Search Results: 295 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

¡No te comas la basura!

Margaret Salter (author) Margaret Salter (illustrator)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427130747

Makwa likes to visit camps where people are. Their food is easy to get. But what a tummy ache she gets from the trash food! Maybe she should go back to her old hunting ways.

I Care About Animals

Liz Lennon (author) Michael Buxton (illustrator)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427129017

This beautiful guide to caring about animals helps children understand why animals are important, how littering is harmful to animals, what a habitat is, why some animals are endangered, and much more!

Wolf, Coyote, and Other Packs

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807082

How can African wild dogs hunt animals ten times their size? What does the howl of a coyote mean? Why do some solitary hunters live in packs? Discover the answers in this engaging book and learn about the many ways living in a pack helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.

Penguin, Prairie Dog, and Other Colonies

Kylie Burns (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807051

How do penguin colonies care for their young? Why do great blue herons migrate in groups? How do prairie dogs warn others of danger? Discover the answers in this interesting book and learn about the many ways living in a colony helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.

Gorilla, Baboon, and Other Troops

Heather C. Hudak (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807044

Why do gorilla troops move to a new area each day? Why do bonobos sleep in large groups? How do animals in a troop help raise young? Discover the answers in this amazing book and learn about the many ways living in a troop helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide.

Elephant, Deer, and Other Herds

Cynthia O'Brien (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039807037

How do elephants in a herd communicate? Why are caribou safer in large herds? Why do zebras migrate in groups with wildebeest? Discover the answers in this fascinating book and learn about the many ways living in a herd helps animals survive. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.


Bobbie Kalman, Kelley MacAulay (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427197993

Poodles are a very popular breed of dog. Through the use of detailed illustrations, photographs, and text, this book gives children advice on how to care for these attractive and friendly dogs. Poodles fully explains training and grooming requirements specific to this breed. Children will also learn about the temperament of the breed, how to groom a poodle properly, and how much exercise a poodle needs.

Guinea Pigs

Kelley MacAulay, Bobbie Kalman (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427197924

Although guinea pigs are roly-poly, they aren't actually pigs! These cute rodents make great pets for children who like to interact with animals. The full-color photographs, clear illustrations, and easy-to-understand text in Guinea Pigs explain all the breeds available, preparing a comfortable home, play-time tips, grooming fur and teeth, the sounds guinea pigs make, and when to visit a veterinarian.


Bobbie Kalman, Rebecca Sjonger (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427197900

Gerbils may be small, but they're very active! In Gerbils readers will discover the many responsibilities and delights of having a pet gerbil. They will learn about the different kinds of gerbils, what gerbils should eat, creating a great cage, grooming for healthy gerbils, proper handling, and caring for multiple gerbils.


Martha Martin (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792598

Pounding hooves, the roar of the crowds, muscles tightening, and then - the leap! Experience the excitement and thrill of competitive Steeplechase in the latest book in the Horsing Around series, Steeplechase. You too can be a champion!

Trail Riding

Martha Martin (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792604

Are you longing to mount up and hit the trail? Trail Riding, the latest book in the Horsing Around series, explores the sport of competitive trail riding from head to tail. Learn the tips, the tricks, the rules and rides -- and most importantly, how to finish - a winner.


Robin Johnson (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792574

Hold on to your cowboy hats and prepare for a wild read! In this book, you'll learn all about the bucking horses, lively livestock, and daring riders of the rodeo world. You'll read about roping, riding, racing, wrestling, and more! You'll also discover the breeds of rodeo horses, how riders handle and care for their animals, and how cattle herding became a rough-and-tumble sport.

Cross Country and Endurance

Penny Dowdy (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778792550

Cross Country and Endurance takes readers into the world of cross country and endurance competitions, which test the stamina, riding, and jumping abilities of the horse and rider. The text is clear and easy to read, providing both history and rules of the sport. Exciting, engaging photographs and informative diagrams accompany the text.

What Do You Find in a Rainforest Tree?

Megan Kopp (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117250

From the sunlit-filled canopy to the shaded forest floor, readers will discover how a rainforest tree provides shelter, water, food, and other essential resources to meet the needs of a variety of living things.

What Do You Find on a Saguaro Cactus?

Megan Kopp (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117274

Did you know that a Saguaro cactus can live for more than 200 years and grow as tall as 50 feet (15 meters)? Readers will discover how these desert giants are used for shelter by animals such as woodpeckers and owls, and provide food for animals such as bats and other small mammals. This captivating title provides a close-up look at the plants and animals that live in and around the Saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert.

Animals that Live in Social Groups

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180995

One of the biggest adaptations made by some animals is to live and work together as a group to ensure their survival. This intriguing book shows how social animals communicate and interact with members of their own species. Elephants, dolphins and orcas, monkeys, apes, lions, and wolves, educate their young, work together to find food, and take care of their group members. Smaller animals that work together in microsocieties include termites, ants, bees, and wasps. Students will have fun comparing their own social groups to those found in nature. Fascinating photographs accompany thought-provoking questions and activities.

Big Challenges that Animals Face

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180964

Wild animals are facing huge challenges in the natural world today. Many are endangered - some critically. This eye-opening book shows how animals are being threatened by habitat loss, climate change, non-native species taking over their habitats, pollution, over-fishing, poaching, collisions with cars and boats, and human diseases. Many recovery efforts are in progress to bring back the populations of some nearly extinct animals and to reintroduce some captive ones to their natural habitats. Readers will learn how scientists are working to save blue iguanas in the Cayman Islands, black-footed ferrets in the Canadian prairies, penguins and albatross in Patagonia, and great apes in Africa. This engaging book also encourages students to compare their life challenges to those of animals in the wild.

Symbiosis: How Different Animals Relate

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180988

This fascinating book, illustrated with colorful photographs, makes the topic of symbiosis easy and fun. It looks at the positive, negative, and neutral effects that result when different kinds of animals interact with each other. Symbiotic relationships highlighted include birds and fish that clean parasites off other animals, bacteria that help keep animals and people healthy, mosquitoes that pass diseases such as malaria, predators that hunt prey, and scavengers that help clean the earth. Other examples of symbiotic relationships include several kinds of animals. Students are asked to illustrate symbiosis in human relationships that are similar to those found in nature.

Invasive Animal Species

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180971

Foxes, rabbits, mongooses, rats, starlings, turtles, Burmese pythons, and Asian carp are just a few of the invasive animals introduced by people into countries and ecosystems to which they do not belong. This important book describes how these animals are destroying habitats and endangering the lives of native animals, some of which have been brought close to extinction. Students will learn how some arrived accidentally on boats, while others were brought in by people, to be used either as a form of pest control on farms, for hunting or hobbies, or as pets that sometimes get abandoned in the wild by owners. Many native animals, such as raccoons, squirrels, and coyotes have also become invaders in cities, back yards, and homes. Students can research invasive species in their areas and help find ways to stop these wild invaders from taking over the natural habitat.

Polar Bear Family Adventures

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117120

Students will love learning about the way of life of polar bears and the challenges they face as babies and adults. An exciting narrative format supported by fun facts, questions, and activities, tells the story of two polar bear cubs born in a den dug by their mother deep under the winter snow of the Arctic. The cubs snuggle up to their mother to drink her milk and keep warm. In spring, the mother and cubs emerge from the den and face the challenges of moving onto sea ice, where the hungry mother hunts for seals to eat. The cubs are given hunting lessons and have their first taste of seal. They ride on their mother’s back in the ocean, wrestle and play, and explore their cold habitat. Readers will love these majestic animals and learn to write their own stories about them.

Raccoon Family Adventures

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117137

Students will love learning about the way of life of raccoons and the challenges they face as babies and adults. An exciting narrative format supported by fun facts, questions, and activities, tells the story of one of the most adaptable animals on Earth. Raccoons eat almost anything, live in many kinds of habitats, including cities, can climb buildings as well as trees, and are able to change to overcome many challenges. This story follows a raccoon family’s nightly adventures in a forest near a suburban community, as they look for food in both their natural habitat and people’s back yards. What other animals will they meet? Readers will be asked to write about their own experiences with these cute but often challenging animals.

Fox Family Adventures

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117144

Students will love learning about the way of life of foxes and the challenges they face as babies and adults. There are gray foxes, arctic foxes, fennec foxes, cape foxes, swift foxes, kit foxes, and red foxes. An exciting narrative format supported by fun facts, questions, and activities, tells the story of a red fox family. Found all over the planet, red fox families start with the birth of four to six kits. Born in a den, the baby foxes leave the den with their mothers after two to three weeks and start to play, pounce, and hunt. What adventures will they have? Will they meet some other animals along the way? Readers will love these adorable animals and learn to write their own stories about them.

Wolf Family Adventures

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427117151

Students will love learning about the way of life of wolves and the challenges they face as babies and adults. An exciting narrative format supported by fun facts, questions, and activities, tells the story of gray wolves who live in highly structured social units called packs. A pack has one breeding pair and their offspring, and may include older siblings or wolves from other packs. This delightful adventure story starts with the excitement created by the birth of newborn cubs and how the other members of the pack bond with them. The cubs are taught vocal and physical communication and soon learn to hunt with the pack. This exciting story will enrich students' understanding of the importance of gray wolves to ecosystems in North America. Young readers will be amazed by how much the lives of wolves mimic their own lives!

Why and where are animals endangered?

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427176332

Animals are endangered in many kinds of habitats and for different reasons. This intriguing book looks at why some animals have become endangered due to changes in their habitat. Examples include animals in the Arctic that rely on ice for hunting face the challenge of melting ice due to climate change, the populations of animals born only on particular islands and nowhere else are shrinking, and many kinds of ocean animals are being poisoned by water pollution. Ideas are included to encourage readers to help protect these endangered animals and their habitats.

How and why do animals communicate?

Bobbie Kalman (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427176301

This entertaining book shows how animals communicate to share information, attract mates, or scare away enemies. They sing, growl, howl, spray smelly scents, and make their body parts bigger. Students will have fun learning about these communication skills and be asked to compare their communication methods with those of animals.