Search Results: 88 books from 9 publishers. Learn more

The Sparrow and the Trees

Sharon Chriscoe (author), Susan Detwiler (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628556483

The Sparrow family is ready for their trip south for the winter, but Papas wing is hurt and he cannot make the trip. He asks the trees for help. One by one, the mighty, leafy trees of the forest say no! Will any of the trees help Papa Sparrow? What will happen to the selfish trees that turned him away? Discover why some trees lose their leaves in winter in this retelling of a Cherokee pourquoi tale.

Why Koala Has a Stumpy Tail

Martha Hamilton, Mitch Weiss (author), Tom Wrenn (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9780874838794

When Tree Kangaroo and Koala dig a well to get some water, Tree Kangaroo ends up doing all of the work and Koala ends up with a stumpy tail in this origin story from Australia.

Pickin' Peas

Margaret Read MacDonald (author), Pat Cummings (illustrator)

Publisher: August House ISBN: 9781939160836

A clever, singing rabbit eats his way through the pea patch until Little Girl snatches him up and he is soon singing a new tune as he plans his escape. With a nod to Brer Rabbit, Pickin Peas is adapted from two folktales collected in Alabama and Virginia. The lively storytelling voice of award-winning author Margaret Read MacDonald, combined with Pat Cummings' bright, bold contemporary illustrations, makes this timeless battle-of-wits an instant classic.

The Best Nest

Little Kitty Big Cat (author), Scotti Cohn (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180272

Long ago, when the world was young, the magpies' nests were the envy of all other birds. To help the other birds, Maggie Magpie patiently explained how to build a nest. But some birds were impatient and flew off without listening to all the directions, which is why, to this day, birds' nests come in all different shapes and sizes. This clever retelling of an old English folktale teaches the importance of careful listening.

Fiona's Luck

Teresa Bateman (author), Kelly Murphy (illustrator)

Publisher: Charlesbridge ISBN: 9781570916434

The greedy Leprechaun King has locked away all the luck in Ireland and the whole country has fallen in to despair. Through clever charades, Fiona outwits the Leprechaun King and restores luck to the land. Luminous illustrations add to the magic and wonder of this original folktale.


Laura Layton Strom (author), Stefania Bisacco (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691886

What if you were given a locked box as a gift and told to never open it? Pandora received this gift from Zeus, the head of the Greek gods. What could be so important that it needs to be padlocked shut?

Why Hummingbirds Drink Nectar

Cynthia Swain (author), Terry Workman, Lisa Workman (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691855

Hitchiti legend has it that hummingbirds ate fish. In this pourquoi American Indian tale, you'll hear an explanation of why hummingbirds dine only on nectar today.

King Midas and the Golden Touch

Laura Layton Strom (author), Kirk Parrish (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691862

In this retelling of the Greek myth, King Midas loves gold more than anything else in the whole world! Or at least, he thinks he loves gold the most.

The Fox and the Raccoon-Dog

Cynthia Swain (author), Bill Greenhead (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691848

Who is the best trickster in Japan? Let the games begin!

Pecos Bill and Sluefoot Sue

Antonio Blane (author), Garry Colby (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691831

Cowboy hero Pecos Bill has one true love and that is Sluefoot Sue. He first sees her when she is riding a catfish down the Rio Grande.

Keelboat Annie

Antonio Blane (author), Dwight Francis (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691800

Keelboat Annie does not like bullies! She does not like bullies one bit! Find out how this tall tale heroine brings her own brand of justice to the South.

Kanchil and the Crocodiles

Jeffrey B. Fuerst (author), Gary Freeman (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691824

Can Kanchil, the little mouse deer, trick a few crafty crocodiles with giant teeth? This Malaysian trickster tale gives a humorous insight into the difference between right and wrong.

The Dog and the Wolf

Cynthia Swain (author), Joanna Czernichowska (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691817

Is it better to be a dog without freedom who has his meals provided or a wolf who is free and captures his own food? Read this Aesop's tale and decide.

Neptune and Minerva

Laura Layton Strom (author), Kirk Parrrish (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691770

What happens when two gods from Greek mythology want to rule a town? The townspeople are afraid of a fight between two powerful gods. A contest is set to decide the winner.

How Rabbit Lost His Tail

Cynthia Swain (author), Juan Bautista Juan Oliver (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691794

Have you ever seen a fluffy bunny tail? They are puffy like cotton balls. Did you know rabbits used to have long tails like squirrels?

Iktomi and Muskrat

Amanda Jenkins (author), Andrew Carpenter (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691756

This is a Lakota Indian tale about Iktomi, a lazy trickster who cannot be bothered to hunt for himself. Instead, he plays tricks and steals rather than earn an honest living. Will Muskrat teach him a lesson?

Why the Sky Is Far Away

Antonio Blane (author), Gerardo Suzán, A Corazón Abierto (illustrators)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691749

In this Nigerian pourquoi tale, long ago people could take bites of the delicious sky whenever they wanted to. People gobbled and gobbled and gobbled the sky. Soon the sky had to make some changes.


Laura Layton Strom (author), Stefania Bisacco (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691763

Medusa brags and brags about her beauty. She loves to look in the mirror. She loves to tell others that she is the prettiest. Find out what happens when a young lady spends all of her time bragging.

John Henry

Antonio Blane (author), Michael Kress-Russick (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691718

This African American tall tale tells of John Henry, who was as big as an oak tree in overalls! He is famous as the strongest railroad worker in the East, West, North, and South. Read about the hardest worker that ever was!

The Hodja and the Soup

Jeffrey B. Fuerst (author), Bill Greenhead (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691671

A poor, hungry man has to pay for simply smelling soup! Here comes the wise Turkish folk hero Hodja to the rescue. What will he do to help?

How Chipmunk Got Its Stripes

Brooke Harris (author), Juan Bautista, Juan Oliver (illustrators)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691701

Do you know why all chipmunks have three stripes down their backs? This pourquoi tale gives a creative explanation as to how this happened. This tale originated with the Seneca Indians.

Paul Bunyan

Laura Layton Strom (author), Jack Snider (illustrator)

Publisher: Newmark Learning ISBN: 9781612691695

Paul Bunyan was the biggest baby boy ever born! At one week old he had to wear his father's clothes! And he continued to grow!

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Elizabeth Adams, Daniel Howarth (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180445

The shepherd boy shouts "Wolf!" when he gets bored. What will happen when a real wolf comes?

The Lion and the Mouse

Diane Marwood, Anni Axworthy (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180469

When Mouse wakes up Lion he's in big trouble! But one day, Lion might need Mouse's help

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Diane Marwood, Gabriele Antonini (authors)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427180438

Grasshopper thinks Ant should stop working so hardbut what will happen when winter comes?