Search Results: 36 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Extreme Underwater Facts

Rod Barkman (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892322027

Did you know that 71 percent of Earth is covered in water? Down below, there are all sorts of unknown animals and hidden treasure. Discover totally extreme facts about what's happening below the waves in this fun and kooky book. With engaging hi-lo content to draw in 5th through 6th grade readers and a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level, reading is fun as well as accessible. It’s a roaring good time!

Super Sedimentary Rock

Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321617

From The Wave to The Old Man of Hoy, there are many different rock formations out there. But what type of rocks are these famous rock shapes made of? Learn all about super sedimentary rocks, including how they form, the ways they move from one place to another, and more. A final science lab activity engages young readers to get creative with what they’ve learned. It’s a rockin’ good time on Earth!

Sand Rocks!

Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321600

Beaches are full of small, grainy rocks called sand. They are made of different kinds of rocks, minerals, and even shells! But how did all that sand get there? Learn all about rockin' sand, including how it forms, how it travels from one place to another, and more. A final science lab activity engages young readers to get creative with what they’ve learned. It’s a rockin’ good time on Earth!

Mighty Minerals in Rock

Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321594

There are thousands of different kinds of rocks on Earth. They come in many different sizes and colors. But what are rocks made of? Learn all about mighty minerals, including how they can be found in rocks all around, what they're made out of, how they're used, and more. A final science lab activity engages young readers to get creative with what they’ve learned. It’s a rockin’ good time on Earth!

Magnificent Metamorphic Rock

Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321587

Statues are carved out of rock. What type of rock are these amazing depictions carved from? Learn all about magnificent metamorphic rocks, including how they form, what they're made out of, how they're used, and more. A final science lab activity engages young readers to get creative with what they’ve learned. It’s a rockin’ good time on Earth!

Incredible Igneous Rock

Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321570

Boom! A volcano erupts in the distance with thick, orange liquid flowing down its slopes. As time passes, the lava hardens and cools into a solid rock. But what type of rock is it? Learn all about incredible igneous rocks, including how they form, what they're made out of, how they're used, and more. A final science lab activity engages young readers to get creative with what they’ve learned. It’s a rockin’ good time on Earth!

Do-It-Again Rock Cycle

Rex Ruby (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798892321563

There are thousands of different kinds of rocks on Earth. But how did they all get there? Most of the rocks around us are millions of years old, and they are always changing into new ones. In fact, it’s happening right now—deep beneath your feet! Explore the three main types of rocks that make up the rock cycle with colorful and illustrative diagrams. A final science lab activity engages young readers to get creative with what they’ve learned. It’s a rockin’ good time on Earth!

Disappearing Ice Sheets

Ashley Kuehl (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165385

Big blocks of ice that have built up on Earth over millions of years are shrinking. What’s happening to them? Climate change is making things hotter, causing massive melting of Earth’s ice sheets. Explore this concerning topic with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.

Extreme Weather

Jane Parks Gardner (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798889165354

Hurricanes howl into the coasts with more power and frequency than ever before. Heat waves are making the thermometer climb, and winter storms cover cities in feet of snow. Explore the extreme weather caused by climate change with easy-to-understand content tied to the curriculum of upper-elementary and middle school students and text written at a 2nd to 3rd grade reading level. Dyslexia-friendly font and design make learning accessible, and a recap at the end promotes checking for understanding to aid comprehension. It’s key environmental science curriculum made approachable for all.


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222980

Did you know smoke from some wildfires can be seen across the country? Or that there are special ways to build homes to prevent them from catching fire? And have you seen the latest technology made to fight fires? Discover extreme facts about wildfires in this fun and kooky book.


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223017

Hurricanes can tower miles high in the sky and whip winds from a distance that would stretch from New York City to Miami. A hurricane may have even been responsible for helping the United States win its independence. But did you know we're figuring out ways to battle these beastly storms? Discover extreme facts about hurricanes in this fun and kooky book.


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223000

How would you like to experience 104 tornadoes in fewer than 6 hours? What about driving straight toward the storm in an armored vehicle decked out with equipment for studying the storm? Tornadoes can cause chaos, but the more we learn about them, the less deadly they become. Discover extreme facts about tornadoes in this fun and kooky book.


Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222973

Would you feel an earthquake if it happened? Are you sure? The ground moves all the time without anybody paying it any attention. But at their most extreme, earthquakes can move mountains and even shift the North Pole! Discover extreme facts about earthquakes in this fun and kooky book.

Extreme Cold and Blizzards

Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888223024

Have you ever stepped outside in temperatures so cold your snot freezes? How about seen snow drifted up higher than a home? Maybe you live somewhere where winter gets wild! Discover extreme facts about extreme cold and blizzards in this fun and kooky book.

Extreme Heat and Droughts

Marcia Abramson (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9798888222997

Did you know heat can make roads crack? Have you heard about a drought going on for decades? And what do you think about using science to stop a disaster before it's even happened? Discover extreme facts about heat waves and droughts in this fun and kooky book.


John Wood (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636914794

Seeds scatter across the forest floor. But how does a tiny seed grow into a big plant? Come to forest school to find out! Engage your curiosity about seeds with exploration through the forest and hands-on activities. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos make learning about the forest fun.

Raise a Rain Forest

William Anthony (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636914947

What does a rain forest look like? Build one layer by layer to find out. Starting in the understory and working our way up to the tall treetops of the emergent layer, we’ll see many different plants, animals, and more. When we’re done exploring, it’s time to get creative to make your own rain forest environment. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn how to build our world.

Rising Seas

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915722

Water floods through cities along coastlines and islands all around the world. And the rising water has already started pushing people from their homes. What on Earth is causing these rising seas? As Earth's climate is changing, raising temperatures are melting ice are increasing sea levels. Uncover the problems of climate change, explore the impact of rising sea levels, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text with engaging images brings this timely topic to life.

Rocks and Sticks

John Wood (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636914770

What kinds of rocks and sticks can you spot in the woods? Come to forest school to find out! Engage your curiosity with exploration through the forest and hands-on activities. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos make learning about the forest fun.

Organize an Ocean

William Anthony (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636914930

What adds up into an ocean? Build one layer by layer to find out. The watery world looks very different the deeper we get. Once we get down to the bottom, it’s time to get creative to make your own ocean environment. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn how to build our world.

Melting Ice

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915715

Giant icebergs are cracking off ice shelves and splashing into the oceans below. Ice sheets are melting, sending more and more water rushing into the sea. What on Earth is causing this melting ice? As Earth's climate is changing, rising temperatures are causing catastrophic melting. Uncover the problems of climate change, explore its impact on Earth's ice, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text and engaging images bring this timely topic to life.

Fires Everywhere

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915708

The landscape is alight with flame and billowing black smoke clouds the sky. What on Earth is causing these fires everywhere? As Earth's climate is changing, the scorching heat is drying out the land, leading to increasingly serious wildfires. Uncover the problems of climate change, explore its impact on fires, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text with engaging images brings this timely topic to life.

Create a Coastline

William Anthony (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636914923

What goes into making a coastline? Build one layer by layer to find out. Add a sandy shore, awesome animals, rocking rocks, and more. Then, get creative to make your own coastline environment. Colorful illustrations paired with bright photos help young readers learn how to build our world.

Animals in Danger

Raymond Bergin (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636915692

Mice have gone missing, polar bears are losing their place to rest, butterflies are going without food, and invasive species are taking over. What on Earth is putting these animals in danger? As Earth's climate is changing, natural habitats are shifting and disappearing, causing harm to the animals that live in them. Uncover the problem of climate change, explore the impact on animals, and dive into what we can do to help. Approachable text and engaging images bring this timely topic to life.

Weather and Season Facts

William Anthony (author)

Publisher: Bearport Publishing ISBN: 9781636910000

Learn all about weather and the seasons one fact at a time! Explore changes in the world from the sunniest summer skies to the chilliest winter blizzards--and everything in between. Along the way you'll get to know how weather and the seasons impact our daily lives. Colorful illustrations paired with engaging photos make fact-o-graphics fun!