Search Results: 193 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Government in Your City or Town

Karen Kenney (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179225

This book explains how it is the responsibility of your city or town government to keep you safe and maintain a clean place for you to live. It builds parks, cleans streets, and enforces the laws made by the state government.

Civic Responsibilities

Karen Kenney (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179232

This book discusses civic responsibilities and how to be a good citizen.


Kyla Steinkraus (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179195

This book outlines the reasons the Constitution was first written in 1787 and how it has changed to fit our world today.

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Kyla Steinkraus (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179201

This book takes you through the many processes the legislative branch of our government must follow to introduce a bill and the steps it goes through to make a bill an actual law.

State Government

Karen Kenney (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179218

This book discusses how the United States is a Federalist government, meaning powers are split between states and the national government, and the role of state governments.


Katherine Krieg (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179171

This book discusses the term limits of House and Senate members, as well as the qualifications, background, and jobs each member contributes when representing the citizens of the United States.

Supreme Court

Katherine Krieg (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179188

This book discusses the highest court in our country, the terms and ranks of each member, and what role they play to balance the scales of justice.

President and Cabinet

Katherine Krieg (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627179164

This book describes all the responsibilities of the president, the duties of the Cabinet members who advise the president, and the qualifications needed to run for president.

Salvar el medioambiente

David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout (authors)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175432

This book explains eco-friendly energy using the most current information to establish the understanding that it does not take much to make the world a better place.

Para ganar: trabajar en equipo

Kelli Hicks (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175654

What does it take to win a game? When you pass the ball, someone has to be there to receive it. In order to win, you have to have teamwork. What makes a team successful? Strong teamwork makes winners, no matter what the scoreboard says.

Para ganar: ser pacientes

Anastasia Suen (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175708

You don't always win by being fast. Sometimes slow is the way to go. You have to wait to see things change and this takes patience. You should be persistent and keep practicing. This title will allow students to analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.

Para ganar: trabajar con empeno

Christie Reed (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175715

Do you dread the idea of doing hard work or do you think of work as a way to make an important contribution? Working hard creates a strong feeling of self-worth and confidence. Working hard inspires people around you to do the same. Learn how to prepare yourself for the future and work to achieve your goals in life.

Para ganar: compartir

Nancy Allen (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175722

Everyone needs help sometimes. Helping others is called philanthropy. You can give time, work, or money to someone who needs it. Small acts of kindness add up to big results. Good citizens help each other. Learn how you can win by giving in this social skills title. This title will allow students to refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Los océanos

Sandy Sepehri (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175128

En esta colección, explora la geología y las ciencias de la Tierra con impresionantes ilustraciones en cada libro.

Los medios de comunicación social y la Internet

Meg Greve (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175692

Technology is an important tool we use for school and home. Because technology is a tool and toy, the lines of safety and appropriate use can be confused. The key is to recognize how to use it safely and responsibly. This title will allow students to explain the interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.

Los biocombustibles

David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout (authors)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175005

En esta serie se explican las formas más importantes de energía alternativa que se usan actualmente, en este volumen conocerás todo acerca de los biocombustibles.

Los bosques tropicales

Precious Mckenzie (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174916

Aprende sobre la vida de cada planta y animal de el hábitat de los bosques tropicales y cómo los humanos podemos ayudar a protegerlo.

La energía solar

David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout (authors)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175173

En esta serie se explican las formas más importantes de energía alternativa que se usan actualmente, en este volumen conocerás todo acerca de la energía del Sol.

La energía a nuestro alrededor

Buffy Silverman (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175050

En este libro aprenderás en forma interesante y divertida sobre los procesos científicos relacionados con la fuerza, la energía y el movimiento.

La biodiversidad

Carla Mooney (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174756

En el libro se explica qué es la biodiversidad y cómo puede ayudar a conservar las especies de plantas y animales de los diferentes ecosistemas.

Incremento de la energia

David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout (authors)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175340

This book provides the history of biofuels along with their different uses, their positive and negative characteristics, and how they may impact the future.

Inundaciones, represas y diques

Joanne Mattern (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627174770

En el libro se explica cómo se protege a la población de las inundaciones.

El respeto a la diversidad

Anastasia Suen (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175739

Do you face challenging situations? Human diversity encompasses all the ways that people differ from one another. Rather than avoiding these challenges, it is important to recognize that progress comes from embracing and celebrating diversity. See why diversity is important and learn how to respect people who are different from you. This title will allow students to identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

Destrezas para el exito social

Meg Greve (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175678

Trying to figure out a difficult math problem is hard, but sometimes dealing with your social life at school can be even harder. Figuring out friendships, managing time, and learning about yourself are all important parts of growing up. This title will allow students to determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

Cómo los humanos dependen de la Tierra

Julie K. Lundgren (author)

Publisher: Rourke Publishing ISBN: 9781627175357

En el libro se explica por qué los hombres debemos cuidar la tierra.