Search Results: 71 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Olivia Wrapped in Vines

Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459831049

The world is a really big place for little kids. When Olivia starts to feel overwhelmed by her big feelings, she sprouts vines. They are thorny and twisty and make it impossible for Olivia to do the things she loves to do, like ride her bike or play with her friends. Plus, no one wants to come near a giant ball of thorns. Luckily, Olivia has a very special teacher. Someone who sees past the prickly and the pokey to the upset little girl and helps Olivia learn to manage the vines.

The Moon is a Silver Pond, The Sun is a Peach

Sara Cassidy (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459834903

Reveling in metaphor, with two books in one, this book encourages a magical leap of imagination and asks the reader to look at everyday objects from a different perspective. That moon is a silver pond when seen through the trees, and when they tend the cow, the moon is the milk at the bottom of the pail. The sun takes the form of the yolk of an egg, a spool of thread, the eye of a bird, an ice-cream cone and a dandelion.

Give Me a Snickle!

Alisha Sevigny (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459828711

A hug and a giggle? Who doesn’t love a good higgle!? This delightfully playful board book will have readers of all ages chuckling as they read fabricated words of affection. A tickle plus a snuggle makes for a tuggle while a snickle and a higgle gets you a sniggle.

The Wrench

Elise Gravel (author) Charles Simard (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824508

Bob’s tricycle is broken, and he needs a wrench to fix it. He ventures out to buy one at the Megamart, where slick salesman, Mr. Mart, convinces Bob that it’s not a wrench he needs, but a fridge hat…singing pajamas…a screaming machine! Bob spends all his money on things that he really doesn’t need and before he knows it has no money and no wrench.

Tout petit toi

Richard Van Camp (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825451

Richard Van Camp, reconnu à travers le monde à titre de conteur et d’auteur des ouvrages à succès Welcome Song for Baby et We Sang You Home, s’est associé à la grande illustratrice Julie Flett. Cet album cartonné destiné aux bébés et aux bambins rend hommage, avec tendresse, à l’enfant à l’intérieur de chacun. Grâce à ses illustrations contemporaines adorables, Tout petit toi est un ouvrage parfait pour être regardé, lu à voix haute ou même chanté à tous les petits qui vous entourent… ou qui partageront votre vie bientôt !

The Invisible Garden

Marianne Ferrer (author) Valérie Picard (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822122

With very little text, this book lets the illustrations tell the charming story of a child carried away into a world much bigger than herself. A young girl and her family travel from the city to the country to celebrate her grandmother's birthday. Someone suggests that Arianne, as the only child at the party, might enjoy exploring the garden more than listening to the adults chat.

Spare Dog Parts

Alison Hughes (author)Ashley Spires (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459807051

A stumpy tail, mismatched paws, a long, drooly snout and the biggest dog heart that ever beat. In a celebration of what makes a pet unique, a little girl imagines how an odd assortment of parts combined to make the perfect dog.

When Stars Arise

E.G. Alaraj (author) Martyna Czub (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835672

The world grows restful, but don’t sleep yet, wait until the grassy meadow is quiet and the forest creatures are hidden away. Until the farm animals are snug in the barn and the toys are tidied in their proper spots. Until the bath warms your toes and the blanket tucks you in tightly. Only when we finish our story and the stars are in the sky is it time to sleep.

A Plan for Pops

Heather Smith (author) Brooke Kerrigan (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459816152

Lou spends every Saturday with Grandad and Pops. They walk to the library hand in hand, like a chain of paper dolls. Grandad reads books about science and design, Pops listens to rock and roll, and Lou bounces from lap to lap. But everything changes one Saturday. Pops has a fall. That night there is terrible news: Pops will need to use a wheelchair, not just for now, but for always. Unable to cope with his new circumstances, he becomes withdrawn and shuts himself in his room. Hearing Grandad trying to cheer up Pops inspires Lou to make a plan. Using skills learned from Grandad, and with a little help from their neighbors, Lou comes up with a plan for Pops.

Kunoichi Bunny

Sara Cassidy (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827813

This wordless picture book in graphic novel format tells the story of Saya, her dad and her well-loved stuffed bunny, Kunoichi, to go to the park. On their way, Saya stealthily stops a fight by flinging her floppy four-legged ninja-bunny between two snarling cats. Later on, on the bus, Saya throws Kunoichi under the wheels of a child’s stroller, halting its dangerous roll toward the stairs. Dad doesn't notice as Saya uses Kunoichi to save the day time and time again on their outing and on the bus home, proving small actions can have a great impact.

Journey of the Midnight Sun

Shazia Afzal (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459827615

In 2010 a Winnipeg-based charity raised funds to build and ship a mosque to Inuvik, one of the most northern towns in Canada’s Arctic. A small but growing Muslim community there had been using a cramped trailer for their services, but there just wasn't enough space. The mosque travelled over 4,000 kilometers on a journey fraught with poor weather, incomplete bridges, narrow roads, low traffic wires and a deadline to get on the last barge heading up the Mackenzie River before the first winter freeze. But it made it just in time and is now one of the most northern mosques in the world. This beautiful picture book reminds us that the collective dream of fostering a multicultural and tolerant Canada exists and that people of all backgrounds will come together to build bridges and overcome obstacles for the greater good of their neighbors.

Le Silence se glisse près de toi

Alison Hughes (author) Ninon Pelletier (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822092

Voici une histoire tout en douceur, aux illustrations vaporeuses et au texte réconfortant, sur la façon de trouver le calme dans l’agitation qui nous entoure. Quand la fête est finie et que le bébé s'endort enfin, quand le chien a épuisé ses jappements et que les écrans sont éteints, le Silence s'avance à pas feutrés sur ses pattes poilues. Le Silence—une présence chaleureuse et réconfortante—se blottit douillettement comme un chat dans un rayon de soleil et nous aide à lire, à réfléchir et àtre calmes. Le Silence est un ami de l’Obscurité. Ensemble, ils adoucissent les contours déchiquetés laissés par le passage du Bruit et relâchent doucement dans la nuit les bateaux chargés de nos rêves. Quand la journée devient pénible ou que certaines émotions prennent trop de place, le Silence se glisse à côté de nous.

The Silence Slips In

Alison Hughes (author) Ninon Pelletier (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459817074

With soft illustrations and soothing text, this is a quiet story about learning to find calm in the busy world around you. When the party's over and the baby finally falls asleep, when the dog is all barked out and the screens are dark, the Silence pads in on soft, furry feet. A warm, comforting presence, the Silence curls up in a sun-beam like a cuddly cat and helps you read, think and be still. The Silence is friends with the Dark. Together they soothe the jagged edges left when the Noise has rolled on and gently launch the boats of your dreams into the night. When the day becomes overwhelming or other feelings become too big, the Silence slips in.

Simon Steps Into the Ring

Marylène Monette (author) Marion Arbona (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821828

Simon tries to be kind. But sometimes he loses his temper and acts without thinking, which almost always gets him into trouble. As Simon begins to understand his outbursts, he imagines himself in a boxing ring with his emotions. Can he come out on top and learn how to acknowledge his feelings?

Le soleil est une pêche

Sara Cassidy (author) Josée Bisaillon (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459824560

Un enfant marche sur un chemin de campagne pour aller voir un défilé au village. Ce qu’il voit lors des événements de la journée jusqu’à son retour à la maison et l’heure du coucher lui fait penser au soleil : un jaune d’œuf, une bobine de fil, l’œil d’un oiseau, un cornet de sorbet et un pissenlit. Tous les cercles jaunes lui font penser à la grosse boule orangée dans le ciel. Les merveilleuses illustrations de Josée Bisaillon expriment comment notre imagination façonne notre environnement. Ce livre cartonné démontre aux enfants que leur façon de voir le monde – par le cœur, l’esprit et l’imagination – est tout à fait valable. Grâce à ses métaphores savoureuses, Le soleil est une pêche invite les lecteurs à faire le saut magique dans leur imagination et à voir les objets du quotidien sous un autre angle. Le soleil est une pêche complète La lune est un étang d’argent, écrit lui aussi par Sara Cassidy.

On My Mountain

François Aubineau (author) Jérôme Peyrat (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459822337

Both the shepherd and the wolf live on the mountain. They love their home and want to feel safe there. This book tells the same story, in identical words, from both the wolf’s perspective and that of the shepherd. Read the wolf’s story then flip it over and read the shepherd’s story and see the landscape that each of them sees. A good reminder of how humans should behave in the wild and on this earth that we share.

Big Whales, Small World

Mark Leiren-Young (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825031

In Big Whales, Small World you will meet whales from around the world. This rhyming photographic picture book visits the oceans of places like New Zealand, Russia and South America. Writer, filmmaker and orca activist Mark Leiren-Young introduces young readers to blue whales bigger than dinosaurs and tiny vaquitas who swim close to shores.

Tú eres tú

Richard Van Camp (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825482

Richard Van Camp, cuentacuentos renombrado internacionalmente y el autor de bestsellers como los libros Welcome Song for Baby y We Sang You Home, ha unido fuerzas con la ilustradora talentosa Julie Flett para crear un libro tierno en cartoné para los lectores más pequeños que honra el niño que hay en todo el mundo. Con sus ilustraciones contemporáneas y encantadoras, Tú eres tú es perfecto para ser compartido o leído a todos los seres pequeños en su vida–¡e incluso con los pequeños que vienen de camino!

Mi corazón se llena de alegría

Monique Gray Smith (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825376

La luz del sol en la cara. El aroma de bannock caliente horneándose. Agarranr la mano de alguien querido. ¿Qué llena tu corazón de alegría? Este hermoso libro en cartoné, con ilustraciones de la artista de renombre Julie Flett, sirve como recordatorio tanto para pequeños como adultos a pensar en y apreciar los momentos de la vida que nos llenan de alegría. La ponente internacional y premiada autora Monique Gray Smith escribió Mi corazón se llena de alegría para reforzar el bienestar de niños y familias indígenas y para incentivar que los niños pequeños reflexionen en las cosas que les hacen sentir alegría.

J'ai le cœur rempli de bonheur

Monique Gray Smith (author) Julie Flett (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825352

Qu’est-ce qui te remplit le cœur de bonheur ? Le soleil sur ton visage? L’odeur de la banique qui cuit au four? Tenir la main d’une personne que tu aimes? Ce magnifique album cartonné, illustré par la talentueuse artiste Julie Flett, rappelle aux petits et aux grands de penser aux moments de la vie qui leur apportent de la joie et d’en profiter. La conférencière et autrice de réputation internationale Monique Gray Smith a écrit J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur pour soutenir le bien-être des enfants et des familles autochtones, et pour encourager les bambins à chérir les moments qui les rendent heureux.

Little Cloud

Johanna Wagstaffe (author) Julie McLaughlin (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821859

Follow our little cloud on an adventure through the sky and learn the science behind how it transforms from a simple cumulus cloud to a full-blown hurricane. Beautifully detailed illustrations from award-winning artist Julie McLaughlin integrate science with storytelling. Children will enjoy finding new gems of information even after several reads, thanks to a whimsical and rich layout. And meteorologist Johanna Wagstaffe weaves a comprehensive narrative about a powerful weather system that’s so compelling readers won’t even realize they are on their way to becoming budding meteorologists.

Bath Time!

Eric Walters (author) Christine Battuz (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821316

What makes bath time fun for baby? Bath toys! From parading penguins and splashing seals to frolicking frogs and bathing beavers, these joyful animal toys are ready to play. Join the splashy party in the tub…you may even get wet too! Bright, vibrant illustrations from Christine Battuz match the energy of a baby in the bath as you’re introduced to Eric Walters’s animal alliterations across each page. It’s just good clean fun!

On Our Nature Walk

Jillian Roberts (author) Jane Heinrichs (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459821019

This illustrated nonfiction picture book by child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts introduces children to the important topic of the environment. Crafted around a conversation between a grade-school-aged child and an adult, this inquiry-focused book using age-appropriate language and tone will help children shape their understanding of the natural world and how they participate in protecting it. Dr. Roberts starts the discussion with the types of pollution and trash that children might notice on a nature walk or a trip to the beach, how they are caused and how to work to improve things in their own lives and communities. The World Around Us series introduces children to complex cultural, social and environmental issues they may encounter outside their homes, in an accessible way. Sidebars offer further reading for older children or care providers who have bigger questions. For younger children just starting to make these observations, the simple question-and-answer format of  the main text will provide a foundation of knowledge on the subject matter. This is the newest title in The World Around Us series, following books that address poverty, tragedy, prejudice, online awareness and body safety and body image.

I Am Scary

Elise Gravel (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459823174

In this sweet little book, a monster tries to scare a young child. But the child insists the monster is not scary but actually quite huggable. From the prolific and beloved author and illustrator Elise Gravel comes this funny and cute board book for the littlest readers.

Le canot rouge

Leslie A. Davidson (author) Laura Bifano (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459825420

Des poissons et des hérons, des tortues et des libellules, des huttes de castor et des feuilles de nénuphar... Une multitude de merveilles enchantent la jeune narratrice et tous les amoureux de la nature qui seront séduits par cet album tendre et magnifiquement illustré. Les canetons se promènent sur le dos de leur maman; un balbuzard s'élève avec un poisson argenté dans ses serres; le cri du huard s'élève dans la nuit étoilée. Ces images sont évoquées dans des quatrains épousant le rythme des coups de pagaie. Le canot rouge parle des liens qui unissent les grands-parents et leurs petits-enfants, et invite les amoureux de la nature de tous les âges.