Search Results: 695 books from 18 publishers. Learn more

Aristotle's Poetics

Aristotle (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423611

Aristotle's Poetics is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and outlines the foundation of the Western critical tradition.


Herman Hesse (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423840

Siddhartha tells the story of a young Brahmin's search for reality after a meeting with the Buddha. This strange and simple story has resonated with millions of readers looking for enlightenment and a blend of Eastern mysticism and Western psychology.

Riders of the Purple Sage

Zane Grey (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423734

Riders of the Purple Sage is a classic of the Western genre. It is the story of Lassiter, a gunslinging avenger in black, who shows up in a remote Utah town just in time to save the young and beautiful rancher Jane Withersteen from having to marry a Mormon elder against her will.

Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys

Jessie L. Weston (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423864

Gawain is unfailingly valiant, generous, and courteous, even, to excess. It is in truth Gawain and not Arthur who was the typical English hero. Ride with him now on one of his most gallant adventures!

Poor Folk

Fyodor Dostoevsky (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423628

Varvara Dobroselova and Makar Devushkin are two very poor neighbors. They are in love with each other and write letters to one another. They also exchange books, but their condition cannot allow them to marry. Makar is determined to change this and starts saving money. Will he succeed?

Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite

Anthony Trollope (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423871

Sir Harry is a wealthy man who has a son and a daughter. His fortune seems safe but when his son dies, his family title is under heavy threat. His only descendant is Emily who will inherit the estate yet lose the name Hotspur of Humblethwaite. There is a solution though: if Emily marries his cousin’s son, George Hotspur, the family title will survive. Is Sir Harry willing to take this deal?

Ralph the Heir

Anthony Trollope (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423703

Squire Gregory Newton of Newton Priory owns an estate which will be eventually inherited by his nephew, Ralph Newton after his death. Gregory has an illegitimate son by the same name as his nephew but he’s not legally entitled to his estate. Who will end up with the small fortune: Ralph the Heir or Ralph the Illegitimate?

Michael Strogoff or, The Courier of the Czar

Jules Verne (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423284

Michael Strogoff, the brave courier, must warn the Governor-General of Siberia that the fierce Feofar-Khan is pouring his men into Siberia and fomenting rebellion. This is widely considered to be one of Verne's best novels.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423352

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an 1845 memoir and treatise on abolition written by a former slave, Frederick Douglass. It is generally held to be the most famous of a number of narratives written by former slaves during the same period. The text describes the events of his life and is considered to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the early 19th century in the United States.

Master and Man

Leo Tolstoy (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423239

This is the story of Vasili Andreevich and his servant Nikita, trapped for the night in a snowdrift, struggling to survive against the gathering intensity of a storm.

One of Ours

Willa Cather (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423482

Claude tries to escapes from his family firm grasp who want him pious and working at their family farm in Nebraska. He marries in his attempt to escape only to realize that his wife is not interested at all in him. That’s when another opportunity arises: going overseas and fight for the American army in World War One.

Looking Backward

Edward Bellamy (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423123

Published in 1888, Looking Backward is the story of a young 19th-century American who wakes up in the eve of the 21st century, in the year 2000. Guided by Dr. Leete, Julian finds out all there is to know about this new utopian society marveling at the invention of credit cards and ‘cable telephone.’

Plato's Laws

Plato (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422959

Plato's last and longest dialogue, Plato's Laws is an exploration and explanation a number of basic issues in political and ethical philosophy as well as theology.

Life in the Iron Mills

Rebecca Harding Davis (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532423024

Life in the Iron Mills is one of the first American novels that depicts the precarious state of the impoverished working class. Molly Wolfe is a member of this class working 12 hours a day, six days a week to earn a living. Because of his condition, he cannot develop his innate artistic talent. His cousin, Deborah tries to help him but the consequences are devastating.

Letters from a Stoic

Seneca (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422997

Read the stoic wisdom collected in one eBook. These letters illustrate the ideals admired by the Stoics and reveal how far in advance of his time were many of Seneca's ideas.


Knut Hamsun (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422713

This existential novel by Norwegian author, Knut Hamsun, is often compared to works by Dostoevsky or Émile Zola, two of his main influences. Hunger has been called the "literary opening of the 20th century" and is a psychological narrative of a man whose interior is in a state of decay. Knut Hamsun won the Nobel Prize for literature and Hunger is one of his finest novels.

Human, All Too Human

Friedrich Nietzsche (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422706

Friedrich Nietzsche viewed science as key to undercutting traditional metaphysics. In Human, All Too Human, the philosopher describes science as a crucial step in the emergence of free spirits who will be the avant-garde of culture.

Plato's Gorgias

Plato (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422546

Gorgias is dialogue written by Plato, based on a conversation between Socrates and a small group of sophists at a dinner gathering, where Socrates debates with the sophist seeking the true definition of rhetoric. It is a study of virtue founded upon an inquiry into the nature of rhetoric, art, power, temperance, justice, and good versus evil.

From the Valley of the Missing

Grace Miller White (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422492

When a husband is stricken with grief over his wife's death, he kidnaps the twin children of the man he believes responsible. From the Valley of the Missing by Grace Miller White is a suspenseful and chilling story about the power of resentment and two children's drive to survive.

Essays and Lectures

Oscar Wilde (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422331

A collection of essays, lectures, poetry, reviews, private correspondence and aphorisms by Oscar Wilde.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422324

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Essays are an American classic. These essays explore Emerson's thoughts about transcendentalism and romanticism. Some of the most famous essays in this collection are Self-Reliance, Compensation, The Over-Soul, Circles, The Poet, Experience, and Politics.

Dawn of the Morning

Grace Livingston Hill (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422140

In this historical romance, a young woman flees a marriage she never wanted and a life she wished she had never lived. Dawn of the Morning tells the story of Dawn Rensselaer's journey to find love on her own terms.

Don Juan

Lord Byron (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532422225

Don Juan is an epic poem by Lord Byron about a womanizing Spaniard who is sent away for dishonoring his family. His adventures lead him through slave markets and royal courts until he grows into a man who can be admired.

Civil Disobedience

Henry David Thoreau (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421983

Civil Disobedience was Thoreau's first published book and continues to transform American discourse. It is unusual for its symbolism and structure, its criticism of Christian institutions, and its many-layered storytelling.

Cloudy Jewel

Grace Livingston Hill (author)

Publisher: Xist Publishing ISBN: 9781532421990

Mistreated by her selfish sister and in danger of becoming a mere servant, Julia Cloud is saved by her niece and nephew. Both are in college and both are in need of a guiding mother. Julia succeeds in undertaking this role and soon becomes known as ‘Cloudy Jewel.’