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Girls Like Me

Kristin Butcher (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459820562

After accepting a ride home, sixteen-year-old Emma Kennedy is raped by a boy from school. But handsome, popular Ross Schroeder tells everyone the sex was consensual, and Emma is immediately branded as a slut. Even Emma's best friend, Jen, doesn't believe Emma's version of events. In fact, she is angry with Emma because she feels betrayed. After all, she liked Ross first. But when Ross starts showing interest in Jen, Emma knows she will have to find a way to get Jen to believe that she really is in grave danger. Before it's too late.

Le défi des Loups gris

Sigmund Brouwer (author) Gaston Gingras (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698134

Johnny Maverick a une idée géniale pour permettre à l'équipe des Loups gris à Gaston de remporter le concours de collecte de fonds auquel elle participe. Tout se passe pour le mieux jusqu'au moment où une visiteuse arrive à Howling et qu'elle se met à remporter tous les défis contre Johnny. Toute la ville trouve cela très drôle, mais le pire, c'est que même ses amis Tom et Stu s'amusent à ses dépens! Johnny Maverick has come up with an idea to win a fundraising contest for the Howling Timberwolves hockey team. It seems fun, until a girl visits Howling—and starts to win challenges against Johnny. The entire town finds it funny; even worse, his friends Tom and Stu like what's happening.

Kick Start

Michele Martin Bossley (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818149

When Mitch Harding makes an impulse buy, he really goes big. He spends his entire savings on a wrecked dirt bike after witnessing a rider crash it at an Endurocross race. He is now the proud owner of a used bike, one that needs a lot of work. With the help of his uncle, an ex-pro rider, and new friend Kelsey, a championship rider herself, they get the bike up and running. But a bet with the previous owner threatens to strip Mitch of his hard-earned vehicle. Whoever wins the next race gets to keep the bike. Mitch is determined to win. But partway through the race he discovers Kelsey lying on the trail, her bike on its side. With serious injuries and no way to get help, Kelsey has no choice but to ride out. But as Mitch and Kelsey push to get off the mountain, the path to safety gets more complicated.

La triche

Kristin Butcher (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554699988

Laurel se découvre une passion pour le journalisme d'investigation. Pour écrire un article-choc, elle mène une enquête sur une triche à son école. Elle découvre que la tricherie est généralisée—beaucoup plus qu'elle ne l'avait imaginé. Aveugle à toute autre préoccupation, Laurel est prête à perdre ses amies pour tirer cette histoire au clair. Mais son ultime découverte change tout. Laurel discovers her passion for investigative journalism when she writes an article for her school paper about the homeless man who's been living at the school. Eager to write more articles with impact, she launches an investigation of a cheating scam at her high school. Laurel's efforts elicit hostility from her classmates. Nobody is interested in seeing her article go to print, not even her own brother. It is evident that the cheating is widespread, and Laurel, caught up in the thrill of the investigation, is willing to commit social suicide to get the story, but her ultimate discovery changes everything.

La revanche des Loups gris

Sigmund Brouwer (author) Gaston Gingras (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459800120

Lors d'un tournoi à la ville de Québec, Tom Morgan joue un mauvais tour à son coéquipier Johnny Maverick. Celui-ci trouve alors normal de lui rendre la pareille, et le ton monte... Pour le récompenser des buts incroyables qu'il a marqués, Johnny reèoit en cadeau un bâton de hockey signé de tous les joueurs des Canadiens de Montréal. Comme il s'inquiète des intentions de Tom à l'égard de son précieux trophée, il décide de l'emporter partout avec lui. Jusqu'où les garèons iront-ils donc avant de comprendre que la vengeance est une mauvaise idée? There's plenty of action both on and off the ice. At a big tournament in Quebec City, teammate Tom Morgan plays a practical joke on Johnny Maverick, so naturally Johnny feels he has to pay him back. The rivalry escalates. After he scores a hat trick, Johnny is given a hockey stick signed by all the members of the Montreal Canadiens. He worries that Tom will do something to this prized trophy and decides he will not let it out of his sight. But in the end Tom outsmarts him once more, and Johnny learns that revenge is never a good idea.

Frappee par la foudre

Deb Loughead (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554694259

La vie de Claire a besoin d'un changement radical. Elle coule en math, sa mère déprimée ne veut pas se lever du sofa et le gars de ses rêves est avec sa rivale Lucy. Au moment où Claire fait le souhait d'une vie meilleure, la foudre frappe. Bientôt sa vie se transforme et Claire obtient tout ce qu'elle a souhaité. Elle se demande bientôt si le prix à payer pour cette chance n'est pas trop élevé. Claire's life is a mess. She's failing math, her depressed mother won't get off the couch, Eric, the boy of her dreams, is dating her nemesis Lucy. While Claire is wishing her life were better, lightning strikes. Soon afterward, everything changes. With Lucy in the hospital and out of the way, Claire attracts Eric's attention and gets the starring role in the school play. But good fortune has a cost: her newly energized mother reconciles with her deadbeat dad, the dream boy turns out to be a dud and Claire feels terrible guilt about gaining everything Lucy has lost. But how can Claire turn it around when lightning only strikes once?


Patricia McCowan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459805804

When Nat, her best friend Jess and singing-star wannabe Harper sing together, their harmonies bring down the house. For Nat, the experience sparks a driving new desire to perform. But when the girls form a trio and enter a contest for a chance to play at the Tall Grass Music Festival, Nat finds that harmony - musical and otherwise - is hard to maintain. Her bandmates almost never agree, her new boyfriend starts behaving more like a non-boyfriend, and the trio’s famous-musician mentor doesn’t even like the way Nat breathes. Every day, Nat’s dream of performing at Tall Grass seems farther away, and she questions whether she has what it takes to get there.

Florence & Leon

Simon Boulerice (author) Delphie Côté-Lacroix (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818231

Florence and Leon have never met. Florence is a swimming instructor. She has a small problem with her lungs: it's as if she's breathing through a straw. Leon is an insurance salesman. He has a small problem with his eyes: it's as if he's seeing the world through a straw. One day Florence and Leon bump into each other, literally, and this mishap turns their lives upside down. Over slushy drinks with proper straws, Florence and Leon find out how their differences make them alike.

Heavy Freight

Sigmund Brouwer (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459814769

Fifteen-year-old Maxwell Stone has been surviving and thriving in the tough part of East Vancouver by being smart and fast. But when a drug deal goes wrong, Max suddenly finds himself on the run from both the bad guys and the cops. Desperate to escape, Max impulsively decides to hop on a moving freight train. His first attempt to climb aboard fails, but at the last second a hand reaches down and pulls him in. Joseph has been riding the rails for years, and his tales inspire Max to take a journey to the last place he ever expected to go.


Jean Mills (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834330

The other night, Trace Brewster, Max’s best friend and star hockey player for the Hawks, scored on his own net and put the team’s chances of qualifying for an upcoming tournament in jeopardy. Since then Trace has gone silent and is shutting everyone out. But Max thinks there’s more going on with his friend than what happened on the ice. For one thing, there are bruises on Trace's face that he refuses to explain. Can Max find a way to get Trace to open up and help him in time for the big game?


Deb Loughead (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818118

Bridgewood is having one of the hottest summers on record. Despite the strict fire ban, fires keep breaking out, and it's starting to look like arson. Dylan O'Connor, as usual, is right in the thick of things, and his friend Eliot is questioned as a suspect. Dylan doesn't think Eliot is the culprit, but he does know Eliot has a secret. He has been providing shelter for a scruffy stranger named Jeb Wilder, aka Wildfire. Is Jeb responsible? Or could it be the guy Dylan caught smoking in the woods, local baseball legend Mason Bates? It's up to Dylan to solve the mystery before the fires get out of control. This is the fifth book featuring Dylan and his friends.

X Marks the Spot

Jeff Szpirglas (author) Danielle Saint-Onge (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459807921

A natural-born explorer, Leo loves to make maps and experiment with new ways of getting around the schoolyard. But explorers sometimes get sidetracked, which can lead to getting in trouble. When Leo’s teacher, Mr. Chang, announces he’ll be giving out an award for responsibility, Leo is determined to redeem himself. The upcoming class field trip to the woods seems like the perfect opportunity. He’ll get to use his handy compass watch and show Mr. Chang he can be extra-responsible! But when two of Leo’s classmates wander out of bounds, Leo is faced with a tough decision.

Unity Club

Karen Spafford-Fitz (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817258

Brett is president of her school's Unity Club. When a new group home for at-risk youth opens in the neighborhood, Brett becomes friends with Jude, one of the boys who lives at the home. After a series of acts of vandalism, the community starts demanding that the group home be shut down. Brett doesn't believe that Jude, or any of the other teens, is responsible, but when an elderly woman is seriously injured, Brett begins to have doubts.

Dunces Rock

Kate Jaimet (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459805866

The Dunces—Josh, Magnolia, Wang and Wilmot—are back, and this time they’re going up against a formidable foe: Principal Hale, who has canceled their school’s drama and music program just when Wilmot needs it most. He has a guitar (given to him by a teen named Headcase), but no teacher and nowhere to practice (his dad hates rock ’n’ roll). The Dunces’ plan to convince Principal Hale to reinstate the program involves Josh’s reluctant participation in a hockey team, Magnolia’s enthusiastic role-playing and Wang’s disillusionment with a suspicious character named Hui Bing (aka Larry). But can the Dunces really rock, even when they rebrand themselves as Cousin Willy and the Wang Dang Doodles?

Duke's Den

Becky Citra (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459809024

Amelia’s world came crashing down when her parents separated and she was forced to relocate with her mother to a new part of town. When Duke and Gabriella move into the suite downstairs with their menagerie of exotic animals, Amelia feels like she’s been thrown a lifeline. Helping care for the animals gives Amelia a sense of purpose, and she’s determined to keep Duke and Gabriella’s secret. But eventually her mother discovers the animals and refuses to let them stay. To make matters worse, Winston, a sulcata tortoise, has fallen ill, and the medical bills are piling up. Can Amelia figure out a way to help save Winston and keep her newfound family together?

Dirk Daring, Secret Agent

Helaine Becker (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459806849

When Darren Dirkowitz's evil stepbrother (code name Waldo) gets hold of Darren's tippity-top-secret spy journal, he threatens to expose it to the entire Preston Middle School student body. Unless, that is, Darren starts doing his dirty work for him. Now Darren's got to use the oh-so-cloak-and-daggery skills he's honed in his secret alternate life as Dirk Daring, Secret Agent to spy on kids at school. Naturally, he also sets up a separate, sneaky surveillance program to unearth Waldo's own secrets. As more and more ugly truths are exposed, new alliances are forged and old friendships broken. Can Darren learn to be true to himself and build real friendships for the first time in his life? Or will he retreat back into his exciting but imaginary shadow world?

Where's Burgess?

Laurie Elmquist (author) David Parkins (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459814790

Reece Hansen is missing two things: his father and his frog. His parents are newly separated, and his dad is now living in another city, fighting forest fires. Reece struggles to get used to daily life without him. When he loses his pet frog, Burgess, Reece puts posters up around the neighborhood. But frogs are difficult to find. It takes an unusual classmate, the boy who wears a bathrobe to school, to pull Reece's attention away from Burgess. Through his new friend and a camping trip with his mom, Reece learns that friends can come in human form and families are resilient even when things change.

Pocket Rocks

Sheree Fitch (author) Helen Flook (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817807

No matter how hard he tries, even with the help of his classroom aide, Ian Goobie can't do the things that the other children in his class can do. Every day he dreads going to school. Then he finds a rock, a rock that fits perfectly in his pocket, a rock that touches all his senses and whisks him away into a whole other world. From then on, as long as he has a rock in his pocket, Ian Goobie can manage his daily challenges. That is, until he stuffs so many rocks in his pockets that his pants fall down right outside in the schoolyard, in front of all his classmates. This might be the biggest challenge Ian Goobie has had to face yet.

Princess Angelica, Camp Catastrophe

Monique Polak (author) Jane Heinrichs (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459815391

Angelica isn't a liar, she just loves making up stories. When Angelica goes to sleepaway camp and is mistaken for a princess, she could easily clear up the misunderstanding...but pretending to be royalty is way more fun! When her best friend from home surprises her at camp, Angelica is forced to fess up. Luckily, she also has a talent for repairing things, and when disaster strikes on the girls' kayaking trip, Jelly has to repair more than just her newfound friendships.

Plank's Law

Lesley Choyce (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459812505

Trevor has known since he was ten years old that he has Huntington's disease, but at sixteen he is informed that he has one year to live. One day while he's trying to figure stuff out, an old man named Plank finds him standing at a cliff by the ocean. It's the beginning of an odd but intriguing relationship. Both Trevor and Plank decide to live by Plank's Law, which is "just live." This means Trevor has to act on the things on his bucket list, like hanging out with real penguins, star in a science fiction movie and actually talk to Sara—the girl at the hospital who smiles at him. With the aid of Plank and Sara, Trevor revises his bucket list to include more important things and takes charge of his illness and his life.

Worst Date Ever

Melodie Campbell (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459815605

Jennie has been a widow for two years. Her twelve-year-old son thinks it's about time she started dating, and so does her best friend, Angela. So with Angela's help, Jennie signs up to an online dating site. Within hours, she has several dates lined up for the week. Surely there will be one Prince Charming in the bunch. And if not, it's only one date, right? How bad could it be?

Pop Quiz

Tom Ryan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459812239

Fifteen-year-old Aiden is a minor cast member on a long-running high school "dramedy" with a low budget and a loyal following. Aiden and his friends are excited that they're being promoted to lead roles for the upcoming tenth season of Pop Quiz. But then they learn the show is being canceled. According to the producers, no one even watches TV anymore, with kids preferring the antics of YouTube stars. With the help of some former cast members and a group of hardcore fans, Aiden and his friends attempt to create a movie special to wrap up the storylines and give the series the send-off it deserves.

Cabin Girl

Kristin Butcher (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459806511

Sixteen-year-old Bailey struggles with her job but stays because she loves the stories of the area—including the legend of a local ghost. Bailey is working at her first summer job, as a cabin girl at a fly-in fishing camp at Witch Lake. April, an older waitress with street smarts, takes Bailey under her wing and the two girls become friends. It’s all good until another waitress burns her arm and has to leave. Bailey gets a sudden promotion, and April is asked to help clean the cabins. April becomes far from friendly and Bailey finds herself alone again and messing up on the job—and possibly seeing the ghost.

Dancing in the Rain

Shelley Hrdlitschka (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810662

While struggling with the death of her beloved adoptive mother, sixteen-year-old Brenna reconnects with members of her biological family, hoping to discover why her biological mother broke off contact many years earlier. At the same time, she is falling in love with Ryan, who provides support while she grieves but has to leave her when she needs him most. Despite powerful feelings of abandonment, Brenna realizes that getting strong physically and focusing on the needs of others might just help her move beyond her crippling grief, find peace and plan a future for herself. Dancing in the Rain continues the story that began in Shelley Hrdlitschka’s bestselling Dancing Naked.

Billie and Bean in the City

Julia Hansson (author) B.J. Woodstein (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834453

Celebrating the supportive relationship between a child and her dog, this story gently introduces the resilience and bravery that come with the first steps toward independence. Billie is reading quietly in her apartment while her mom does laundry downstairs. But her impatient dog Bean wants to go outside. Billie has taken Bean outside before when mom was watching, so she decides to try taking Bean out by herself—just around the block. Billie and Bean enjoy the vibrant city street, but after stopping to pick a flower in the park, Billie becomes disoriented by the tall buildings and can't remember the way back to their building. As Billie begins to worry, Bean tugs on the leash in encouragement and Billie discovers that she's braver than she thought she could be.