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Crime Club

Melodie Campbell (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822238

Sixteen-year-old Penny Capelli has moved with her mom and huge dog, Ollie, to live above a small-town pub owned by her aunt. It's a relief to start over in a place where no one knows Penny's father is in prison. It's summer and the only person she knows is her nerdy cousin, Simon. Soon she meets Simon's best friend, Brent, and Brent's twin sister, Tara, and their pug, Wolfgang. Penny starts thinking this summer won't be so bad after all. But then Ollie digs up a bone in the backyard of the pub. A human bone. And then a few more. It turns out the bone is over twenty years old. Who could it be? Penny and Simon decide to investigate. Together with Brent and Tara, they form the Crime Club. And before long they discover one thing: if you've killed before, you can kill again.


Paul Coccia (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459820838

In the gay community, a young, husky man is known as a "cub." Seventeen-year-old Theo fits the definition perfectly, but he is very self-conscious about his body. So when his best friend signs him up for a cooking competition at Heat, the city's newest trendy restaurant, Theo is nervous. He's confident in his baking ability, and dreams of opening his own bakery one day, but he's not a chef, and he hates being in the spotlight. As Theo survives round after round, he gains the admiration of both the audience and the restaurant owner, a sexy celebrity chef known as KCC. When the owner makes it clear he is more interested in what Theo might do outside the kitchen, Theo has to decide how far he is willing to go to launch his career.


Deb Loughead (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818118

Bridgewood is having one of the hottest summers on record. Despite the strict fire ban, fires keep breaking out, and it's starting to look like arson. Dylan O'Connor, as usual, is right in the thick of things, and his friend Eliot is questioned as a suspect. Dylan doesn't think Eliot is the culprit, but he does know Eliot has a secret. He has been providing shelter for a scruffy stranger named Jeb Wilder, aka Wildfire. Is Jeb responsible? Or could it be the guy Dylan caught smoking in the woods, local baseball legend Mason Bates? It's up to Dylan to solve the mystery before the fires get out of control. This is the fifth book featuring Dylan and his friends.

Warm Up

Sara Leach (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459804296

Jasmine used to love dance. Now she struggles to hold on to that love as her dance team trains for a big competition. Her teammates are bickering, and when their teacher suggests that Jasmine might not have what it takes to be on the team, Jasmine is ready to quit. At a particularly rough practice, she channels her anger into her moves, surprising everyone, including herself, with how well she dances. But the team is still falling apart, and it’s up to Jasmine to figure out a way to get her teammates to work together and celebrate the joy of dance.

X Marks the Spot

Jeff Szpirglas (author) Danielle Saint-Onge (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459807921

A natural-born explorer, Leo loves to make maps and experiment with new ways of getting around the schoolyard. But explorers sometimes get sidetracked, which can lead to getting in trouble. When Leo’s teacher, Mr. Chang, announces he’ll be giving out an award for responsibility, Leo is determined to redeem himself. The upcoming class field trip to the woods seems like the perfect opportunity. He’ll get to use his handy compass watch and show Mr. Chang he can be extra-responsible! But when two of Leo’s classmates wander out of bounds, Leo is faced with a tough decision.

Unity Club

Karen Spafford-Fitz (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817258

Brett is president of her school's Unity Club. When a new group home for at-risk youth opens in the neighborhood, Brett becomes friends with Jude, one of the boys who lives at the home. After a series of acts of vandalism, the community starts demanding that the group home be shut down. Brett doesn't believe that Jude, or any of the other teens, is responsible, but when an elderly woman is seriously injured, Brett begins to have doubts.


Monique Polak (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459809918

During Passover, Jews are reminded of how, more than three thousand years ago, their ancestors emerged from slavery to become free men and women. Bestselling author Monique Polak explores her own Jewish roots as she tells the Passover story, which reminds us that the freedom to be who we are and practice our religion, whatever it may be, is a great gift. It also teaches us that if we summon our courage and look out for each other, we can endure and overcome the most challenging circumstances. Enlivened by personal stories, Passover reminds us that we can all endure and overcome the most challenging circumstances. Passover is the first in a series of books called Orca Origins that will examine ancient traditions kept alive in the modern world. Other books in the series will cover Ramadan, Chinese New Year and Diwali.

Dive In!

Ann Eriksson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459815872

We're all connected to the ocean, and the ocean to us. The ocean provides half the oxygen we breathe; it feeds us, creates our weather and provides us with water. But we haven't been as kind to the ocean in return. The problems are many: pollution, overfishing, rising seas and acid waters. What can be done? Don't despair; take action. Dive In! explores our intimate connection with the ocean and provides every reader with an achievable set of actions that can help improve ocean health for our sake and the sake of the millions of marine plants and animals that share the planet with us. Filled with colorful photos and positive stories, Dive In! is as informative as it is inspirational.

Dunces Rock

Kate Jaimet (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459805866

The Dunces—Josh, Magnolia, Wang and Wilmot—are back, and this time they’re going up against a formidable foe: Principal Hale, who has canceled their school’s drama and music program just when Wilmot needs it most. He has a guitar (given to him by a teen named Headcase), but no teacher and nowhere to practice (his dad hates rock ’n’ roll). The Dunces’ plan to convince Principal Hale to reinstate the program involves Josh’s reluctant participation in a hockey team, Magnolia’s enthusiastic role-playing and Wang’s disillusionment with a suspicious character named Hui Bing (aka Larry). But can the Dunces really rock, even when they rebrand themselves as Cousin Willy and the Wang Dang Doodles?

Duke's Den

Becky Citra (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459809024

Amelia’s world came crashing down when her parents separated and she was forced to relocate with her mother to a new part of town. When Duke and Gabriella move into the suite downstairs with their menagerie of exotic animals, Amelia feels like she’s been thrown a lifeline. Helping care for the animals gives Amelia a sense of purpose, and she’s determined to keep Duke and Gabriella’s secret. But eventually her mother discovers the animals and refuses to let them stay. To make matters worse, Winston, a sulcata tortoise, has fallen ill, and the medical bills are piling up. Can Amelia figure out a way to help save Winston and keep her newfound family together?

Dirk Daring, Secret Agent

Helaine Becker (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459806849

When Darren Dirkowitz's evil stepbrother (code name Waldo) gets hold of Darren's tippity-top-secret spy journal, he threatens to expose it to the entire Preston Middle School student body. Unless, that is, Darren starts doing his dirty work for him. Now Darren's got to use the oh-so-cloak-and-daggery skills he's honed in his secret alternate life as Dirk Daring, Secret Agent to spy on kids at school. Naturally, he also sets up a separate, sneaky surveillance program to unearth Waldo's own secrets. As more and more ugly truths are exposed, new alliances are forged and old friendships broken. Can Darren learn to be true to himself and build real friendships for the first time in his life? Or will he retreat back into his exciting but imaginary shadow world?

Devil's Pass

Sigmund Brouwer (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554699391

Seventeen-year-old Webb's abusive stepfather has made it impossible for him to live at home, so Webb survives on the streets of Toronto by busking with his guitar and working as a dishwasher. When Webb's grandfather dies, his will stipulates that his grandsons fulfill specific requests. Webb's task takes him to the Canol Trail in Canada's Far North, where he finds out that there are much scarier things than the cold and the occasional grizzly bear. With an Indigenous guide, two German tourists and his guitar for company, Webb is forced to confront terrible events in his grandfather's past and somehow deal with the pain and confusion of his own life. Webb's adventures start in Barracuda, part of The Seven Prequels and continue in Tin Soldier, part of The Seven Sequels.

Deep Roots

Nikki Tate (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459805835

Most of us see trees every day, and too often we take them for granted. Trees provide us with everything from food, fuel and shelter to oxygen and filtered water. Deep Roots celebrates the central role trees play in our lives, no matter where we live. Each chapter in Deep Roots focuses on a basic element—water, air, fire and earth—and explores the many ways in which we need trees to keep our planet healthy and livable. From making rain to producing fruit to feeding fish, trees play an integral role in maintaining vibrant ecosystems all over the world. Facts about trees and hands-on activities throughout help readers discover ways to get to know our giant neighbors better.

Dawn Patrol

Jeff Ross (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459800632

Everything stops making sense for extreme surfer Kevin Taylor after his parents die in a plane crash. When Kevin disappears, leaving only a cryptic note, his best friends Luca and Esme have no choice but to try and find him. Their journey takes them to the coast of Panama, where they must confront unfriendly locals, a surfer who seems bent on destroying them, and monster waves. As their hope dwindles and time runs out, the mystery of what really happened to Kevin's parents deepens, and Luca and Esme begin to wonder if they are in over their heads.

Cut the Lights

Karen Krossing (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459804142

Briar has a vision for the one-act play she's been chosen to direct at her performing arts high school. She's going to create a masterpiece. If only everyone involved in the production shared her vision. Her leading lady is gifted but troubled, her leading man has a crush on the leading lady, her stage manager doesn't have a clue, and her best friend, who wrote the play, is worried that Briar's production is cursed. As Briar struggles to motivate her cast and crew, she learns some important truths about the fine art of directing, and about herself.


Nikki Tate (author) Dani Tate-Stratton (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813564

Christmas is a popular holiday celebrated by people all over the world. This informative and engaging exploration of Christmas is aimed at the middle grades but will entertain readers of a much wider age range. Learn about the games played, foods eaten, music played and favorite ways of decorating in different parts of the world. With lots of fun facts (about everything from frumenty to the jolly old man in red himself) and recipes, there's plenty in this beautifully illustrated volume to satisfy anyone with an interest in the festive season.

Close to the Heel

Norah McClintock (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554699513

No one is more surprised than Rennie to hear that his late grandfather, whom he hardly knew, has left a mission for him to fulfill. Rennie is to fly to Iceland and deliver a message from beyond the grave, but when he gets there, nothing is simple or straightforward. For one thing, Brynja, the teenage daughter of the family he's staying with, is downright hostile. Her father Einar, who is to be Rennie's guide in Iceland, is preoccupied with looking after his elderly father-in-law, an old friend of Rennie's grandfather. Bored and a little bit annoyed, Rennie explores the town and becomes aware that the family is dealing with more than their grief over Brynja's mother's death the year before. Before he realizes what is happening, his curiosity puts Rennie in grave danger, with no one to trust and no one to save him except himself. Rennie's adventures start in Slide, part of The Seven Prequels and continue in From the Dead, part of The Seven Sequels.


Vicki Grant (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459800076

Dan appréhende l'ennuyeuse sortie scolaire dans une ferme historique éloignée. Pas tant à cause du fumier que du fait que le fermier élève des porcs. Les porcs s'appellent aussi des cochons et le nom de famille de Dan est Cauchon. Déjà en butte aux moqueries, Dan se cuirasse contre l'épreuve anticipée. Mais il n'a pas prévu l'apparition d'un inquiétant fermier tatoué, la disparition mystérieuse de son enseignante ou les menaces de mort contre ses camarades. Et encore moins qu'il sera seul à pouvoir les sauver. Dan is not sure he'll survive the boring field trip to a remote heritage farm. How could a place with no running water, telephone or electricity be anything but dull? To top it all off, the farmer knows nothing about farming and is angry about having to conduct the tour. When Dan sneaks back to the school bus, he discovers the driver and teacher have been bound and gagged. Who is this "farmer" anyway, and will Dan be able to find help in time?

Chick: Lister

Alex Van Tol (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810020

Chick is a popular fourteen-year-old who is essentially on this earth to live up to his father’s impossible expectations, or at least that’s how he feels. This pressure is a grinding source of anxiety for him, which he copes with by making lists. He itemizes every aspect of his life, from his daily routine to the things that make him nervous. But as the pressure of school and his budding romance with his debating teammate Audrey builds, his compulsion starts to feel impossible to control or conceal.


Jeff Rud (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810327

Basketball-crazy Jake Burnett is thrilled to be leaving home to attend prestigious Centerville Prep. It’s an opportunity to pursue his hoop dreams at the highest level. But things aren’t quite as advertised at his new school, and Jake soon finds himself struggling both on and off the court. At first, Jake is determined to play harder and ignore the warning signs. Until he discovers that his new head coach is a scam artist, putting kids at risk for his own gain. Now Jake has a difficult choice to make - advance his basketball career or do the right thing.

Can Your Outfit Change the World?

Erinne Paisley (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813076

What you choose to wear becomes part of your identity, but it doesn't affect just you. Your clothing sends a message to the world, whether you want it to or not! And often we don't know what that message really is. Can Your Outfit Change the World? looks at how and where clothes are made, how the people who make the clothes are treated and how the companies who sell the clothes affect the health of our planet. Armed with information, you can follow the book's guide to spending your fashion dollars in a responsible and eco-friendly way. Your outfits have more power than you might realize!

Where's Burgess?

Laurie Elmquist (author) David Parkins (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459814790

Reece Hansen is missing two things: his father and his frog. His parents are newly separated, and his dad is now living in another city, fighting forest fires. Reece struggles to get used to daily life without him. When he loses his pet frog, Burgess, Reece puts posters up around the neighborhood. But frogs are difficult to find. It takes an unusual classmate, the boy who wears a bathrobe to school, to pull Reece's attention away from Burgess. Through his new friend and a camping trip with his mom, Reece learns that friends can come in human form and families are resilient even when things change.

Pocket Rocks

Sheree Fitch (author) Helen Flook (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817807

No matter how hard he tries, even with the help of his classroom aide, Ian Goobie can't do the things that the other children in his class can do. Every day he dreads going to school. Then he finds a rock, a rock that fits perfectly in his pocket, a rock that touches all his senses and whisks him away into a whole other world. From then on, as long as he has a rock in his pocket, Ian Goobie can manage his daily challenges. That is, until he stuffs so many rocks in his pockets that his pants fall down right outside in the schoolyard, in front of all his classmates. This might be the biggest challenge Ian Goobie has had to face yet.

Princess Angelica, Camp Catastrophe

Monique Polak (author) Jane Heinrichs (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459815391

Angelica isn't a liar, she just loves making up stories. When Angelica goes to sleepaway camp and is mistaken for a princess, she could easily clear up the misunderstanding...but pretending to be royalty is way more fun! When her best friend from home surprises her at camp, Angelica is forced to fess up. Luckily, she also has a talent for repairing things, and when disaster strikes on the girls' kayaking trip, Jelly has to repair more than just her newfound friendships.

Can Your Smartphone Change the World?

Erinne Paisley (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813045

A twenty-first-century guide for anyone who has access to a smartphone. This how-to manual looks at specific ways you can create social change through the tap of a screen. Filled with examples of successful hashtag campaigns, viral videos and new socially conscious apps, the book provides practical advice for using your smartphone as a tool for social justice and online activism. This is the first book in the PopActivism series, which includes Can Your Outfit Change the World? and Can Your Conversations Change the World?