Search Results: 17 books from 3 publishers. Learn more

Animales del desierto

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655462

In Biome Beasts: Desert Animals, readers will discover how desert animals survive and thrive in the driest places on the planet. Photos, text, and sidebars describe how these animals adapt to the challenging climate of these regions. Earth’s four desert biomes – hot, semiarid, coastal, and cold – each have their own set of challenges for the living things within them.

Animales de los pastizales

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655493

In Biome Beasts: Grassland Animals, readers will discover how these animals survive in prairies, steppes, and savannas around the world. Grassland biomes are home to a wide variety of animals. Whether grazing on grasses, building communities underground, or sailing overhead, animals have adapted to the challenges found in both temperate and tropical grassland biomes.

Animales del bosque caducifolio

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655455

In Biome Beasts: Deciduous Forest Animals, readers will discover how deciduous beasts rise to the challenges of the climate in each biome. Deciduous forests around the world are home to a variety of animals. Animals that are part of the temperate deciduous forest biome must adapt to the conditions of all four seasons to survive. Animals that are part of the tropical and subtropical deciduous forest biomes must adapt to both the wet and dry seasons.

Animales del bosque boreal

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655448

In Biome Beasts: Boreal Forest Animals, readers will discover how boreal beasts survive the harsh climate. The boreal forest teems with wildlife during the short, mild summer. This changes quickly when fall arrives. Only the living things that have adapted to the region’s freezing temperatures and frozen land can remain in the forest year-round.

Animales de la tundra

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655516

In Biome Beasts: Tundra Animals, readers will discover how animals survive and thrive in the treeless tundra. Tundra biomes have the harshest climates in the world. From the tiny Arctic bumblebee to the huge polar bear, every animal that lives in the Arctic or alpine tundra biome has adapted physically or socially to the harsh conditions.

Animales de estanques de agua dulce

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655486

In Biome Beasts: Freshwater Pond Animals, readers will discover how these animals survive and thrive in freshwater pond biomes around the world. Life in a pond is exciting. Birds, bugs, and shrews skitter across the surface. Turtles and fish zip along under the water’s surface. Beavers, herons, and others make themselves at home by the pond’s edge.

Animales de los estuarios

Lisa Colozza Cocca (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781731655479

In Biome Beasts: Estuary Animals, readers will discover how and why animals survive and thrive in these sheltered biomes. Life in the estuary is always changing. Ocean tides of saltwater flow in and out of the estuary and mix with the fresh water that flows from rivers and streams. The animals that swim or wade in the waters or make the mudflats their homes must have physical or social adaptations that allow them to live in the salty mix.

Detective de la Caca

Jennifer Keats Curtis & Julianne Ubigau (author) Phyllis Saroff (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170945

¿Perros detectives? Gracias a sus extraordinarias habilidades para olfatear, algunos cachorros aprenden a ayudar a los científicos a investigar y rastrear a animales en peligro de extinción. ¿Tras qué pista van? La caca. Los perros que son parte de los equipos de detectives de la vida salvaje están entrenados para captar el olor de la caca (excrementos) de los animales salvajes para que los científicos puedan aprender de ellos sin tener que atraerlos o atraparlos. Al igual que muchos cazadores de caca, Sampson, el perro en este libro, solía vivir en un refugio, era demasiado activo y alocado para las familias. Esa energía e impulso es lo que lo hace tan buen detective. Está entrenado para seguir a muchas especies, desde salamandras hasta osos, pero su meta siempre es la misma. ¡Encontrar la caca y capturar la pelota!

El panda

Valerie Bodden (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005501

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of pandas, describing the plant-eating bears’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have black and white fur.

El búho

Valerie Bodden (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005495

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of owls, describing the appearance, behaviors, and habitats of these nocturnal birds of prey. A folk tale explains why these creatures have large eyes and ear tufts.

El alce

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005488

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of moose, describing the long-legged deer’s appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have long, curved noses.

El canguro

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005464

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of kangaroos, describing the hopping marsupials’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures move around by jumping.

El gorila

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005457

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of gorillas, describing the great apes’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures do nothing but eat and sleep.

El elefante

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005440

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of elephants, describing the massive mammals’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have long trunks.

El águila

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005433

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of eagles, describing the powerful raptors’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why humans respect eagles.

El guepardo

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005426

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of cheetahs, describing the fast cats’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures have tear lines.

El caimán

Kate Riggs (author)

Publisher: The Creative Company ISBN: 9781640005419

This new Spanish edition surveys key aspects of alligators, describing the scaly reptiles’ appearance, behaviors, and habitats. A folk tale explains why these creatures dislike dogs.