Search Results: 41 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Wild Nature

Noah Leatherland (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321549

Earth’s ecosystems are in trouble, but we can step up to make a change! Explores the impacts of climate change on nature across our planet alongside real-world examples of how communities are enacting change to help. Bright photos and captivating illustrations make the topic approachable while frank text encourages engagement in an age-appropriate way. Let’s go wild to help Earth!

Climate and Nature

Noah Leatherland (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321525

The planet is in peril. Climate change caused by human actions is harming nature. Explores Earth’s biggest environmental problems as well as what is being done to protect the planet, including ways for young readers to take action in their own communities. Bright photos and captivating illustrations make the topic approachable while frank text encourages engagement in an age-appropriate way. Let’s go wild to help Earth!

Nature in My Backyard

Noah Leatherland (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321518

The planet is in peril, but we can help can starting in our own backyards! There are so many ways to make a difference. Engaging activities with step-by-step instructions will guide readers through hands-on projects to help restore nature at home. Bright photos and captivating illustrations make the topic approachable while frank text encourages engagement in an age-appropriate way. Let’s go wild to help Earth!

Sea Level Rise

Ashley Kuehl (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165378

Each year, Earth’s oceans inch further onto land. What’s the cause of this sea level rise? Climate change is melting ice and warming waters. Explore sea level rise with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

The Greenhouse Effect

Ashley Kuehl (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165392

What do Earth’s atmosphere and a glass-covered building have in common? Both can keep things hot! Explore the greenhouse effect with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

Global Warming

Daniel R. Faust (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165347

Earth’s temperatures are on the rise. What’s the cause of global warming, and what are the threats it poses? Explore the impact of global warming to life on Earth with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

Animal and Plant Extinction

Jane Parks Gardner (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165361

Furry faces, scaly flippers, and green vines are vanishing. Why are so many animals and plants disappearing? Climate change is pushing a wave of extinction across the planet. Explore the threat to life on Earth with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

Disappearing Ice Sheets

Ashley Kuehl (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165385

Big blocks of ice that have built up on Earth over millions of years are shrinking. What’s happening to them? Climate change is making things hotter, causing massive melting of Earth’s ice sheets. Explore this concerning topic with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

Extreme Weather

Jane Parks Gardner (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165354

Hurricanes howl into the coasts with more power and frequency than ever before. Heat waves are making the thermometer climb, and winter storms cover cities in feet of snow. Explore the extreme weather caused by climate change with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

Stopping Pollution

Rebecca Phillips-Bartlett (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889162964

Many of the things we throw away end up in landfills. Some of it winds up in our forests and waterways. As landfills pile high and pollution trashes our planet, Earth is in danger. Learn how the little things can add up to reduce waste and save the world. Fun illustrations, exciting photos, and encouraging text make having an impact easy!

Keeping Ecosystems Clean

Rebecca Phillips-Bartlett (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889162933

From rivers and streams to mountains and forests, life on Earth is all balanced around ecosystems. However, ecosystems are being polluted. How can we help the planet? Simple actions we can take every day can make a big difference! Learn how the little things can add up to save ecosystems and the world. Fun illustrations, exciting photos, and encouraging text make having an impact easy!

Ditching Food Waste

Rebecca Phillips-Bartlett (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889162940

From the foods that we eat to the ways we make them, our food waste affects the size of our carbon footprint. The bigger our carbon footprint, the more greenhouse gas is in the air. This contributes to climate change. How can we help the planet? Simple actions we can take every day can make a big difference! Learn how ditching food waste can minimize our carbon footprint and save the world. Fun illustrations, exciting photos, and encouraging text make having an impact easy!

Building Habits to Help Earth

Rebecca Phillips-Bartlett (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889162957

From how we throw away trash to the ways we use electricity, our habits affect the size of our carbon footprint. The bigger our carbon footprint, the more greenhouse gas is in the air. This contributes to climate change. How can we help the planet? Simple actions we can take every day can make a big difference! Learn how changing our habits can save the world. Fun illustrations, exciting photos, and encouraging text make having an impact easy!

Making a Difference on Vacation

Hermione Redshaw (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798885095976

Earth is our home, and we must take care of it. How? There are many things you can do on vacation! From taking buses or trains to recycling and reusing things, learn what you can do to help our planet. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn about saving the world.

Making a Difference Outside

Hermione Redshaw (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798885095983

We share Earth with many plants and animals, so we must take care of the planet. How? There are many things you can do outside! From picking up trash to planting trees, learn what you can do to help Earth. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn about saving the world.

Making a Difference at School

Hermione Redshaw (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798885095952

Earth is our home, and we must take care of it. How? There are many things you can do from school! From recycling worksheets to carrying lunch in reusable containers, learn what you can do to help our planet. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn about saving the world.

Making a Difference from Home

Hermione Redshaw (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798885095969

Earth is a place for all of us, so we must take care of it. How? There are many things you can do in your own home! From recycling and reusing things to remembering to turn off the lights, learn what you can do to help our planet. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn about saving the world.

Rising Seas

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915722

Water floods through cities along coastlines and islands all around the world. And the rising water has already started pushing people from their homes. What on Earth is causing these rising seas? As Earth's climate is changing, raising temperatures are melting ice are increasing sea levels. Uncover the problems of climate change, explore the impact of rising sea levels, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text with engaging images brings this timely topic to life.

Melting Ice

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915715

Giant icebergs are cracking off ice shelves and splashing into the oceans below. Ice sheets are melting, sending more and more water rushing into the sea. What on Earth is causing this melting ice? As Earth's climate is changing, rising temperatures are causing catastrophic melting. Uncover the problems of climate change, explore its impact on Earth's ice, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text and engaging images bring this timely topic to life.

Fires Everywhere

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915708

The landscape is alight with flame and billowing black smoke clouds the sky. What on Earth is causing these fires everywhere? As Earth's climate is changing, the scorching heat is drying out the land, leading to increasingly serious wildfires. Uncover the problems of climate change, explore its impact on fires, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text with engaging images brings this timely topic to life.

Animals in Danger

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915692

Mice have gone missing, polar bears are losing their place to rest, butterflies are going without food, and invasive species are taking over. What on Earth is putting these animals in danger? As Earth's climate is changing, natural habitats are shifting and disappearing, causing harm to the animals that live in them. Uncover the problem of climate change, explore the impact on animals, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text and engaging images bring this timely topic to life.

Struggle for Survival

Tim Cooke Alessandro Valdrighi (illustrator) (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636910635

In the 1800s, Florida panthers thrived in the southeastern United States, but by the mid 1900s, there were very few of the animals left. When biologists like Mark Lotz realized that wildlife refuges would only do so much to save this endangered species, they got to work. Follow along in this graphic adventure based on a true story of how biologists saved the unhealthy population for a Florida panther comeback. Then, learn more about Florida panthers and other cats in danger.

Service Dogs

Dale Jones (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636911373

From opening doors and detecting seizures, to leading people who are blind and hearing for people who are deaf, services dogs are with their handlers through it all. These hardworking dogs help their owners live more independently while keeping them safe. Learn all about these heroic dogs.

Search and Rescue Dogs

Dale Jones (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636911366

Whether it's there's an avalanche, a mudslide, or a collapsed building, you can bet four paws will help dig through the debris to find people who are trapped. Search and Rescue dogs respond to disasters to help survivors make it out alive. Learn all about these heroic dogs.

Guide Dogs

Dale Jones (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636911335

A guide dog and its handler are a well-trained team--four paws padding down the street next to two feet. The furry worker starts, stops, and turns in sync with its owner. It acts as eyes to spot a low-hanging branch, a car zooming down the street, or an obstacle in the middle of the path. Learn all about these heroic dogs.