Search Results: 200 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Islam in Turkey

Leyla Alicavusoglu, Frances Hawker (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427197863

Islam in Turkey follows Metehan and his sister Ayse during the month of Ramadan. Follow them as Metehan tries fasting for the first time, and find out why Muslims celebrate Ramadan and how they learn about the Quran.

Ten of the Best Mythical Hero Stories

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177377

Ten boldly illustrated stories tell classic tales from different cultures of battles between heroes and powerful opponents. Tales include: Theseus versus the Minotaur, and Perseus versus Medusa, from Greek mythology; Beowulf versus monsters and dragons from Anglo-Saxon mythology; and the Mayan twins versus the lords of the Underworld. Other well-known stories feature Sinbad the Sailor from Arabic literature, and the Swiss hero William Tell. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.

Ten of the Best Witch and Sorcerer Stories

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177391

Ten boldly illustrated stories tell folktales and legends from different cultures about characters with magical powers. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.

Ten of the Best Prince and Princess Stories

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177384

Ten beautifully illustrated stories tell classic fairy tales from different cultures of princes and princesses. Familiar fairy tales include Snow White, Rapunzel, The Frog Prince, and The Princess and the Pea from Germany and Scandinavia. Tales from other cultures include: Rhodopis, from Egypt; The Lake Princess, from China; and Princess of the Mist, a Native legend from Canada. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.

Ten of the Best Monster Stories

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177360

Ten boldly illustrated stories tell tales from different cultures of legendary creatures, both good and bad. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.

Ten of the Best Animal Myths

David West (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427177322

Ten beautifully illustrated stories tell fables and folktales from different cultures featuring animal characters that often speak and act like humans in order to teach a lesson. Tales include: Anansi the Spider and Mainu the Frog, from African folktales; Brer Rabbit, an African American folktale; Wenebojo and the Buffalo, a Native American legend; the Hare and the Tortoise, a Greek fable; and Androcles and the Lion, a Roman fable. Feature boxes add additional details to help readers better understand concepts in the story as well as the time period in which the story was written.

Human Rights and Liberty

Charlie Ogden (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118981

As people, we are all born with certain rights, called human rights, that are not given to us by laws. This book explains that no matter where we live in the world or under what government, our human rights protect our claim to live with freedom, equality, justice, and peace. Case studies discuss what happens when human rights are blocked and our liberty—the right to live the way we want to—is taken away. An activity encourages further discussion.

The Displacement of Native Peoples

Lynn Peppas (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117618

This revealing book examines how First Nations and Native Peoples have been displaced in the United States and Canada through treaties, empty promises, and military force. Through close examination of primary source images, documents, and first-hand accounts, readers will gain an understanding of how thousands were displaced and cultures threatened. Topics covered include government relations and policies, such as the Potlatch Law and the Dawes Act, as well as the creation of residential schools and other acts of forced assimilation. Native and non-Native viewpoints are addressed to help readers develop critical thinking skills and get a sense of the attitudes and opinions of the time. A look at relations today sheds light on the lasting repercussions.

Amelia Earhart

Diane Dakers (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180926

As a girl, Amelia Earhart aspired to a future that would take her beyond the family and medical problems of her younger years, as well as the restrictions imposed on her because she was female. Widely celebrated for her long-distance flights, she also set records for altitude and speed, and helped develop passenger airline service. As a writer and magazine editor, Earhart also further advanced the cause of flight and of women in aviation. Her disappearance during a daring around-the-world flight in 1937 has been a source of intrigue for over 80 years. Earhart’s life and career have provided inspiration to generations of young people, particularly those whose paths have been beset with obstacles and barriers.

Immigration and Refugees

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121943

More than 65 million people are displaced in the world today and at least 17 million are refugees. This topical title addresses the issues surrounding how the world, and western countries in particular, deal with the overwhelming scale of refugees and immigrants flooding across borders.

Tecumseh: Speech at Vincennes

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121851

A Shawnee warrior and chief, Tecumseh was widely admired as a skilled orator who wanted to unite Indigenous groups in the United States and Canada to prevent the loss of their territory and way of life. This thought-provoking book features his memorable speech in 1810 at Vincennes, to Indiana Governor Harrison, to revoke a treaty that took Indigenous lands, and to Indigenous peoples to resist the takeover of their territories. Readers are introduced to the social and political circumstances of the time and an anlysis of text highlights Tecumseh's skill in persuasive writing.

Susan B. Anthony: On A Woman's Right to Vote

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121844

In an era when women worldwide had few rights and could not vote, Susan B. Anthony risked her freedom and reputation by advocating for women’s suffrage in the United States. This engaging title analyzes her 1873 speech On Women’s Right to Vote, and its simple, but powerful, assertion that women are "persons." Additional material encourages readers to compare this speech to works by Sojourner Truth, as well as more modern women’s rights advocates.

James Baldwin: Cambridge Debate Speech

Rebecca Sjonger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427121837

James Baldwin was an author, social critic, and activist known for his deep understanding of race and class in the United States. This book introduces readers to his speech from a 1965 debate at Cambridge University in which he argues for racial equality in the civil rights era. The social and political circumstances of the era are discussed as well as Baldwin's persuasive argument that, despite contributing to the making of the United States, African Americans are not allowed to fully participate in the American Dream.

Women Writers Hidden in History

Petrice Custance (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124807

For thousands of years, women in many cultures were excluded from or limited in education. This meant that others told their stories for them. This fascinating book shines a light on women writers who broke that mold. These women wrote some of the most intriguing stories ever written, such as Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote the world’s first novel, and Olympe de Gouges, whose political essays helped spark the French Revolution.

Women Warriors Hidden in History

Sarah Eason (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124791

There were many real-life female fighters who wowed the ancient and modern worlds with their bravery and skills. This exciting book dives into the history of women who bravely fought—some to the death! Read about Cynane, the half-sister of Alexander the Great, who became the super-slayer of the ancient Greeks, and the rebel fighters Trung Trac and Trung Nhi, who repelled a stronger army and ruled Vietnam for three years.

Women Scientists Hidden in History

Cynthia O'Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124784

Did you know the first recorded chemist in history was a woman? Tapputi-Belatekallim lived about 1200 BCE and was the head perfumer for the King of Babylon—a big deal in ancient times when perfume was used in medicine and important ceremonies. This informative book offers an overview of the amazing, and often hidden or forgotten achievements of women in science, who developed vaccines and cancer treatments, and unlocked the secrets of nuclear power and DNA—the building blocks of life.

Women Rulers Hidden in History

Sarah Eason (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124777

Ruling queens and politicians are not unusual today, but the stories of their ancestors are often lost in time. This amazing book brings the remarkable lives of ruling women to light, examining the historic evidence that women have always been great and powerful leaders. Discover rulers throughout history, from the most powerful women in Europe, such as Eleanor of Aquitaine, wife to one king and mother to two others, to Mandukhai Katan, Mongol ruler and “second Ghenghis Khan.”

Women Inventors Hidden in History

Petrice Custance (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124760

We’ve all heard of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, but very few female inventors are household names. This fascinating book illuminates the history of women who used their brainpower and skills to produce important items we use ever day. Meet Hedy LaMarr, a famous Hollywood actress by day and inventor of a radio guidance system for torpedos by night. Marvel at the cleverness of Ng Mui, who developed the martial art known as Wing Chun, which later developed into kung fu.

Women Explorers Hidden in History

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427124753

There’s no doubt that women have always been a part of journeys of discovery, from Viking women crossing the ocean to new lands to trade caravans bringing goods through Africa. But there is slim mention of them in most history books. This exciting book digs up the history of the bold women who dared to travel all over the world, including multilingual Isabelle Eberhardt, who “obeyed her destiny” and traveled through the Algerian desert dressed as a man, and adventurous aviatrix Bessie Coleman, the first African-American woman to hold a pilot’s license.

My New Home After Somalia

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427123770

From conflict-torn Somalia, to the massive Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya, and finally to a new home in Sweden, Fatuma’s family is used to constant change. Still, Sweden's cold winters and difficult language have required a lot of adjustment. There is hope, but also fear. Fatuma’s story gives readers a glimpse of how, even in countries that accept refugees, not everyone is fully accepting.

Hoping for a Home After Nigeria

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427123763

Baseema’s family was nearly torn apart by the terrorist violence of Boko Haram in her homeland of Nigeria. Forced to flee their farm, they relied on friends of her father for a home and support. Still unable to return, the family moves again to Kano, the second largest city in Nigeria, and struggles to survive. Baseema’s story gives a glimpse of how many refugees rely on extended networks of family and friends and how, with education disrupted, young women are often forced to marry early.

My New Home After Iran

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427123756

Zahra’s family left Iran because of political persecution and found a new home in Australia. She will never forget her early years as a refugee, from learning English to navigating transportation. But Zahra is now 100 percent Aussie, and keen to finish university and make her mark on her adopted home. The story includes details on how refugees contribute to their new homes culturally, socially, and financially.

Hoping For a Home After El Salvador

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427123749

Threatened by gangs and everyday violence, Benito’s family flees El Salvador to an uncertain but safer life in Mexico. They are later joined by Auntie Lara, who lost a son to gang violence and joined a migrant caravan heading to the United States. The story is interwoven with details on how violence in countries whose governments no longer function make a safe life impossible, continuing the cycle of refugees heading to Central and North America.

My New Home After the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ellen Rodger (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427123732

Etienne is a former child soldier from the Democratic Republic of Congo with a secret fear he will never be safe. His father and brother are missing and presumed dead. After he escapes his captors, his mother decides they have lost enough. They are lucky enough to have family in Canada and are reunited with them as refugees. The story is interspersed with facts about the trauma some refugees deal with and the uncertain welcome from countries struggling with opposition to refugees.

Returning to Colombia

Linda Barghoorn (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427123725

Andre's family was resettled in Ecuador after rebels stormed their village in Colombia. Although they were safe, life wasn’t easy and Andre’s father had a hard time finding work. Suffering discrimination in their country of refuge, and with the situation improved in Colombia since the 2016 peace deal, his family makes the decision to return home. There, they work hard to regain their life and are reunited with a brother and son who had been taken by rebels. Readers get vital insight into how some refugees return to their homelands when—and if—it is safe to do so.