Search Results: 546 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Insects as Decomposers

Lyn Sirota (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681918938

This book takes a look at how insects break down animal and plant matter.

Social Lives of Meerkats

Rachel M. Wilson (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681918990

This book offers a look at the social and emotional lives, as well as the communication methods, of meerkats.

Insects as Pollinators

Lyn Sirota (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681918921

Insect pollinators are critical to a balanced ecosystem.

Why Do Animals Look Like That?

Sam George (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681919201

This title looks at the way weather and camouglage helps keep animals stay safe against predators by changing color or blending in with their surroundings in some pretty strange ways.

Why Do Animals Go There?

Jonathan Rosen (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681919188

This title will allow students to understand the reasons animals migrate, or move, in order to find food or stay safe.

Why Do Animals Sleep There?

Sam George (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681919195

This title explores the reasons why different animals sleep in different places in order to stay safe or keep warm.

Why Do Animals Hide?

Robin Koontz (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781681919249

Animals hide for many reasons. To hide from predators, or to stay safe from frigid weather. Learn all about the ways animals hide.

GPS: Global Positioning System

Jeanne Sturm

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 1604723300

Always know where you are by using a GPS locator. Includes characteristics, uses, how it works, and future applications.


Don McLeese (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618103741

From how a frog's life begins as a tadpole to the transformation into a webbed-footed amphibian, this title gives students all the information they could ever want to learn about frogs - their habitats, diets, the differences between frogs and toads and the discovery of new species found by scientists around the world are all discussed.

Los fósiles, hallazgos del pasado

Tom Greve (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175074

Examine how the fossils document the appearance, diversification, and extinction of many life forms.

Volume 8 - Mathematics

Tim Clifford (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940198

Take an in-depth look at mathematics in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 9 - Technology

Nancy Harris (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940204

Take an in-depth look at technology in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 10 - Index/Research Projects

Thomas Sheehan (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940211

Research project and fun science experiments are shown in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 6 - Physics

Nancy Harris (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940174

Take an in-depth look at physics in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 5 - Chemistry

Nancy Harris (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940167

Take an in-depth look at chemistry in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 7 - Astronomy & Space

Tim Clifford (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940181

Take an in-depth look at astronomy and space in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 4 - Earth Science

Tim Clifford (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940150

Take an in-depth look at earth science in this encyclopedia.

Volume 1 - Human Life

Marcia Freeman (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940129

Take an in-depth look at human life in this science encyclopedia.

Volume 2 - Animal Life

Kelli L. Hicks (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781606940136

Take an in-depth look at animal life in this science encyclopedia.

Animal Sanctuaries

Kelli Hicks (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781634301220

Readers will learn how animals are reintroduced into their natural-world setting that they might have never known.


Lynn M. Stone (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 1604723637

A new and popular breed, the Labradoodle is introduced. Facts such as where it comes from, how big it can get, what its strengths are, and the care it requires are included.


Lynn M. Stone (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781604723656

Introduces the sophisticated Maltese. Readers learn about where it came from, who likes to have them as pets, and how to care for them.

Grassland Buffet: Studying Food Webs in the Grasslands and Savannahs

Julie Lundgren

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781604723182

The animals of the grasslands and savannahs are highlighted in this comprehensive book about food webs.

Freshwater Feeders: Studying Food Webs in Freshwater

Gwendolyn Hooks

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 1604727829

The question of who eats what in a freshwater habitat is answered in this book about food webs.

Forest Fare: Studying Food Webs in the Forest

Julie Lundgren

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781604723168

This book looks at a forest food chain, discussing the plants and animals that are native to this environment, threats to their survival, and what is being done to protect their habitat.