Search Results: 335 books from 1 publisher. Learn more


Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034683

Chilling winds rush in through an open doorway. Snow swirls in the air. Winter has arrived! Animals grow thick coats to guard from the frigid temperatures, and people bundle up in parkas and hats. Many trees and plants grow dormant. This title highlights the drastic changes of the Northern Hemisphere during winter.

Wildebeest Migration

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035611

As wildebeest make their way from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara plains in Kenya, their hooves leave a scent trail for any who get lost along the way. These nomads welcome their neighboring zebras and gazelles, knowing there is strength in numbers. Readers can join the millions of travelers crossing the plains of Africa in this title about wildebeest migration.


Anne Wendorff

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1612111130

Baby sheep are able to stand and drink their mother's milk within a few minutes of being born. Students will explore the behaviors, characteristics, and growth of these wooly creatures. Blastoff! Series


Rachel Grack (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781626179509

A beautiful jaguar slinks through the dark forest. It is time to hunt! With one quick pounce, it catches its next meal. With camouflaged coats and super sharp claws, jaguars are built for rain forest survival. This title for young readers explores the many adaptations and survival skills jaguars have developed to thrive in their rain forest home!

Arctic Hares

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781626179400

No, Arctic hares are not wearing mascara! Their long, black eyelashes help these snow white hares see across the glaring white snow and ice. Learn all about how Arctic hares live in their freezing home in this title highlighting their many adaptations.

Polar Bears

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781626179387

Polar bears are built for subzero temperatures! With black skin to absorb the sun’s rays, two layers of thick fur to trap heat, and blubber lying under their skin, these bears are ready to take on any cold weather. Discover the many special adaptations of polar bears in this title about their lives in the Arctic!

Arctic Foxes

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781626179356

Arctic foxes are master hunters of the north! These small predators use their keen sense of hearing to listen for the rustlings of lemmings under the snow. Then, they leap to break through the layers of white to snatch their prey! This title walks readers through the fascinating adaptations Arctic foxes have developed to survive this harsh biome.


Megan Borgert-Spaniol (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781612115689

When confronted by other predators, cheetahs opt for flight over fight. You would, too, if you could run up to 70 miles per hour. Cheetahs make a chase look easy, but hunting can be hard work. Find out how these speed demons of the savannah execute attacks and teach their young how to do the same. Blastoff! Series

Salmon Migration

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035604

During their travels from oceans to rivers, salmon undergo many changes! Their gills change so they can breath in changing waters, and their scales transform from a shining silver to a darker hue so others know they are ready to spawn. Readers will be swimming in information and special features in this adventurous book on salmon migration.

Leatherback Sea Turtle Migration

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035581

As fall days grow darker and the sun doesn’t shine as bright, leatherback sea turtles sense the change in seasons and head out to sea. They make their way to their home beaches to nest. About 100 eggs fill each hole! Readers can follow the leatherbacks as they cruise along ocean currents in this engaging title.

Monarch Butterfly Migration

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035598

For monarch butterflies, the crisp air of fall signals a time for change. Along with the changing colors of the trees, the skies are filled with these bright orange insects as they make their way to warmer weather. Monarchs’ delicate wings help them glide with the southern wind during their migration to Mexico. This book contains vibrant photos and marked maps allow readers to become immersed in the lives of monarch butterflies.

Christmas Island Red Crab Migration

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035567

Every November, Christmas Island red crabs take over Christmas Island as millions march to the shores of the Indian Ocean. These crawling critters stop at nothing to reach their mating grounds. They halt traffic and even fall from cliffs! This title is filled with facts, maps, and fascinating graphics that take readers through the rain forest to the ocean with Christmas Island red crabs.

Humpback Whale Migration

Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035574

Humpback whales can hold their breath up to 45 minutes as they torpedo through ocean waters! These mighty mammals migrate from their summer arctic waters to the warm, winter waves near the equator to give birth to their calves. Young readers will want to dive into this title and follow the travels of humpback whales.  


Emily K. Green

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 1612111785

Grasshoppers use their back legs to jump high into the air! They often travel in swarms that can easily eat an entire field of plants. Hop into this introduction and learn all about grasshoppers. Blastoff! Series


Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681032917

Manatees are true gentle giants. Though many weigh more than 1,000 pounds, they do not use their size to overpower other sea creatures. They spend a lot of their time peacefully eating underwater grasses. Young students will close this title understanding how the manatee earned its “sea cow” nickname.


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033983

A wasp might sting you, but you can’t say you weren’t warned! Wasps have bright colors to caution that they do have a dangerous side. This insect introduction makes it safe for beginning readers to get up close to wasps and enter their world.


Christina Leaf (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033976

Ladybugs are pest control workers in bright, polka-dotted uniforms. These little exterminators take care of aphids and other insect menaces for farmers by eating them up! This bug profile shows kids that ladybugs are more than just beautiful beetles—they are insects with purpose.


Christina Leaf (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033969

Honeybees are in the honey-making business. These insects turn nectar collected from plants into honey and then store it in honeycombs. In this book, young kids will job-shadow honeybees working hard in their hives. Readers will see how busy bees make productivity look fascinating.


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033884

Did you know that aphids poop honeydew? It’s true! And it’s also fact that ants harvest this sweet poo. In this insect introduction, early readers will see aphids more as honeydew suppliers than pests. Red ones, black ones, green ones, woolly ones, and winged ones are all swarming in this title!


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033921

Some adult dragonflies can fly as fast as 60 miles per hour—a common speed limit for cars on a highway! Quick flight is essential for them to catch prey in midair. In this children’s title, readers will travel alongside dragonflies moving from page to page.


Christina Leaf (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033907

The last insect to need a megaphone would be a cicada. No bug is louder than a male cicada buzzing for a female! This title shouts cool cicada facts at kids, including that cicada noisemakers are called tymbals and that nymphs can stay underground for up to 17 years!


Christina Leaf (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033945

Fireflies are among nature’s tiniest luminaries. They are special in their ability to light up and blink at one another. Though they do not live for more than a couple months, they sure shine bright while alive! This title casts fireflies in a beautiful light for beginning readers.


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033952

If insects held their version of the Olympic games, a grasshopper would for sure make the podium for the long jump event. The long-legged insect can jump forward 20 times its body length! Elementary readers will make leaps in their understanding of grasshoppers in this book.


Christina Leaf (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033914

Damselflies could very well be part of the inspiration for the term “bug-eyed.” Their compound eyes are huge and protruding! Young readers will look with amazement at damselflies flying, eating, molting, and more in this insect close-up. A staring contest is on!


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033877

The insect symbol of hard work just might be a worker ant. A worker ant’s life is fully committed to finding food for a colony and caring for young. This book for beginning readers magnifies an insect that can carry more than its own weight!