Search Results: 169 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Who's Looking?

Carol Matas (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826779

How do animals see the world? It turns out, very differently. In this nonfiction picture book, a young girl and her baby sister's outdoor adventure (hiking through the forest, picnicking in the grass and swimming in the ocean) is overseen by the local fauna. The way those animals view the girls is very different from how the girls see each other. Goats see far and wide in a panorama, whales don't see color the way humans do and a high-soaring eagle's sharp vision can clearly see a tiny mouse far below. Through clever illustrations and scientific prose, we are reminded that while we may see things differently, we all share this life together on planet Earth.

The Three Bears and Goldilocks

Bee Waeland (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833869

What if Goldilocks was held accountable for her actions? In this graphic retelling of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," author/illustrator Bee Waeland reimagines the story of a self-involved little girl who commits a crime and is arrested for breaking and entering. Having tracked deer poo into the Bear family’s house, broken a number of things, eaten all their porridge and fallen asleep in Baby Bear's bed, the family comes home and calls the authorities. Told without words, readers of all ages will delight in this hilarious and vibrant twist on the classic.

Tú me sostienes

Monique Gray Smith (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835276

Alentar a los niños a ofrecerse amor y apoyo entre ellos y a tener en cuenta su bienestar mutuo en sus acciones cotidianas. Asesora, conferencista internacional y autora premiada, Monique Gray Smith escribió Tú me sostienes para fomentar el diálogo entre los jóvenes, sus cuidadores y sus educadores sobre la reconciliación y la importancia de las conexiones que fraguan los niños entre ellos. Con ilustraciones vibrantes de la renombrada artista Danielle Daniel, este es un libro fundacional sobre construir relaciones, promover la empatía y alentar el respeto entre los compañeros, comenzando con nuestros ciudadanos más pequeños.

A Wee Boo

Jessica Boyd (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827646

This heartwarming ghost story will make readers laugh out loud and sympathize with a ghost who is too cute to be scary. Wee Boo is a ghost who wants nothing more than to earn her haunting license like all the other accredited ghosts. The problem? She’s far too cute to scare anyone! She’s given one last chance, with extraordinarily low standards: Boo doesn’t need to make anyone scream or gasp or shudder, she just needs one “whoa” to earn her place as a certified ghost. But she's running out of chances and her final haunting is not going well—that is until she meets a baby. When Boo makes the baby laugh, she realizes something: although she’s terrible as a scary ghost, she might just make an outstanding imaginary friend. And a baby laughing in a crib at an invisible friend might just be enough to spook someone after all—the baby's parents.

My Promise

Dr. Jillian Roberts (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832060

A stunning book that shows little ones they will be loved unconditionally and empowers parents and caregivers to raise well-rounded, resilient individuals. With a simple message,

Kindness Is a Golden Heart

Jessica Kluthe (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832862

This poetic board book full of metaphor is a how-to on treating others with kindness. From sunrise to sunset, a young child has opportunities to demonstrate kindness—to their parent, their pet and themself—and to receive kindness as well. Written in metaphor with gentle rhymes and hinging on familiar words, Kindness Is a Golden Heart shows young readers how to use their "golden heart" by guiding them through many ways to be kind.

Kunoichi Bunny

Sara Cassidy (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827813

This wordless picture book in graphic novel format tells the story of Saya, her dad and her well-loved stuffed bunny, Kunoichi, to go to the park. On their way, Saya stealthily stops a fight by flinging her floppy four-legged ninja-bunny between two snarling cats. Later on, on the bus, Saya throws Kunoichi under the wheels of a child’s stroller, halting its dangerous roll toward the stairs. Dad doesn't notice as Saya uses Kunoichi to save the day time and time again on their outing and on the bus home, proving small actions can have a great impact.

Journey of the Midnight Sun

Shazia Afzal (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827615

In 2010 a Winnipeg-based charity raised funds to build and ship a mosque to Inuvik, one of the most northern towns in Canada’s Arctic. A small but growing Muslim community there had been using a cramped trailer for their services, but there just wasn't enough space. The mosque travelled over 4,000 kilometers on a journey fraught with poor weather, incomplete bridges, narrow roads, low traffic wires and a deadline to get on the last barge heading up the Mackenzie River before the first winter freeze. But it made it just in time and is now one of the most northern mosques in the world. This beautiful picture book reminds us that the collective dream of fostering a multicultural and tolerant Canada exists and that people of all backgrounds will come together to build bridges and overcome obstacles for the greater good of their neighbors.

I Hope / nipakosêyimon

Monique Gray Smith (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833265

Poignant words from award-winning Indigenous author Monique Gray Smith about all the hopes adults have for the young people in their lives. The hopes we have for the children in our lives are endless. We want our young people to thrive and experience all that life has to offer, but we also feel protective of them. Using simple but powerful statements, Monique Gray Smith delivers a touching message about loving, nurturing and wishing the best for our children. Paired with Gabrielle Grimard's warm and enchanting illustrations, the message in I Hope will resonate with all parents, grandparents and caregivers. Orca Book Publishers is proud to offer this picture book as a dual-language (English and Plains Cree) edition.

I Make Space

Sara Cassidy (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832039

This uniquely illustrated book follows a young bunny through their day while they make space for themselves and others, delivering a straightforward but impactful message about boundaries and consent. Inspired by the idea of teaching very young children how to maintain social distance, I Make Space evolved into a way of demonstrating the concept of personal space and how to recognize their own needs and the needs of others—because everyone needs space sometimes, even the people that love us the most.


Monique Gray Smith (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831940

Message émouvant de l’autrice autochtone primée Monique Gray Smith au sujet de tous les espoirs que les adultes nourrissent pour les enfants de leur vie. Nous nourrissons pour nos jeunes des espoirs immenses. Nous voulons qu’ils et elles s’épanouissent et puissent profiter de toutes les expériences que la vie leur offre, mais nous tenons aussi à les protéger. Dans des mots simples, mais évocateurs, Monique Gray Smith nous communique un message touchant sur l’importance d’aimer nos enfants, d’en prendre soin et de faire ce qu’il y a de mieux pour les soutenir. Illuminé par les illustrations chaleureuses de Gabrielle Grimard, le texte de J’espère trouvera un écho chez les parents, les grands-parents et toutes les personnes qui s’occupent des jeunes.

I Hope

Monique Gray Smith (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817326

Poignant words from award-winning Indigenous author Monique Gray Smith about all the hopes adults have for the young people in their lives. The hopes we have for the children in our lives are endless. We want our young people to thrive and experience all that life has to offer, but we also feel protective of them. Using simple but powerful statements, Monique Gray Smith delivers a touching message about loving, nurturing and wishing the best for our children. Paired with Gabrielle Grimard's warm and enchanting illustrations, the message in I Hope will resonate with all parents, grandparents and caregivers.

Grumble, Yawn

Deborah Kerbel (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828681

Grumble Yawn follows the onomatopoeic antics of a young girl and her cat as they resist the bedtime routine. This book is composed entirely of sounds and humor in a silly story that calls out to be read aloud with emphasis and humorous inflection. Howl moan squawk stomp—readers may recognize their own cacophonous bedtimes as the main character thwarts going quietly to sleep.

Big Sharks, Small World

Mark Leiren-Young (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831551

Meet different sharks from around the world in this rhyming board book. Did you know that some sharks have friends? Or that there are some sharks bigger than trucks, while others are smaller than ducks? There are sharks who can walk on land and others who play hide-and-seek in the sand. Shark expert and enthusiast Mark Leiren-Young's rhyming couplets are paired with striking photographs of many different kinds of sharks, introducing little ones to the wonder and variety of this often misunderstood fish.

Charlotte Diamond's Animal Friends

Charlotte Diamond (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828957

Award-winning singer and songwriter Charlotte Diamond brings you her very first picture-book song collection! This illustrated compilation of Charlotte’s most popular animal-themed songs will bring delight to readers young and old, many of whom have been dancing to Charlotte’s music for decades.

My Bright Friend

Simon Boulerice (author) Marilyn Faucher (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821910

Now that his parents are separated, Ludo has two homes: one in the country with his mom, and the other in the city with his dad. The young boy doesn’t like leaving the countryside and his friends to go to his father’s apartment in the city, but he does find some entertainment in the flashing traffic lights on the street corner under his window. Ludo convinces himself (with the help of his father) that the lights are controlled by a tiny gentleman who sits inside the signal pole, flipping switches all day and night. Ludo starts sneaking out to leave food for the man, and he soon makes a new friend in the big city. A tender story, complemented by vibrant illustrations, that reminds us empathy and generosity are marvelous tools to overcome one’s troubles.

Be a Good Ancestor

Leona Prince (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831414

Rooted in Indigenous teachings, this stunning picture book encourages readers of all ages to consider the ways in which they live in connection to the world around them and to think deeply about their behaviors. Addressing environmental issues, animal welfare, self-esteem and self-respect, and the importance of community, the authors deliver a poignant and universal message in an accessible way: Be a good ancestor to the world around you. Thought-provoking stanzas offer a call to action for each one of us to consider how we affect future generations. Every decision we make ripples out, and we can affect the world around us by thinking deeply about those decisions.

The Littlest Sled Dog

Michael Kusugak (author) Vladyana Krykorka (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781551437545

Igvillu is a little dog with big dreams. One of her favorite dreams is of becoming a sled dog. When Igvillu is adopted from her kennel by an Inuit storyteller and moves to northern Canada, she comes face-to-face with real sled dogs. Igvillu loves living in the North, chasing siksiks and dreaming about her future. She's a dog who believes anything is possible!

Le Silence se glisse près de toi

Alison Hughes (author) Ninon Pelletier (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822092

Voici une histoire tout en douceur, aux illustrations vaporeuses et au texte réconfortant, sur la façon de trouver le calme dans l’agitation qui nous entoure. Quand la fête est finie et que le bébé s'endort enfin, quand le chien a épuisé ses jappements et que les écrans sont éteints, le Silence s'avance à pas feutrés sur ses pattes poilues. Le Silence—une présence chaleureuse et réconfortante—se blottit douillettement comme un chat dans un rayon de soleil et nous aide à lire, à réfléchir et àtre calmes. Le Silence est un ami de l’Obscurité. Ensemble, ils adoucissent les contours déchiquetés laissés par le passage du Bruit et relâchent doucement dans la nuit les bateaux chargés de nos rêves. Quand la journée devient pénible ou que certaines émotions prennent trop de place, le Silence se glisse à côté de nous.

Une idée pour Papi

Heather Smith (author)Brooke Kerrigan (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822061

Lou passe tous ses samedis avec Grand-Papa et Papi. Ils se rendent à la bibliothèque main dans la main, comme une guirlande de personnages en papier. Grand-Papa lit des livres sur la science et le design, Papi écoute des disques de rock and roll et Lou va de l’un à l’autre. Mais un jour, tout bascule. Papi fait une chute qui a des conséquences terribles: il sera confiné à un fauteuil roulant pour toujours, tout le temps. Incapable d’accepter son état, il se renferme et ne sort plus de sa chambre. En entendant Grand-Papa essayer d’égayer Papi, Lou a une idée. En utilisant des compétences qu’il a apprises de Grand-Papa et avec un peu d’aide des voisins, Lou élabore un plan pour Papi.

The Silence Slips In

Alison Hughes (author) Ninon Pelletier (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817074

With soft illustrations and soothing text, this is a quiet story about learning to find calm in the busy world around you. When the party's over and the baby finally falls asleep, when the dog is all barked out and the screens are dark, the Silence pads in on soft, furry feet. A warm, comforting presence, the Silence curls up in a sun-beam like a cuddly cat and helps you read, think and be still. The Silence is friends with the Dark. Together they soothe the jagged edges left when the Noise has rolled on and gently launch the boats of your dreams into the night. When the day becomes overwhelming or other feelings become too big, the Silence slips in.

Where Do Babies Come From?

Dr. Jillian Roberts (author) Cindy Revell (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459809437

An engaging introduction for very young children to the basic facts of life in a way that is gentle, age-appropriate and accessible. Research shows that children are learning about sex at an increasingly young age and often from undesirable sources. The Q&A format, with questions posed in the child’s voice and answers starting simply and becoming gradually more in-depth, allows the adult to guide the conversation to a natural and satisfying conclusion. Additional questions at the back of the book allow for further discussion. Child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts designed the Just Enough series to empower parents/caregivers to start conversations with young ones about difficult or challenging subject matter. Other books in the series deal with diversity, death, separation and divorce.

Simon Steps Into the Ring

Marylène Monette (author) Marion Arbona (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821828

Simon tries to be kind. But sometimes he loses his temper and acts without thinking, which almost always gets him into trouble. As Simon begins to understand his outbursts, he imagines himself in a boxing ring with his emotions. Can he come out on top and learn how to acknowledge his feelings?

Le soleil est une pêche

Sara Cassidy (author) Josée Bisaillon (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824560

Un enfant marche sur un chemin de campagne pour aller voir un défilé au village. Ce qu’il voit lors des événements de la journée jusqu’à son retour à la maison et l’heure du coucher lui fait penser au soleil : un jaune d’œuf, une bobine de fil, l’œil d’un oiseau, un cornet de sorbet et un pissenlit. Tous les cercles jaunes lui font penser à la grosse boule orangée dans le ciel. Les merveilleuses illustrations de Josée Bisaillon expriment comment notre imagination façonne notre environnement. Ce livre cartonné démontre aux enfants que leur façon de voir le monde – par le cœur, l’esprit et l’imagination – est tout à fait valable. Grâce à ses métaphores savoureuses, Le soleil est une pêche invite les lecteurs à faire le saut magique dans leur imagination et à voir les objets du quotidien sous un autre angle. Le soleil est une pêche complète La lune est un étang d’argent, écrit lui aussi par Sara Cassidy.

On My Mountain

François Aubineau (author) Jérôme Peyrat (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822337

Both the shepherd and the wolf live on the mountain. They love their home and want to feel safe there. This book tells the same story, in identical words, from both the wolf’s perspective and that of the shepherd. Read the wolf’s story then flip it over and read the shepherd’s story and see the landscape that each of them sees. A good reminder of how humans should behave in the wild and on this earth that we share.