Search Results: 169 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Little Owl

Britta Teckentrup (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827226

When the sun goes down, it’s time for Little Owl to wake up. Together with her parents, she goes on an adventure in the forest. What will Little Owl discover before the sun comes back up?

Quiet, Please!

Russ Willms (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826038

Junior the giraffe is just looking for a nice quiet place to read his book. But there is one problem (actually, five problems): Junior’s brothers and sisters are the noisiest giraffes in the jungle! Whether it’s band practice, family singalongs or just really loud burping, Junior can’t escape the noise of his sonorous siblings! In an act of desperation, he finally discovers the one thing that will keep them quiet: reading his book out loud.

Olivia Wrapped in Vines

Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831049

The world is a really big place for little kids. When Olivia starts to feel overwhelmed by her big feelings, she sprouts vines. They are thorny and twisty and make it impossible for Olivia to do the things she loves to do, like ride her bike or play with her friends. Plus, no one wants to come near a giant ball of thorns. Luckily, Olivia has a very special teacher. Someone who sees past the prickly and the pokey to the upset little girl and helps Olivia learn to manage the vines.

The Moon is a Silver Pond, The Sun is a Peach

Sara Cassidy (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834903

Reveling in metaphor, with two books in one, this book encourages a magical leap of imagination and asks the reader to look at everyday objects from a different perspective. That moon is a silver pond when seen through the trees, and when they tend the cow, the moon is the milk at the bottom of the pail. The sun takes the form of the yolk of an egg, a spool of thread, the eye of a bird, an ice-cream cone and a dandelion.

Give Me a Snickle!

Alisha Sevigny (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828711

A hug and a giggle? Who doesn’t love a good higgle!? This delightfully playful board book will have readers of all ages chuckling as they read fabricated words of affection. A tickle plus a snuggle makes for a tuggle while a snickle and a higgle gets you a sniggle.

The Wrench

Elise Gravel (author) Charles Simard (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824508

Bob’s tricycle is broken, and he needs a wrench to fix it. He ventures out to buy one at the Megamart, where slick salesman, Mr. Mart, convinces Bob that it’s not a wrench he needs, but a fridge hat…singing pajamas…a screaming machine! Bob spends all his money on things that he really doesn’t need and before he knows it has no money and no wrench.

The One with the Scraggly Beard

Elizabeth Withey (author) Lynn Scurfield (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459818569

A child tries to understand the life of a man he has seen sleeping under a bridge. The boy’s mother patiently answers his questions and explains how people’s life paths can be so different. The child observes the things he has in common with the man and wonders where his own path will lead. This unique book will speak to children and adults alike.

Tout petit toi

Richard Van Camp (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825451

Richard Van Camp, reconnu à travers le monde à titre de conteur et d’auteur des ouvrages à succès Welcome Song for Baby et We Sang You Home, s’est associé à la grande illustratrice Julie Flett. Cet album cartonné destiné aux bébés et aux bambins rend hommage, avec tendresse, à l’enfant à l’intérieur de chacun. Grâce à ses illustrations contemporaines adorables, Tout petit toi est un ouvrage parfait pour être regardé, lu à voix haute ou même chanté à tous les petits qui vous entourent… ou qui partageront votre vie bientôt !

The Invisible Garden

Marianne Ferrer (author) Valérie Picard (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822122

With very little text, this book lets the illustrations tell the charming story of a child carried away into a world much bigger than herself. A young girl and her family travel from the city to the country to celebrate her grandmother's birthday. Someone suggests that Arianne, as the only child at the party, might enjoy exploring the garden more than listening to the adults chat.

The Animals of Chinese New Year

Jen Sookfong Lee (author) Kileasa Che Wan Wong (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459819030

Drawing on the myth of the Chinese zodiac, The Animals of Chinese New Year follows twelve animals as they speed across a river, competing to represent the imminent new year in a race held by the Jade Emperor, the most powerful Chinese god. Each animal competes in its own unique way. The ox works hard, the tiger is brave, the dog smiles kindly, but who will win?

The Night the Forest Came to Town

Charles Ghigna (author) Annie Wilkinson (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459816510

From dusk to dawn a forest creeps into a town where the grown-ups are too distracted to notice, but the children do. They see greenery take root in the lifeless cracks of dull sidewalks. They see an eagle build her nest atop a forgotten fountain and saplings start to sprout in dark corners. A gray-drab city defined by concrete and steel, vibrations and notifications, transforms into a living garden where apartment buildings overflow with window boxes full of flowers, birds sing songs through day and night and children laugh and tend to their gardens. Watch as nature reclaims this town.

Spare Dog Parts

Alison Hughes (author)Ashley Spires (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459807051

A stumpy tail, mismatched paws, a long, drooly snout and the biggest dog heart that ever beat. In a celebration of what makes a pet unique, a little girl imagines how an odd assortment of parts combined to make the perfect dog.

Swimming With Seals

Maggie De Vries (author) Janice Kun (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813229

Ally isn't able to live with her mother. Instead she lives far, far away, on the other side of the country, with her gram and great-aunt. But one summer Ally goes to stay with her aunt and uncle in the "big city by the ocean" and gets to spend time with her mom. While exploring the shore, watching whales from the boat dipping into the salty water, Ally finds out something important: her mother loves to swim as much as she does.

Little Duck

Britta Teckentrup (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827493

Meet Little Duck in this new book in the All Natural series. It’s a beautiful day for a swim, so Little Duck heads to the water with her mama and siblings to play games and explore before they settle in for a nap.

Little Fox

Britta Teckentrup (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827479

Meet Little Fox in this new book in the All Natural series. When the sun starts to set, it’s time for Little Fox to wake up and be with his mama. But she doesn’t want to play. Can Little Fox find someone to play with before it’s time to go back to bed?

I'm the Boss!

Elise Gravel (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459832954

I WANT TO BE THE BOSS! For once in their life, this small beast wants to get everything it wants, right here, RIGHT NOW! While the grown-up monster can’t give them a plane they can fly or a cake with lots of candy on top, they can give them a really big hug when they feel upset.

Il était une fois un oiseau

Rina Singh (author) Nathalie Dion (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459839052

Un jour, à la fin de l’hiver, un petit oiseau est sorti et a découvert que le monde était devenu silencieux. Les rues étaient vides et les terrains de jeux, silencieux. Perplexe, mais déterminé, un oiseau explore la ville à la recherche d’un endroit approprié pour nicher. Les résidents d’un immeuble d’habitation le remarquent qui se repose dans un arbre tout près et sont réconfortés par son chant. En l’observant par leurs fenêtres, ils oublient leur quotidien et prennent le temps d’apprécier les merveilles de la nature. L’oiseau choisit de s’installer pour de bon dans cette communauté et il y fait son nid, un acte de résilience et d’espoir qui inspire les humains à sortir eux aussi et leur rappelle que la nature a son propre rythme, que les saisons changent et que la vie continue. Encore une fois. Ce livre d’images sans texte est une contemplation pleine d’espoir de nos liens avec la nature et de la joie qu’elle nous procure, même dans des périodes difficiles.

It’s Me, Henry!

Stéphanie Deslauriers (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459830806

Henry marches to the beat of his own green thumb in this gentle picture book about a boy on the autism spectrum. Henry doesn't remember to raise his hand and he prefers to call plants by their proper Latin names, much to the frustration of his classmates. Most days, Henry doesn't notice how different he is from the other kids in his grade, but some days, he does. On those days, he finds refuge under the shade of the Salix babylonica (willow tree) or in the school counselor's office or at his very favorite place in the world: the local botanical gardens. When his class goes on a field trip to these botanical gardens, Henry’s knowledge of the flora and fauna show the other kids that his unique interests are really something special.

L’Homme à la barbe hirsute

Elizabeth Withey (author) Lynn Scurfield (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824799

Un enfant essaie de comprendre la vie d’un homme qui vit sous un pont. Sa mère répond patiemment à ses questions et lui explique comment des personnes peuvent suivre des parcours si différents. Le garçon remarque les similarités entre l’homme et lui, et se demande où le mènera son propre parcours de vie. Dans le récit simple de L’Homme à la barbe hirsute, la curiosité et la perspicacité de l’enfant servent de catalyseurs pour comprendre la peur, la souffrance et la résilience tout en explorant les thèmes de l’itinérance, de l’appartenance et de la compassion. Cet ouvrage unique interpellera autant les enfants que les adultes. Il comprend un message de l’autrice expliquant de quelle façon l’origine de son histoire est ancrée dans sa vie.

Le bateau magique

Kit Pearson (author) Katherine Farris (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459823259

Chaque matin de l’été, Ellie et sa grand-mère vont à la plage. Ils se baignent, érigent des châteaux de sable et, pendant que Nonna lit, Ellie regarde les autres enfants jouer. Un jour, Ellie trouve le courage d’approcher une fille plus âgée qu'elle, Piper, qui s'amuse seule dans une barque échouée. Piper a un don : son imagination est si grande qu'elle emmène Ellie dans de grandes aventures, volant haut dans les airs, nageant au fond de l’océan et voyageant partout à bord de leur petit bateau bleu, leur bateau magique. Mais quand Piper doit s'en aller, Ellie découvre qu'elle aussi possède une imagination débordante.

J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur

Monique Gray Smith (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459826458

Qu’est-ce qui te remplit le cœur de bonheur ? Le soleil sur ton visage ? L’odeur de la banique qui cuit au four ? Tenir la main d’une personne que tu aimes ? Ce magnifique album cartonné, illustré par la talentueuse artiste Julie Flett, rappelle aux petits et aux grands de penser aux moments de la vie qui leur apportent de la joie et d’en profiter. La conférencière et autrice de réputation internationale Monique Gray Smith a écrit J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur pour soutenir le bien-être des enfants et des familles autochtones, et pour encourager les bambins à chérir les moments qui les rendent heureux.

Island in the Salish Sea

Sheryl McFarlane (author) Leslie Redhead (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459813465

This gorgeously illustrated picture book is a celebration of summer vacation and West Coast island life. Every day is different on Gran's island in the Salish Sea as granddaughter climbs big-leaf maples, eats blackberries, explores tide pools and sandstone caves and examines ancient middens and petroglyphs. She and Gran watch harbor seals sunning themselves and Gran's neighbor carving an eagle out of a piece of cedar while drinking fresh nettle tea. And on her way home, our young narrator sees a pod of orcas, breaching, tail lobbing and spy-hopping as she says goodbye to the island for another summer.

Play with Jay!

Pascale Bonenfant (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835511

Jay the bear, Nora the rabbit and Clementine the bird invite readers to have fun seeking treasure, spotting differences and matching pairs. With unique prompts and questions on each page, young readers can engage in their own way with activities, such as inventing names for their favorite monsters, choosing what to pack in a suitcase or imagining combinations of magic potions. Part picture book, part multi-use activity book, the delightful and interactive artwork in Play With Jay! will spark inquiry, discussion and creativity in readers.


Dr. Jillian Roberts (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459830981

This soothing board book by child psychologist, professor and author Dr. Jillian Roberts was written to remind us that the little people in our lives need us to be their calm. To recognize their big feelings, teach them how to honor them and let them go. A valuable tool to help young ones learn to co-regulate, Calm is just as much for babies as it is the adults in their lives.


Adèle Tariel (author) Jérôme Peyrat (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833777

Tonight I am a bird. A seagull. A young child is tucked away in bed safe at home and imagines they are a seagull flying high above the ocean and watching over their father, the captain of a cargo ship, while he is away at sea. Tonight, they will journey across the sea to a faraway port. Through storms and calm, clear skies and fog, the bird will watch over the man until his work is complete and he can return safely home. With stunning illustrations that capture the immensity of freighters and the vastness of the ocean from a bird's-eye view, Cargo is a wonderful reminder of the connection between parent and child even when separated by great distances.