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Los días de la semana / Days of the Week

Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand (author) Iesha Wright (illustrator)

Publisher: Twin Sisters ISBN: 9781645807605

A los niños les encantará esta divertida historia mientras aprenden los días de la semana. Disfrutarán escuchando esta adorable historia que presenta efectos de sonido y voces profesionales para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar vocabulario y mejorar sus habilidades auditivas. La historia se presenta primero en español y luego en inglés, lo que lo convierte en un recurso maravilloso para que los niños aprendan un idioma diferente. Las oraciones simples, la enunciación clara y las palabras repetitivas alentarán a los niños a enamorarse de contar historias y aprender un nuevo idioma. Kids will love this playful story as they learn the days of the week. They will enjoy listening to this adorable story that features sound effects and professional voices to help children develop vocabulary and improve listening skills. The story is first presented in Spanish and then in English making this a wonderful resource for children learning a different language. Simple sentences, clear enunciation, and repetitive words will encourage children to fall in love with storytelling and learning a new language.

Los animales en la granja / Animals on the Farm

Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand (author) Iesha Wright (illustrator)

Publisher: Twin Sisters ISBN: 9781645807551

Kids will love this playful story in both Spanish and English. This dual language reader will encourage children to learn farm animal names and phrases. Simple sentence structures and repetitive words will have young readers learning a new language in no time.

Todo sobre el tiempo / All About Weather

Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand (author) Iesha Wright (illustrator)

Publisher: Twin Sisters ISBN: 9781645807537

Kids will love this playful story in both Spanish and English. This dual language reader will encourage children to learn weather words and phrases. Simple sentence structures and repetitive words will have young readers learning a new language in no time.

Hoy me siento feliz / I Feel Happy Today

Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand (author) Iesha Wright (illustrator)

Publisher: Twin Sisters ISBN: 9781645807520

Kids will love this playful story in both Spanish and English. This dual language reader will encourage children to learn feeling words and phrases with relatable life examples. Simple sentence structures and repetitive words will have young readers learning a new language in no time.

¡Vamos a comer con abuela! / Let’s Eat with Grandma

Kim Mitzo Thompson, Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand (author) Iesha Wright (illustrator)

Publisher: Twin Sisters ISBN: 9781645807513

Kids will love this playful story in both Spanish and English. This dual language reader will encourage children to learn food names and phrases when a family eats dinner together. Simple sentence structures and repetitive words will have young readers learning a new language in no time.

Hey Jude

Star Spider (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826366

Seventeen-year-old Penny is struggling to balance caring for Jude, her sister with mental health challenges, working part-time to help her mother with money issues and facing her final year of high school. She does not need any distractions. But then she meets Jack. The two of them click immediately. But as quickly as things heat up, they then cool down, and Penny isn’t sure why. Does she have room for her feelings for Jack alongside her worries that her sister is crashing into suicidal depression again?

Le bateau magique

Kit Pearson (author) Katherine Farris (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459823259

Chaque matin de l’été, Ellie et sa grand-mère vont à la plage. Ils se baignent, érigent des châteaux de sable et, pendant que Nonna lit, Ellie regarde les autres enfants jouer. Un jour, Ellie trouve le courage d’approcher une fille plus âgée qu'elle, Piper, qui s'amuse seule dans une barque échouée. Piper a un don : son imagination est si grande qu'elle emmène Ellie dans de grandes aventures, volant haut dans les airs, nageant au fond de l’océan et voyageant partout à bord de leur petit bateau bleu, leur bateau magique. Mais quand Piper doit s'en aller, Ellie découvre qu'elle aussi possède une imagination débordante.

From the Dead

Norah McClintock (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459805385

Rennie is in Uruguay when his cousins discover a secret cache at their dead grandfather’s cottage - thousands of dollars in foreign currencies, a mystifying notebook, multiple passports (some obviously fake), a gun, a disguise, and a photo of some Nazis. Rennie’s mission: to find out whether there was more to the old man than anyone knew. Was he a spy? If he was, what did he do? And for whom? Did he help a Nazi war criminal escape justice? Rennie’s quest leads him to Argentina and then to Detroit, where he finds more questions than answers and more than one gun pointed—and fired—in his direction. From the Dead is the sequel to both Slide, part of The Seven Prequels and Close to the Heel, part of Seven (The Series).


Patricia McCowan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459805804

When Nat, her best friend Jess and singing-star wannabe Harper sing together, their harmonies bring down the house. For Nat, the experience sparks a driving new desire to perform. But when the girls form a trio and enter a contest for a chance to play at the Tall Grass Music Festival, Nat finds that harmony - musical and otherwise - is hard to maintain. Her bandmates almost never agree, her new boyfriend starts behaving more like a non-boyfriend, and the trio’s famous-musician mentor doesn’t even like the way Nat breathes. Every day, Nat’s dream of performing at Tall Grass seems farther away, and she questions whether she has what it takes to get there.

Florence & Leon

Simon Boulerice (author) Delphie Côté-Lacroix (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818231

Florence and Leon have never met. Florence is a swimming instructor. She has a small problem with her lungs: it's as if she's breathing through a straw. Leon is an insurance salesman. He has a small problem with his eyes: it's as if he's seeing the world through a straw. One day Florence and Leon bump into each other, literally, and this mishap turns their lives upside down. Over slushy drinks with proper straws, Florence and Leon find out how their differences make them alike.

Eye Sore

Melanie Jackson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459807730

The last thing Chaz wants is to spend his summer working on his father’s Eye, a Ferris wheel with glass-bottomed gondolas set up to view scenic North Vancouver. For one thing, Chaz would prefer to pursue his own passion: dance in the style of the late, great Gene Kelly. More important, Chaz suffers from vertigo, and even the thought of the Eye makes him want to lose his lunch. But when a crowd of angry protestors and a mysterious vandal threaten his father’s dream, and the family’s livelihood, Chaz is forced to overcome his own fears to help out.


Jean Mills (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834330

The other night, Trace Brewster, Max’s best friend and star hockey player for the Hawks, scored on his own net and put the team’s chances of qualifying for an upcoming tournament in jeopardy. Since then Trace has gone silent and is shutting everyone out. But Max thinks there’s more going on with his friend than what happened on the ice. For one thing, there are bruises on Trace's face that he refuses to explain. Can Max find a way to get Trace to open up and help him in time for the big game?

Play with Jay!

Pascale Bonenfant (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835511

Jay the bear, Nora the rabbit and Clementine the bird invite readers to have fun seeking treasure, spotting differences and matching pairs. With unique prompts and questions on each page, young readers can engage in their own way with activities, such as inventing names for their favorite monsters, choosing what to pack in a suitcase or imagining combinations of magic potions. Part picture book, part multi-use activity book, the delightful and interactive artwork in Play With Jay! will spark inquiry, discussion and creativity in readers.

Vive le poulet!

Mahtab Narsimhan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833234

Shivani a quitté Mumbai il y a quelques mois à peine… Mais elle ne se sent plus vraiment comme une étrangère. Elle aime sa nouvelle école et elle a enfin une amie. Par contre, quand sa mère se propose pour cuisiner pour la fête-bénéfice annuelle de l’école, Shivani est sûre qu’elle deviendra la risée de tout le monde. Qu’est-ce qui arrivera si sa mère décide de préparer un de ses « plats qui puent » ? Shivani adore la cuisine indienne, mais pas question d’en manger devant ses amis. Dès son entrée dans le gymnase le jour de la fête de l’école, Shivani sait que ses pires craintes sont devenues réalité : l’odeur caractéristique des épices indiennes flotte dans l’air. Mais ensuite, elle voit que des dizaines de personnes font la file devant le stand de sa mère. C’est le plus populaire !


Marty Chan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832923

Jennifer Mah has a secret — a big one. She can move objects with her mind. She knows if people learn about her abilities, she would be taken and subjected to horrible experiments. That’s why she and her father have been living in a new city under false identities. But when Jennifer uses her powers to save someone from being hit by a car, she exposes herself to the authorities. Her father is taken away by agents and Jennifer has to find a way to save him without getting caught herself.

Depth of Field

Natasha Deen (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832213

When Josh Biswas found out his girlfriend, Lian, was cheating on him, it didn’t only break his heart, it threatened his GPA. Lian calls him boring and turns in their joint photography project in as her own, leaving Josh to come up with something alone or risk a failing grade. Determined to prove her wrong, Josh decides to head to the foothills of the Canadian Rockies to capture some daring photos of a family of bears that were recently spotted there. But he wasn’t expecting the bad cell service that makes the maps on his phone useless. Lost and wandering around, Josh stumbles onto something he was never meant to see. Suddenly, a group of men are chasing him through the wilderness. Josh has no fighting abilities and no survival skills. Will he ever make it out?

Careful What You Wish For

Mahtab Narsimhan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834019

A lonely teen discovers a website that grants wishes. Eshana is a bit of a social misfit. She feels more comfortable talking to people online than in person. One day she discovers a website that claims to be a safe space where young people can support each other in making their dreams come true. She starts talking with someone called Wise One. They hit it off immediately. Eshana admits to the Wise One how hard it is for her to make friends. The next day she goes to school and suddenly everyone wants to talk to her. Eshana is thrilled. But then, after telling Wise One about a girl who has been bullying her, she hears that the girl has been injured in a car accident. Are Eshana’s wishes really coming true? If so, is having the life she’s always wanted worth the costs?


Adèle Tariel (author) Jérôme Peyrat (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833777

Tonight I am a bird. A seagull. A young child is tucked away in bed safe at home and imagines they are a seagull flying high above the ocean and watching over their father, the captain of a cargo ship, while he is away at sea. Tonight, they will journey across the sea to a faraway port. Through storms and calm, clear skies and fog, the bird will watch over the man until his work is complete and he can return safely home. With stunning illustrations that capture the immensity of freighters and the vastness of the ocean from a bird's-eye view, Cargo is a wonderful reminder of the connection between parent and child even when separated by great distances.

Counting Scars

Melinda Anne Di Lorenzo (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833562

When sixteen-year-old Adele Reimer is forced to spend two weeks at a youth reform camp, she has no idea it will lead to a complicated and dangerous love triangle. With her mother in rehab and her estranged father unable to take immediate custody, Adele's only goal at the camp is to avoid any trouble. But then Adele meets mysterious Fergus and charming Andy and soon finds herself pulled into a dangerous situation that might end up costing her life. Can Adele both listen to her heart and trust her instincts?

Coming Back

K.L. Denman (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822672

Julie survived a horrific car accident, but she has no memory of the event or the boyfriend who was with her in the car. He disappeared, and she is diagnosed with PTSD. Her doctor recommends a therapy animal, and Julie chooses to get a horse. Julie's experience with horses is limited, but it's empowering to finally be involved in life again, and her symptoms abate. However, she has a lot to learn, and when the riding coach gives confusing lessons, Julie is thrown off balance, both emotionally and in the saddle. The improvement she'd begun to experience with PTSD symptoms is lost, and her nightmares return. Can Julie and the horse recover and heal their broken spirits?

Pride Colors

Robin Stevenson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459820715

Through gentle rhymes and colorful photographs of adorable children, Pride Colors is a celebration of the deep unconditional love of a parent or caregiver for a young child. The profound message of this delightful board book is you are free to be whoever you choose to be; you'll always be loved. Celebrated author Robin Stevenson ends her purposeful prose by explaining the meaning behind each color in the Pride flag: red = life, orange = healing, yellow = sunlight, green = nature, blue = peace and harmony, and violet = spirit.

Death by Airship

Arthur Slade (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818712

Prince Conn will never be king. And that's just fine with him. He's ninth in line for the pirate throne and is quite happy to sail the skies in his airship with his crew of cheery misfits, plundering as they go. But one by one his siblings are being murdered, in tragic fires, violent cannon attacks or mysterious poisonings. Soon all fingers are pointing toward Conn as the mastermind. To prove his innocence, Conn must make his way to Skull Island, navigating his airship through a gauntlet of villains, explosions and betrayals. Can he reach his father's kingdom before it's too late? Or will he suffer the same fate as the rest of his family?

Death Drop

Melanie Jackson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459811935

On his way to baseball practice, Zeke lines up for Vancouver's newest thrill ride: Death Drop, an elevator that falls faster than gravity. The theme of the ride is based on the story of Persephone, who tumbled into the underworld. Zeke tumbles into a frightening situation himself after he discovers a little girl who is lost. He takes her to the Death Drop manager's office. But later, when he tries to find out what happened with her, the ride's staff say they never saw her! To find the missing girl, Zeke must navigate a devilish plot that includes Dante Gabriel Rossetti's famous painting Proserpine, a fiery drop into flames, and an angry coach.

Pop Quiz

Tom Ryan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459812239

Fifteen-year-old Aiden is a minor cast member on a long-running high school "dramedy" with a low budget and a loyal following. Aiden and his friends are excited that they're being promoted to lead roles for the upcoming tenth season of Pop Quiz. But then they learn the show is being canceled. According to the producers, no one even watches TV anymore, with kids preferring the antics of YouTube stars. With the help of some former cast members and a group of hardcore fans, Aiden and his friends attempt to create a movie special to wrap up the storylines and give the series the send-off it deserves.

Dancing in the Rain

Shelley Hrdlitschka (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810662

While struggling with the death of her beloved adoptive mother, sixteen-year-old Brenna reconnects with members of her biological family, hoping to discover why her biological mother broke off contact many years earlier. At the same time, she is falling in love with Ryan, who provides support while she grieves but has to leave her when she needs him most. Despite powerful feelings of abandonment, Brenna realizes that getting strong physically and focusing on the needs of others might just help her move beyond her crippling grief, find peace and plan a future for herself. Dancing in the Rain continues the story that began in Shelley Hrdlitschka’s bestselling Dancing Naked.