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Grizzly Bears

Frances Backhouse (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828551

They once roamed across half the continent, but today the grizzly population has declined at an alarming rate and it is incredibly difficult to rebuild those numbers, especially in places with a lot of people. Yet grizzlies are key members of their ecological communities and a powerful symbol of wilderness. Learn from conservationists, scientists, Indigenous Peoples and young people who are working to ensure that grizzlies will be with us forever.

Dig Deep

Nicole F. Smith (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826090

What can archaeology and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge tell us about how our marine environments have changed over time and the effects of climate change? From harvesting herring eggs to hunting humpback whales, humans have had a relationship with the world's oceans for more than 100,000 years. Unearth what our ancestors left behind at archaeological sites around the world and examine how tools, campsites, fishing technologies and even garbage can show us how our ancestors lived and how they used the ocean. These discoveries can unearth clues to help keep our oceans healthier today and in the future.

Dear Polar Bears

Gabrielle Prendergast (author) Marcus Cutler (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833012

Polar bears and penguins live in similar climates, but they never, ever meet. What if they had a party together? The penguins of Antarctica write a letter inviting the polar bears of the Arctic to join them at the South Pole to celebrate their longest day of the year. But how will the polar bears get there? It's such a long journey—will they make it in time? What will they bring? And what will happen when they arrive? Dear Polar Bears combines a playful story of friendship with humorous imagery depicting the differences between Earth's polar regions. With fun facts about penguin and polar bear species, the distance between the poles, and the summer solstice, this will be the most exciting party thrown by penguins you've ever attended.

Better Connected

Tanya Lloyd Kyi (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828582

The online world has real dangers, but girls around the world are using social media to create positive change and practice good digital citizenship. You've probably seen media stories about the ways girls interact online, with headlines like "Depression in Girls Linked to Higher Use of Social Media," or "Half of Girls Are Bullied on Social Media." Better Connected focuses on the less-recognized and positive aspects of the online experiences of girls. From environmental activism to gun control, immigration policy to education access, girls are leading the way. They're showing up, teaming up and speaking up. With profiles of real changemakers and practical tools for getting started, Better Connected is an inspiring look at the amazing things girls can accomplish online.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Maria Birmingham (author) Katy Dockrill (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459830950

Humans have searched out fun for centuries - chariot races, dueling crickets, roller coasters, Rubik's Cubes. It seems we've always had a knack for finding interesting ways to have a good time. Of course, it wasn’t always that way. Our earliest ancestors had to worry more about survival than finding something to do in their free time. But as we evolved and daily living got a little easier, we began to think a bit more about entertainment. It started simply, with storytelling by a fire. Soon it grew into activities like banquets, spectator sports, theater and fairs, to name just a few. Today huge theme parks attract thrill-seekers and people step into virtual worlds for fun. And that’s just scratching the surface. With things like virtual reality, fidget spinners and global phenomena like Pokémon Go, who knows what the future of fun will hold!

Badir and the Beaver

Shannon Stewart (author) Christian Down (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817289

It's Ramadan, a time to focus on good deeds and to fast, and Badir and his brother, Anis, are out for a walk one evening while they wait for their iftar meal. In the park Badir sees a rat. A very, very large rat. He soon learns it’s actually a beaver, an animal that doesn't live in Tunisia, the country Badir and his family have emigrated from. It turns out that some of the neighbors who enjoy the park think this beaver is a bit of a pest, but Badir thinks it's wonderful and learns everything he can about the iconic Canadian animal. When a petition is started to remove the beaver, Badir, who knows firsthand how difficult it is to leave your home behind, rallies his classmates to save it. And with a little help from new friends, the kids learn that collaboration and faith can change the way we think about the world.

A Plan for Pops

Heather Smith (author) Brooke Kerrigan (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459816152

Lou spends every Saturday with Grandad and Pops. They walk to the library hand in hand, like a chain of paper dolls. Grandad reads books about science and design, Pops listens to rock and roll, and Lou bounces from lap to lap. But everything changes one Saturday. Pops has a fall. That night there is terrible news: Pops will need to use a wheelchair, not just for now, but for always. Unable to cope with his new circumstances, he becomes withdrawn and shuts himself in his room. Hearing Grandad trying to cheer up Pops inspires Lou to make a plan. Using skills learned from Grandad, and with a little help from their neighbors, Lou comes up with a plan for Pops.

Beatrice More and the Perfect Party

Alison Hughes (author) Helen Flook (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817104

Hyperorganized perfectionist Beatrice More is determined to plan a spectacularly professional birthday party for her little sister, Sophie. But she is foiled at every turn: her mother insists on making a homemade cake (disaster!), her father offers up discount mismatched decorations (debacle!), guests are hard to find in their new neighborhood (dire!), and no gift seems remotely special enough (defeated!). Will Beatrice's organizational skills be enough to turn this party around, or will she need a little help from her friends and maybe even from Sophie herself?

Betting Game

Heather M. O'Connor (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459809314

Jack’s a star player on an elite soccer team along with his brother, Alex. The Lancers are on top of the league, even favored to win the National Championship. But the game’s about to change. A slick bookie wins Jack’s friendship and introduces him to illegal betting. Before long, Jack is hooked on the adrenaline rush, and early wins convince him that gambling could make him rich. Meanwhile, an ever-widening rift is forming between the two brothers. Suddenly, Jack’s “system” fails and his luck runs out. How could a few losses pile up to a gut-kicking ten grand? When he can’t pay, the bookie gives Jack one way out - throw the National Championship. But can he betray his brother, his team and himself?

Big Time

Tom Ryan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459804623

Gerri waits outside all night to audition for Big Time, her favorite TV singing competition. She believes she has a shot at success, but when she’s insulted by one of the judges and kicked out of the competition, she thinks she’ll probably never sing again. After a teacher at her school asks her to join a choral club, Gerri reluctantly gets involved. Even though she can’t read music and she doesn’t know the other kids, she finds herself enjoying the group and learning a lot about music. A cute guy she met at the Big Time auditions joins the group, and when they perform their unique mashups at an open-mic night, Gerri realizes there’s more than one way to be a successful—and happy—singer!

Beatrice More Moves In

Alison Hughes (author) Helen Flook (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459807624

Beatrice More is no average third-grader. She is a list-making, hyperorganized perfectionist whose laid-back parents and messy little sister consistently frustrate her high standards. And when a new house, a new neighborhood and new friends are thrown into the mix, Beatrice sends the family into a comic tailspin, all in the name of “professionalism.” Despite her most feverish organizational efforts, Beatrice ultimately discovers that some of the best experiences are the ones you can’t control.

Bats in Trouble

Pamela McDowell (author) Kasia Charko (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459814042

Cricket McKay is on the case! Cricket McKay and her best friend, Shilo, are enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation when they discover that something is killing bats around Grandpa McKay's farm. Could the new wind turbines be the cause? The kids do some detective work and then jump into action coming up with a plan to save the bats. Bats in Trouble is the third book featuring animal-activist Cricket MacKay.


Robin Stevenson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459803831

When Cassie comes to Vancouver from Australia for an intensive summer program at a prestigious ballet school, she finds it hard to fit in. A clique of girls who have been at the school a long time don't want the newcomers to get any attention. At first Cassie tries to go along to get along, but when she realizes that some of the visiting summer students are being bullied and threatened, and that she herself is being sabotaged, she finally speaks out - and finds out how far some girls will go to succeed.

After Life

Merrie-Ellen Wilcox (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813908

Moving between science and culture, After Life: Ways We Think About Death takes a straightforward look at these and other questions long taboo in our society. By showing the fascinating, diverse ways in which we understand death, both today and throughout our history, the book also shines a light on what it is to be human. Each chapter includes a brief telling of a death legend, myth or history from a different culture or tradition, from Adam and Eve to Wolf and Coyote, and ends with a section on a common theme in our thinking about death, such as rivers and birds in the afterlife, the colors that different cultures use to symbolize death, and, of course, ghosts. The final chapter is about grief, which is both a universal human experience and unique to each person. The text offers suggestions for ways to think about our grief, when to ask for help and how to talk to friends who are grieving.

Angus All Aglow

Heather Smith (author) Alice Carter (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459814943

Angus loves sparkly things, so much so that he can hear them. To Angus, shiny objects not only look beautiful; they also crackle, buzz and go whiz-bang-POP! His unique ability is lost, however, when Angus wears his grandma's beaded necklace to school, and his classmates tease him for his atypical choice. Saddened by their laughter, Angus stops hearing the sparkle. A gentle story of acceptance, generosity and friendship, Angus All Aglow reminds us that it only takes one kind gesture to restore your sparkle, and returning the kindness can make you glow from the inside out.

Better Together

Nikki Tate (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813014

Better Together explores how people gather in groups of all kinds to fulfill the basic human need for companionship. From the smallest units of parents, siblings and friends to global organizations that try to build on a foundation of common human experience to meet their goals, people working together are a powerful force for change. Too often, we look at someone and see all the ways we are different. People all around the world come together to build things, teach and entertain each other, and provide everything from better health care to good food to security and education. Better Together examines the many ways we are the same, no matter where we live.

A Whale's World

Ian McAllister (author) Nicholas Read (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459812741

A Whale’s World follows a pod of spy-hopping orcas as they explore the ecosystems of the Great Bear Sea while hunting for their next meal. Past rocky shores and through kelp forests, they observe foraging wolves, hungry grizzly bears, curious black bears, graceful fin whales, splashing porpoises, slippery seals and other members of the Pacific coastal food web. The book gives readers an introduction to the many ways that marine and land animals interact with their environments and with each other.

90 Days of Different

Eric Walters (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459816749

On the last day of high school, Sophie's boyfriend breaks up with her. It turns out he thinks she is too predictable, too responsible, too mature...too boring. When Sophie turns to her best friend, Ella, for comfort and reassurance, Ella just confirms what her boyfriend has said. And that hurts even more. Then Ella comes up with a plan to help Sophie find her wilder side. In the 90 days between the end of high school and the start of university, she is going to arrange for Sophie to do amazing, new, different and sometimes scary things. The deal is Sophie has to agree to everything, no matter what. And she has to share her adventures through social media. Can 90 days of different create a different life? Can stepping outside your comfort zone help you find yourself?

A Fair Deal

Kari Jones (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810440

Fair trade is not about spending more money or buying more stuff. It's about helping producers in developing countries get a fair price for their goods. A Fair Deal: Shopping for Social Justice provides a history of trade, explaining what makes trade systems unfair and what we can do about it. By examining the ways in which our global trade systems value some people over others, the book illustrates areas in which fair trade practices can help families all around the world and suggests ways to get involved in making the world a more equitable place.

Otter Lagoon

Mike Deas, Nancy Deas (author) Mike Deas (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459819665

A tiny island is experiencing extreme weather, a rash of shipwrecks and the disappearance of whole swaths of marine life. Is it climate change? A bad storm season? Or is something else going on?

Hermit Hill

Nancy Deas (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831506

In the small village of Sueño Bay, famous for its mysterious crystals and legendary moon creatures, friends Ollie, Jenna, Sleeves and Kay are building a go-kart for the annual Fall Fair competition. Living in the nearby hills are tiny moon creatures, the Hivers, who play a crucial role in the health of the local mushroom crop. But the Hivers' important job is interrupted when Sleeves, the youngest of the group, stumbles upon them. Feeling left out of the go-kart project, Sleeves claims the Hivers as his loyal subjects and locks them away when he’s not around. Without the Hivers, the island’s mushroom crop starts to take a turn for the worse. Stories say that the last person who messed with the Hivers, the Hillside Hermit, was cursed to roam alone and never return to Sueño Bay. Is Sleeves destined to suffer the same fate or can he and his friends return balance to the island in time? This is the third book in the Sueño Bay Adventures series, following Shadow Island and Otter Lagoon.

Your Brain Is Amazing

Esperanza Habinger (author) Sole Sebastián (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832183

The sight of stars in the sky, the taste of chocolate, the memories of a holiday, pain after you fall...all of these experiences are possible thanks to your brain. Did you know that the information inside your head travels faster than cars on the highway? Or that electricity moves around in there? Your brain is mysterious—there is a lot we know about it and even more that we still don’t understand.

Welcome, Dark

Charis St. Pierre (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833159

In this poetic picture book, young readers are invited to explore the sounds of nighttime and find comfort in them instead of fear. As a young child falls asleep, the night comes alive. Animals hide and leaves blow, seeds are spread and crops are watered, and the world wakes anew in the morning. Focusing on the necessity of nighttime, this beautiful book showcases the night, along with its sometimes scary sounds, through new eyes. Stunning illustrations from an award-winning illustrator complement each spread as the poetry balances the magic and mystery of nighttime with the comforting stillness of being tucked safely indoors.

Who's Looking?

Carol Matas (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826779

How do animals see the world? It turns out, very differently. In this nonfiction picture book, a young girl and her baby sister's outdoor adventure (hiking through the forest, picnicking in the grass and swimming in the ocean) is overseen by the local fauna. The way those animals view the girls is very different from how the girls see each other. Goats see far and wide in a panorama, whales don't see color the way humans do and a high-soaring eagle's sharp vision can clearly see a tiny mouse far below. Through clever illustrations and scientific prose, we are reminded that while we may see things differently, we all share this life together on planet Earth.

Why Humans Work

Monique Polak (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827967

What do you want to be when you grow up? I bet you've been asked that question before. But have you ever thought about why humans work? There are almost 3.5 billion people working in the world today, and that number is growing. In Why Do We Work? author Monique Polak investigates the past, present and future of jobs, including how work has also been shaped by discrimination, privilege and child labor. Meet a variety of working professionals and explore why we have careers, vocations and professions. How is the way we work changing, and what will it look like in the future?