Search Results: 199 books from 1 publisher. Learn more


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394775

There is a bright light in the night sky. Sometimes it is round like a ball, sometimes it is a crescent, and sometimes it is not there at all! What is this strange and changing thing? It is the moon, of course! Read all about our moon and the moons surrounding other planets in this book.


Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394829

How do we learn about the world around us? One good way is to use our senses. Our senses give us five different ways to explore the world. But how do they do that? Read this book to find out!

Asteroids and Comets

William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394782

Asteroids and comets shoot straight through space. They just look like bright lights with tails, but there is much more to these fascinating objects! Learn all about asteroids and comets in this book.


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394768

Earth is a planet, moving around the sun. But Earth is not the only planet in our solar system! It is one of eight planets, many moons, and other objects that orbit our sun. The planets have much in common, but they have many differences, too. In this book, learn all about these exciting planets.


Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394737

What does this book, a table, and your big toe have in common? They are all solids! A solid keeps its shape and always has the same volume. Read this book to learn about solids and how they are different from liquids and gases.


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394720

How does a liquid become a gas? Through evaporation! Evaporation helps make puddles disappear after it rains. In this book, learn all about evaporation and how it happens.

Melting and Freezing

Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394744

Ice cream is a solid. But when it melts, it becomes a liquid. Solids can change to liquids and back again by melting and freezing. Read this book to learn what happens when heat and cold and solids meet.


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394751

Learn all about planet Earth in this engaging, colorful title! Earth is our home. It is a big, beautiful place that orbits the sun. What else is there to know about Earth? Read this book to find out!


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394690

What takes the shape of the container it is in and changes shape when the container changes? Liquids! Liquid is a state of matter that has some big differences from solids and gases. Learn all about liquids with this colorful title!


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394713

What continues to expand to take up all the space it can? Gases! Gas is a state of matter, like a liquid or a solid. But it has properties that are quite different. In this book, read all about the differences and what makes a gas a gas.


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433394706

How does a gas change to a liquid? Through condensation! Condensation is the liquid that appears on your bathroom mirror after a hot shower. It is the big gray clouds in the sky just before a rain. In this book, learn all about condensation and how it happens.


Yvonne Franklin (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433393051

Oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface, providing students with a variety of plant and animal life to learn about. An ocean biome includes the saltwater below the waves and everything on, above, and near the surface. Students will also learn about the beach, tides, cliffs, bays, coastlines, coral reefs, and tide pools.


Yvonne Franklin (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433393037

A pond may seem quiet and subdued, but this unique ecosystem is filled with active life cycles. Students learn what distinguishes a pond from other bodies of water, the plant and animal life within it, and how their life cycles contribute to the pond itself.


Yvonne Franklin (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433393044

Readers learn all about tropical and temperate rainforests and the differences between these two unique biomes. Rainforests are filled with wonder and mystery, from the tall trees in the canopy to the dark and damp leaves on the forest floor. The plants and animals that inhabit these rainforests are varied and exotic. They depend on the rainforest, as does the rest of the world.


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433392979

Hurricanes plague the tropics from June through November. Some years bring just a handful of storms. Other years, meteorologists run out of names because there are so many. Readers learn how and where these storms form and the dangers they pose to the land and people who live in Gulf and Atlantic coast regions.


William B. Rice (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433392962

As far as dangerous weather goes, tornadoes may be the most fierce and powerful of storms. Readers will learn how and where tornadoes hit, and how people protect themselves from life-threatening winds. While most people run away from tornadoes, storm chasers actually run after these swirling masses! Readers will be highly engaged from cover to cover as they learn the science behind these storms.


Yvonne Franklin (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433393013

Readers learn all about wetlands and their complex interactions with plants and animals in this colorful title! Although wetlands don't necessarily need to be covered in water all year long, most areas are pretty wet. Whether they are freshwater or tidal, they play a key role in the health of the Earth. They provide homes for many different kinds of plants and animals that are well adapted for the soggy conditions.

How Toys Work

Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433392924

Readers won't have to disassemble their favorite toys to discover what makes them work. This book explores electric, magnetic, and motion-powered toys from design to function. It introduces readers to six simple machines and explains how they use force and motion to do work. Not every toy is a technological marvel. Readers learn about time-honored favorites including the rocking horse, Slinky, and rattles.

The Quest for Personal Best: Individual Sports

Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433392917

Sports offer opportunities for readers to learn and apply concepts and principles related to force and motion. Readers learn how science plays a critical factor in any athlete's quest to be the best at his or her sport. They read how mass is related to acceleration and velocity. Physics and aerodynamics affect many sports and help athletes strategize their next moves against their opponents. This book covers a variety of interesting sports suitable for the casual to the most fanatic sporting enthusiast.

Climbing and Diving

Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433392894

Readers may never expect that they might free fall to Earth, but if they have ever dived into a pool, that's exactly what they've done. This book shows readers how Newton's three laws of motion affect divers, skydivers, and mountain climbers' movements. Readers discover who uses gravity, who works against it, and all other forces that contribute to a successful dive or climb. After reading this book, readers can decide if they will ever be interested in engaging in one of these extreme sports.

The Quest for Speed: Vehicles

Lisa Greathouse (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433392900

The need for speed is the motivating factor in this engaging book. Readers learn the history of travel from the very slow to the supersonic and beyond, including everything in between. They learn and discover the factors that influence motion for all types of vehicles: land, air, and water alike. They also learn different ways to measure speed and read about energy uses for different vehicles. With greater speed comes greater risk. Readers learn how engineers are always seeking new and better ways to keep people safe as they travel faster and go farther.

Tracking Time

Dianne Irving (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433391385

Learn the basics of measuring time in this engaging title! Review the history of time measurement, seeing many ways people have measured time in the past and continue to today! In the past, people used sundials, water clocks, and sandglasses to measure time. Now, we have very accurate and widely used units of time, like months, days, and years. Learn all about units of measurement, time zones, daylight savings time, and STEM themes! Vibrant images, simple practice problems, and helpful mathematical diagrams simplify time measurement so readers will feel more confident measuring time in their daily lives.

Gregor Mendel: Genetics Pioneer

Lynn Van Gorp (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433391279

This appealing biography will have children engaged and inspired as they learn about Gregor Mendel and his discovery of how genetics works. The supportive text, accessible glossary, and helpful index work in conjunction with the intriguing facts and alluring images to provide readers with an interesting look at such topics as DNA, genetics, alleles, dominant and recessive genes, Mendel's Law of Heredity, and more! A stimulating lab activity is featured to further excite readers about the fascinating world of genetics!

Jane Goodall

Connie Jankowski (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433391231

Jane Goodall is the world's leading authority on chimpanzees. This inspiring biography will have readers engaged and delighted as they learn about Goodall's life as a primatologist amongst the chimps and how her incredible research changed the way scientists view these amazing animals. Through vibrant photos, captivating facts, and easy-to-read text, readers will discover such topics as ethology, extinction, field research, DNA, and genes, as well as the various types of apes--from orangutans to gorillas. A captivating hands-on lab activity is featured to encourage readers to explore other aspects of science!

George Washington Carver

Stephanie Macceca (author)

Publisher: Teacher Created Materials ISBN: 9781433391194

George Washington Carver was a skilled botanist who became famous for his work with peanuts and other plants. Readers will discover the captivating life of this incredible scientist in this engaging scientific biography. Using colorful photos and graphs, children will learn why Carver was known as "The Plant Doctor" as a child and how his work with peanuts, sweet potatoes, and pecans helped change the way people used plants! The helpful glossary and index aid in better understanding of the content, while a simple, interesting experiment leaves children engaged and excited to learn more!