Search Results: 680 books from 17 publishers. Learn more

Fathers and Sons

Ivan Turgenev (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422393

After graduating from university, Arkady Kirsanov returns home with his friend, Bazarov. The young man is changed embracing the nihilistic philosophy not that popular among the older generation. But nihilism doesn’t believe in love…can Arkady and Bazarov neglect their feelings for the sake of their own beliefs?


Joyce James (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422270

Dubliners is James Joyce's first work and is an unflinching collection of 15 short stories depicting Dublin at the turn of the twentieth century. These stories give insight into middle class life in Ireland and introduce characters who appear in Joyce's Ulysses.

Exit Betty

Grace Livingston Hill (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422362

Upon looking at the bridegroom at the altar, Betty Stanhope realizes she’s on the verge of possibly making the biggest mistake of her life. So she takes advantage of a series of favorable situations and runs away. She meets Jane who helps her get out of town. But is this a wise decision?


Austen Jane (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422300

Emma Woodhouse is a beautiful, privileged and headstrong young woman living in Regency England who constantly meddles in her friends' lives. Jane Austen's witty and powerful storytelling is at play in this masterful romance classic.

Ethan Frome

Edith Wharton (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422355

A visiting engineer meets on odd, limping man by the name of Ethan Frome. He wants to know more of him but nobody, not even Ethan is willing to cooperate. So the engineer hires Ethan as his driver for week. Unexpectedly, during a heavy winter storm, the truth about the limping man is revealed.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422324

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Essays are an American classic. These essays explore Emerson's thoughts about transcendentalism and romanticism. Some of the most famous essays in this collection are Self-Reliance, Compensation, The Over-Soul, Circles, The Poet, Experience, and Politics.

Dead Men Tell No Tales

E. W. Hornung (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422157

In E.W. Hornung's Dead Men Tell No Tales, Mr. Cole falls in love with Eva Denison, a beautiful and accomplished young woman, while traveling to England. As the story takes a twisted turn, the events lead to the discovery of a horrible conspiracy and then to an adventure that may cost Cole his greatest love.

Desperate Remedies

Thomas Hardy (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422195

Cytherea Graye is left penniless with her younger brother, Owen, after her father died in a terrible accident. So she must look for work. She becomes the lady’s maid to Mrs. Aldclyffe and falls in love with the wrong person, Edward Springrove. She finds out Edward’s secret and decides to marry Aeneas Manston instead, Mrs. Aldclyffe’s steward. However, she soon learns Aeneas has a dark secret too.

Dawn of the Morning

Grace Livingston Hill (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422140

In this historical romance, a young woman flees a marriage she never wanted and a life she wished she had never lived. Dawn of the Morning tells the story of Dawn Rensselaer's journey to find love on her own terms.

Don Juan

Lord Byron (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422225

Don Juan is an epic poem by Lord Byron about a womanizing Spaniard who is sent away for dishonoring his family. His adventures lead him through slave markets and royal courts until he grows into a man who can be admired.

Dickens' Stories About Children Every Child Can Read

Charles Dickens (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422201

This compilation of stories about children from Charles Dickens' classic books have been modified to be easier to read. These stories will make the readers fall in love with the charming children and are a great introduction to classic novels like Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and more.


Elizabeth Gaskell (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422034

Both comic and tragic, Cranford is a novel set in a fictional rural town of 19th-century England where time seems to stand still. Neither character wants to change and all of them are feverishly trying to preserve the old customs and norms. However, a series of comings and goings disrupts the town’s balance and force the leading women in Cranford to leave their comfort zone.

Civil Disobedience

Henry David Thoreau (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421983

Civil Disobedience was Thoreau's first published book and continues to transform American discourse. It is unusual for its symbolism and structure, its criticism of Christian institutions, and its many-layered storytelling.


B.M. Bower (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422027

This classic Western tale from B.M. Bower is a story about Bud Bernie, the son of a wealthy ranger, who goes through a lot of unexpected happenings while trying to make his own money with three horses.

Cloudy Jewel

Grace Livingston Hill (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421990

Mistreated by her selfish sister and in danger of becoming a mere servant, Julia Cloud is saved by her niece and nephew. Both are in college and both are in need of a guiding mother. Julia succeeds in undertaking this role and soon becomes known as ‘Cloudy Jewel.’

Best Russian Short Stories

A.S. Pushkin (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421839

A collection of short stories from prominent Russian author A. S. Pushkin.


Sinclair Lewis (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421785

Although it was first published in 1922, Babbitt reveals the flaws of our modern society. Are money going to make us happy? Is social status such an important aspect in our lives? Can’t we just live in the moment? Asked some 90 odd years ago, these same questions haunt the Western society to this day. Can George F. Babbitt find the answer?

As a Man Thinketh

James Allen (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421747

What are you thinking right now? Is it moving you forward or holding you back? In James Allen's classic text, As a Man Thinketh, you'll learn the skills needed to change the way you think, and in doing so change the direction of your life. Read the book that has inspired millions to take control of destructive thought patterns and revolutionize the way they think. This self-improvement book is a must-read and is filled with insights into the human mind.

Bartleby, the Scrivener

Herman Melville (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421792

This American short story is now one of the most famous of American short stories and has been adapted into many variations.

Beyond Good and Evil

Friedrich Nietzche (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421853

One of the most influential books of the 20th century, this is Nietzsche's provocative and thought-provoking work of philosophy questioning centuries of Western tradition, thought and morality. Building on Nietzsche's, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil is a critical response to religion and other systems of moral conventions.

Aunt Crete's Emancipation

Grace Livingston Hill (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421761

A rich nephew from the West is coming to town, and Carrie and her daughter Luella are desperate to make a lasting impression. Ashamed with their own modest lifestyle, they flee hoping to find new riches and impress Donald and leave Aunt Crete - a modest old lady treated by Carrier and Luella as a slave - to greet the guest. Donald ends up impressed with Aunt Crete and treats her kingly, but what will Carrie and Luella have to say about it?


Voltaire (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421921

Candide is a French satire by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism (or simply Optimism) by his mentor, Pangloss. The work describes the abrupt cessation of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow, painful disillusionment as he witnesses and experiences great hardships in the world. Voltaire concludes with Candide, if not rejecting optimism outright, advocating a deeply practical precept, "we must cultivate our garden", in lieu of the Leibnizian mantra of Pangloss, "all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds".

Brewster's Millions

George Barr McCutcheon (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421891

When the young Montgomery Brewster inherits one million dollars from his grandfather, his luck is only about to get better. His rich and eccentric uncle dies just a short time later, and Brewster finds some very interesting conditions in his uncle's will. He stands to inherit seven million dollars as long as he spends every dime of his grandfather's money in the course of a year. Originally written in 1902, Brewster's Millions is a charming story of wealth and responsibility.

Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush

Ian Maclaren (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421822

Ian McLaren's Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush became a manifesto of non-violent protest used by Gandhi and Martin Luther King about how the individuals shouldn't permit governments to revoke their consciences.

Plato's Apology

Plato (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421709

An original account of the speech Socrates makes at the trial in which he is charged with not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens.