Search Results: 44 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Innovations in Communication

Cynthia O'Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118042

Imagine a world where you had to write letters, mail them at the post office, and wait a week or two for a response. You might not realize that there was once a world without your favorite forms of instant communication. The way you keep in touch with the people around you is because of amazing inventions in communication throughout history! From braille to texting, this title explores the amazing inventors, scientists, and engineers who saw challenges in the way we communicate with each other, and overcame them! With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help us connect freely with friends and family across boundaries?

Innovations in Everyday Technologies

Larry Verstraete (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118059

You might not realize that there was once a world without microwaves, umbrellas, or elevators! That’s a lot of cold food, wet clothing, and stairs! Luckily, some innovative people have solved problems in everyday technologies throughout history. This title explores the gadgets, structures, and materials that we depend on every single day, and the amazing inventors, scientists, and engineers who dreamed them up! These inventions make things easier in our day-to-day lives. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help make our daily lives a little easier?

Innovations in Safety

Cynthia O'Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118066

You might not know there was once a world without bike helmets, seatbelts, and airbags. This title looks at major innovations in safety over the years, and the ingenious inventors, scientists, and engineers who made them. These amazing individuals have saved countless lives by identifying safety hazards in everyday situations, and inventing devices that keep people from getting hurt. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help protect people and even save lives?

Innovations in Health

L. E. Carmichael (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118080

You might be shocked to discover how some illnesses and diseases were treated years before medical innovations were made. This book will make you feel lucky that you were born after many safe and successful ways were developed to treat illnesses and save lives. Learn about important innovations made in health care that we now take for granted, and the amazing scientists, inventors, and engineers who developed them. With a little inventive thinking, how could you come up with a way to keep you and your family healthy?

Innovations in Transportation

Larry Verstraete (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427118073

Imagine a street filled with horses and buggies, or the skies without airplanes! You might not realize that, before vehicles, it used to take days—even weeks—to visit friends or family! This title looks at major innovations in transportation over the years, and the ingenious inventors, scientists, and engineers who made them. With a little inventive thinking, what might you create to help us change the way we travel?

Human-made Disasters

David West, Steve Parker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427197610

Human negligence, engineering miscalculation, mechanical failure - human activity has been responsible for some of the gravest harm to people and the world. Thirteen famous disasters are featured is this fascinating book. Each one became well-known for the unique scientific process that led to the destruction, as well as for the structural changes and safety measures proposed in its aftermath. Topics include the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, the sinking of the Titanic, the Russian submarine Kursk explosion, the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge collapse, the Hindenburg airship explosion, and the Twin Towers collapse.

Natural Disasters: Moving Earth

David West, Steve Parker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427197627

The natural forces of planet Earth have been responsible for some of the world's greatest devastation, such as the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan in 2011 and the Indian Ocean in 2004. Thirteen kinds of disasters are featured in this amazing book, showing the process and science of each disaster from the action that triggered it to its dire consequences. Topics include volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, avalanches, landslides, and mudslides.

Gulf Oil Spill

Lynn Peppas (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196200

This up-to-date new book describes the alarming events of 2010 after an oil rig toppled over in the Gulf of Mexico releasing millions of gallons of oil into the water. The largest accidental oil spill in history, it killed untold numbers of wildlife, poisoned over a hundred miles of coastal land, and devastated the commercial fishing and tourism industries in an area still reeling from the destruction wreaked by Hurricane Katrina.

The Mystery of Atlantis

Brian Innes, Kathryn Walker (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427174680

More than 2,300 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote about a glorious ancient city that sank without trace beneath the waves. Ever since that time people have wondered where this lost city, Atlantis, might be and whether it actually existed. Students will thrill as they learn about the different theories of, and search efforts for, this mythical city.

Plant Fossils

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427189547

In this compelling title, students are encouraged to dig in and discover how different plant fossils unlock clues to the Earth's past. Through full-color photographs and thought-provoking questions, students will investigate how plants fossils form, how they are excavated, and how paleobotanists study them to learn about life millions of years ago.

Dinosaur Fossils

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427189523

This intriguing new title invites students to walk with the dinosaurs, learning about what they looked like, what they ate, and how they lived. From fossilized teeth to ancient footprints, students will explore how studying the different parts of a dinosaur fossil show paleontologists how these amazing creatures lived before their mass extinction over 65 million years ago.

Human Fossils

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427189530

Since the discovery of Lucy, one of the most famous human skeletons ever discovered, paleontologists and people alike have been fascinated with human fossils. In this book, students will follow the timeline of key discoveries in human fossils, and learn how scientists continue to link together the evolution of humanity using evidence from the past.

Animal Fossils

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427189516

Perfect for the budding paleontologist, this book brings to life animals that lived long ago. With clear text and engaging questions, a full range of fossils from microscopic insects to gigantic prehistoric mammals is examined. Students are encouraged to discuss the idea of living fossils and examine how fossilized animals have adapted into life forms still present today.

The Revolution in Industry

John Perritano (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778789581

Steamships, locomotives, and the airplanethese machines revolutionized the world. The Revolution in Industry takes a look at how these and other machines changed history. Young readers will be along for the ride on the Wright brothers first flight, and aboard some of the largest steamships to ever sail the world. Revolution in Power will infuse readers with a greater appreciation of the achievements all of us take for granted today.

Inventions and Inventors

Darren Sechrist (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778789550

Edison, Marconi, and Bell. Inventors and Inventions brings these scientists and others to life. Young readers take a front row seat as Thomas Edison invents the light bulb. They'll also listen in as Guglielmo Marconi tests his first wireless telegraph, and Alexander Graham Bell makes the first phone call. This colorful graphic history is sure to inspire young readers.

Life in a Fishing Community

Hélène Boudreau (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792680

This title looks at offshore fishing. Around the coast of much of North America, fishing stocks have greatly declined as a result of overfishing, pollution, and global warming. Nova Scotia, in the northeast of Canada, once had a huge fishing industry. In 1753, people from Germany, Switzerland, and France came from Europe to set up colony at Lunenburg on the coast. They soon set up a fishing and shipbuilding industry. The community grew until about 1980, when the fishing industry largely stopped. Since then, the community has had to reinvent itself. It is still largely based on the old industries, but tourism is as important. Lunenburg has a population of about 3500 people.

Life in a Farming Community

Lizann Flatt (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792673

People first domesticated wild animals and plants more than 10,000 years ago. The first peoples of North America quickly learned to farm using hand- and animal-power. As technology developed, farming machines were invented. These helped develop farming in many regions of North America previously too difficult to cultivate. From 1840 to 1880, Wisconsin USA became the breadbasket of America, and crop- and livestock-farming developed quickly. The village of Monticello is famous for its dairy farming and cheese. The community is still largely based on this. It has a population of about 1,200 people and is the focus of this book about life in a farming community.

Volcano Alert!

Paul Challen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196231

This informative book has been newly revised in light of the massive eruption in Iceland in March 2010. The skies over a large part of the world were filled with volcanic ash, affecting weather and agriculture and disrupting travel for millions of people for several weeks.

Hurricane and Typhoon Alert!

Paul Challen (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427196217

In light of 2008's devastating cyclone in Myanmar (Burma) and hurricanes Fay, Gustav, and Ike in the U.S., this informative book has been newly revised. This book features the science behind these massive tropical storms and how societies around the world cope with their ferocity.