Search Results: 385 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Atlantic Ocean

Emily Rose Oachs (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031569

For hundreds of years, travelers have braved the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, often trying to steer clear of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle! Islands have formed from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge located deep below the Atlantic Oceans surface. Discover more about the Atlantic Ocean and grasp important geography terms in this title for young students.

South America

Emily Rose Oachs (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031545

Adventurous travelers will have a blast visiting South America. Crocodiles swim along the Amazon River, and baby sea turtles waddle toward sea for their first swim near the Galapagos Islands! Pineapples, mangoes, rich coffee beans, and unique spices are just a few of the delectable treats students can learn about in this colorful title on South America.


Emily Rose Oachs (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031507

Earths highest and lowest surface points can be found in Asia, the largest continent. Travelers flock to Asia to gaze upon the Great Wall and the Taj Mahal. Some even aspire to climb Mount Everest! Pick up this book to discover more about this continent that is home to more than four billion people.


Emily Rose Oachs (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031491

Temperatures rarely rise above freezing on this icy, windy continent. Because of its harsh climate, only the toughest can survive. Penguins, whales, and seals dive into the chilly water and feast on fish. Brave the cold and learn more about the extreme continent of Antarctica in this engaging childrens title.

North America

Emily Rose Oachs (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031538

As the only continent with every climate present, North America hosts an amazing variety of plants and animals. North America holds some of the worlds largest freshwater lakes, where gigantic boats travel and enormous fish swim. Unique for its varied landscape and cross-country highways, North America leaves a great deal for young readers to explore!

Life on a Mountain

Laura Hamilton Waxman (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031446

Chinchillas, pikas, and goats can all be found on mountains, climbing and scurrying around large boulders and steep slopes. Mountains not only provide homes for many living things, but they also affect weather patterns. Beginning readers will love navigating the pages of this book on the mountain biome!


Emily Rose Oachs (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031484

Madagascar, the Nile River, and the Sahara Desert are just a few memorable places in Africa! With over fifty countries, this continent is rich in minerals and animal diversity. Wildebeests and zebras roam the grasslands while hungry predators lurk for their next meal. In this title, young readers will explore more about life on the second largest continent in the world.

Life in a Tundra

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031460

Offering a stark contrast to hot, sandy deserts and tropical rain forests, the tundra is buried in snow and ice most of the year. However, life finds a way to flourish. During the short summer, flowers bloom and animals roam the land even though temperatures rarely reach 50 degrees Fahrenheit! This title will teach young readers how plants and animals survive in severe cold.

Life in a Grassland

Laura Hamilton Waxman (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031439

Grasslands vary around the globe and are home to many life forms, including big cats and grazing animals. These sprawling fields are found on every single continent except Antarctica. Tropical savannahs and rolling prairies are just two different types of grasslands. Curious young learners are sure to discover that grasslands are a fascinating biome in this engaging title!

Life in a Forest

Laura Hamilton Waxman (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031422

For millions of years, forests have hosted complex life forms. Trees reach toward the sun as creatures of all shapes and sizes interact with their environment. Birds nestle on sturdy branches while non-flyers search for food and rest in the underbrush. This title will show young readers the importance of forests and how life thrives in these wooded areas!

Life in a Tropical Rain Forest

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031453

Scientists believe more than half of Earths plants and animals reside in tropical rain forests. Many species have yet to be discovered! These wet, humid forests are found near the equator, where its warm year-round. Discover the importance of tropical rain forests in this fun title for exploring minds.

Life in a Wetland

Laura Hamilton Waxman (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031477

Bogs, swamps, and marshes are all different types of wetlands. Many plants and animals rely on this biome for reproduction, safety, or simply a drink of water. Some need to adapt to this environment, like the mangrove trees that get oxygen by growing roots above the surface. Take a closer look at wetland critters and vegetation in this engaging title for developing readers!

Life in a Coral Reef

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031408

Coral reefs are home to thousands of living species, including some of the most vibrant plants and animals on the planet. Many reef inhabitants help each other survive. Sea anemones, for example, provide shelter for clownfish. In return, the striped fish bring tasty treats to the anemones and help lure prey into their tentacles! Dive into this colorful, educational book for young learners.

Life in a Desert

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031415

Barren land, little rainfall, and deadly temperatures are well-known features of deserts. But did you know that many desert plants have long root systems that grow in search of water? Plants and animals have to adapt in order to survive. Some plants grow waxy leaves to hold in water, and many animals store fat in a hump or tail. In this title, beginning readers will learn all about deserts and how life develops in extreme conditions.


Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031279

At large on every continent, ticks feed on blood. Using their front legs, they attach to the skin of their victims and cling on tight. Ticks are mostly found in fields and forests and can spread dangerous diseases to the animals and people they come in contact with. Understand more about these bloodsuckers with this engrossing book for beginning readers.


Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031262

Did you know most slugs have eyes on the tips of their tentacles? These slimy, no-shell creatures like to eat plants and live in damp environments. Trails of slime indicate that slugs have creepy-crawled through the area! Learn more about the fascinating life of slugs in this title for young learners.

Praying Mantises

Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031255

Blending in with their surroundings, praying mantises easily grab prey with their spiny front legs. These insects enjoy munching on grasshoppers, spiders, and even small birds and lizards! With a triangular head that can turn 180 degrees and long legs that look like they're praying, these insects are sure to attract curious kids.

Black Widow Spiders

Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031248

With their notorious red spot and black body, black widow spiders have venom stronger than a rattlesnakes. Ever wonder why widow is in their name? After mating, females liquefy and eat males! Find out more about black widows in this book for brave, young readers.


Mari Schuh (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031323

Guardians of those they love, Rottweilers are strong and confident. They were first bred to protect and drive cattle. Today, they often work as police dogs. Curious beginning readers will love learning why Rottweilers are among the most popular dog breeds in America!

Siberian Huskies

Chris Bowman (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681031330

Roamers, runners, and mischief-makers are all words to describe Siberian huskies. With an aptitude for speed and endurance, this breed loves to pull sleds and work in search and rescue missions. Natural pack instincts also make Siberians perfect pets for big families with children! Uncover the spirit of Siberian huskies in this title for inquisitive young readers.

Baby Giraffes

Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681030715

Baby giraffes are able to stand and run within an hour of being born. Though clumsy, they like to run around and stretch their legs. These fast runners are also fast growers, doubling their height in the first year. Run along with these playful babies in this fun title.

Baby Hippos

Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681030739

Baby hippos are as cute as a button, but theyre far from that small size. These newborns enter the world nearly ten times larger than a human baby! But much like humans, these babies spend their first weeks of life bonding with mom. Enjoy the adventures of life as a baby hippo in this fun title.


Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681030661

These critters inhabit the dark, damp corners of the world. They live underneath rocks, logs, and leaves. When disturbed, you may see a wave-like motion of legs, or perhaps smell the disgusting odor as they curl into a ball. Learn all the facts of this invertebrate in this beginner book.


Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681030692

Much like ants, termites live a busy life. Given a certain role within the colony, each bug is a contributor. Feeding on dead plant matter, rotten soil, and wood, these insects help the circle of life. Read all about what it is to be a termite in this beginner book.

Baby Foxes

Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681030708

A close relative of dogs, baby foxes are soft, cuddly, and just as cute as their dog friends. Until they are ready for life on their own, they wrestle and tumble around the den mom and dad have made. Play with these energetic cuties in this informational title for emergent readers.