Search Results: 355 books from 1 publisher. Learn more


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223017

Hurricanes can tower miles high in the sky and whip winds from a distance that would stretch from New York City to Miami. A hurricane may have even been responsible for helping the United States win its independence. But did you know we're figuring out ways to battle these beastly storms? Discover extreme facts about hurricanes in this fun and kooky book.


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223000

How would you like to experience 104 tornadoes in fewer than 6 hours? What about driving straight toward the storm in an armored vehicle decked out with equipment for studying the storm? Tornadoes can cause chaos, but the more we learn about them, the less deadly they become. Discover extreme facts about tornadoes in this fun and kooky book.


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222973

Would you feel an earthquake if it happened? Are you sure? The ground moves all the time without anybody paying it any attention. But at their most extreme, earthquakes can move mountains and even shift the North Pole! Discover extreme facts about earthquakes in this fun and kooky book.

Extreme Cold and Blizzards

Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223024

Have you ever stepped outside in temperatures so cold your snot freezes? How about seen snow drifted up higher than a home? Maybe you live somewhere where winter gets wild! Discover extreme facts about extreme cold and blizzards in this fun and kooky book.

Extreme Heat and Droughts

Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222997

Did you know heat can make roads crack? Have you heard about a drought going on for decades? And what do you think about using science to stop a disaster before it's even happened? Discover extreme facts about heat waves and droughts in this fun and kooky book.

Earth Myths:

Charis Mather (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223185

Earth is a large planet with many hidden things. We make new discoveries all the time. The world is full of mysteries, but some things can be explained with science. Learn about the scientific method and how it can help you discover the truth. Get ready to blow up some totally-not-true Earth myths.

People Myths:

Charis Mather (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223161

Have you spotted a ghost? Do carrots help you see in the dark? The world is full of mysteries, but many things can be explained with science. Learn about the scientific method and how it can help you discover the truth. Get ready to blow up some totally-not-true stories about people.

Space Myths:

Louise Nelson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223178

From the moon landing to aliens visiting Earth, space is full of mysteries. But some things can be explained with science. Learn about the scientific method and how it can help you discover the truth. Get ready to blow up some totally-not-true space myths.

Animal Myths:

Robin Twiddy (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223154

Whether on the search for bigfoot or testing the memory of a goldfish, the word is full of mysteries. But some things can be explained with science. Learn about the scientific method and how it can help you discover the truth. Get ready to blow up some totally-not-true animal myths.

Black Holes

Charis Mather (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222683

Welcome, Agent 359. This file is full of top-secret information about black holes. Learn the basics of how black holes form, their different sizes, and how they were found. Then, discover what scientists are learning about them now. What will you do with our new knowledge? Good luck and remember these are top secret space files!


Charis Mather (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222669

Welcome, Agent 359. This file is full of top-secret information about planets. Learn about the different types of planets, what they can be made of, and explore the planets in our solar system. Then, discover what we are learning about planets now. What will you do with your new knowledge? Good luck and remember these are top secret space files!


Charis Mather (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222676

Welcome, Agent 359. This file is full of top-secret information about stars. Learn about what they are made of, how they form, and different stars throughout history. Then, discover what we are learning about them now. What will you do with your new knowledge? Good luck and remember these are top secret space files!

Asteroids and Comets

Charis Mather (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222690

Welcome, Agent 359. This file is full of top-secret information about asteroids and comets. Learn about what is inside these large space lumps, where they come from, and different asteroids and comets throughout history. Then, discover what we are learning about them now. What will you do with your new knowledge? Good luck and remember these are top secret space files!


Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223604

Some plants might have pretty flowers or sweet-looking berries, but they aren't always as nice as they seem. Poisonous plants may leave hungry visitors with an itchy rash, burning blisters, or throwing up lunch. Others are so poisonous that a single bite is all it takes to kill. Engaging photos and lively text bring an exciting look at the world of plants.


Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223574

Nearly half a million types of plants grow on Earth. Some have flowers that smell like rotting flesh, while others have grown to some crazy large and small sizes. With so many plants on the planet, it's no wonder the world is full of freaky plants. Engaging photos and lively text bring an exciting look at the world of plants.


Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223550

A buzzing bug lands on a small plant. Snap! The leaves close and the bug is stuck in the trap, doomed to become a soupy meal. From closing their leaves like a cage, to luring bugs or even small animals to their watery deaths--some plants eat meat! Engaging photos and lively text bring an exciting look at the world of plants.


Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223567

Plants can't move away from hungry animals looking for a tasty treat. So, some plants grow pointy prickles, sharp spines, or threatening thorns to keep themselves safe. One poke from these plants tells unwanted visitors to eat somewhere else! Engaging photos and lively text bring an exciting look at the world of plants.


Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223581

From people buying food at a market, to animals chowing down on some tasty grass, we rely on plants for food to live and grow. So how do plants get their food? Photosynthesis! Plants make their own food from a few simple things around them. Engaging photos and lively text bring an exciting look at the world of plants.


Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223598

Many plants need help sending their seeds away so they can grow into healthy plants. Some seeds flutter in the wind, others float away in water. And some seeds rely on hungry animals pooping them out after a nice meal. Plants have plenty of ways to scatter their seeds. Engaging photos and lively text bring an exciting look at the world of plants.


Jenna Grodzicki (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223123

With jaws and teeth strong enough to crush bones, it's no wonder wolves are some fierce predators. A pack on the hunt can take down animals much bigger than themselves. And don't forget their famous howl! What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about wolves!


Jenna Grodzicki (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223130

Quokkas live on a couple of small islands off of Australia. When they aren't sleeping in a nice shady spot in the grass, they hop from spot to spot, looking for some good plants to eat. But everyone knows quokkas for their famous smiles. What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about quokkas!

Sun Bear

Rachel Rose (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223109

With strong legs and sharp claws, sun bears are great at climbing. From tearing away bark to find tasty insects to sleeping high up in branches--these small bears spend most of their time in trees. What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about sun bears!


Jenna Grodzicki (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223147

A small salamander swims in muddy lake water. But this little creature still has its webbed feet and feathery gills. Axolotls spend their whole lives in watery homes. What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about Axolotls!


Rachel Rose (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223093

A tiny bird flits from flower to flower. With colorful feathers and a tiny body, this bird is a little gem! But what could it be? It's a hummingbird! Most of these little birds weigh about as much as a nickel, but they can flap their wings up to 200 times per second! What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about hummingbirds!

Puffer Fish

Rachel Rose (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223116

When puffer fish sense danger, they may try to swim away. But if these slow swimmers can't move fast enough, they can inflate to more than twice their normal size! Woah! What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about puffer fish!