Search Results: 139 books from 19 publishers. Learn more

The Ugly Duckling

Laura Layton Strom (author), James Palmer (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691893

The ugly duckling is a baby duck that doesn't look like his brothers and sisters. In fact, some of the animals call him "ugly" and bully him. But one day everything changes for the ugly duckling.

Belling the Cat

Antonio Blane (author), Joanna Czernichowska (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691787

The mice must try to figure out how to protect themselves from the house cat. One young mouse has a great idea. But will he have the courage to bell the cat?

The Princess and the Pea

Laura Layton Strom (author), Niki Leonidou (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691732

The poor prince can't seem to find a TRUE princess. Will a tiny green legume save the day?


Laura Layton Strom (author), Niki Leonidou (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691725

A mean old woman puts a young girl in a tower with no door or stairs! How will she get visitors? How will she escape?

Town Mouse and Country Mouse

Cynthia Swain (author), Bill Greenhead (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691688

This Aesop's fable retelling is about two cousins who live in two very different places: the city and the country. They visit each other to try to decide which place is better. Which do you think is better?

The Lion and the Mouse

Cynthia Swain (author), Wilson Williams (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691664

This is a fable about kindness and mercy. The mouse is feeling playful and wakes up the lion. At first the lion is angry. But the lion shows mercy on the mouse. And that kindness is returned one day.

The Brave Servant: A Tale from China

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), Yu-mei Han (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529574

The Lord of Luchow was a kind man, but his people are threatened with war. A loyal servant finds a way to protect his master and bring peace to the lands. Themes: bravery, intelligence, devotion.

The Boy and the North Wind: A Tale from Norway

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), Laura Jacobsen (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529567

When the north wind blows away the flour carried by a baker's young son, he sets out on a journey to insist it be returned. This Norwegian tale shows the value of perseverance nd gifts of nature.

One Last Wish: A Tale from India

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), Sue Todd (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529604

When a princess learns a terrible secret about the man she loves, she marries him in spite of the news. Her devotion pays off when she is granted a wish.

The Wounded Lion: A Tale from Spain

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), John Joven (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529635

Day after day, a poor young girl discovers a lion who needs her help. In time, her care for the lion-in-need and her dreams of a better life intersect.

The Lute Player: A Tale from Russia

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), Viktor Sluzhaev (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529598

The king, who loves adventures, is imprisoned during one of his journeys. But when the queen dets out to find her husband, she must travel in disguise. This is a story of ingenuity from medieval Russia.

Kumba and Kambili: A Tale from Mali

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), Keith D. Shepherd (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529581

When a village is terrorized by a lion, the hunter Kambili wishes to track down the beast. But his wife Kumba warns that the lion is an evil wizard. This is an adaptation of a Malinke story.

The Tale of the Oki Islands: A Tale from Japan

Suzanne I. Barchers (author), Hiromitsu Yokota (illustrator)

Publisher: Red Chair Press LLC ISBN: 9781937529628

Tokoyo, a skilled diver, is devoted to her father who has been banished by the emperor. She goes in search of him and in the process kills a sea dragon, breaking an evil spell. Tokoyo and her father are reunited and return to their village. Themes: bravery, devotion.

Itsy Bitsy Spider and Itsy Bitsy Beetle

Tomislav Zlatic, Wes Magee (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180407

Read the traditional nursery rhyme Itsy Bitsy Spider first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. Can you make up a rhyme of your own?

Hey Diddle Diddle and Hey Diddle Doodle

Jill Newton, Brian Moses (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180384

Read the traditional nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. Can you make up a rhyme of your own?

Humpty Dumpty and Humpty Dumpty at Sea

Jan Lewis, Brian Moses (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180391

Read the traditional nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. Can you make up a rhyme of your own?

Baa Baa, Black Sheep and Baa Baa, Pink Sheep

Mick Gower (author), O'Kif (illustrator)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180377

Read the traditional nursery rhyme Baa, Baa, Black Sheep first, then enjoy a fun new rhyme. Can you make up a rhyme of your own?

The Woman Who Flummoxed the Fairies

Heather Forest (author), Susan Gaber (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9781939160713

According to this Scottish folktale, long ago sweet-toothed fairies flew into peoples homes and feasted on leftover cake crumbs. But the King of the Fairies was annoyed that crumbs never remained from the very best cakes baked by the talented bakerwoman so he orders the fairies to capture her and bring her down to the Fairy Kingdom. The resourceful woman requests items from her kitchen at home, where her bewildered husband looks on as utensils and ingredients float out of the window, borne by invisible fairies. Eventually she strikes a clever bargain with the impatient Fairy King to win her freedom and return home in return for sharing her tasty cakes.

The Uglified Ducky

Willy Claflin (author), James Stimson (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874839531

You may think you know the classic story of the Ugly Duckling, but think again. In the capable hands of his alter ego Maynard Moose, renowned storyteller Willy Claflin takes us on a wacky journey where this Uglified Ducky, a hapless young moose, "blunders away" from his home, is mistaken for a baby duck, and endures endless humiliation as he tries to learn to waddle, quack, swim, and fly. Eventually, he finds his true "fambly," who helps him discover his own beauty. In his fractured Moose English, translated in the glossary at front, Maynard relays a surprisingly tender story that echoes the original tale's theme of the struggle to belong and discover your true self. The Uglified Ducky's quest is playfully but sympathetically interpreted in James Stimson's luminous, droll gouache illustrations.

Rapunzel and the Seven Dwarfs

Willy Claflin (author), James Stimson (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874839142

Only Maynard Moose could dream up this hilarious story that mashes up three fractured fairy tales by combining the stories of Rapunzel's golden locks with Sleeping Beauty along with Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs to create a bizarre adventure story.

Stone Soup

Heather Forest (author), Susan Gaber (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874836028

Two hungry travelers arrive at a village expecting to find a household that will share a bit of food, as has been the custom along their journey. To their surprise, villager after villager refuses to share, each one closing the door with a bang. As they sit to rest beside a well, one of the travelers observes that if the townspeople have no food to share, they must be "in greater need than we are." With that, the travelers demonstrate their special recipe for a magical soup, using a stone as a starter. All they need is a carrot, which a young girl volunteers. Not to be outdone, another villager contributes a potato, and the soup grows as others bring corn, celery, and other vegetables and seasonings. In this cumulative retelling of an ancient and widely circulated legend, author Heather Forest shows us that when each person makes a small contribution, the collective impact can be huge. Susan Gaber's paintings portray the optimism and timelessness of a story that celebrates teamwork and generosity

The Pig Who Went Home on Sunday

Donald Davis (author), Jennifer Mazzucco (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874838510

In this award-winning home-grown version of "The Three Little Pigs," the villain is, naturally, a fox - the Appalachian red fox, who any local hunter will tell you is a worthy and cunning opponent. Davis's storytelling skills make full use of the tale's inherent repetition, capturing the mountain rhythms, homestead setting, and rural wisdom of the Appalachians. The bright watercolors depict a clever fox and capture the eastern mountain terrain that has shaped this unique version of a well-known tale.

Hidden Feast

Martha Hamilton, Mitch Weiss (author), Don Tate (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874837582

When the barnyard animals are invited to a party by their neighbors, they dress in their Sunday best and set off for a day of merriment. But when dinnertime arrives, the famished animals are perplexed to find a simple meal of cornbread. Most of them are polite but Rooster turns his beak up in disgust and rudely leaves the party, missing the treasures hidden for the guests. The surprising twist at the end of the story explains why, ever since, Rooster scratches in the dirt. Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss capture the rhythms and idioms of this rural Southern tale, and Don Tate's whimsical acrylics serve up a regular hoedown of fun.

Little Red Hen

Heather Forest (author), Susan Gaber (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874837957

A little Red Hen lived in a house, with a frisky dog, a cat, and a mouse. So begins this fresh look at a beloved old fable. The little Red Hen's frisky housemates, Dog, Cat, and Mouse, would rather play than settle down to daily chores such as planting, cutting, and grinding wheat. But when the wheat is used to make a delicious cake, the little creatures are more than happy to help eat it! Heather Forest's rhythmic retelling captures the chaos of daily living and celebrates the spirit of teamwork inherent in the tale. Susan Gaber's whimsical illustrations transport the reader to a cozy cottage where the little Red Hen helps others learn how to help her even if it is more effort than doing the work herself.

The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Tooth Dog

Julie Paschkis (author), Julie Paschkis (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874838084

When a rich man is rescued from thieves by a smelly, slobbery dog, the man offers the dog any treasure is his house as a reward. The treasure that the dog chooses is the rich mans daughter. With great sadness, the daughter honors her fathers promise and goes to live with the dog. Over time, a friendship grows between the girl and the dog, but she still misses her father. In this tale from Great Britain, award winning author, Margaret Read MacDonald puts a new spin on the classic story, Beauty and the Beast, reminding us all that appearances can be deceiving and that compassion can be powerful.