Search Results: 368 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Sports Journalism

Diane Dakers (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121998

This absorbing book describes the details of three real case studies of investigative journalism about sports. Stories include journalists exposing the FIFA soccer scandal and Olympic committee wrongdoings, the promotion of violence in hockey leading to death, and the abuse of USA gymnasts by their team doctor and the attempt to cover it up. Readers will gain an understanding of the research process, the ethical standards journalists must follow, and the perseverance required to confirm a story and affect change.

Environmental Journalism

Diane Dakers (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121967

This informative title describes the details of three real case studies of investigative journalism about the environment. Stories include journalists following a trail of electronic waste to Africa, chemical pollution by a company affecting people's health, and unfair use of water resources. Readers will gain an understanding of the research process, the ethical standards journalists must follow, and the perseverance required to confirm a story and affect change.

Human Rights Journalism

Diane Dakers (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121981

This fascinating book describes the details of three real case studies of investigative journalism about human rights. Stories include journalists exposing slave labor used in other countries for the sea food we buy, child labor in Mexico's coffee fields, and fraud by doctors to deny coal miners their health benefits. Readers will gain an understanding of the research process, the ethical standards journalists must follow, and the perseverance required to confirm a story and affect change.

Immigration and Refugees

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121943

More than 65 million people are displaced in the world today and at least 17 million are refugees. This topical title addresses the issues surrounding how the world, and western countries in particular, deal with the overwhelming scale of refugees and immigrants flooding across borders.

Digital Data Security

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121929

The online world is an environment full of opportunity - and risks. Social networks and online shopping sites encourage users to share personal information about themselves, but this can expose them to Identity spoofing and theft. Digital Data Security explores the many issues involved with cyber security, how companies combat hackers, and and how individuals must take charge of their own digital safety.

Gun Violence

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121936

This relevant title tackles a timely and controversial issue in an educated and sensitive way. While virtually everyone agrees gun violence is wrong, there is disagreement about the right way to prevent it. This thoughtful book discusses issues of stricter regulation of gun ownership and access, harsher sentences for perpetrators of gun violence, and stronger security measures and police presence in public places, such as schools, to prevent mass shooting events.

Oil and Pipelines

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121950

How have oil and energy pipelines become one of the most divisive political issues today? Using fact-based analysis, this title explores the issues that have sparked environmental and economic debate and protest.

Tecumseh: Speech at Vincennes

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121851

A Shawnee warrior and chief, Tecumseh was widely admired as a skilled orator who wanted to unite Indigenous groups in the United States and Canada to prevent the loss of their territory and way of life. This thought-provoking book features his memorable speech in 1810 at Vincennes, to Indiana Governor Harrison, to revoke a treaty that took Indigenous lands, and to Indigenous peoples to resist the takeover of their territories. Readers are introduced to the social and political circumstances of the time and an anlysis of text highlights Tecumseh's skill in persuasive writing.

Susan B. Anthony: On A Woman's Right to Vote

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121844

In an era when women worldwide had few rights and could not vote, Susan B. Anthony risked her freedom and reputation by advocating for women’s suffrage in the United States. This engaging title analyzes her 1873 speech On Women’s Right to Vote, and its simple, but powerful, assertion that women are "persons." Additional material encourages readers to compare this speech to works by Sojourner Truth, as well as more modern women’s rights advocates.

James Baldwin: Cambridge Debate Speech

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121837

James Baldwin was an author, social critic, and activist known for his deep understanding of race and class in the United States. This book introduces readers to his speech from a 1965 debate at Cambridge University in which he argues for racial equality in the civil rights era. The social and political circumstances of the era are discussed as well as Baldwin's persuasive argument that, despite contributing to the making of the United States, African Americans are not allowed to fully participate in the American Dream.

Abraham Lincoln: The Gettysburg Address

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121820

Brief and inspiring, the Gettysburg Address is one of the best-known and most revered speeches in American history. Given on the battlefield at Gettysburg by US President Abraham Lincoln, the speech reaffirms the cause of liberty at a crucial turning point in the Civil War. Readers are introduced to the social and political circumstances of the time, the significance of the bloody battle at Gettysburg, and Lincoln's masterful skill at writing memorable speeches.

The Impact of Travel and Transportation

Nancy Dickmann (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427125187

Modern transportation lets us travel farther and faster than ever before, but these developments have come at a cost. This book explores ways we can move around without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are working on cleaner fuels and new forms of transportation in order to prevent pollution, which affects people’s health, and greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. Find out how we can contribute by changing our own transportation habits.

The Impact of the Internet

Tim Cooke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427125170

The Internet gives us information at our fingertips and puts us in touch instantly with anyone in the world. It reduces our need to use paper or travel long distances to meet, but its growth has come at a cost. Find out how we can stay connected without harming ourselves or the planet in this insightful look at the Internet and social media. Case studies reveal the environmental impact of producing and discarding the computers and other devices we use to access the Internet, as well as the human toll from serious problems such as cyber bullying and online addiction.

The Impact of Plastics

Ruth Daly (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427125163

Plastic pollution is one of the most urgent environmental problems facing our planet. This timely title shows how we can stop plastics from doing further harm. Find out what plastics are, how they are made, and why they are so widely used. Case studies reveal the negative impact of plastics, especially micro beads and single-use plastics, on the oceans and coasts, as well as in our landfills and food chains.

The Impact of Food and Farming

Cynthia O'Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427125156

Modern farming allows us to buy almost any kind of food at any time of the year. But this convenience comes at a cost. This important book shows how we can farm and grow food without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are investigating ways to prevent the problems modern farming creates, including pollution from chemicals used for growing crops, clear cutting of rainforests to make space for grazing and farmland, and contributing to climate change by breeding more and more livestock. Useful suggestions encourage readers to find ways to reduce their food waste and packaging.

The Impact of Energy

Nancy Dickmann (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427125149

Most of our energy has come from oil, gas, and coal. Find out how we can heat and light our buildings, travel, and power our computers and devices without harming the planet in this resourceful title. Extracting resources damages the environment, and burning them contributes to global warming, harms our health, and pollutes the air and water. Case studies show how scientists are investigating renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, how to make homes and buildings more energy efficient, and how we can use less energy by changing our own behavior.

The Impact of Buildings and Cities

Tim Cooke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427125132

More than half the world’s population live in cities, and that number is rising. Find out how we can create buildings and cities without harming the environment in this informative title. The growth of cities can lead to overcrowding, pollution from transportation and factories, and the release of greenhouse gases from buildings. Case studies show how scientists, architects, and planners are investigating how to build more energy-efficient houses and more sustainable cities.

Universal Health Care

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124685

The World Health Organization defines Universal Health Care (UHC) as all individuals and communities receiving the health services needed without suffering financial hardship. Of the 33 developed countries in the world, 32 have some form of Universal Health Care. Over 800 million people around the world spent 10 percent or more of their household budgets on health care and a further 100 million were pushed into extreme poverty in order to pay for health care. This timely title examines what UHC is—and is not—and how it impacts the health and well-being of human communities throughout the world.

Plastics Dependency

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124678

We use it every day in products as varied as prescription drugs, toys, and toothbrushes. In less than a century, plastics have become integral to our daily lives. But plastic waste also clogs Earth’s oceans and other water bodies. Research has shown that microplastics have even accumulated in our bodies. This timely book investigates our increasingly problematic use of plastics in all areas of our lives and how our attempts to curb use and mitigate the harm of plastics are not working fast enough.

Legalizing Marijuana

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124661

A hundred years ago, marijuana was considered a threat to civil order and mental health. Today, recreational marijuana is legal in two countries: Canada and Uruguay. More countries are expected to follow—some in an attempt to reduce underage use of the drug. In the United States, marijuana is legal for recreational use in 11 states and in 33 for medical use. Legalizing Marijuana analyzes the issues related to legalization, use, misuse, and if legalized, how to address the futures of people currently convicted or serving time for marijuana-related crimes.

Education Equality

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124654

The 2019 college admissions scandal in the United States, where more and 50 people were involved in a $25 million dollar bribery scheme, brought the issue of equality and equity in education to public attention in a shocking way. But education equality is about more than college admissions. This thoughtful book examines the issue of public education, education equality, and the education system’s role in helping students reach their full potential for the good of all.

Bringing Back the Southern White Rhino

Ruth Daly (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124289

Once thought to be extinct in the wild, the southern white rhino is now classified as near threatened and lives mostly on protected reserves. Over 100 years of conservation efforts have made it the only rhino of the five rhino species not listed as endangered. This engaging book explores how habitat loss and relentless poaching for their horns nearly brought this species to extinction. Readers will discover how this species was saved from extinction and whether similar strategies may help other rhino species in peril.

Bringing Back the Island Fox

Rachel Stuckey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124272

Less than two decades ago, four Island Fox subspecies faced extinction. Human activities, including pollution and the introduction of invasive species, threw the Channel Islands’ ecosystem out of balance. Thanks to the concerted efforts of wildlife biologists, government officials, and others, the island fox has made the fastest recovery of any mammal in the history of the Endangered Species Act. This fascinating book traces the events that nearly caused the island fox’s demise, and the collaborative efforts that led to recovery of this “comeback kit.”

Bringing Back the California Condor

Rachel Stuckey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124265

The California Condor is one of North America’s largest birds. These mighty scavengers were nearly wiped out by habitat loss, poaching, and lead poisoning. In 1982, only 22 California Condors remained in the wild! In this engaging book, readers will learn about the captive breeding programs, public education, and other conservation efforts that have led to a small but increasing population of California Condors in the wild.

Bringing Back the Blue Iguana

Ruth Daly (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124258

The Grand Cayman blue iguana is named after the small island in the Caribbean Sea on which it lives. The largest reptile on the island, it had few predators until people arrived. Habitat loss and invasive species quickly diminished the blue iguana population to fewer than 25 by 2005. This captivating book traces the iguana’s remarkable journey back from the brink of extinction and highlights the continued efforts to protect the species.