican American labor leader Cesar Chavez, and also worked toward improving the lives of workers, voters, immigrants, and women.

Live it: Responsibility

Molly Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792505

Being responsible means doing the right thing and taking charge. Sometimes it means admitting your mistakes. Sometimes it means taking care of yourself. And sometimes it means taking care of others. As you read this graphic nonfiction book, you'll explore how you can be responsible in your own life. You'll also meet some responsible people who have shown through their actions just what that word means!

Live it: Perseverance

Kylie Burns (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792482

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! This famous phrase is what perseverance is all about. Perseverance means sticking with something even when obstacles stand in your way. It means giving all you've got, and never giving up. In this graphic nonfiction book, you'll meet some amazing people who used perseverance to turn dreams into reality. You'll also the question, What would I do?

Live it: Initiative

Robert Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792451

Initiative is what gets things done. It's what leads to new inventions. It can also lead to great success! You can show initiative by acting first, by putting in extra effort, or by coming up with a new way to do things. In this graphic nonfiction book, you'll see how having initiative helped some amazing individuals reach their goals. You'll also have a chance to think about how showing initiative can help you reach yours!

Live it: Inclusiveness

Marina Cohen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792444

Inclusiveness is an unusual word. What exactly does it mean? It means accepting and welcoming those who are different. It means allowing everyone to participate, even when there may be reasons not to. As you read this graphic nonfiction book, you'll explore the lives of people who have broken down barriers to make the world a more inclusive place. You'll also consider how inclusive you would be in some equally challenging situations.

Live it: Honesty

Molly Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792437

What does it mean to be honest? It means telling the truth, of course. It also means acting in ways that don't hurt or mislead others. Being honest isn't always easy! As you read this graphic nonfiction book, you'll be asked to think about how honest you would be in some difficult situations. You'll also meet some strong people who were honest with themselves and others, even when being honest was the more difficult choice.

Live it: Courage

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792406

We all need courage in our daily lives. We need it to face danger, and to deal with new challenges and obstacles. But where do we find courage? How can we develop it? As you read this graphic nonfiction book, you'll meet some great people who have faced their fears-and conquered them. You'll also be challenged to think about how you might show courage in your own life!

Live it: Cooperation

Marina Cohen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792390

Cooperation means working together to achieve a common goal. Sports teams cooperate. Scientists cooperate. Entire countries cooperate to make the world a better place. As you read this graphic nonfiction book, you'll be given opportunities to think about how you might cooperate with others to achieve important things. You'll also take a closer look at the lives of a few people who, by cooperating with others, have made some amazing things happen!