Search Results: 251 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Meg and Greg: A Duck in a Sock

Elspeth Rae (author) Rowena Rae (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824911

Four phonics stories specially designed to help children of all abilities overcome language-based learning difficulties. Meg and Greg are hanging out for the summer doing what ten-year-olds do—helping an injured duckling, finding a lost pet fish, saving ranch animals from a wildfire and catching a wandering sloth!

On the Internet

Dr. Jillian Roberts (author)Jane Heinrichs (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459820951

On the Internet: Our First Talk About Online Safety introduces children to the basics of online safety in a story-based, conversational style. Using real-world examples set within the context of a child who is using the Internet for the first time and watching an older sibling interact with social media,

On the News

Dr. Jillian Roberts (author) Jane Heinrichs (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817852

On the News gently introduces young children to the realities of natural disasters, terrorism and other forms of tragedy. In age-appropriate language and tone, this book emphasizes the good that can come out of tragedy, looking at how people help one another in caring, compassionate and heroic ways.

Lucy Tries Soccer

Lisa Bowes (author) James Hearne (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810235

Eager to try a summer sport, Lucy and her friends meet at the soccer field for their first game of three-on-three! Thanks to Coach Nick, Lucy and the rest of Team Blue learn a few basic skills as they prepare to face Team Red. In Lucy Tries Soccer, Lucy discovers how much fun it is to play on a team and learns why soccer is the world’s most popular game.

Lucy Tries Hockey

Lisa Bowes (author) James Hearne (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459816954

"This is intro to hockey, and it's time to begin!" Lucy and her family are skating on an outdoor rink when she sees a game of hockey going on. It looks like fun, but maybe too challenging. Supported by her parents, Lucy enrolls in an introductory hockey clinic, and thanks to an encouraging instructor, she and her friends learn basic hockey skills, have fun on the ice and decide to add hockey to their list of favorite sports!

Les Loups gris à la chasse

Sigmund Brouwer (author) Gaston Gingras (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698158

Lorsqu'un nouvel entraîneur arrive, l'équipe des Loups gris à Gaston hérite aussi de son fils, Eldridge Elwell, mais celui-ci est un très mauvais joueur. L'équipe souhaite plus que tout arriver jusqu'aux séries éliminatoires, mais si Eldridge continue à jouer plus qu'aucun autre joueur, il y a peu d'espoir. Que peut faire Johnny Maverick pour sortir son équipe de cette mauvaise passe? When the Timberwolves get a new coach, they also get the coach's son. The only problem is that Eldridge Elwell is a terrible hockey player. The team is on the hunt to make the playoffs, and every time Eldridge plays a shift, it hurts the team more. Johnny Maverick is just as angry about it as anyone on the team, until he learns something important about the coach's son.

I'm the Boss!

Elise Gravel (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832954

I WANT TO BE THE BOSS! For once in their life, this small beast wants to get everything it wants, right here, RIGHT NOW! While the grown-up monster can’t give them a plane they can fly or a cake with lots of candy on top, they can give them a really big hug when they feel upset.

Il était une fois un oiseau

Rina Singh (author) Nathalie Dion (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459839052

Un jour, à la fin de l’hiver, un petit oiseau est sorti et a découvert que le monde était devenu silencieux. Les rues étaient vides et les terrains de jeux, silencieux. Perplexe, mais déterminé, un oiseau explore la ville à la recherche d’un endroit approprié pour nicher. Les résidents d’un immeuble d’habitation le remarquent qui se repose dans un arbre tout près et sont réconfortés par son chant. En l’observant par leurs fenêtres, ils oublient leur quotidien et prennent le temps d’apprécier les merveilles de la nature. L’oiseau choisit de s’installer pour de bon dans cette communauté et il y fait son nid, un acte de résilience et d’espoir qui inspire les humains à sortir eux aussi et leur rappelle que la nature a son propre rythme, que les saisons changent et que la vie continue. Encore une fois. Ce livre d’images sans texte est une contemplation pleine d’espoir de nos liens avec la nature et de la joie qu’elle nous procure, même dans des périodes difficiles.

It’s Me, Henry!

Stéphanie Deslauriers (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459830806

Henry marches to the beat of his own green thumb in this gentle picture book about a boy on the autism spectrum. Henry doesn't remember to raise his hand and he prefers to call plants by their proper Latin names, much to the frustration of his classmates. Most days, Henry doesn't notice how different he is from the other kids in his grade, but some days, he does. On those days, he finds refuge under the shade of the Salix babylonica (willow tree) or in the school counselor's office or at his very favorite place in the world: the local botanical gardens. When his class goes on a field trip to these botanical gardens, Henry’s knowledge of the flora and fauna show the other kids that his unique interests are really something special.

L’Homme à la barbe hirsute

Elizabeth Withey (author) Lynn Scurfield (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824799

Un enfant essaie de comprendre la vie d’un homme qui vit sous un pont. Sa mère répond patiemment à ses questions et lui explique comment des personnes peuvent suivre des parcours si différents. Le garçon remarque les similarités entre l’homme et lui, et se demande où le mènera son propre parcours de vie. Dans le récit simple de L’Homme à la barbe hirsute, la curiosité et la perspicacité de l’enfant servent de catalyseurs pour comprendre la peur, la souffrance et la résilience tout en explorant les thèmes de l’itinérance, de l’appartenance et de la compassion. Cet ouvrage unique interpellera autant les enfants que les adultes. Il comprend un message de l’autrice expliquant de quelle façon l’origine de son histoire est ancrée dans sa vie.

Le bateau magique

Kit Pearson (author) Katherine Farris (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459823259

Chaque matin de l’été, Ellie et sa grand-mère vont à la plage. Ils se baignent, érigent des châteaux de sable et, pendant que Nonna lit, Ellie regarde les autres enfants jouer. Un jour, Ellie trouve le courage d’approcher une fille plus âgée qu'elle, Piper, qui s'amuse seule dans une barque échouée. Piper a un don : son imagination est si grande qu'elle emmène Ellie dans de grandes aventures, volant haut dans les airs, nageant au fond de l’océan et voyageant partout à bord de leur petit bateau bleu, leur bateau magique. Mais quand Piper doit s'en aller, Ellie découvre qu'elle aussi possède une imagination débordante.

J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur

Monique Gray Smith (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826458

Qu’est-ce qui te remplit le cœur de bonheur ? Le soleil sur ton visage ? L’odeur de la banique qui cuit au four ? Tenir la main d’une personne que tu aimes ? Ce magnifique album cartonné, illustré par la talentueuse artiste Julie Flett, rappelle aux petits et aux grands de penser aux moments de la vie qui leur apportent de la joie et d’en profiter. La conférencière et autrice de réputation internationale Monique Gray Smith a écrit J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur pour soutenir le bien-être des enfants et des familles autochtones, et pour encourager les bambins à chérir les moments qui les rendent heureux.

Le défi des Loups gris

Sigmund Brouwer (author) Gaston Gingras (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698134

Johnny Maverick a une idée géniale pour permettre à l'équipe des Loups gris à Gaston de remporter le concours de collecte de fonds auquel elle participe. Tout se passe pour le mieux jusqu'au moment où une visiteuse arrive à Howling et qu'elle se met à remporter tous les défis contre Johnny. Toute la ville trouve cela très drôle, mais le pire, c'est que même ses amis Tom et Stu s'amusent à ses dépens! Johnny Maverick has come up with an idea to win a fundraising contest for the Howling Timberwolves hockey team. It seems fun, until a girl visits Howling—and starts to win challenges against Johnny. The entire town finds it funny; even worse, his friends Tom and Stu like what's happening.

Island in the Salish Sea

Sheryl McFarlane (author) Leslie Redhead (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813465

This gorgeously illustrated picture book is a celebration of summer vacation and West Coast island life. Every day is different on Gran's island in the Salish Sea as granddaughter climbs big-leaf maples, eats blackberries, explores tide pools and sandstone caves and examines ancient middens and petroglyphs. She and Gran watch harbor seals sunning themselves and Gran's neighbor carving an eagle out of a piece of cedar while drinking fresh nettle tea. And on her way home, our young narrator sees a pod of orcas, breaching, tail lobbing and spy-hopping as she says goodbye to the island for another summer.

Florence & Leon

Simon Boulerice (author) Delphie Côté-Lacroix (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818231

Florence and Leon have never met. Florence is a swimming instructor. She has a small problem with her lungs: it's as if she's breathing through a straw. Leon is an insurance salesman. He has a small problem with his eyes: it's as if he's seeing the world through a straw. One day Florence and Leon bump into each other, literally, and this mishap turns their lives upside down. Over slushy drinks with proper straws, Florence and Leon find out how their differences make them alike.

Play with Jay!

Pascale Bonenfant (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835511

Jay the bear, Nora the rabbit and Clementine the bird invite readers to have fun seeking treasure, spotting differences and matching pairs. With unique prompts and questions on each page, young readers can engage in their own way with activities, such as inventing names for their favorite monsters, choosing what to pack in a suitcase or imagining combinations of magic potions. Part picture book, part multi-use activity book, the delightful and interactive artwork in Play With Jay! will spark inquiry, discussion and creativity in readers.


Adèle Tariel (author) Jérôme Peyrat (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833777

Tonight I am a bird. A seagull. A young child is tucked away in bed safe at home and imagines they are a seagull flying high above the ocean and watching over their father, the captain of a cargo ship, while he is away at sea. Tonight, they will journey across the sea to a faraway port. Through storms and calm, clear skies and fog, the bird will watch over the man until his work is complete and he can return safely home. With stunning illustrations that capture the immensity of freighters and the vastness of the ocean from a bird's-eye view, Cargo is a wonderful reminder of the connection between parent and child even when separated by great distances.

When We Are Kind

Monique Gray Smith (author) Nicole Neidhardt (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821460

When We Are Kind celebrates simple acts of everyday kindness and encourages children to explore how they feel when they initiate and receive acts of kindness in their lives. Beautifully illustrated by artist Nicole Neidhardt, this book encourages children to be kind to others and to themselves.

Yoga Baby

Amy Hovey (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818293

Can you roar like a lion? Flutter like a butterfly? Stand strong and tall like a mountain? Then you can do yoga! This exuberant rhyming board book celebrates the simple joy of yoga and the natural shapes that even the littlest yogis and yoginis can make with their bodies. Poses such as happy baby, child's pose and downward dog are ones you will see children spontaneously explore from a very young age. Babies and toddlers intuitively know the movements that restore their bodies and minds. Yoga Baby celebrates this mindful playfulness with a diverse selection of babies doing what babies love to do: feeling good and having fun!

Pride Colors

Robin Stevenson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459820715

Through gentle rhymes and colorful photographs of adorable children, Pride Colors is a celebration of the deep unconditional love of a parent or caregiver for a young child. The profound message of this delightful board book is you are free to be whoever you choose to be; you'll always be loved. Celebrated author Robin Stevenson ends her purposeful prose by explaining the meaning behind each color in the Pride flag: red = life, orange = healing, yellow = sunlight, green = nature, blue = peace and harmony, and violet = spirit.

Pocket Rocks

Sheree Fitch (author) Helen Flook (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817807

No matter how hard he tries, even with the help of his classroom aide, Ian Goobie can't do the things that the other children in his class can do. Every day he dreads going to school. Then he finds a rock, a rock that fits perfectly in his pocket, a rock that touches all his senses and whisks him away into a whole other world. From then on, as long as he has a rock in his pocket, Ian Goobie can manage his daily challenges. That is, until he stuffs so many rocks in his pockets that his pants fall down right outside in the schoolyard, in front of all his classmates. This might be the biggest challenge Ian Goobie has had to face yet.

Billie and Bean in the City

Julia Hansson (author) B.J. Woodstein (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834453

Celebrating the supportive relationship between a child and her dog, this story gently introduces the resilience and bravery that come with the first steps toward independence. Billie is reading quietly in her apartment while her mom does laundry downstairs. But her impatient dog Bean wants to go outside. Billie has taken Bean outside before when mom was watching, so she decides to try taking Bean out by herself—just around the block. Billie and Bean enjoy the vibrant city street, but after stopping to pick a flower in the park, Billie becomes disoriented by the tall buildings and can't remember the way back to their building. As Billie begins to worry, Bean tugs on the leash in encouragement and Billie discovers that she's braver than she thought she could be.

Billie and Bean at the Beach

Julia Hansson (author) B.J. Woodstein (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834422

Celebrating the supportive relationship between a child and her dog, this story shows how we can all be brave and achieve things in our own time. Billie prefers playing quietly, but the beach is a noisy place. Her energetic dog, Bean, is happy to explore the sand and water. When Billie does try going for a swim, she has a painful surprise and heads back to shore. But Bean digs up something that can help Billie get back in the water where she soon discovers a whole world of quiet solitude and spectacular color beneath the surface.

When Stars Arise

E.G. Alaraj (author) Martyna Czub (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835672

The world grows restful, but don’t sleep yet, wait until the grassy meadow is quiet and the forest creatures are hidden away. Until the farm animals are snug in the barn and the toys are tidied in their proper spots. Until the bath warms your toes and the blanket tucks you in tightly. Only when we finish our story and the stars are in the sky is it time to sleep.

We Belong to the Drum / mistikwaskihk kitipêyimikonaw

Sandra Lamouche (author) Azby Whitecalf (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834392

The drum represents the heartbeat of Mother Earth. We all belong to the earth and we all belong to the drum. Nikosis grew up going to powwows with his family, happily immersed in music, dance and the sounds of the drum. But when he starts going to daycare, he doesn’t feel like he belongs. Nikosis cries every time his mother leaves him in the unfamiliar environment until, one day, she and the teachers use drums to help Nikosis find connection and comfort.