Search Results: 30 books from 4 publishers. Learn more

Les hauts et les bas de Fish

Joanne Levy (author) Rachel Martinez (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835825

Fishel (Fish) Rosner, douze ans, n’aime pas les activités qui plaisent généralement aux garçons. Il déteste les sports et préfère lire ou faire du bricolage plutôt que de grimper aux arbres ou de faire du vélo de montagne avec ses amis. Il aime aussi danser. Tout ce qu’il aime est considéré comme des passe-temps de « filles », mais Fish ne comprend pas pourquoi ce serait une mauvaise chose. Il s’intéresse simplement à des activités différentes des autres garçons. Quand il demande à sa Bubby de lui enseigner le tricot, elle lui dit d’aller jouer dehors. Quand il insiste pour que sa mère l’amène au cours de zumba, elle l’inscrit plutôt au water-polo. Pourquoi tout le monde décide-t-il ce que Fish doit faire ou ne pas faire?

Les Loups gris à la chasse

Sigmund Brouwer (author) Gaston Gingras (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698158

Lorsqu'un nouvel entraîneur arrive, l'équipe des Loups gris à Gaston hérite aussi de son fils, Eldridge Elwell, mais celui-ci est un très mauvais joueur. L'équipe souhaite plus que tout arriver jusqu'aux séries éliminatoires, mais si Eldridge continue à jouer plus qu'aucun autre joueur, il y a peu d'espoir. Que peut faire Johnny Maverick pour sortir son équipe de cette mauvaise passe? When the Timberwolves get a new coach, they also get the coach's son. The only problem is that Eldridge Elwell is a terrible hockey player. The team is on the hunt to make the playoffs, and every time Eldridge plays a shift, it hurts the team more. Johnny Maverick is just as angry about it as anyone on the team, until he learns something important about the coach's son.

La triche

Kristin Butcher (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554699988

Laurel se découvre une passion pour le journalisme d'investigation. Pour écrire un article-choc, elle mène une enquête sur une triche à son école. Elle découvre que la tricherie est généralisée—beaucoup plus qu'elle ne l'avait imaginé. Aveugle à toute autre préoccupation, Laurel est prête à perdre ses amies pour tirer cette histoire au clair. Mais son ultime découverte change tout. Laurel discovers her passion for investigative journalism when she writes an article for her school paper about the homeless man who's been living at the school. Eager to write more articles with impact, she launches an investigation of a cheating scam at her high school. Laurel's efforts elicit hostility from her classmates. Nobody is interested in seeing her article go to print, not even her own brother. It is evident that the cheating is widespread, and Laurel, caught up in the thrill of the investigation, is willing to commit social suicide to get the story, but her ultimate discovery changes everything.

Accro d'la planche

Lesley Choyce (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459801943

Dorf a toujours été fidèle à sa devise : « Si ça en vaut la peine, fais-le. Si ça n'en vaut pas la peine, fais-le quand même. » Mais il a déménagé à la ville et le terrain est différent. Il ne peut plus faire rouler sa planche oû bon lui semble et il a de la difficulté à s'intégrer à sa nouvelle école. Ses tricks audacieux lui assurent le respect des voyous du coin, mais il devra faire appel à une autre forme de courage s'il veut vraiment changer sa vie. Dorf is all about skateboarding, and so far that's worked out fine. But now that he's in a new city, the terrain has changed. He's no longer free to skateboard where he wishes, school is more difficult, and his passion for skateboarding garners him the nickname and reputation of a freak. With daring stunts he gains the grudging respect of local troublemakers, but he needs to tap into another kind of courage to effect real change.

J'aime écrire

Brian Moses (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039694538

Join Wang Li and her friends as they discover why writing clearly is important--and fun, too!

J'aime lire

Brian Moses (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039694552

Join William and his friends as they discover why reading is important for learning--and fun, too!

J'aime parler

Brian Moses (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039694545

Join Hannah and her friends as they discover why talking to share ideas is important--and fun, too!

J'aime écouter

Brian Moses (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781039694521

Join Levi and his friends as they discover why listening carefully is important--and fun, too!

Je Suis Triste

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278276

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize sadness in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

J'ai Peur

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278238

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize fear in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Je Suis Content

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278245

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize happiness in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Je Suis Nerveux

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278269

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize nervousness in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Manger en Pleine Conscience

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278214

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and eating habits. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Trouver le Sommeil en Pleine Conscience

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278221

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and bedtime routine. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

En Plein Conscience Dans la Nature

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278184

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and time in nature. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Faire du Sport en Plein Conscience

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278191

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and participation in sports. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

En Plein Conscience à L'école

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278177

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and school days. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Une idée pour Papi

Heather Smith (author)Brooke Kerrigan (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822061

Lou passe tous ses samedis avec Grand-Papa et Papi. Ils se rendent à la bibliothèque main dans la main, comme une guirlande de personnages en papier. Grand-Papa lit des livres sur la science et le design, Papi écoute des disques de rock and roll et Lou va de l’un à l’autre. Mais un jour, tout bascule. Papi fait une chute qui a des conséquences terribles: il sera confiné à un fauteuil roulant pour toujours, tout le temps. Incapable d’accepter son état, il se renferme et ne sort plus de sa chambre. En entendant Grand-Papa essayer d’égayer Papi, Lou a une idée. En utilisant des compétences qu’il a apprises de Grand-Papa et avec un peu d’aide des voisins, Lou élabore un plan pour Papi.

Le canot rouge

Leslie A. Davidson (author) Laura Bifano (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825420

Des poissons et des hérons, des tortues et des libellules, des huttes de castor et des feuilles de nénuphar... Une multitude de merveilles enchantent la jeune narratrice et tous les amoureux de la nature qui seront séduits par cet album tendre et magnifiquement illustré. Les canetons se promènent sur le dos de leur maman; un balbuzard s'élève avec un poisson argenté dans ses serres; le cri du huard s'élève dans la nuit étoilée. Ces images sont évoquées dans des quatrains épousant le rythme des coups de pagaie. Le canot rouge parle des liens qui unissent les grands-parents et leurs petits-enfants, et invite les amoureux de la nature de tous les âges.

Être responsable

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284899

In Being Responsible, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can practice responsibility in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by being responsible.

Être reconnaissant

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284882

In Being Grateful, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can show thankfulness in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by being grateful.

Être honnête

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284868

In Being Honest, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can practice truthfulness. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by being honest.

Être gentil

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284851

In Showing Kindness, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can be kind and considerate in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by showing kindness.

Dire non à l'intimidation

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284837

In Resisting Bullying, beginning readers will learn concrete strategies to help them stop different forms of bullying. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by resisting bullying.

Être généreux

Rebecca Pettiford (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781641284844

In Showing Generosity, beginning readers will learn about all the ways they can be generous in their daily lives. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover how they can build character by showing generosity.