Search Results: 498 books from 16 publishers. Learn more

¡No te comas la basura!

Margaret Salter (author) Margaret Salter (illustrator)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427130747

Makwa likes to visit camps where people are. Their food is easy to get. But what a tummy ache she gets from the trash food! Maybe she should go back to her old hunting ways.

¿Hipopótamo o rinoceronte? Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes

Samantha Collison (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638173014

¿Sabes cuál animal es el hipopótamo y cuál es el rinoceronte? Sí, ambos viven en partes de África, pero los rinocerontes también viven en partes de Asia. Ambos comen hierbas, pero uno pasa la mayor parte del día refrescándose en el agua y solo sale a tierra para pastar en la tarde. El otro pasa la mayor parte de su día pastando. Algunos monos tienen colas prensiles, ¿pero sabías que una especie de rinoceronte tiene un labio superior prensil? ¡Explora las similitudes y diferencias entre estos mamíferos en la edición más reciente de la serie de Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes!

Mitos de Animales

Mary Holland (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638172734

Algunas historias se cuentan tan seguido que la gente comienza a creérselas, aunque no son verdaderas. Si suficientes personas empiezan a creer en este tipo de historias falsas, a las segundas se les llama mito. ¿Sabes qué es verdad y qué no lo es? ¿Los puercoespines realmente lanzan sus púas? ¿Alguien puede ser tan ciego como un murciélago? ¿Las serpientes son babosas o las zarigüeyas cuelgan de sus colas? ¿Y qué tanta madera puede masticar una marmota? Aprende qué es verdad y qué no lo es en la incorporación más reciente de la serie de Anatomía de los Animales, de Mary Holland

Aves: Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes

Aszya Summers (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638172765

Desde los pequeños colibríes hasta las altas grullas trompeteras, las aves están entre los animales más diversos del planeta. Se les encuentra en todo tipo de hábitats alrededor del mundo, y son unos de los animales más abundantes, con más de 900 especies en Norteamérica. Las aves viven en montañas altas, bosques densos, desiertos o cerca de ríos y océanos. Algunas se alimentan de frutos secos y semillas, mientras que otras capturan y comen animales pequeños. La mayoría de las aves vuelan, pero algunas prefieren caminar e incluso nadar. Aprende qué tienen en común las aves, cómo se diferencian y cómo están adaptadas a su ambiente en la edición más reciente de la serie de Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes.

¿Oso negro u oso pardo? Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes

Chris Schmitz (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638172758

Si vieras un oso en el bosque, ¿podrías darte cuenta si es un oso negro u oso pardo? Aprende qué tienen en común estas dos especies de osos y cómo diferenciarlas. ¿Los osos pardos siempre son castaños o los osos negros siempre son negros? ¿Cuáles tienen garras cortas y pronunciadamente curvas y cuáles tienen garras largas y ligeramente curvas? ¿Comen las mismas cosas? ¡Explora las similitudes y diferencias entre estos mamíferos en la edición más reciente a la serie de Un libro de comparaciones y contrastes!

Potrillos de cebra en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242417

In Zebra Foals in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about zebra foals as they grow up on the savanna in Africa. Follow along as zebra foals join the herd and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to zebra foalsí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a zebra foalís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about zebra foals online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Zebra Foals in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Crías de jirafa en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242356

In Giraffe Calves in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby giraffes as they grow up on the savanna in Africa. Follow along as giraffe calves join the herd and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to giraffe calvesí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a giraffe calfís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about giraffe calves online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Giraffe Calves in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Crías de mono en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242387

In Monkey Infants in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby monkeys as they grow up on the savanna in Africa. Follow along as monkey infants join the troop and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to monkey infantsí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a monkey infantís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about monkey infants online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Monkey Infants in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Crías de gorila en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242295

In Gorilla Infants in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby gorillas as they grow up in the rain forest in Africa. Follow along as gorilla infants join the troop and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to gorilla infantsí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a gorilla infantís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about gorilla infants online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Gorilla Infants in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Crías de hipopótamo en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242325

In Hippopotamus Calves in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby hippopotamuses as they grow up in Africa. Follow along as hippo calves join the herd and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to hippo calvesí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a hippo calfís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about hippo calves online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Hippopotamus Calves in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Crías de elefante en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242264

In Elephant Calves in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby elephants as they grow up on the savanna in Africa. Follow along as elephant calves join the herd and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to elephant calvesí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels an elephant calfís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about elephant calves online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Elephant Calves in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Cachorros de tigre en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242233

In Tiger Cubs in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby tigers as they grow up in the rain forest in Asia. Follow along as tiger cubs learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to tiger cubsí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a tiger cub's body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about tiger cubs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Tiger Cubs in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Cachorros de león en la naturaleza

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885242202

In Lion Cubs in the Wild, beginning readers will learn about baby lions as they grow up on the savanna in Africa. Follow along as lion cubs join the pride and learn from their moms. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to lion cubsí appearance, diet, behaviors, and habitat. A picture diagram labels a lion cubís body parts, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about lion cubs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Lion Cubs in the Wild also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

El ciclo de vida de un escarabajo

Jamie Rice (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885240048

In A Beetle's Life Cycle, beginning readers will learn about beetles and their four life stages. Carefully leveled text and vibrant, fullcolor photos will capture young readers' interest as they are introduced to beetles' appearance and behaviors throughout the life cycle, from egg to adult. A picture diagram shows the life cycle from one stage to the next, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about beetles online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, ageappropriate websites. A Beetle's Life Cycle also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

El ciclo de vida de un perro

Jamie Rice (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885240109

In A Dog's Life Cycle, beginning readers will learn about dogs and their life stages. Carefully leveled text and vibrant, fullcolor photos will capture young readers' interest as they are introduced to dogs' appearance and behaviors throughout the life cycle, from puppy to adult. A picture diagram shows the life cycle from one stage to the next, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about dogs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, ageappropriate websites. A Dog's Life Cycle also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

El ciclo de vida de un pollo

Jamie Rice (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885240130

In A Chicken's Life Cycle, beginning readers will learn about chickens and their three life stages. Carefully leveled text and vibrant, fullcolor photos will capture young readers' interest as they are introduced to chickens' appearance and behaviors throughout the life cycle, from egg to adult. A picture diagram shows the life cycle from one stage to the next, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about chickens online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, ageappropriate websites. A Chicken's Life Cycle also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

El ciclo de vida de una tortuga

Jamie Rice (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9798885240017

In A Turtle's Life Cycle, beginning readers will learn about turtles and their four life stages. Carefully leveled text and vibrant, fullcolor photos will capture young readers' interest as they are introduced to turtle's appearance and behaviors throughout the life cycle, from egg to adult. A picture diagram shows the life cycle from one stage to the next, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about turtles online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, ageappropriate websites. A Turtle's Life Cycle also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

El ciclo de vida de una mariposa

Jamie Rice (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781636909950

In A Butterfly's Life Cycle, beginning readers will learn about butterflies and their four life stages. Carefully leveled text and vibrant, fullcolor photos will capture young readers' interest as they are introduced to butterflies' appearance and behaviors throughout the life cycle, from egg to adult. A picture diagram shows the life cycle from one stage to the next, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about butterflies online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, ageappropriate websites. A Butterfly's Life Cycle also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Los perros pastores

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781636904238

In Herding Dogs, beginning readers will learn about dogs that work on farms to herd livestock. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to dogs' behaviors, training, and job responsibilities. Supplementary back matter summarizes the jobs they perform, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about herding dogs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Herding Dogs also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Los perros de servicio

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781636904177

In Service Dogs, beginning readers will learn about dogs that work to help people with disabilities perform tasks. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to dogs' behaviors, training, and job responsibilities. Supplementary back matter summarizes the jobs they perform, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about service dogs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Service Dogs also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Los perros militares

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781636904207

In Military Dogs, beginning readers will learn about dogs that work in the U.S. Armed Forces to help soldiers. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to dogs' gear, training, and job responsibilities. Supplementary back matter summarizes the jobs they perform, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about military dogs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Military Dogs also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Los perros de búsqueda y rescate

Marie Brandle (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781636904146

In Search and Rescue Dogs, beginning readers will learn about dogs that work after natural disasters and in the wilderness to find and save missing people. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they are introduced to dogs' gear, training, and job responsibilities. Supplementary back matter summarizes the jobs they perform, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about search and rescue dogs online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Search and Rescue Dogs also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

La revelación del pangolín

Lori Schildwachter (author) Laurie Allen Klein (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170976

Cuando la tarea de Loran es crear las adaptaciones de un animal y demostrar cómo estas adaptaciones le ayudan a sobrevivir en su entorno, él sabe exactamente lo que quiere hacer. Loran crea una súper especie polivalente usando todo tipo de adaptaciones geniales y únicas tomadas de una variedad de sus animales favoritos, como la cola prensil de los monos, las garras de una pereza e incluso la capacidad de enroscarse como un armadillo. Una vez que ha creado lo que piensa que es la más increíble mezcla de adaptaciones animales de todos los tiempos, se sorprende al descubrir que esta “criatura imaginaria” realmente existe—¡es un pangolín! Sí, estas encantadoras y únicas criaturas realmente existen, y son los animales con más peligro de extinción sobre los cuales quizá nunca has escuchado.

¡Hurra a los hermanos mayores!

Janet Halfmann (author) Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781638170952

¡Los hermanos mayores son maravillosos! Sabías que los hermanos mayores también son importantes en familias de animales? Los hermanos mayores de los animales hacen muchas de las mismas cosas que los hermanos mayores de los niños. Estos juegan con sus hermanos menores, les enseñan nuevas cosas y ayudan en su cuidado. Algunas veces los hermanos mayores de los animales incluso cuidan de los pequeños cuando sus padres se van de cacería. ¿Eres un hermano mayor o tienes un hermano mayor?

Al zoológico

Julie Murray (author)

Publisher: ABDO ISBN: 9781098204648

Field trips are important and exciting days for young people. It gets them out of the classroom where they can learn in a different environment. This title shows all the fun and educational things kids can see and learn about on a field trip to the zoo. Title is complete with colorful photos that support the simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Junior is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.