Search Results: 170 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Los huracanes

David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout (authors)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174695

En el libro se explica qué son los huracanas, los efectos devastadores que pueden tener, las zonas de peligro y cómo los expertos persiguen a estas feroces tormentas

Entonces, ¿Qué pasa con el suelo?

Rachel Chappell (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174626

En el libro se explica cómo es el suelo; comenta sus nutrientes, materia orgánica y los idferentes tipos de suelo.

Vías acuáticas

Ellen Mitten (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174664

Young readers learn about waterways through simple text and photos.

Los océanos

Sandy Sepehri (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175128

En esta colección, explora la geología y las ciencias de la Tierra con impresionantes ilustraciones en cada libro.

Los fósiles y las rocas

Kimberly Hutmacher (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174787

En el libro se explica cuántas clases de roca hay y para qué se utilizan. También qué son los fósiles y para qué se usan.

Las montañas

Tom Sheehan (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175111

En esta colección, explora la geología y las ciencias de la Tierra con impresionantes ilustraciones en cada libro.

Las placas tectónicas y los desastres

Tom Greve (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175135

En el libro se explica qué son las placas tectónicas y cómo ocurren los terremotos y los tsunamis.

La tierra y la importancia del agua

Shirley Duke (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175463

En el libro se explica la importancia del agua para la vida y cómo se puede mantener un abastecimiento sustentable.

La energía

Tim Clifford (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175043

La ciencia nos ayuda a entender el mundo que nos rodea, descubre el mundo natural con el tema de la energía.

Inundaciones, represas y diques

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174770

En el libro se explica cómo se protege a la población de las inundaciones.

El maravilloso ciclo del agua

Kimberly Hutmacher (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175494

Con gráficas e ilustraciones muy claras, se explica el ciclo del agua y la importancia de ésta en la vida del planeta Tierra.

El clima y el tiempo

Carla Mooney (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174763

En el libro aprenderás qué afecta el clima y el tiempo.

Studying Our Earth, Inside and Out

Kimberly Hutmacher (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618103543

In this title students will learn in depth information about the three layers that make up the earth. It also introduces students to how the tectonic plates, wind, and water are constantly changing our landscape, and gives detailed information on how scientists think our earth was formed and evolved.

The Earth and the Role of Water

Shirley Duke (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618103864

This book explains the water cycle and how water is used to generate many forms of electricity. It introduces students to the importance of keeping our water supplies clean has detailed information about the effects water has on different formations on our Earth. From weathering to landslides, it can all be found in this title.

Climate and Weather

Carla Mooney (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618103857

From basic information about air pressure to cloud formations, this book goes on to explain violent weather conditions and how to prepare for them. Also talks about the Earth's changing weather patterns and climates and what role we play in those changes.

Fossils and Rocks

Kimberly Hutmacher (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618103659

Using interesting facts and photographs, this book discusses rocks and fossils.

Plate Tectonics and Disasters

Tom Greve (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618103826

This book goes into great detail about the different layers of our Earth and how the shifting tectonic plates can cause disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. In depth information and great photographs reinforce the informative text.

One Land, Many Cultures

Maureen Picard Robins (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618104014

This title addresses how America Is a melting pot filled with people from all over the world. Learning about their native language, the foods they eat, and their customs are just some of the issues addressed in this book. Maps that show the different parts of the world where their ancestors came from are an added feature.

What Are the US Regions?

Maureen Picard Robins (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781618104038

This title talks about the five regions of the United States and is filled with colorful maps to indicate where these regions are. It also includes fun information about the climate in each region, what the people there do for fun, what they eat and what makes living there so enjoyable.


Alan Wachtel (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 1604723521

Pakistan's current situation is addressed using information about its history, culture, and people.