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The Antiracist Kitchen

Nadia L. Hohn (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833449

An anthology featuring stories and recipes from racialized authors about food, culture and resistance What if talking about racism was as easy as baking a cake, frying plantains or cooking rice? The Antiracist Kitchen: 21 Stories (and Recipes) is a celebration of food, family, activism and resistance in the face of racism. In this anthology featuring stories and recipes from 21 diverse and award-winning North American children's authors, the authors share the role of food in their lives and how it has helped fight discrimination, reclaim culture and celebrate people with different backgrounds. They bring personal and sometimes difficult experiences growing up as racialized people. Chopped, seared, marinated and stewed, The Antiracist Kitchen highlights the power of sitting down to share a meal and how that simple act can help bring us all together. Featuring recipes and stories from S.K. Ali, Bryan Patrick Avery, Ruth Behar, Marty Chan, Ann Yu-Kyung Choi, Hasani Claxton, Natasha Deen, Reyna Grande, Dierdre Havrelock, Jennifer de Leon, Andrea J. Loney, Janice Lynn Mather, Linda Sue Park, Danny Ramadan, Sarah Raughley, Waubgeshig Rice, Rahma Rodaah, Andrea Rogers, Simran Jeet Singh, Ayelet Tsabari and Susan Yoon.

Get Out and Vote!

Elizabeth MacLeod (author) Emily Chu (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828469

Explore the past, present and future of voting around the world, and why it's one of the most important things we can do as citizens. Discover how voting affects everyone's life, what election day looks like, why some people don’t cast a ballot and more. Did you know a ping-pong ball once decided an election or that the government in Ancient Greece voted by shouting? With profiles of young people who are making the vote count, this book will empower young people of all backgrounds to make their voices heard.

Saving the Night

Stephen Aitken (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831087

Light pollution threatens the survival of every living species on our planet, including people. It started when Thomas Edison invented the first light bulb more than 150 years ago. Then, as electric light became more common, light pollution began to take over cities and towns. Today, in urban centers all over the world, the stars in the sky aren't visible. Millions of people have never seen the Milky Way. In Saving the Night, we discover how plants and animals have adapted over millions of years to survive and thrive in the dark, and how artificial light can upset the balance of entire ecosystems. But there are ways we can take back the night for animals, plants and us. It starts with the flick of a switch.

Grizzly Bears

Frances Backhouse (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828551

They once roamed across half the continent, but today the grizzly population has declined at an alarming rate and it is incredibly difficult to rebuild those numbers, especially in places with a lot of people. Yet grizzlies are key members of their ecological communities and a powerful symbol of wilderness. Learn from conservationists, scientists, Indigenous Peoples and young people who are working to ensure that grizzlies will be with us forever.

Dig Deep

Nicole F. Smith (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826090

What can archaeology and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge tell us about how our marine environments have changed over time and the effects of climate change? From harvesting herring eggs to hunting humpback whales, humans have had a relationship with the world's oceans for more than 100,000 years. Unearth what our ancestors left behind at archaeological sites around the world and examine how tools, campsites, fishing technologies and even garbage can show us how our ancestors lived and how they used the ocean. These discoveries can unearth clues to help keep our oceans healthier today and in the future.

Better Connected

Tanya Lloyd Kyi (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828582

The online world has real dangers, but girls around the world are using social media to create positive change and practice good digital citizenship. You've probably seen media stories about the ways girls interact online, with headlines like "Depression in Girls Linked to Higher Use of Social Media," or "Half of Girls Are Bullied on Social Media." Better Connected focuses on the less-recognized and positive aspects of the online experiences of girls. From environmental activism to gun control, immigration policy to education access, girls are leading the way. They're showing up, teaming up and speaking up. With profiles of real changemakers and practical tools for getting started, Better Connected is an inspiring look at the amazing things girls can accomplish online.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Maria Birmingham (author) Katy Dockrill (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459830950

Humans have searched out fun for centuries - chariot races, dueling crickets, roller coasters, Rubik's Cubes. It seems we've always had a knack for finding interesting ways to have a good time. Of course, it wasn’t always that way. Our earliest ancestors had to worry more about survival than finding something to do in their free time. But as we evolved and daily living got a little easier, we began to think a bit more about entertainment. It started simply, with storytelling by a fire. Soon it grew into activities like banquets, spectator sports, theater and fairs, to name just a few. Today huge theme parks attract thrill-seekers and people step into virtual worlds for fun. And that’s just scratching the surface. With things like virtual reality, fidget spinners and global phenomena like Pokémon Go, who knows what the future of fun will hold!

Betting Game

Heather M. O'Connor (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459809314

Jack’s a star player on an elite soccer team along with his brother, Alex. The Lancers are on top of the league, even favored to win the National Championship. But the game’s about to change. A slick bookie wins Jack’s friendship and introduces him to illegal betting. Before long, Jack is hooked on the adrenaline rush, and early wins convince him that gambling could make him rich. Meanwhile, an ever-widening rift is forming between the two brothers. Suddenly, Jack’s “system” fails and his luck runs out. How could a few losses pile up to a gut-kicking ten grand? When he can’t pay, the bookie gives Jack one way out - throw the National Championship. But can he betray his brother, his team and himself?

Big Time

Tom Ryan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459804623

Gerri waits outside all night to audition for Big Time, her favorite TV singing competition. She believes she has a shot at success, but when she’s insulted by one of the judges and kicked out of the competition, she thinks she’ll probably never sing again. After a teacher at her school asks her to join a choral club, Gerri reluctantly gets involved. Even though she can’t read music and she doesn’t know the other kids, she finds herself enjoying the group and learning a lot about music. A cute guy she met at the Big Time auditions joins the group, and when they perform their unique mashups at an open-mic night, Gerri realizes there’s more than one way to be a successful—and happy—singer!


Robin Stevenson (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459803831

When Cassie comes to Vancouver from Australia for an intensive summer program at a prestigious ballet school, she finds it hard to fit in. A clique of girls who have been at the school a long time don't want the newcomers to get any attention. At first Cassie tries to go along to get along, but when she realizes that some of the visiting summer students are being bullied and threatened, and that she herself is being sabotaged, she finally speaks out - and finds out how far some girls will go to succeed.

Better Together

Nikki Tate (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813014

Better Together explores how people gather in groups of all kinds to fulfill the basic human need for companionship. From the smallest units of parents, siblings and friends to global organizations that try to build on a foundation of common human experience to meet their goals, people working together are a powerful force for change. Too often, we look at someone and see all the ways we are different. People all around the world come together to build things, teach and entertain each other, and provide everything from better health care to good food to security and education. Better Together examines the many ways we are the same, no matter where we live.

90 Days of Different

Eric Walters (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459816749

On the last day of high school, Sophie's boyfriend breaks up with her. It turns out he thinks she is too predictable, too responsible, too mature...too boring. When Sophie turns to her best friend, Ella, for comfort and reassurance, Ella just confirms what her boyfriend has said. And that hurts even more. Then Ella comes up with a plan to help Sophie find her wilder side. In the 90 days between the end of high school and the start of university, she is going to arrange for Sophie to do amazing, new, different and sometimes scary things. The deal is Sophie has to agree to everything, no matter what. And she has to share her adventures through social media. Can 90 days of different create a different life? Can stepping outside your comfort zone help you find yourself?

A Fair Deal

Kari Jones (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459810440

Fair trade is not about spending more money or buying more stuff. It's about helping producers in developing countries get a fair price for their goods. A Fair Deal: Shopping for Social Justice provides a history of trade, explaining what makes trade systems unfair and what we can do about it. By examining the ways in which our global trade systems value some people over others, the book illustrates areas in which fair trade practices can help families all around the world and suggests ways to get involved in making the world a more equitable place.

Party of Four

Jeff Gottesfeld (author)

Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing ISBN: 9781645989301

School's almost over, and best friends Ava and Sammi are heading to summer camp as volunteer camp counselors.

The Code

Jeff Gottesfeld (author)

Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing ISBN: 9781645989318

Chris always does the right thing. But when he knows who messed with Sam in the school yard, he can't speak up. His friends can't either. There's the silent Code that every kid follows. Chris decides he can't live with himself if he doesn't say something, so he makes a stand and is shocked at the outcome. Mean bully Phil is actually ... cool. But then Phil asks him to do something so wrong.

Dig Deep

Shanna Silva (author)

Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing ISBN: 9781645989844

Playing soccer is the only time Feng is in control. On the field, he can forget the rest of the world. When an injury puts Feng on the sidelines, he is forced to face the problems in his life head-on. Will he realize that he doesn't have to do it all alone?

Changing Times

Gail Herman (author)

Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing ISBN: 9781645989820

In 1981, the world is moving forward, especially for Rob Baker. He's starting his first job at a record store. Plus, excitement abounds when a woman is nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time. Rob's family situation reflects the changing times too. Can he and his family withstand the resulting pressures at home? Or will the stress prove too much for them to handle?

Standing By Emma

Jeff Gottesfeld (author)

Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing ISBN: 9781645982203

BFFs Danya and Emma are known around school as Demma. The girls are total opposites, but they know each other so well that they finish each other's sentences. Danya is plagued with guilt when the girls and Rosie, Emma's mom, are involved in a terrible car accident that leaves Emma in a wheelchair. Danya believes the wreck was her fault because she distracted Rosie from the road and had to be scolded. For a while, Emma believes it too. And she can't forgive her friend.

Zendaya: Star Performer

Peggy Caravantes (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781503821095

Bring readers along to witness star performer Zendaya's rise to fame. Zendaya is a singer, dancer, Disney Channel actress, and author. Additional features include a Fast Facts spread, critical thinking questions, primary source quotes and accompanying source notes, a phonetic glossary, an index, and sources for further research.

World War II

Thomas K. Adamson (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781631438394

Presents an overview of World War II, including history, important people and battles, and a timeline of events.

World War I

Thomas K. Adamson (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781631438387

Presents an overview of World War I, including history, important people and battles, and a timeline of events.


Peter Murray (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781631438622

Provides information about volcanoes, how they form, where they are, how they erupt, the damage they can cause, and the ways we can monitor them.

Vietnamese Immigrants: In Their Shoes

Cynthia Kennedy Henzel (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781503820852

Offers readers a compelling look into the lives, challenges, and successes of Vietnamese immigrants. Additional features include a Fast Facts page, a timeline, informative photo captions, critical-thinking questions, primary source quotes and accompanying source notes, a phonetic glossary, additional resources for further study, and an index.

Viking Warriors

Sheri Dillard (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781631438684

Introduces readers to Viking warriors, including their history and famous battles, uniforms and weapons, and training and tactics.


Susan H. Gray (author)

Publisher: The Child's World ISBN: 9781634071529

What can scientists learn from an ancient fossil of two dinosaurs locked in battle? Plenty! One of those dinosaurs was a Velociraptor, a 'quick thief' and predator of the Cretaceous period. Like the scientists who study Velociraptor, young readers will discover how much eighty-million-year-old bones still have to say! Additional features to enhance comprehension include informative sidebars, a glossary of key words and phrases, sources for further research, a Did-You-Know section, and an overview of the geologic time scale.