Search Results: 488 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Diamondback Rattlesnakes

Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033679

No venomous snake in North America is larger than the diamondback rattlesnake. The eastern diamondback species can stretch out to a sizable length of 8 feet! Young readers will get wrapped up in discovering the ostentatious ways diamondbacks behave in the face of predators and prey.

American Curls

Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033556

American Curls are Peter Pan in feline form. Though they grow in size, they never grow out of their kitten ways. Even their ears resist conformity by curling backward just days after birth! In this book, curious young readers will meet a cat breed fit for life in Neverland.


Nathan Sommer (editor)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033587

Siberian cats proudly wear their Russian heritage. The triple coats they sport are thick and water repellent for survival in their homeland’s often-harsh climate. The extra ruffs of fur around their necks function like scarves. In this title, early readers will find it easy to warm up to the loving Siberian breed!


Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033563

Smooth just might be the best description for the Balinese breed. The cats’ long, silky coats do not mat, and their body movements flow with a beautiful grace. This easy-to-read title shows why Balinese cats were named after Indonesian dancers. Its photographs put the breed’s elegance on full display!


Nathan Sommer (editor)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033570

RagaMuffins have all the qualities needed to win a best companion award. Just consider the way the cats seek out human laps for relaxing, or the open invitation they give cat lovers to pet their soft fur. This book will make beginning readers wish for a RagaMuffin to cuddle or dress up!

West Highland White Terriers

Nathan Sommer (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033464

West Highland white terriers often struggle to keep their trademark white coats clean and bright. Though small in size, they started as hunting dogs in Scotland and still have an abundance of energy for outdoor play. This title introduces fun-loving Westies to elementary readers.

Saint Bernards

Nathan Sommer (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033457

To the rescue! This could be the mission statement of Saint Bernards. In the past, the dogs saved thousands of travelers in the Swiss mountain pass they are named after. Early readers will become instant admirers of a big dog breed that stands out for being hardworking and helpful.

Cocker Spaniels

Nathan Sommer (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033419

Lady from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp is possibly the most famous face of the cocker spaniel. Her look shows off the breed’s signatures: long ears, a wide muzzle, and round eyes. In this canine profile, young dog lovers and Disney fans will go past appearance to learn more about how cocker spaniels behave and play.


Mari Schuh (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033433

Dalmatians have been tied to firefighters ever since they first guided fire carriages to fiery scenes. Though they are retired from the job today, these spotted dogs remain beloved firehouse mascots. Think Sparky the Fire Dog! This book puts Dalmatians in the spotlight for beginning readers.


Nathan Sommer (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033440

The water heroics of Newfoundlands have earned the dogs the reputation of being lifesavers. With muscular legs, webbed paws, and strong bodies, they are built to be lifeguards. In this book, young readers will dive into learning all about the Newfoundland breed.


Mari Schuh (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681033426

Few dogs can claim the celebrity status of Lassie. This collie is a movie and television icon and actually has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! So what makes a herding dog fit for show biz? This children’s title answers that question by telling the robust history of the collie breed.


Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034706

What has two opposable toes and is the only marsupial crawling through the forests and backyards of North America? It’s the opossum! These animals are often referred to as nature’s garbage disposal, so don’t be surprised to find one munching from the dog’s dish or gulping down last week’s leftovers in the trash. Young readers will devour this fact-packed title about these creatures of the night.

River Otters

Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034713

A group of river otters is on the lookout for a new home, and they aren’t about to start from scratch! These critters often crawl their way into the abandoned burrows of their riverside neighbors. Swim along with river otters as they paddle their way through the freshwaters of North America in this informative title.


Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034720

With home ranges stretching across miles of frozen land, mountains, and dense forests, wolverines wander alone searching for their next meaty meal. These fearless fighters of the northern forests will claw and slash at anyone or anything that steps in their path. Grab some snow boots and brave the tundra with these scavengers of the north!

Blue Jays

Betsy Rathburn (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034690

Blue jays often get a bad rap for being the bullies of the songbird world, but there’s a lot more to these beautiful birds than meets the eye. They stay safe and sound by mimicking the songs and sounds of their forest homes. Going hungry is a rare concern as they stuff their beaks and throat pouches with up to four acorns at one time! The sky’s the limit with this colorful read about blue jays.

Border Collies

Rebecca Sabelko (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034553

As one of the smartest dogs in the world, border collies are always ready to learn new tricks and take on new challenges. They often compete in agility events and other competitions with ease. Young dog lovers will be cheering for border collies in this fun read!

Basset Hounds

Paige V. Polinsky (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034539

A basset hound’s floppy ears aren’t just a cute feature! Basset hounds are skilled hunters because their low-hanging ears sweep scents up from the ground into their powerful noses. Beginning readers will learn this and so much more in this book about these awesome dogs!

Bernese Mountain Dogs

Rebecca Sabelko (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034546

Bernese mountain dogs hail from the Swiss mountains where they hauled goods in carts through the valleys. Today, these intelligent dogs still love to use their drafting background by showing off their skills in competitions. This playful book for young readers highlights gentle Berners and what makes them stand out.  


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035109

Moths are like the butterflies of the night. Their scale-covered wings carry them from plant to plant in search of sweet nectar. There’s a lot to learn about these dark-winged insects in this fact-filled book for beginning readers!

Milkweed Bugs

Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035086

Predators turn up their noses when they come across the black and orange of the milkweed bug. These foul-tasting critters have found the perfect defense from becoming someone’s lunch! Unlike the effects of their black and orange colors, this book is sure to keep beginning readers coming back for more!


Christina Leaf (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681034522

Just like people, animals sometimes get sick or injured. Veterinarians are the caring helpers who come to the rescue! Veterinarians are animal experts who treat wounds, perform surgeries, and provide medicine to the animals we love. This title offers readers a look into the caring work of veterinarians.


Patrick Perish (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035093

Many people hate the quiet whine of a mosquito buzzing around their head. But you may be surprised to learn that females are the only mosquitoes who suck blood. Itching to find out why? Young readers will find out this and so much more in this book about mosquitoes!


Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035000

Cock-a-doodle-doo! The rooster’s call brings the farm to life. Hens and chicks cluck as they wait for the farmer to bring breakfast. Young readers are introduced to a chicken’s life in the barnyard in this book for young readers.


Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035017

A cow’s work is never done! After a morning spent grazing, the cow waits for the farmer to collect her milk. Will it be made into ice cream or cheese? Young readers will learn about the life of a cow in this book about the favorite farm animal.


Kari Schuetz (author)

Publisher: Bellwether Media Inc. ISBN: 9781681035079

Unlike those in the wild, farm turkeys are round, plump, and unable to fly. Their heavy bodies keep them in their pens where they are safe and sound. Young readers will gobble up this fact-filled book about turkeys on the farm.