Search Results: 500 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Significant Battles of the American Revolution

Gordon Clarke (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191397

This revealing title provides a comprehensive look at the significant battles of the Revolutionary War. Rich details, powerful images, and primary source materials transport readers back in time to the battlefields where key battles were fought, including Valley Forge, the Battle of Saratoga, and Battle of Yorktown. The title examines battles from both the British and American perspective, including how each side attempted to use the physical geography of each battle site to its benefit

George Washington: Hero of the American Revolution

Molly Aloian (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191328

Born into a wealthy, plantation-owning family, George Washington grew up in privilege. He quickly rose in the ranks of the Continental Army until, ultimately, he became its commander-in-chief. Committed to the ideals of republicanism, he led the army to victory in the American Revolutionary War, and the United States of America was born. This revealing title examines the life of George Washington, "father of his country," with a focus on his military leadership during the Revolutionary War and his role and legacy as first President of the United States.

Gallipoli and the Southern Theaters

Terry Riley, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191786

This exciting graphic novel traces three historic battles in Turkey and Balkans during World War I: The First Battle for Serbia, November 15, 1914; Heroism at Lone Pine, Gallipoli, August 9, 1915; and The Rout at Caporetto, October 24, 1917.

On the Eastern Front

Nick Spender, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191779

This thrilling graphic novel recounts three historic land battles in Russia and Eastern Europe during World War I: Encirclement - The Battle of Tannenberg, August 23, 1914; Captured in the Brusilov Offensive, July 28, 1916; and The Bolsheviks Storm the Winter Palace, November 8, 1917.

On the Western Front

Nick Spender, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427191762

This gripping graphic novel recounts three historic land battles in France during World War I: A Relief Platoon on the Somme, August 23, 1916; When Tank Fought Tank, April 23, 1918; and Thirteen Brave Americans, July 18, 1918.

The Black Death

Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427175120

Three gruesome stories from the first plague that swept medieval Europe are told in graphic novel format: An eyewitness describes how the city of Florence was devastated in 1348 as plague reaches Europe; In 1349, a group called flagellants travel around whipping themselves in public to show God they are sorry for their sins and to beg him to end the plague; A fruit seller takes on the job of doctor since regular doctors have either fled the Black Death or died.

The Vietnam War

Nick Spender, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427193438

As the Soviet Union attempted to expand the influence of communism around the world, the United States responded with a policy called "containment" to prevent it. The war in Vietnam was a Cold War conflict that saw North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, invade South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti-communist countries. Featured stories include: Rescue at LZ Albany, November 17, 1965; Close Call in the "Street Without Joy", February 21, 1967; and Double Gun Kill, November 6, 1967.

The Soviet War in Afghanistan

Nick Spender, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427193421

When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the United States was in the middle of a war of words with Afghanistans neighbor Iran. The U.S. government along with many other countries supported the rebels in an attempt to remove the influence of the U.S.S.R. from this region. The conflict escalated tensions in the Cold War until reformer Mikhail Gorbachev was elected to the Soviet government in 1985. Featured stories include: Firefight in the Battle for Kama, February 19, 1983; Assault on the Panjshir Valley, April 30, 1984; and Stinger vs. Hind, September 26, 1986.

The Korean War

Terry Riley, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427193414

After World War II ended, control of Korea was divided between the United States, who occupied the southern part, and the Soviet Union, who occupied the north. Tensions between the two new countries escalated until North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950. This book describes battles between American and United Nations forces and Soviet, North Korean, and Chinese forces for control of the entire Korean Peninsula. Featured stories include: Helicopter Rescue Behind Enemy Lines,September 4, 1950; The Relief of Fox Company: Battle of Chosin Reservoir,December 2, 1950; and Dueling on the Deck in the Battle of "Mig Alley", September 15, 1952.

The Dark Ages and the Vikings

Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427175137

Three historic battles, from the arrival of the Vikings in early Britain to the Norman invasion, are told in graphic novel format: In 793, the sacking of Lindisfarne is the first Viking raid on Britain; At Ediginton, Alfred the Great defends the kingdom of Wessex from Vikings in 878; In 1066, English forces, exhausted from fighting the Vikings, face a new invader French king, William the Conqueror.

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Terry Riley, Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427193407

Separated by only about 100 miles (160 km) of water, the United States felt threatened by Soviet-backed Cuba in the 1960s. It was like having the Soviet Union in their back yard. This book describes events of the Cuban Revolution (1953-1959) and Cold War conflicts such as the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion and the nail-biting suspense of the Cuban missile crisis. Featured stories include: The Battle of Santa ClaraDecember 28, 1958 The Bay of Pigs InvasionApril 17, 1961 The Cuban Missile CrisisOctober 16, 1962


Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427175106

Three decisive battles fought by knights in medieval history are told in graphic novel format: In 1415, English long bowmen devastate the French army in the Battle of Agincourt; Successful in holding the French town of Orlans under siege for six months in 1428, the English forces are about to meet 17 year-old Joan of Arc; In 1485, the fight for the throne of England between two royal dynasties comes to an end at Bosworth.

Rebellion and Revolt

Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427175113

The heroes of rebellion in medieval England are featured in three historic stories told in graphic novel format: William Wallace and his Scottish rebels take on English knights at Stirling Bridge in 1297; In 1381, a band of peasants protest a new tax, leading to a fateful meeting with England's King Richard II; In 1401, Welsh Prince Glyndr, rebelling against English rule, outwits 2,000 English soldiers in the Battle of Bryn Glas.


Gary Jeffrey (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427175083

The exciting events of three historic attacks on medieval castles are told in graphic novel format: In 1203-1204, French King Philip II, lays siege to Chateau Gaillard, a castle in France built by English King Richard I; When Prince Louis of France lays siege to Dover Castle in England in 1216, English forces tunnel under the French attackers; In 1294, Welsh rebel Llywelyn and his army rampage against Conwy Castle, trapping English King Edward I, inside!

The Renaissance in Europe

Lynne Elliott (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778790495

Learn how the European Renaissance came to be! See those most notably involved in this fascinating era. Take a look inside a typical Renaissance home. Follow along as great strides were made in trade, exploration, religion, architecture, and the arts.

Women in the Renaissance

Theresa Huntley (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778797869

Women in the Renaissance investigates how women struggled for identity, influence, power, and recognition in a society dominated by men. Most were forced to serve their husbands and rulers or give themselves to the Church, but a few became wealthy, educated, and famous. Eventually women gained some status in society.

Great Ideas of the Renaissance

Trudee Romanek (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778797845

Great Ideas of the Renaissance surveys the major advances that were made in art, architecture, sculpture, science, medicine, transportation, and culture. Merchants, monarchs, and religious leaders all promoted and encouraged creativity, and artists, scientists, and great thinkers pushed back the frontiers of philosophy, the arts, mathematics, and technology.

Exploration in the Renaissance

Lynne Elliott (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778790471

It's high adventure in this thrilling addition to the Renaissance World series. Learn all about the Age of Exploration, where brave Europeans sailed around the world in search of sea routes to Asia and India-and found much more than anticipated.

Science in the Renaissance

Lisa Mullins (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778790501

A time of questions and new ways of thinking marked the scientific world during the Renaissance. Follow along as the greatest minds of the time make enormous leaps and bounds toward enlightened thinking. Learn how the role of a scientist evolved. See the efforts made to increase man's understanding of the natural universe.

Government and Law in the Early Islamic World

Trudee Romanek (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427195616

This informative book looks at how early Islamic empires were governed. Fascinating topics explored include: the caliphs, or spiritual leaders; tolerance of other religions; non-Muslims paying taxes not to be in the Muslim army; sultans, palaces, and palace life; Sharia law; kings and queens in India; and the tribes and clans in Arabia and Kashmir.

Cities and Statecraft in the Renaissance

Lizann Flatt (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778797838

Cities and Statecraft in the Renaissance looks at the rise of trade, commerce, guilds, and the merchant and ruling classes in northern Europe. This influenced the growth of towns, cities, states, and regions, who competed with one another for power, artistic talent, and creativity. At the same time, people rich and poor were struggling to establish new forms of society and government.

Painting in the Renaissance

Una D'Elia (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778790488

Prepare to immerse yourself in the vibrant and breathtaking works of Michelangelo and other famous Renaissance artists. Painting in the Renaissance offers a telling look inside the art world of the Renaissance. Children will learn about the kinds of art and artists, patronage, and famous painters of the period.

Religion in the Renaissance

Lizann Flatt (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9780778797852

Religion in the Renaissance features the growth and dominance of the Catholic Church in northern Europe, its influence on art and architecture, and how it was eventually challenged and by whom. Other religions were at best accepted but mostly suppressed, threatened, or violently overthrown. Kings and queens working with the Church dominated the political scene.

Civil Rights

Hilarie Staton (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427115973

The Civil Rights Movement was an organized protest by black Americans against their government and the refusal to obey unjust laws during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. This important book details the evidence in the decades before the movement that led up to the protests: black Americans were denied the right to vote, work, and become citizens. Readers will learn how prejudice and circumstances at the time of an event can influence people's interpretation of evidence. They will discover how evidence from both sides of the Civil Rights struggle was used to change and create laws, and how, even today, our opinion of the Civil Rights Movement is still changing. Readers will learn how to use critical thinking in their own examinations of evidence. Present-day examples show how history repeats itself when evidence is denied or interpreted to one side's benefit.

The Underground Railroad

Natalie Hyde (author)

Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company ISBN: 9781427115997

In the 1800s, the Underground Railroad was a system of secret routes and safe places to hide for black slaves trying to escape to freedom. This astonishing book details the evidence that led up to the acceptance of slavery as well as the rejection of it. Readers will discover that when faced with evidence of the plight of slaves, such as slave auction posters, engravings, photographs, and interviews, white people had varying views depending on whether they benefited from slavery themselves. Readers will learn how prejudice and circumstances at the time of an event can influence people's interpretation of evidence and how that perspective can change over time. They will also learn how to use critical thinking in their own examinations of evidence. Present-day examples show how history repeats itself when evidence is denied or interpreted to one side's benefit.